Sony is celebrating Pride 2021 with a number of PlayStation incentives. For starters, it's curated a list of over 50 PS5 and PS4 games that feature LGBTQ+ "characters, themes, and experiences" on the PlayStation Store. You should be able to find the list through here.
What's more, a free Pride PS4 theme is up for grabs, which boasts a rainbow aesthetic. However, you won't be able to find this through the storefront alone — you'll need to redeem it using a code.
The codes differ by region, so we've included them all below:
- Americas: GBX2-ELNK-R5KE
- Europe: XQF7-9JN4-3NQM
- Japan: CKDB-GDN3-637B
- Korea: PDJR-T6NH-B49Q
- Other Asian countries and regions: DQM5-2LNC-T6KL
You can find out more about PlayStation's Pride celebrations on Sony's official site, which highlights LGBTQ+ communities, organisations, and employees.
Will you be celebrating Pride through PlayStation? Keep things colourful in the comments section below.
Comments 161
Damn, aren't all these companies glad they got Pride Month to market themselves... I find that exploitation of a serious social issue shameful, and I won't give Sony a pass just because I like the company in general.
*to be clear, I am not trying to stir the hornet's nest here, or even start a debate about the topic. I have of course nothing but support to offer the LGBT communities. I also know other people see this kind of marketing as a good thing and I fully respect them for their views, I just happen to disagree, and to find important that this kind of disagreement is expressed.
That's a sick theme but won't work on my PS5 for obvious reasons which sucks
I also wish that Pride Xbox controller Microsoft made recently was actually commercially available because that was cool too
@Olmaz It's all marketing obviously but something like this I don't find nearly as half-hearted or exploitative of the whole culture surrounding Pride as other examples. Obviously big corporations like this love to chase trends even if they are for all intensive purposes, meant to be supportive of other causes
@Olmaz To be fair to Sony, the blog post goes deep into a lot of other things they're doing, both internally with their employees and externally as an organisation.
This isn't just them sticking a rainbow overlay on their logo and calling it a day.
@Olmaz Whether it affects Sony's bottom line or not, the representation and celebration is important. I honestly don't care if their main motivation is monetary.
Nice to see at least. Rainbow capitalism does irritate me when it’s companies who clearly contradict themselves through working with countries that openly discriminate and such but Sony have been relatively alright to be honest.
Companies must make a killing in June because of this stuff.
When I got my ps5 I missed the ps4 themes for maybe an hour.
I much prefer the layout of the ps5
@FatalBubbles Well this theme is given away for free for starters. Do you really think we sit about and go ‘yes I’ll buy this bottle of Coke because it has a rainbow on it’? I legitimately don’t understand why you would think companies would make more money during Pride Month.
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All people should be represented and marketed at at all times not just when some groups say they should.
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Thanks. Redeemed on my PC b/c I'm too lazy to get up.
As a reminder, US webstore, click on your icon, redeem code.
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I keep reading how companies like Sony are exploiting LGBT fans through Pride and I simply don't get it. It's like damned if you do, damned if you don't. Some people are just never happy, it seems.
@nomither6 only people make it their business when they beat people in the streets, vote for laws that prohibit them from getting married, allow employers to get them fired for their sexual identity and so on. Until those people stop making it their business, this is a nice way to support the community.
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@nessisonett I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. But yes, people thinking it’s an easy way to support it and companies profit from that so they make lots of money off it. Also, people involuntarily feel more inclined to purchase things when they see something that lines up with their values. Just a couple reasons why it makes companies money to do it.
@naruball Eh , they're removing comments again so i rather not elaborate. But I will say this - My advice to the LGBQT community is to not seek approval from society and just do what they do. if they can't marry is that really a big deal ? straight couples don't even see value in marriage as is . i know i don't , lol .
I hope thats not considered offensive.
Thanks, redeemed! Not sure if I'll ever change from my Jessica Jones theme though!!
@FatalBubbles I honestly haven’t felt inclined to buy something because it had a rainbow on it. This also isn’t a question of values, it’s a question of basic human rights. So I wouldn’t buy a product if the company in question was outright against LGBTQ+ rights or had donated to politicians opposing it etc. But having a rainbow on some cheese, I mean… cool I guess?
