CD Projekt Red has provided a small update on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for PlayStation 5. Its official name is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition, and it'll feature updated box art of Geralt looking particularly pissed off (it's the image at the top of this article).
But the juiciest detail here is that the game will include "some free DLCs", inspired by The Witcher series on Netflix. We don't yet know what these "extra items" are, but we're certainly interested in finding out. A Henry Cavill's Geralt skin? We wouldn't be at all surprised.
The PS5 version of The Witcher 3 is still due out later this year, and last we heard, it's going to be a free upgrade if you own the game on PS4. CDPR says that more info is coming soon.
Comments 58
Just started playing the GOTY edition on PS4 (third attempt) and I just can’t get into it. I really want to like it but it just doesn’t grip me for some reason.
Why is it so highly regarded? Does it get better the more you play?
Toss a coin being sung by dandelion is part of the DLC I predict
@mrtennis1990 It's a free upgrade if you already own the PS4 version which you can get often enough for under 10$ but ok
Horrifying thought having virtual Cavill but looking forward to replaying Witcher 3. Pretty sure it’s free after all.
@fR_eeBritney It depends on what is bothering you about the game. Is it the story? The dialogues? The movement? The combat?
I bet this gonna release before cyberpunk on ps5. 🤦
I really loved Witcher 3 back when I was playing it for the 1st time but I tried to start a new game and find it hard to go back to. I don't think it necessarily anything wrong with the game it's just the game is so big that it's just daunting to try and start from scratch. I'm the same way with other Western RPGs like Elder Scrolls. Who knows maybe I'll give it a whirl again on PS5.
It's £6.99 on the store at the moment so probably worth picking up now in preparation.
Bought this game for $11 cad on a sale. Played a little and starting to like it. Will wait for the PS5 upgrade though!
@fR_eeBritney I could not get into it for the longest time either but I started again and I am completely obsessed about 15-20 hours in. Maybe stick with it a little longer there is so much depth the contracts and side quests are incredible too
It was the quest structure I really liked. All the side quests felt fully fleshed out and very few felt like filler. The world also just had some great lore to dig into. The combat was at best ok to me though so that might be a big factor why it isn't clicking for you.
Nice! This game has been in my backlog for years, might be the right time to play it.
@fR_eeBritney I'm the same, even tried the older Witcher games on pc and got bored of that, it's nothing outlandish that most seem to think it is.
Always keep saying I will get back to Witcher 3 goty but never do lol
@fR_eeBritney I played it the first time 2 years ago and didnt like it at all. Bought it again few months back on a sale, played for a few hours and the story started to grow on me. Waiting for the PS5 upgrade to commit fully to the game.
@fR_eeBritney I only lasted around 2 hrs in game. I didn't like it too.
For the love of God don't make Triss look like she does in the Netflix show. I actually enjoy the show for the most part but hated what they did with Triss.
For all the negative comments in here I’ll add that The Witcher 3 is one of the VERY FEW games that I put over 100 hours in. Most games bore me long before hitting 100 hours but I loved TW3.
So do last gen owners get the DLC or is it too powerful for them to handle?
@Splat This. God that Triss casting was bad... The Triss of the game made the choice between her and Yennefer a real dilemma!
Well well well... I hope it does not fall in the same month as any of my favourite upcoming games. Because I will have a hard time deciding what to play after work... Heh.
@Olmaz I don’t really know what it is. It does feel a little bit dated but that doesn’t usually bother me. Maybe it’s the lore? I tried watching the Netflix show and couldn’t get into that either. It’s weird because I love LoTR and Game of Thrones and RPG’s. It should be the perfect game for me but it just isn’t clicking for some reason. I’m going to try and put a few more hours in and see how I get on. I think I’ve got the combat down now so hopefully everything else will fall into place the further I go.
New content is great news. I have it on PC and was going to install it just to checkout the RayTracing.
But now Having a reason to actually play it with all the new enhancements is even better
Radovid sucks flaccid c**k!
