If a game is only releasing on PlayStation 5, you'll notice developers talking up how the console's specs allow for more creative freedom. If a title happens to be cross-gen, pre-release marketing is always sure to promise the seven-year-old hardware of the PS4 hasn't held the game back. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora falls into the former category, only coming to PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Why is that? Ubisoft says it allows the team to expand the scope of its map design, AI, flight mechanics, and immersion.
Speaking with IGN, creative director Magnus Jansén and technical director of programming Nikolay Stefanov covered what developing exclusively for current-gen systems allows them to do. In terms of flying about the environment aboard a Banshee, Stefanov said: "[New consoles allowed] us to have much better object detail up close to you, but also when you're flying high up in the air – to have a lovely vista and far-distance rendering, where we can even use the ray tracing to do shadows super far away, you know, three or four kilometres away from you." The PS5's SSD also represents a big improvement for the team over PS4, allowing them to stream in parts of the world much quicker.
And then there's the design of the map itself, something which Jansén says had to be restricted in order to work on old hardware. Open world titles on PS4 had to space some of their biggest locations far apart to allow for enough time to actually render and stream in those cities and settlements. That's apparently no longer the case on PS5. "If you look at, with the old hard drives, they had to be spaced out very far [apart], because you had to stream out the old and stream in the new, so it just created a formulaic world. So, there's a ton of stuff like that."
AI has also been improved thanks to the power of the PS5, allowing the developer to make animals much more realistic in terms of their movement and tracking techniques. Power boosts combined with advancements in the Snowdrop engine enables the team to "do amazing things that would not be possible" previously.
Finally, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora will simply be much more immersive than if it was designed around the PS4. The folks at Massive Entertainment want to bring the world you saw in the movie straight to your living room, better simulating weather effects and animals. Stefanov signs off by explaining: "In terms of a new generation of consoles, the improved [hardware] just gives us so much opportunity to make sure that the game's as immersive as possible." One example given is a new lighting system that takes advantage of Ray Tracing — it handles the translucency of leaves, dictating how much light is reflected.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora launches for PS5 at some point next year. Are you interested in returning to the world we all first saw on the big screen back in 2009? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 90
Did you know? The main characters in Avatar, Malina and Kamalka are so forgettable that you just believed that those were their names!
shame 😂😂😂 I won't be losing any sleep over that one
Couldn't be any less interested in this game or the franchise. Aren't there another 2 films they've made but not released yet as well?
Excellent call Ubi. If only CDPR took the same approach and put all their time, energy and resources into Cyberpunk 2077 being a current- gen game rather than kowtowing to money-focussed investors with no idea or understanding of the technology and game development who forced a broad last-gen (and even Fricking Stadia) release. Thank God they didn't push for a Nintendo release, then we'd really be screwed.
@Jackpaza0508 lol!
I did not believe that but tbh all I can think of is John Smith and Pocahontas
4 more movies will come. 1st 2022, 2nd 2024, 3rd 2025 and the 4th 2026 if I remember correctly.
So it will be 5 movies in total with the first already released years ago. I love Avatar so I can't wait for more James Cameron action !!
So it's the flying mounts after all... The plot thickens...
And yet people say Horizon, GT and God of War won’t be held back 🙄
I hadn't really thought about having to space out highly detailed areas as being a thing mitigated by the new generation. I know that this is one of the reasons so many games take place in either a post-apocalypse or new frontier setting: in these settings it makes sense for things to be spaced out and small, because settlements haven't had time to grow and become interconnected.
I wonder whether this means we'll see new settings for open world games? Something set in some highly populated area some time between industrialisation and us destroying ourselves in whatever way?
Whilst I cant pretend im hugely interested in the film, I think the world they created is perfect for an open world game and this looks interesting and has the right sort of ambition.
Im very much looking forward to hearing more about it.