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@ralphdibny I literally didn't even know they made a Jessica Jones Netflix theme for PS4 until now
That looks amazing
So for saying everyone should get along and stop with the labelling, my comment was removed, this is simply my way of saying everyone should be accepted for however they are regardless
@nessisonett You may not purchase it but other people do. You can Google search about it. It’s not something I made up. Surveys show that people feel more loyalty to companies that promote things they associate with.
And yes, depending on where you live, it may very well be a human rights issue.
@FatalBubbles I dunno, if that was the sole motivator then surely these companies would sell products with anti-LGBTQ+ slogans on them in countries with active discriminatory laws and such? There’s clearly some sort of ‘this would be nice’ attached to it rather than a sole monetary motivator.
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@Olmaz well said!
All of a sudden it’s trendy to support pride. Funny how no company gave a sh*t five years ago… were there no LGBT’s then?
Some eye roll inducing comments here, but on the whole not too bad. We've got a few "all people" arguments that don't seem to grasp the concept of cultural hierarchy. Then a few overly cynical "they just support minorities to make profit" comments. I think this argument contains a grain of truth, but also discounts the fact that companies are just groups of people, some of whom are probably personally invested in supporting this cause.
As I often say, I'm old. I remember arguing for gay marriage rights in the U.S. less than twenty years ago, and the counter arguments were often dehumanizing and cruel. We set aside time to recognize minority groups in part to help us remember that their rights are often subject to the whims of the majority.
To sum up, thanks for the nifty theme!
Very cool! Let's all support equality!
@nessisonett you really don't think slapping rainbows on stuff moves merchandise in June? This time of year I have to stop myself from buying something rainbow themed every time I leave the house because, yeah, it's everywhere and it's extremely tempting even for someone with a relative anti-consumerism stance.
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@nessisonett Again, I don't want this to end in a debate, but I'll let you know that games in countries like Saudi Arabia or China are published with heavily censored content, or just don't get published.
For example, the Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered is not available in the Middle-East. I'm not sure if you'd treat that as being openly anti-LGBT (or anything else that goes aginst our modern values), but to me, it looks a lot like that (and no, it's not because of the nudity, since Middle-Eastern versions of games get nudity covered most of the time, like for The Witcher 3).
If a company wants to market itself by its support of a minority, they could start simply by not doing business with countries where said minorities are tortured and killed. No need for a marketing campaign, I can assure you that Sony getting out of the Middle-East would be big news in the gaming world.
@Lukasamba Why would you hate LGBT people in the first place?
@Amnesiac Agreed! "All people" aren't free until those who are marginalized are treated as equals. Your post hits the nail on the head.
@nomither6 I don't think LGBTQ2S people are trying to "seek approval from society"; they're just trying to live their lives. But it's hard to when the government makes laws that forbids them from doing things that all other people are allowed to do. Or when they get attacked or murdered because of who they are.
You may not care about marriage, but it is a right that all hetero people are entitled to, and have always been entitled to, without question. So it should be with everyone else.
I'll definitely take the theme. It is free as others have pointed out so that's commendable I suppose but the curated games list kinda has, idk, a self congratulatory marketing feel to it.
But is that worse than doing nothing to acknowledge pride month? Probably not.
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Lol what's up with all the censored comments? Either way, people's sexuality is nobodies business. Live and let live, all that. Unless you're digging up corpses to have fun with 'em or get funky with animals, I couldn't care less.
@Amusei theres only one correct opinion on this subject apparently
@Amusei probably hateful.
Lmao, closed minded people got ticked off in the comments. This reaction is still expected out of people. And then they say what's the point of pride.
@Tecton217 It's a touchy subject. I do feel people shouldn't be discriminated regarding their sexuality. But often it feels like any form of criticism or not completely agreeing with everything that's "the narrative" idk how to call it. Gets you called out for hate speech or what not. There should be balance, people are often left or right when in the middle is the sweet spot. Extremes in either direction are dangerous.
@TheFrenchiestFry 😅 haha yeah it's decent. It's been my theme for years!
