Polyphony Digital’s gigantic racing sim Gran Turismo 7 will ship on two Blu-ray discs on the PlayStation 4, but will only require a single disc on the PS5. Confirmation comes by way of Sony’s own online storefront PlayStation Direct, as spotted by GT Planet, which states “2 Discs” will be required for the physical PS4 version of the game. This information is absent from the PS5 listing.
Presumably, this all comes down to the maximum capacity of the storage medium. The PS4 has a standard Blu-ray disc drive, which can handle around 50GB on a standard dual-layer disc. Meanwhile, the PS5 is equipped with an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive, which can support up to 100GB on a triple-layer disc. The small-print mentions that you’ll need at least 110GB reserved for Gran Turismo 7.
It’s not exactly surprising, as the re-released GT Sport Spec II also shipped on two discs physically for the PS4, and included every update added to the game as of v1.39. Prior to that, Gran Turismo 2 on the PS1 launched with two discs, including the entire Arcade Mode on one CD-ROM and the complete GT Mode on the other.
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[source direct.playstation.com, via direct.playstation.com, gtplanet.net]
Comments 39
Why bother putting it all on the disk if it has to be online to play anyway
I still don't understand, given the packaging, 1-2 discs, manufacturing and freight costs involved, why on earth digital games cost the same (most cases more) than physical.
@MatthewJP For exactly the same reason NFTs are BS with artificial scarcity. They want money.
@MatthewJP apparently they aren't allowed to because they can't undercut physical retailers
@Would_you_kindly Was just typing this, beat me to it.
@MatthewJP Yes digital RRP has to match retail RRP. Frankly it's an outdated concept from a time when physical retail stores would leverage window and marketing space on promoting games if they got good kickbacks and price parity. It's a different world now and this shouldn't apply imho.
As a sidenote: While the initial vision for the Xbox One was not popular with fans there were some things that would have been possible such as digital game sharing and cheaper digital pricing compared to retail. More like Steam. Alas the rest of the offering was too bad to be taken seriously. Whether we would have actually seen cheaper prices, or game sharing, is questionable too.
I was watching some gameplay of GT 7 the other day and admittedly I was tempted to buy it, very tempted but because the game requires the internet to work even if I want to play by myself I just can't bring myself to support that.
Such a shame because putting that BS aside GT 7 looks wonderful. No SIngle Player component of any game should require the internet.
@MatthewJP In all fairness, the discs and packaging isn't expensive at all, especially in bulk. Freight costs are also cheaper than you'd expect. And people forget that servers also cost money to keep up and running. I'd love to get the actual number on it one day though, but I don't the difference is more than a few dollars at most.
@MatthewJP Greed. No other reason.
Might be a simpler explanation than a higher-capacity disc. The PS5 game itself is likely smaller in and of itself.
Most PS5 versions of PS4 games take less storage space, due to less redundancy needed. With the SSD access times essentially nonexistent, there’s less need to duplicate data in an install, therefore less disc space needed initially.
@RubyCarbuncle same , I'll play it if it ever goes on ps now but I'm not buying it because of the online requirement
I saw on Twitter a few days ago that Horizon Forbidden West is the same scenario. Install/Play disc for PS4, one disc for PS5.
Any ideas what we'll be looking at file size wise on PS5 with compression?
If anyone can afford one buy a 4TB SSD for your PS5 because it transforms the PS5 from being brilliant to being even more brilliant Because you can have all your PS4 games on it and your new PS5 games to(well not put all my PS4 games on it yet because that will take ages to do so I just do maybe a few each week) I can't believe I spent what I spent on the SSD tho but it was worth it(not money wise tho being happy wise YES er erm...)
It’s great that PS5 boxes have real UHD discs and real PS5 games in it. It isn’t recognised enough. However in this instance I’ll get the digital version. It’s one of the rare cases where digital has more advantage because it’s online anyway and I’ll probably leave it installed all this gen. So a disc in the drive would be awkward in this particular case.
About most of the time though discs are way, WAY better than digital.
@JJ2 Definitely going physical for this gen, at least at the start. Big mistake I made with PS4 was ending up spending too much on a digital library, that when I wasn't playing a game anymore, or had bought the newer version, I then couldn't do anything with the one I'm no longer playing. With PS5 games set to hold a good value for a while yet, it's not a mistake I'll make again. It might end up being just a few pounds way down the line, but I'd rather have that to spend than sitting in a library that I no longer use.
Impulse bought this game last week. Haven’t really enjoyed a racing game since A-Spec, honestly (Mario Kart not included in that statement), but, for some reason, I feel excited for this one. I know it has nothing to do with the article, but I can’t resist the opportunity to say that I’m strangely looking forward to playing this one. Never thought I’d ever feel hyped for a racing game again!
I always buy physical, but I am especially stoked about getting the GT 7 25th Anniversary Steelbook
So many advantages. It’s usually cheaper too. Easy to delete / reinstall. Can install and play with no internet. Share with friends easy etc etc. 👍
And I’m salivating at Elden Ring launch edition I’ll keep forever. 🤤
@RubyCarbuncle As an alternate viewpoint, I think you will find the majority of the intended audience don't care. My Ps5's are hardwired into the internet and never move so so why should it bother me?