Improved AI? Now you've got my attention
@theheadofabroom That was my thoughts too. I hadn’t ever considered that the hardware limitations were the reason for empty open worlds they we gamers tend to complain about. It’s not that the developers want to make for large sprawling open world with big sections of emptiness, rather it’s simply they can’t pack too much together and have it all stream consistently.
Once they wrap their heads around current gen technology we’ll hopefully see more densely captivating worlds. And like you say, less post-apocalyptic settings which are easy to integrate into an empty world and not feel out of place.
A good decision.
I’m looking forward to this more than the next Horizon or God of War game tbh. Though I am excited for those games too. I just love the Avatar world - even if ‘unobtanium’ still makes me cringe every time I watch the movie.
Is this a Godfall "only possible on next Gen but heres a new previous gen version cos nobody is buying it" or a Ratchet and Clank "built around the SSD"Next Gen title
Only time (and lack of sales) will tell!
Not really big on the Avatar universe but good to see a dev developing something for the new consoles and PC. More need to start doing this as well.
@Th3solution @theheadofabroom This is true to a point. But there is no problem having a simpler algorithm for PS4 that creates a more sparsely populated world with fewer animals each with simpler routines and then having a more complex set of instructions for the PS5 CPU that has a far denser world with more complex routines.
Point being, seeing this as 'last gen holding us back' is not usually the plain truth, it's far more nuanced than that. Yes there are some things that don't scale or can't be replaced but often with creative thought these can be accounted for.
The asset streaming and SSD speed is a huge benefit but still many open worlds allow you to fly on PS4 (or PS3 etc) and have a long draw distances, it's just with more compromises (lower, texture, geometry & shadow quality, or blurring like Far Cry).
Still this is good to see despite their 'for the fans' reaction here. They know what is said and are parroting what we want to hear.
@fR_eeBritney Fun fact, the word unobtanium has been in use for a long time in engineering fields. It sounds like a cringy poorly named piece of the fiction, but actually is a stranger than fiction bit of realism.
When ps6 comes.devs will say its not possible on ps5.wtf.yeah right.😏🤔.word up son
@Jackpaza0508 Not true, the main characters in Avatar are Aang, Katara, Sakka, Zuko, Momo and Appa…. And I think they’re quite memorable…..
this looks great and all, but 1st person? man always seems like a cop out. this game would be so much better in 3rd person imo. ill pass, but damn it looks good.
The movie 3D visuals are great but the characters and story are bland and forgettable, I don't think many people will buy this because of the ip, it's better for ubisoft to make their own original ip with this game.
@Jackpaza0508 In the first second I thought it's their name 😅
@themightyant there's definitely nuance here, but I don't think any studio thinks that players will accept the low levels of on-screen detail we were used to a decade ago, which would be required to make an open world game like this work on PS4.
The real question may be whether we'll see an increase in the level of detail in games this generation to the point where we end up with the same problem all over again. That's where I'm interested in seeing what happens with things like Unreal Engine 5 which claim to be able to manage the fine-grained level-of-detail management needed to make this work on-the-fly.
Wherever the answers, we'll have exciting times ahead.
So no more having to fast travel because I'm bored af running through wilderness to get to another outpost? I'm all about it. So happy that finally things can progress but it makes me wonder about Farcry 6.
I'm interested in this only for the tech side. Avatar bored me to tears, and I love Cameron.
How much I want a Fallout game designed "for next gen"...
@NoxAeturnus Oh I know, I’ve heard that before but it still sounds terrible in the movie. That and the part where Dr Augustine kicks the cup and says ‘oops’ when the other guy is trying to play golf - I think it could be the same scene. I always cringe at those parts. But I do love the movie despite its faults.
@Mega-Gazz wrong avatar, buddy 😂
I'm guessing that HFW and God of War 2 on PS4 get 9/10s, while Avatar on PS5 gets a 7/10.
This game opens up the hope we get games based on films from 2009. Here's hoping for The Imaginarium of Dr Parnossus, The Fantastic Mr Fox, and Invictus!