I live in a country where the current president was openly homophobic during his campaign* last year and it worked in his favor - which should tell you how an average person feels about LGBT rights over here (it's a very real problem).
Even though it doesn't affect me personally (other than making me sad that people choose to hate other people for no real reason), I understand Pride and other celebrations of minorities are very important to said minorities.
A common reaction over here is to say that LGBT communities are making it worse for themselves by celebrating Pride, because they're not changing anyone's mind and only further fuel the hate. Well guess what - nobody expects to convince homophobes to not be homophobic. Instead, it's about making the members of the community maybe not feel like they're in constant danger for a few days (or at least that's how I see it).
*His opponent was a supporter of LGBT rights so one of the president's campaign ads was a video of the opponent at a Pride event with a caption along the lines of "Do you really want to live in a country like this?"
The video was full of happy people clearly having fun on a sunny day so hell yes I do!
Good on Sony, I just might download that theme.
@Amusei yeah it’s just so disrespectful to those LGBTQ+ that they are being pandered to purely to make money and get virtue signaling points. I’d be ashamed of Sony if I was LGBTQ+
@mrtennis1990 The general gaming community is possibly the worst community in the world to be:
A) A woman
C) Basically anything that isn’t ‘the norm’
Welcome. Bear in mind I’ve been on this site and NintendoLife since I was 13 years old, being exposed to these sorts of comment sections every once in a while. So engaging with other people who love video games like I do, who then go on to express views that basically wish I didn’t exist, is disheartening to say the least. It’s such a basic thing but I’m glad that the site’s stepping up more recently because if I was affected seeing that sorta stuff at that age then I can guarantee there are lurkers out there being exposed to the exact same thing at a similar age.
@Tecton217 I feel you. At the end of the day it's always about money. It's what makes the world go around. Many companies abuse that fact pretending like they care. Idk about Sony in particular, not really invested in all that stuff. But I think overall the message is positive and about accepting LGBT people. There's no harm in that I guess? ❤️ Either way what do I know, I just play videogames lol.
@mrtennis1990 they tend to all crawl out of the woodwork with posts like these which is really sad.
@Amusei I agree about extremes, but I always feel that one extreme is always infinitely worse than the other (e.g. far left: calling others racist/homophobes for silly reasons that have nothing to do with reality, far right: literally killing people for being black/ gay etc. I prefer the middle, but out of the two, I'd take the former without a second thought)
@hobbes242 I mean , I guess. I live in America and in a predominantly blue-state , so maybe my perception isn't global and doesn't account for how it is elsewhere .
And marriage is bull - all it is , is seeking approval from the government to be together . marriage is a facade . You don't need to sign some papers , or place the value of your relationship behind an immaterial rock , or crap like that , to justify your love for your mate ; thats so fake to me , all you need is each other . I feel that the LGQBT go out of their own way to stress themselves out , forgive me if im wrong but where I live thats just how i see it here. What does the government forbid them to do other than marry ? remember were talking about relationships here . not ethnicities , race , etc.
I was going to say at least it's available worldwide, but I see that the Middle East isn't listed. And now it reminds me of that Bethesda logo. Or is it included in other Asian countries? It's always listed separately. Maybe they should offer one in Hungary too
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@naruball I don't know if it was your intent , but if it was , please don't blur the lines between a racial affliction and a sexual preference. im telling you it's not the same . at all .
@mrtennis1990 So having a different opinion from yours equals low iQ and been hateful according to you
@RogerRoger Forgive the ignorance, why couldn't they just slap some rainbows on it?
@nessisonett I didn’t say they only do it to make money. They certainly benefit monetarily from it. It also is an easy way to virtue signal for some companies as well. Then you have a handful of companies who are actually interested in helping and do it to support charity as part of sales, etc.
@naruball it's divide and conquer tactics.
Turn LGBTQ against corporations using the rainbow and LGBTQ promotions, forcing companies to stop giving LGBTQ free awareness advertising.
Tried the theme and as usual it's designed with little regard for actually seeing the menu icons. Sigh. Maybe next year.
