Update: Media Molecule has delved into Ancient Dangers: A Bat's Tale during its DreamsCom stream. The game started life as an asset kit, but has evolved into a full game, in which you'll explore dungeons and fend off baddies alone or in local co-op. This Mm Original looks like another brilliant little game with a lovely art style and what looks to be simple but satisfying combat. To learn more, you can listen to lead designer Rich Franke talk about Ancient Dangers in this video.

Original Story: Very interesting indeed. A little earlier today, Media Molecule announced Tren, the first in a new line of games made in Dreams labelled "Media Molecule Originals". Now, the developer has teased the second of these with Ancient Dangers: A Bat's Tale.

The difference with this announcement is that it's accompanied by a teaser trailer, giving us a brief glimpse at what to expect. It looks as though this could be some sort of dungeon crawler, possibly starring characters that can turn into bats? Maybe? It looks interesting, anyway. It's just one more reason to tune into the studio's live stream, which starts at 5pm BST.

It feels as though the team is ramping up efforts to bring high quality experiences to Dreams. This and the aforementioned Tren will simply exist within the wider game, as with any other creation, so you won't need to fork out for them β€” just play them when they're finally published. We're excited to check both out as and when they emerge.

[source twitter.com]