@The_New_Butler It wouldn’t run at 60fps, wouldn’t have ray tracing, I don’t think the rift hopping and blizon crystals would work as well. Load times would obviously be much worse. The developers have said R&C couldn’t be made without the PS5 SSD so it’s either true or they’re just blowing smoke.
Could they make a watered down version for PS4? Probably but it wouldn’t be nearly as enjoyable. We shall see if Horizon and GoW follow the same path.
@themightyant Yeah, I’m not a programmer or really don’t know the nuance of the technical development side, but that makes sense. I remember reading Cyberpunk’s base PS4 iteration having significant differences in the populated world (or lack thereof) where they had to take most of the traffic out and simpler NPC routes like you say.
It takes a creative approach to make it not stick out as substantially inferior, I suppose. The Digital Foundry’s of the world will always point it out though.
An Avatar game could be good, but this is still Ubisoft we're talking about, so it's probably the same rehashed world we've seen a dozen of times.
A game nobody wanted/asked for. Seriously where the hell is Splinter Cell at? TF Ubisoft
SSDs faster than old mechanical hard drives shocker!
In other news...
Man, I remember disliking this movie a lot when it came out and that sentiment has not changed over the years.
I sometimes wonder how differently the Avatar franchise would've turned out if James Cameron wasn't such a self-glorifying megalomaniac.
So the PS4 lacks the fly chip after all I should have known 🤣
@fR_eeBritney Oh yeah I know exactly the scene you're talking about! Awful.
I know it's not welcomed news to the people that don't have a PS5 yet and are stuck on PS4, but in the grand scheme of things it's very good that developers are starting to make progress in this regard. It's about time to end the crossgen phase and truly focus on the PS5 and make use of all it has to offer.
In the end, imo, by the time the game comes out, the current crisis will mostly be over and the PS5 will be available to buy at normal prices.
Couple of things based on all the comments:
They've said this game isn't coming out until 2022, which we all should know by now means 2023 or later - see BG&E2 - so the install base shouldn't be a problem and they won't need to sell it on PS4 to move copies. And it's a new game so probably not built off of a previous game engine like both HFW and GoW.
Sure, the 1st movie was 11 years ago and put some people to sleep - I say 40 minutes from the middle could easily be removed and no one would notice except to say the movie seems a lot better than it did the first time they watched it - but 4 more movies are due out this decade. Is anybody saying - ""Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" sucked and was 15 years ago so they should stop making Star Wars games."?
Avatar 2 out in cinemas 2022 so this game should be more relevant next year rather than currently where it seems a decade too late
As for the game i liked the film Avatar and Pandora could be a great setting for a game so the first Ubisoft game ive had an interest in for years
I can't wait for SONY to dump the PS4(sorry PS4 only owners) I just can't get excited for cross-gen games really no more :-/ The first 6 months of the PS5 being out is ok for cross-gen games but after that my excitement for a game is less really if it's on PS4 to(i still will play Horizon 2 and GOW:R tho) But I will always be thinking 'What if this was PS5 only???' Oh well.
This nonsense again.
It can “work” on PS4. Seeing how it is on PC where people will be playing it on a 2060 with an HDD if they feel like. Not everyone has an nvme in their rigs.
As a team, they do not want to spend the time making a version that the PS4 can run for the launch. They should just say that.
@The_New_Butler There is no way the experience RnC offers on the PS5 is possible on the PS4. You would have to completely change the game and put in static load screens because games currently hide what can’t be hid with RnC.
@Carl-G Horizon and GoW being cross-gen has really killed my hype for them. I know they’ll be fun but I’ll constantly be seeing things where I’ll think of how it could have been better as a pure PS5 game.
I am more interested in the Star Wars game that Massive Entertainment is developing. However, it is great that they are getting to know the current gen consoles with the Avatar game. It will be nice to see what they will be able to achieve with PS5 and what to expect for the Star Wars game.
This could be the game that makes Sam Worthington relevant again!