@nomither6 marriage is how most societies recognize family units/couples. Sure getting the government involved in your love life is bizarre but it has implications far beyond signifying an emotional bond: taxes, inheritance, property rights, etc. It's a weird custom - marriage - but let's not pretend it's a meaningless thing to withhold from a select group of people.
One day we will get the power to use themes on ps5.
@naruball The extremes on that end are both killing and prison. It’s not just name calling, the most extreme of extreme are always beyond that and to arbitrarily limit one extreme is dishonestly making one side look better.
Happy Pride Month to all of my fellow LGBTQ+ peeps 🙌
And I want to personally thank the Push Square community for being so supportive of us GAYmers lol!
@Voltan Let me guess, Eastern Europe?
I have the privilege to live in the worst European country, so trust me, I know what you're saying, especially regarding homophobic politicians : )
@zupertramp yeah , i know ; i just think its BS that something as superficial as marriage has that kind of importance with it and its all law-related. it would be meaningless if it weren't for the governmental implications.
but , hey , its just my opinion i guess . i still think marriage is BS and hopefully i changed someone's mind whos apart of LGQBT about it , to see ''marriage'' in a different light. >_>
@nomither6 well aware it's not the same. Just like apples aren't pears, but they're both fruits. Obviously both are forms of discrimination.
@Divergent95 Poland, yeah
@Voltan Bosnia here, woohoo lol!
A true hellhole 😆
@Richnj yeah. That makes sense. I hope well-intentioned people don't fall for the tactics.
@Jaz007 you may wanna give some examples, because I don't think I agree with what you're saying. You could be right, of course. I just don't see how with nothing specific.
@naruball yeah well ones worse than the other.
@mrtennis1990 Honestly I can understand your point but take into consideration the other side of the coin, that lately can’t comment because they don’t agree with the subject so the comment gets deleted and the media doesn’t help and instead try to force people to accept something different that wasn’t normal before, can really explain more because my comment might get deleted
@nomither6 which one is worse and why, in your opinion?
@GKO900 It wasn’t ‘normal before’ for women to have their own bank accounts. Or for black people to not be in chains. Things change.
@nessisonett That's some grade A shade lol! Good job!
@nomither6 @RogerRoger yeah marriage is one of those things I find hard to care about but then, I'm also not being told it's off limits to me. Being told I'm not allowed would honestly bother me.
And then there's the fact that, as alluded to, it is important to some people. And if it's that important to someone, who are any of us to stand in their way?
@naruball you cant be serious , lol . im done.
@Olmaz Absolutely this. I’d have WAY more respect for these ‘pro pride’ companies if they refused to trade in these primitive countries that treat lgb people atrociously.
Good stuff. I'm proud to be a white straight male.
@nomither6 There are many other ways governments are treating LGBTQ2S people like second-class citizens. More than 250 anti-LGBTQ2S bills have been introduced in US stage legislatures this year. Some of these bills:
disqualify transgender people from participating in sports;
allow medical professionals to refuse care to LGBTQ2S people by simply saying "It's against my religion";
allow business owners generally to refuse business to LGBTQ2S people based on their religious beliefs;
forbid discussion in classrooms about LGBTQ2S people, or sexuality, or even discussions about gender, even in sex education classes;
prohibit transgender students from using the school restroom or locker room consistent with their gender identity;
classify any kind of gender-affirming care, medical or otherwise, for LGBTQ2S youth as child abuse, which would be classified as a felony and lead to jail time;
attempt to undermine anti-discrimination legislation already in place;
and on and on and on.
Please understand that people who are part of the LGBTQ2S community are being told by lots of people in positions of power that there is something wrong with them, and they do not matter. And it needs to stop.
@nessisonett your picture changed and is freaking me out
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@LaytonPuzzle27 I wish you were the only person who thinks that. Sadly, that's not the case. Although you and Sony may have something in common now.
@LaytonPuzzle27 Not sure if it's sarcasm or...
In any case, you have the right to believe what you want but to openly spew hate or attack others, hell to the no.
@AchievingGamer ooh ooh can I be in your "I was raised by racist parents" support group? I know it wasn't all their fault but man does it really set a kid back.