If your someone who needs to play where there is no or weak internet, I get that, but for everyone else objections seem like empty posturing. Is that wrong? Am I missing a relevant point or the 'thin edge of the wedge'? Please enlighten me as to why online is so evil we should boycott games? I'm happy to take on new ideas and change me mind....
110 GB for smooth riding racing games LOL.
I will vote Race with Ryan over Gran Turismo 7 since it has way smaller game size, some items to smack onto opponents and cartoonish graphic.
@Royalblues If previous games are to go by, there will be a disc-1 and disc-2. Insert the first disc and install those files, then it'll tell you to insert the second one and install the rest of the game. You also use the second one to play the game (like any other game).
@Titntin One day the servers will shut down and that game you payed for that has a Single Player component will be unplayable. I can assure you a chunk of the audience do care and just a FYI I have GB Fibre Optic and could easily play GT 7 but I will not support a game that requires the Internet to play Single Player. Even Forza doesn't require the Internet to play alone so I'll be sticking with that out of Principle.
Looks like we're finally hitting the limit to what the PS4 can manage. I'd say in the next year or so we'll really start seeing games take advantage of the ps5 hardware once we finally leave last gen behind.
@RubyCarbuncle just wanna say that a lot of PS3 games that had their online services shutdown are being brought back by modders. It's not perfect and it's not a real solution but it does make me happy to see that there's still a way to play old PS3 classics online. Not that I support this always online nonsense, just wanted to shout-out the hard work of dedicated fans.
@ATaco Ahh that's good to hear. I always like hearing stories like that of people who show a strong passion for their hobby.
@ATaco PS4 is still very capable of playing these cutting edge games - the only difference is that the blu-ray drive in the PS4 generation machines can only store 50Gb of data and at some point, compression only goes so far so you end up with 2 discs, a practice that's been going on since PS1 days.
@dskatter The PS5's real-time 'MS-DOS double space' Kraken system is only concerned with data on the internal hard drive, not the installation media. PS5s Ultra Blu-Ray drive can store up to 100Gb while the older PS4 units can only read up 50Gb of data so if it's something like 70Gb of semi-compressed data, then the PS4 needs 2 discs. I suspect one of the main points is how compressed the data is - could be that some textures and so on can't be compressed any further without degrading and that's why it might be blowing the PS4's installation media limit.
@ATaco crazy but there are still people playing ps3 online and a good amount of players online too.
Pah. Monkey Island 2: LeChucks Revenge took 11 disks on the Amiga.
@ReaperRyan haha that’s true. Took longer to install too!
Does the PS5 disc smell like burning rubber though?
We need more scratch and sniff discs.
@MatthewJP You want the stores to have no chance at all? MS and Sony, Nintendo would love to see you only be able to buy at their stores.
And surely a 45 gb day one patch.
In this case, where online is mandatory, the 90EUR for a steelbook makes it a really $pecial steelbook indeed
@RubyCarbuncle Ok, no relevant point I missed then, posturing it is, and thats your choice.
Having played video games since they were conceived (bought Atari VCS age 15), ive gone on to own every machine and spent 20 years developing games myself. The one thing thats been consistant over 40 years of games playing, is that ive never wished to seriously play a game several years after buying it. Doesnt happen, unless its historic, in which case I emulate it.
Worrying about server availability years later is therefore of zero relevance to me, and denying myself playing a game now for worry about a non exsistant future would be the hightof stupidity.
I too play FH5... and a huge amount of its content relies on online multiplayer, seasons, awards and whole game modes. Offering such a title as your alternative choice shows how daft such a choice is.
@RubyCarbuncle Wouldn't worry. Polyphony can, at that time, push one last update to disable the always-online requirement.
Roll on 4/3. Already got the day booked off. Will prob need that time just for the day 1 updates 😂😂
@Titntin I own every machine too going as far back as the Spectrum ZX Commodore 64 and pretty much every Atari and you must be the only one here who doesn't see Server Closure as an issue. i've been gaming for over 40 years too and I refuse to support Single Player games that require the internet end of story. You can call it posturing if you like I'm merely stating how it is right now not in the future.
Enjoy your game.
@PlayNation5 I hope so and thank you for understanding unlike that other guy who refused to see something from somebody else's perspective.
Nope, I'll never understand your perspective, as it makes zero sense. Do you think Polyphony or Sony care about weather you buy this? Or maybe you'll be given some sort of award for denying yourself the game? It doesn't make any sense at all, and all you have offered is 'its a protest'. First rule of protesting is that its pointless if nobody knows!
If you genuinely believe people are not going to buy this game cause its online, you've not taken a lot of notice in your 40 years of gaming, or even reading this comment section, cause I guarantee that this will sell millions and very tiny percentage of people may share your concern. There's precious few games you can buy at all if you are worried about online components being taken down in the future, but I wish you luck in your future quest for offline only titles.
Thank you, yes I will enjoy this title, possibly for years, but if I only get a couple of years I'll be more than happy with my purchase, as I suspect will the vast majority of gamers. By the time they are closing the server for this game I'm likely to be playing GT8 and wont even notice.
I find it a shame that your so entrenched in your 'position' that you would deny yourself a chance to play one of the games of this generation (as I believe this title will be) - its why I genuinely wanted to understand why. Though I'm no nearer to understanding, I do thank you for at least replying and letting me know your position, you didn't have to so I appreciate it.
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