It's hard to say much without seeing actual gameplay, but I do like the idea of utilizing this IP for an exploratory video game. I'll remain cautiously optimistic for the moment.
The pics make the game look very pretty for sure but Avatar?
Man, I just can't get excited since I found the movie to be "meh".
I know, I'm SOO edgy
But seriously, it was okay and nothing more.
@The_New_Butler You said earlier you’ve platinum’d it……….
@theheadofabroom "but I don't think any studio thinks that players will accept the low levels of on-screen detail we were used to a decade ago, which would be required to make an open world game like this work on PS4."
Yet Far Cry 4,5, (probably 6) lets us fly round the map and release on last gen.
Despite their crowd pleasing statement here, most of what i'm seeing is Far Cry Primal on Pandora so far (with a few upgrades), i'd love to be wrong I just don't see this as the generational leap they are trying to sell us on here, and this could be achieved with some compromises on last gen.
For what it's worth, I hope i'm very much wrong.
"The real question may be whether we'll see an increase in the level of detail in games this generation to the point where we end up with the same problem all over again."
Yes I was wondering this too Or a jump back to 30fps to enable the fidelity/complexity. (Not a fan of that either)
"Wherever the answers, we'll have exciting times ahead."
100% agree. I KEEP saying it, great time to be a gamer.
Have a great weekend.
I was thinking the same thing. This could be good but Ubisoft's involvement causes me concern. All of their games feel very similar.
Also they literally promoted and protected sexual predators within their leadership, so I'm inclined to avoid the developer altogether until they can correct some of those problems. I normally try not let let studio drama affect my purchases but in the case of Ubisoft it's too extreme for me to ignore.
@Th3solution I think using Cyberpunk as an example of anything is likely a losing argument, it barely manages to do many simple things that GTA VC and San Andreas on PS2 manged, like basic traffic or Police AI, let alone what was possible on PS3 and PS4.
Cyberpunk clearly spends too much of it's frame budget unwisely or is poorly optimised.
But then CDPR has history with this, they are a PC first company and barely consider console, or seemingly refactoring code, till later.
Witcher 2 ran horribly on console compared to PC with massive downgrades across the board. (Great game regardless of technical limitations)
Witcher 3 initially ran poorly on console at launch, it took several patches to get the great game we know and love performing well.
Yet both were far better showing than CyberPunk 2077 on console vs high-end PC.
The most telling thing was Saber Interactive talking about the Switch port of Witcher 3 which originally ran at 10fps and used twice the memory the Switch had. They had to literally rewrite whole systems to be better optimised for Switch, and you know what, they succeeded. Is it a 1:1 re-creation of the Witcher 3, no, but it is absolutely playable game, a joy to have handheld and even has a similarly uneven frame rate to on PS4 and XB.
If they can manage that from high-end PC to PS4 to Switch why not PS5 to PS4? It's a smaller jump.
Give me flight of passage in VR and I’d be a happy man. Hopefully this is good though. I miss movie tie ins
@The_New_Butler It’s certainly possible that you’re onto something. I just want to believe that Insomniac told the truth. Lol.
@The_New_Butler Agreed! Too much stock is being put on this "only possible on next gen" chat.
Last I checked this game (Avatar) is coming to PC as well, is it going to be only nvme SSD + Direct Storage or will it run fine on a standard hard drive? Likely the latter
@The_New_Butler I said they would have to change the experience entirely and that means some of the fast pace sections may not be possible on the PS4 as they have never been done before by Insomniac and then you mix in the sections like the boss battles that are fast paced and change the environment entirely and it would not be possible on the PS4.
Unless, you drastically change the experience, then, it wouldn’t be the same experience. Yeah they could put it on the PS4 by introducing a static load screen of the characters falling through a generic dimension until the next section loads, BUT, it wouldn’t be the same experience the game aims for. So, it’s not possible.
@The_New_Butler That late section with the jet boots wouldn’t work.