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@hobbes242 i mean , i could respond to each of those but , i mean , ehhh for what..not like i can do anything about it so...and this convo is getting tiring anyway. i kinda got a headache from reading that , im gonna go play some games now.
@AchievingGamer no sorry, that was more my experience talking. that wasn't me being facetious at all either, if it came off that way.
Edit: yeah reading over my previous comment it sounds super condescending. that's not how I meant it. I can genuinely relate.
@nessisonett Let’s compare apples to apples and not bananas because I’m not playing that game here, all that I’m gonna say is that some things needed to change for the better but not everything changes for the better or needs to be change
For what it's worth I just thought I'd throw out there that Sony has supported the LGBTQ community for quite a while. They supported gay marriage in America before it was legal and celebrated the moment equal marriage became law.
Ellie was a main character in their biggest game several years ago, and development of the game started a few years before that.
Lots of companies just jump on the pride bandwagon for social cred, but my personal opinion is that Sony legit cares about these issues.
@GKO900 interracial marriage then? that seems like an example of an "apple" that at one time was also unacceptable.
@nomither6 You can do something about it if you really care. Contact your state senator. Say this kind of mistreatment needs to stop. Spread the word on social media.
@AchievingGamer I'm was raised in the 80s and 90s, and do you know what's funny?, every decade seemed like the one that finally felt like the one that was accepting of people. Yet looking back, you can see how deeply ingrained a lot of that bigotry was, even for me. I started off thinking I was an accepting 90s man, then I'd catch myself being uncomfortable around gay guys, then another decade and it was black people, then another decade and it was trans people.
It took a long time, and a lot of work to overcome all my taught hatred and bad reactionary feelings. And now I'm full on in on defending LGBTQ, minorities and women, despite not fitting in to any of these groups, because I realise how deep that hatred lies in otherwise decent people.
@naruball Let's hope so.
"It's why I don't spend much time with them these days."
Again, extremely relatable. Also most of what @Richnj said. It is interesting that at pretty much any point in your life you tend to look at yourself as a good person. It's like the default. "I'm a good guy." Meanwhile, hindsight allows you the perspective to look back on yourself differently, and, if you're anything like me, sometimes in horror.
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Only Pride and Joy on PS5 is in Final Fantasy 7. Too bad we don't get themes.
@AchievingGamer self reflection is often very sobering but all anyone can really do is try to be better. let shame be the fuel for improvement I say.
@GKO900 more like 40 years* for those of us stateside. also I think you may be conflating gender expression with sexuality. Which is a relatively new concept, depending on who you ask, so that may have something to do with rates of acceptance.
Edit: *my apologies, Loving Day was a little over 50 years ago. I can't math. Still there's the law and then there's social acceptance, which can be a little slower to catch-up.
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@GKO900 you were a little flippant in regard to people's identities, which I maintain is your right, but at the same time people should also understand these guys/gals do have a site to maintain.
The bigots were lured out with the publication of this Article it seems.
@AchievingGamer Always with the religious stuff, I just gonna let you know that I’m not religious in any way nor do I believe of any to be honest
@hobbes242 "people who are part of the LGBTQ2S community are being told by lots of people in positions of power that there is something wrong with them"
While I'm not saying there is anything wrong in being any of the letters of the acronym, maybe that acronym itself is part of the problem.
How do you expect the majority of people to take as seriously someone who claims to be "two spirits" and someone who is gay?
So maybe the first step would to be more precise with the defining of each "letter", what their claim is, and how they expect society in general, and other people as individual to react to them. AFAIK, gays don't have the same expectations as trans people, and especially not as two spirited ones...
When you put together things that don't match, people get rightfully confused.
Now, I know the goal is to make every non-gender conforming community have solidarity with each other, but I think it has done more harm than good for each community.
@GKO900 But how does gay marriage affect YOU in any way? A very wise motivational speaker said: "People who are happy with themselves and with their lives, will NEVER hate or judge others".
I'm not trying to offend you, but your opinion is flawed and I do hope you stop harboring these negative feelings.
