The Last of Us Part II PS4 PlayStation 4

Naughty Dog is currently beavering away at a standalone multiplayer game set within The Last of Us' universe. It's expected to be an expanded take on Factions, but details are few and far between. Still, the team doubling down on a purely multiplayer experience is something new for the developer, which has made a name for itself on narrative-driven single player titles.

If you had any concerns about the Sony-owned studio changing its tune, don't fret; Naughty Dog's brand of single player action is set to continue. In an interview with Game Informer, Evan Wells and Neil Druckmann, co-presidents of the studio, were asked whether the developer will keep making games like Uncharted and The Last of Us in the future.

"Absolutely," says Wells, explaining that it's "sort of in our DNA to tell these stories". He continues: "Single-player experiences are near and dear to us. It’s what has attracted a lot of people to Naughty Dog, and that’s what inspires them, so I think we’re going to keep at it as long as we can."

Druckmann adds that their current work on a multiplayer game didn't come from any pressure higher up. "And again, going back to who Sony is, there has never been a mandate like, 'Oh, this is where we see the winds shifting. Can you start making these kind of games instead?' We know just as they know that when you work on something you’re excited by, something you’re passionate by, you’re going to do great work."

Asked whether Naughty Dog will create new IP or continue old ones, Wells says they'll look at both possibilities. "I think there’s excitement to develop new IP, but there is still a ton of love for Uncharted and The Last of Us, and I think you’ll see both kinds of projects from us in the future."

So, there you go. We can expect the team to explore more single player experiences in the years to come. In the meantime, let's hope that Last of Us multiplayer title isn't too far off.

[source, via]