Dude, yes, they could get this game to work on the PS4, but they had an experience in mind with this game and delivered it, this experience is not possible on the PS4. They would have to drastically change/reduce assets, reduce the speed you can have with the boots, and introduce generic loading screens. This game as is, can’t be filled with wide open spaces or crawl/squeeze spaces to hide load screens.
Will be interesting to see the system requirements for the PC version.
If the minimum is 8GB RAM and it doesn't need an RTX card and an SSD, all these claims will be proven to be BS.
@The_New_Butler "I'm of the opinion that they will look at the hardware out there and see most gamers have an ssd now so they will develop for that."
Do they though? Last time I saw this checked it definitely wasn't the case. (it was a little while ago, mind)
The steam hardware survey doesn't seem to have this breakdown specifically but DOES have the "Total (primary) hard drive size". Over 50% is more than 1TB and over 65% is 750Mb or greater.
With the relative expense of 1+TB SSD's, which only started to tumble quite recently I suspect most of those are still on the old mechanical hard drives.
Lets also not forget many (myself included) use a smaller SSD as a boot drive and then have a larger mechanical hard drive for larger and long term storage. Including many large tens of gigabytes games.
Regardless I do think we will start to see a push on PC requirements towards SSD/ Direct Storage etc. propelled by the console upgrade effectively raising the floor of the common denominator, but probably not quite yet/ Depends if this game is in dev as long as the movie sequels
Well this highlights exactly why I wish Horizon and God of War were PS5 exclusives...
@Jackpaza0508 Nice!
@MattSilverado that won't be happening thanks to Microsoft, no more PlayStation releases from Bethesda anymore.
@themightyant What happens when you design a game mechanic to use those routines? What if the way you hunt if designed around those routines? Enemy interactions, how quests work, other NPCs interacting with each other. If you have to simplify it to work on PS4, why put a lot effort into making NPC humans work with those complicated animal behaviors when the PS4 users won't see it and you already have to spend the resources on the PS4 version being toned down.
Like could RDR2 work on PS2 if you took out all animal behaviors, most of the traffic, all the graphical detail, made what NPCs there were really simple, greatly simplified stranger missions and some of the main missions, murdered view draw-distance, all the character animations that help sell the story, all the facial hair mechanics, etc? You probably could. It wouldn't even be close to being the same game.
You are greatly underestimating what features set a game apart and how they can be baked into the core game design when they are not optional features.
@themightyant I’m excited to see the potential when the good developers (ie. the ones they know how to utilize console hardware the best and optimize code) can do with this gen in the long run. It looks like maybe the best showcase of current tech may end up being VR.
@huyi that's right. I got a Series X because of that. By the way I'm enjoying gamepass a bit. Anyway my backlog on PS is huge.
@Jaz007 it’s about smart optimisation and refactoring code to be more efficient.
Red dead 2 is an interesting example it has systems like animal bollocks that changes size based on the weather, yep that can go for starters. You choose less frame expensive lighting and shadow models. You keep what is integral and make smart choices, ultimately to the end user the game feels the same
@Th3solution me too, really excited. But that takes time. To TRULY build a AAA game from the ground up with next gen in mind, doing things that weren’t possible won’t happen for a few years.
@themightyant Yes, and RDR2 was the limit of doing that with infinite resources on PS4 get it to work. For any other developer, that would not have the infinite resources of Rockstar, they could not get it to work on PS4. Sure, the animal bollocks can go, but there is much of that game that can't just go. It's all tightly wound around certain themes and a particular pace that accompanies those themes. If you removed the dense detail and way the game encourages you to ride around and make it interesting, you begin to lose the game and it's themes. RDR2 is 10/10 in most reviews and deserves it. I think the end user noticed consciously or not all the effort that went into that game. RDR2 already had density limits and limited ability to keep track of things (if I robbed a carriage and chased someone fleeing down, the carriage was gone when I came back even though there was no one to move it, also meaning I couldn't take it or rob it.)