Ah pride month the time where the people who want to be treated the same as everyone else decide to celebrate being different to everyone else. As a Bisexual man i don't partake or agree with Pride month as its just an excuse for Corps to act like good guys while exploiting people to help make a ton of money during the month, Sony don't give a damn about Pride they just want to exploit those to make some sales on PSN Quite frankly i don't need a single month to feel proud about myself and i don't need Corps acting like my friend for a month
@Olmaz The reason we stick together as a unit (mostly) isn’t just because there’s overlap, but because we show solidarity to each other as there was a time when there was nobody else on our side. One of the major figures in the Stonewall Riots was trans for example. It’s a loyalty thing as much as anything. Pride is universal, as represented by a rainbow of different ‘colours across the spectrum’.
@Olmaz I gotta admit, I do get tired of the way language is used to signify, what often feels like, nothing more than cultural superiority. Like sometimes it's just hard to keep up with all the new little acronyms and buzzwords. So I hear you there.
But if anyone is willing to discount some marginalized group over the slight annoyance of a new letter in an acronym, maybe they weren't ever going to be on board anyway, and the rest is pretext.
@nessisonett in my experience the community is not all rainbows and unicorns. I know they like to market it that way but it couldn’t be further from reality. There are plenty of ‘good eggs’ sure, but there are a lot of bad ones too. Just like the rest of society I suppose.
@AchievingGamer Its adorable you think Corps give a damn about who works for them, they care about money no more no less.
@fR_eeBritney That’s why I said mostly.
It's all about money.
And that's it.
Unless it's eufa and ban the Munich stadium to be colored in rainbow colours there's always gonna be different views people might not like em but it's a free world so they say but we should be all equal no matter race, and who we want to be with man or woman
Come on, give us a rainbow controller if you're sincere!
All for exploitation to make more money.
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Seeing people come out in the 70-90s was more a big deal to me along with seeing the topic covered in shows and movies like Will&Grace, The Bird Cage and Too Wong Foo was a bigger deal, but now, in 2021, you tell me you’re gay, I’m like, okay.
Where were these massive companies back in the 60's, 70's and 80's when the gay community were openly shunned ?
They were nowhere.
Like I said - it's all about the moolah.
People always get cynical about companies taking part in pride, but at least it puts it out there and hopefully helps the push towards a non acceptance of bigotry. Staying quiet is a bigger offence at this point.
Also Sony has been doing better than a lot of other companies when it comes to representation so this really doesn’t feel as disingenuous as a lot of people seem to think it is.
@ralphdibny Rocking the Dibny name w/ the Doom Patrol pic while promoting the JJ theme is some serious meta I can get behind.👍 Just caught up to JJ in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 today and I didn't even know her and Luke were married.🤷 Good to see her in game though. 😁
Company marketing BS as usual. Don't care about Pride month, never will.
Because what gender someone else prefers is none of my business. You do you.
@naruball Good point, I agree, never looked at it that way.
@Enigk then you obviously don't understand what LGBT pride is about
@Bagwag82 That you should be proud of who you are more than one month of the year?
Yea, personally I don't care and don't understand the fuss. Only commenting here because I saw there are so many comments for some reason 🤷♂️
I'll just say one thing. Many years ago I witnessed someone being laughed at and teased by a group in a bus and I stayed quiet. The next day (or a few days later) I saw that person had been badly beaten up and I regret to this day not having said anything.
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@JJ2 And thats why we need pride.
Pride in the west is great, it brings up all the sh*t that LGBTQI+ people go through, but it is MAINLY now to shine light on the countries that are still anit-LGBTQI, which, is a hell of a lot of countries around the world.
I'm gay myself. I'm not big on the parades and stuff. But I totally support it and understand it and think its great that massive companies make the world aware of what people go through.
Gay-bashing still happens, and discrimination still very much happens. So, Pride will be around for a very very long time sadly for these and many other issues.
Anyway, just look at the amount of comments on this one topic....
@Horizon_Rover You seem confused.
Being gay is not just about sex (or even at all about that in many cases). It's about being in a romantic relationship with a person of the same sex. Can dad hold mom's hand in front of the child? Then they're showing heterosexual love. Can another straight couple do the same? Great. Then homosexual couples should be able to do the same. Peter should be able to say "I'm getting this gift for my boyfriend" without facing abuse.