Can we get all dialogue replaced with Cavills grunts and swears?
@Splat Soooo, don’t make her black is what you’re saying? She basically nailed the character regardless.
Hype. Really interested to see what the DLC is.
Hope we get to see a trailer at least whilst WitcherCon is on.
@Korgon the side quests are probably he second worst part to me besides the awful combat. You spend all this time doing side quests, and your reward? 1 XP. The XP balance is just so bad, there's no incentive to go out of your way as it won't help build your character.
They've said before that the PS5 version will be cross buy, but now that it's officially the complete edition, does that mean it'll only be cross buy with the complete edition? If you have the regular version do you need to buy the season pass to upgrade or you're out of luck?
True if you over level yourself some of them dont reward you well but I usually never ran into that when I played it at least.
Well you'll be happy to hear they've at least made her a red head now
One of the best platinums I've earned. Defo be picking up the ps5 version.
Probably yes, because unlike cyberpunk, witcher is actually a completed game lol
Yes. The story really hits it high notes in the middle section. All of the mid game quest lines are excellent. Plus the challenge starts to go up if you’re playing on the harder difficulties.
I will admit that I found the end game pretty weak story wise, though. The game’s best parts at roughly the halfway mark. Easily one of the best stretches of storytelling you’ll find in a modern game.
I found her to be ok. That said she didn’t get enough screen time anyway considering how important she is in Gehralts life. I’m hoping they rectify that in season 2.
I’m half black myself and while I did find her to be ok in terms of her portrayal of Triss, I wish they would have went with a white actress who had natural red hair. It’s super jarring playing the game with her looking one particular way and then watching the show and her being polar opposite in terms of appearance.
Yennefer was cast perfectly, as was Gehralt. They both look similar to their in game counterparts in enough ways to make it make sense.
@fR_eeBritney Stick with it. I couldn’t get through Witcher 2 because I just didn’t really vibe with the setting and felt the gameplay was clunky, and friends forced me to play Witcher 3 last year. I disliked it for a while. Dropped the game and picked it back up, dropped it again and picked it back up, etc. Then, for some reason, the game just clicked. I was totally absorbed into it. It’s a really immersive game once it clicks. Once it hits that point, it’s easy to overlook some of the clunkier aspects of the game and turns into something special. Witcher 3 is definitely an acquired taste
It was the same for me. Took me two years and three attempts. Third time something happened, and now I absolutely love it.
Why would this be a free upgrade when ghost of tsushima, death stranding, spiderman, gta5 and no doubt last of us will be charged? Have CDPR explicitly said it will be free?
@ApostateMage crawl back under your rock!
@fR_eeBritney it looked strange the first time I started back in January 2016. White Orchard's sad empty atmosphere, Geralt's lousy gear, generic long white hair and beard isn't the best of introductions. My interest skyrocketed when I got to Novigrad, and when the credits had rolled, I realized what a masterpiece it was.
i Loved the witcher 3, but the more it dragged on the more I started hating gaming, so I’ll redeem the free upgrade but probably not play it beyond checking out a house of boobies if theres save file import support.
I couldn’t get into it but I will give it another go. If you load my PS4 save right now, you will find me getting chased by about 7 wild dogs.
@MatthewJP I agree but I’d imagine CDPR has no choice but to go that route to continue winning back people after the cyberpunk fiasco, maybe? Just my two cents though, I honestly have no idea.
New content after so many years is amazing for fans.
It may be damage control after Cyberpunk…
@MatthewJP yes, it is free for everyone.
DLC is also not tied to the next gen version. It will be available to all version of the game.
@fR_eeBritney To be fair, the movement feels stiff (and even more now than at launch time) and the way the "question marks" are littered around the world is very last gen.
The combat can be really fun, but you have to commit to making it fun. You could very well stick to one move + one sign for all game and be ok. But if you try to mix it up, or even better, to role-play it as "your" Geralt, it becomes fun.