And as great as RDR2 was, AC: Unity still has it beat for sheer density at any given moment. no one open world game has it beat for sheer density and environmental detail at any given moment (others have it beat for dynamic detail though). AC: Unity struggled because of it's ambition on PS4, on PS5 it would fit better.
You really underestimate the difference a new gen makes. This is what everyone said about the PS4 when the PS3 came out. Basic level design can radically change given the new power and SSDs.
@Ajazbo any yet here you're commenting on a post about the game... Well done jackass
@Jaz007 “ You really underestimate the difference a new gen makes.” I disagree, I’m fully aware of the extra power under the hood but also aware of how long it takes to tap that. We’re only 8 months into a new gen.
“Basic level design can radically change given the new power and SSDs”
I agree! But 3 things
1) as said above this will take time to make a AAA game TRULY from the ground up for next gen. that’s not gonna launch for a few years. To REALLY change your whole design methodology, tools, asset pipeline etc for new gen only again takes time.
2) 95% of games will just iterate on what came before and in scope would be possible on last gen with compromises. Yes there the 5% that will push the envelope into the ‘not possible on last gen’ but again this takes time.
3) Financially it doesn’t yet makes se we to make a top tier AAA game for next gen only, it is only feasible if it’s a loss leader to sell consoles. 115+ million consoles vs >10 million right now, this will change over time. (Recurring theme)
AC Unity is an interesting one it would be possible on X360 just with a thinned out crowd or using more tricks like duplication or groups rather than so many individual npcs. There’s little else exceptional in that game that made it “next gen only” at the time.
It would likely also make it a better game as the large crowds was a good example of developers trying to flex what COULD be done rather than what SHOULD be done. It didn’t help gameplay in-fact it hindered it. (It did help atmosphere granted)
Although personally the best use of crowds for me was Heavy rain (on PS3!) pushing through the people looking for Shaun felt more claustrophobic than ive ever felt in a game (Reminds me if Jon Snow drowning in corpses in GOT: Battle of the *****) but that was mostly handled using visual trickery
Anyway perhaps agree to disagree I’m off to play some games. Have a good w/end 👍
I might point out that Far Cry 4 came out 7½ years ago and had the density of a game from a decade ago, in order to make said open world mechanics work, but I've not played a far cry game since the first two in the series (I didn't enjoy the second)
Games that include a mechanism to travel at high speeds have to design their maps around being able to stream data fast enough for that mechanic to work. That means you either have to space out things that take up a lot of memory, or constrain movement to slow the player down enough for loading to happen.
You'll find evidence for a lot of this in narrated glitch-allowed speed runs, where the speedrunner either slows down to let triggers load, or deliberately find ways to travel into game areas before they have loaded to avoid encounters/triggers.
That's a start.
It would be much better if they were not accommodating Xbox Series S.
@Oval_Griffin given the fact that the Series S only has 1080p textures to worry about, it's the Series X that actually holds things back. Both have an SSD slightly slower than the PS5, but the Series S has less data to stream to memory, meaning that out of the three, the Series X takes the longest to fill the required memory. Weird eh?
@Carl-G Spoken like someone who has a PS5.
Maybe they should stop making games for the old gen full stop. It's our own bloody fault for either not scouring the internet all day every day for the latest drop OR not being willing to spend over £100 or $100 or whatever above the RRP.
As for Avatar the film, looking forward to the sequels. People always seem to back against Cameron and each time he comes back, he breaks records. Expect him to do it again. We've been in a form of lockdown for nearly 18 months now, things still aren't back to normal. The sequel come release at the perfect time and be ThE film that gets people flocking back to cinemas. I'm sure it will look absolutely spectacular.
As for the game? Early snippets looked good and I'm definitely intrigued to find out more.
I bet Ubisoft wouldn't require the PC version to have an SSD for this game.
I agree so much, I hate that they have to support the ps4 for most of the new games, yeah yeah I know people gonna get wound up but ps4 has bigger install base and not everyone has ps5? Not my problem it's a new generation time to move on and give the people who spent money pure ps5 games not half compromised Cross gen, you think nvidia or amd care about old gear when they release something new ? Yeah they throw out a few updates but that's about it
@Uromastryx It's not our problem that you think your time and money is worth more than the time and money of a PS4 owner.
