The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted that Horizon Zero Dawn’s logo has been refreshed to reflect upcoming sequel Horizon Forbidden West. When the follow-up was officially announced last year, many noticed that it includes a Roman numeral ‘II’ as part of its linebreak. A similar flourish, with a ‘I’, has been retroactively added into the original as well.

The change was spotted by reader Adam Novice, who sent us this screenshot after reinstalling the game to check out its new 60 frames-per-second update:

Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 PlayStation 4 1
Image: Adam Novice

For the sake of comparison, this is how Horizon Zero Dawn’s logo looked when it was originally released back in 2017:

Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 PlayStation 4 2

And this is the logo for successor Horizon Forbidden West. It’s interesting how the number is merely a design detail, and is not part of either game’s official name:

Horizon Forbidden West PS4 PlayStation 4 1

Do you like this retroactive revision? Do you think this sets the Guerrilla Games series up as an ongoing series, perhaps beyond even Horizon Forbidden West? Let us know in the comments section below.

[ Thanks, Adam Novice ]