But of course the 2 things that are top nıotch and only get better the more you play are the world (but if you really don't like it, it won't change drastically) and the stories (both the main plot and the substories).
My advice would be to role-play, The Witcher 3 is very good for that. I know it's counterintuitive, since you play as a set character, but Geralt can be whatever you make him to be. Chose a personality, a combat style, and stick to it. That helped me a lot to enjoy this incredible game.
@WallyWest They confirmed the free dlc will come to all versions.
Free upgrade & Free DLC? What are they thinking? They work for free?
@Pusher2021 I imagine they're thinking that they need to save their reputation, and that this is cheaper than a lot of other methods, given how few people would likely double-dip for the next gen upgrade anyway?
@theheadofabroom Got the PC version myself. Free upgrade is a good service but surprising since it's an older game. But it sold very well. + inspired by The Witcher series on Netflix (maybe sponsored DLC?)
I loved my time with witcher 3, one of the games that really got me back onto gaming after a big break. At 230 hrs for a playthrough with dlc, I'm not sure I have a full playthrough in me though. Maybe the new quests and hearts of stone as it my fave dlc ever
For anyone struggling to get into this game here’s what I’d recommend -
Play it on Blood and broken bones (hard)
Do a bunch of Witcher Contracts to really get yourself into the mood of the game
Don’t focus too heavily on the ‘?’ marks, I tended to only visit them when travelling to a mission marker.
Limit your fast travel (best way to get sucked into the fantastic sound design)
Watch a couple of beginner tips YouTube videos to explain the more complex gameplay loops (potions, oils etc)
Make sure movement is set to alternative! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE SURE!!
Play all the secondary quests in an area before progressing too far with the main quests.
Witcher contracts are great but you can always go back to them and use the enemy level scaling setting for a higher challenge.
Most importantly don’t rush!! The amount of content is overwhelming so if you play this game like a checklist you won’t have much fun!
I hope this helps someone! This is still my favourite game to date and I think everyone needs to give it a try!
Interesting to see how many others here share my experience of not initially liking Witcher 3 at all. I made it through White Orchard and almost gave up during “Wandering in the Dark” as I had somehow ended up under-leveled for it.
But then I ditched the dungeon, did a few Witcher contracts, and started the Bloody Baron quest chain… Within about an hour of gameplay, the game had gone from something I just couldn’t understand the hype for to one of my favorite games in recent memory.
Everything just came together at that point: the game’s universe, the mechanics, and the characters and story. That would be my advice to anyone playing The Witcher 3 for the first time: Try to stick it out to The Bloody Baron, and you will be rewarded with one of the defining gaming experiences of the past generation.
@fR_eeBritney Yeah, same here. Im just not being pulled in. Seems a bit boring.
It's currently £6.99 on the PS Store, maybe I should give it a go.
Best game I ever played
Free is always a great deal, bring it on!
@fR_eeBritney dang! That's a bummer to hear. I'm not sure what it was like for others, but for me it really just like...felt incredible. I was instantly sucked in.
Hi there fellow gamers.
It is super interesting so see peoples different experiences with the game.
I started with The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings on Xbox 360 and before that I bought the books to get myself acquainted with the characters and lore and because it was so good, I have been buying every single one of them. As for TW2, despite some clunky controls and a weird difficulty balance I truly enjoyed my time with it. More so that my playtrough was completely different from a friend of mine just because I did one decision differently.
So naturally, by the time TW3 came out I was already a fan of the world and characters, so I bought the game day one.
And once again, I got sucked into it. Not fully, since the game had some gameplay issues. They have made it better with updates.
But it was a very engrossing game with some very gut wrenching and emotional storylines.
And Like @RevDrGalactus once the Bloody Baron questline starts, the game becomes so much more interesting and entertaining.
Especially the dlc Heart of Stone. One of the absolute best story dlc
I´ve played in a videogame.
Just do what @GalacticHam posted and You´ll have a heck of a time.
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming to us all
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