I never understood the hate Avatar gets. I mean sure it's not my favorite movie ever but at the time it was mind-blowing in 3-D. Is it because it made so much money? I thought it was a fine movie myself but to each their own I suppose.
As for the game I'll keep a eye on it but I haven't really enjoyed this team's previous work on Division so I'm a little concerned about that more than which console it's made for.
@Yokimar But I can't read a news article about it? And I'm the jackass. Sure kid, sure😂 I read it to see if it could change my interest but, nope. Have a nice day jackass
@Richnj And it’s not our problem PS4 owners think their time and money is more important than ours. 😂😂
@Jaz007 They don't. They aren't the ones complaining about cross gen releases. They aren't even complaining about 9th gen exclusive releases.
In contrast, you have PS5 owners saying dumb ***** like "yeah yeah I know people gonna get wound up but ps4 has bigger install base and not everyone has ps5? Not my problem" as if £70 of a PS5 owner's money is better than £70 of a PS4 owner's money.
If you're going to join an argument, at least have something more substantial than "no u".
@Col_McCafferty I don’t know if you have an equivalent where you live but I got on a PS5 waiting list with EB Games. It was pretty effortless outside of calling a few times for a spot to open and then waiting patiently for a call once I was on it. It took about 2 months for my call back. Bought one at at proper price (though I had to bundle it with a game). Might be worth a try. Cheers!
If anybody is going to show us what these consoles can do, it's Ubisoft. They were pushing the PS4 and Xbox One past their limits in 2014
I was heavily impressed by the trailer, even have fond memories of the first movie.
@Richnj The fact that you want games to be held back by the PS4 means you think you're time and money spent on PS4 is more important than the PS5 being fully utilized so we get the most out of our money spent on a $500 new console, at least using that logic anyway. I want game design not possible on PS4, which means I want that from the $500 I spent. Think about how your going off about that difference of opinion. You're argument is just worth a "no U" because you can just flip the logic and have the same argument with the same merits. My comment wasn't even meant to elicit that serious of a reaction.
@Jaz007 "The fact that you want games to be held back by the PS4"
I've never said that. I've not once argued that games like Returnal or Ratchet should have been on PS4. I've not argued that all future games should also be on the PS4. All I've done is defended the games that are. Defended Sony's decision to make games like God of War available.
"means you think you're time and money spent on PS4 is more important than the PS5 being fully utilized so we get the most out of our money spent on a $500 new console"
Cross gen games are nothing new. A lack of games at the start of a gen is nothing new. All early adopters should know this. I knew that when I use to adopt early.
What you bought was an investment for the future. A risky one too. I've bought consoles that ended up having no games, or dying early. You don't buy a new console to have hundreds of new games right now. You at least have the luxury of knowing that the PS5 only has a slim chance of not getting those games later on.
"I want game design not possible on PS4"
Again, any early adopter would know that early gen games are essentially up rezzed last gen games. What you want will, and always has, come later.
"You're argument is just worth a "no U""
I'm inclined to believe that's all you had, since the beginning of this post was an elaborate "no u". You claimed I wanted all games to be cross gen, despite never arguing that. Meanwhile, you do actually just want all games to be next gen. You projected your desires on to me.
"My comment wasn't even meant to elicit that serious of a reaction."
I'm always going to slap down a childish comment. Nothing bugs me more than a bad faith rebuttal.
@Richnj Cross gen games are held back at times. Returnal and Ratchet and Clank were not on it because they made the decision to not hold it back. I'm not saying Scarlet Nexus shouldn't have been cross gen, I'm saying I don't want the new God of War to be designed as a cross gen game, because when Mark Cerny described the limits of the PS4 vs PS5, God of War came to mind as limited and really benefitting from PS5.
@Jaz007 No U.
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