Heterosexual relationships don't need to be celebrated the same way because heterosexual couples do not face discrimination, abuse, etc for being heterosexual. If that ever happens, like it used to be the case for interracial couples (and unfortunately still is to a certain extent), then those relationships can also be celebrated until they are accepted with no prejudice.
@rjejr haha cheers 😅 I thought about changing my username to larrytrainor to match my new pic but I thought it might just be confusing for other users!
Need to play MUA3 at some point! But too expensive for me still though and I doubt it will go down in price much as it's a Nintendo published game!
@Horizon_Rover I'm going to go ahead and throw out the argument that kids need to see this sort of stuff more than anyone.
Pride isn't about sex, it's about understanding your own general state of being, and that you don't have to fit in the binary choice.
I've heard stories of school girls starting their periods and freaking out because they were raised in such a conservative world, that talking about puberty was considered dirty and taboo, and they were never told it would happen and that it was normal. Same with LGBTQ kids. They are going to have the feelings that they have. Be it feeling more like the opposite gender, being attracted to their own or both sexes, or having zero romantic or sexual attraction at all. And when you are a child and you are feeling things that you have never been told about, you feel like a freak, you feel broken, and it can be traumatising.
So yeah, I don't care if it's on TV, in schools, or slapped on a product desgined to bring in money, bringing awareness of LGBTQ to children isn't just acceptable, it's necessary.
Love this, happy Pride everyone!
Sweet theme. Shame the PS5 doesn't have themes.
Okay then.
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@zupertramp Thank you, I was about to say the same. Regardless how you feel about the Actual Marriage in itself, when it comes to certain practical legal issues, such as the ones you mentioned, there's no denying Marriage is of vast importance. And if it is given without issue or question to straight couples it's be a no brainer that it should be given to non straight couples. I'm floored, frankly, that it's still being debated whatsoever.
To people saying "marriage sucks anyways, why would they even want it, is it really That important" that's legit one of the dumbest arguments against it I've ever heard. YES, for the reasons Zupertramp mentioned, it Is that important for practical reasons alone.
For others it's just as(or more)important getting to Show your love for one another to the world or God(if you're religious) like any straight couple is allowed to. And for some, Getting married Isn't That important, but having the Option to, Is.
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@naruball Agreed. I would even go as far as saying straight couples that have been together for some time get questioned "So, when Are you getting married/Why Aren't you married yet?"
Non straight couples get "Why would you need that/Is it really necessary?"
Doesn't make any goddamn sense. Let people live And Marry whoever they want, as long as it is consensual, obviously.
@ralphdibny Been making a run on our local library of late. Borrowed Monster Hunter Ride and Bowsers Fury a few weeks ago, MUA3 now. My library is closing 2 months for construction, July & August, so taking my kids over there later to load up. I did purchase Minster Hunter Stories 2 for full price, that will last awhile, and Sackboys Adventure and Ghost ofTsushima for$30 each, prices I an live with for 6 and 11 month old games.
And don't change your name, Larry's invisible, nobody wants to be invisible online, Didny is flexible, flexible is better. 😂
@rjejr 😂 I don't think Larry is invisible, he's severely burned and highly radioactive and the bandages shield others from his radiation because y'know, doom patrol logic! 😅
That library seems pretty decent! I actually bought Miles Morales recentishly for £35, probably the most expensive game I've bought since the first spider man which I bought full price on a whim one day!
Just knocking out Yakuza Kiwami 2 on game pass at the moment though!
@Olmaz Well with Ellie i was surprised about the massive meltdown in the Playstation community.
But then again the internet community is something thats for sure. Damned if you do Damned if you dont.
The meltdown with Aloy of a screenshot from not so perfect angle, girls with muscles oh the humanity. Its impossible to do something right especially with the gaming community.
@naruball It looks like the world is going backwards is accepting people the way they are. Politicians, religion and people in general its baffling. The US is shocking in all places lately from women rights, LHBTI its like people think you get it like the flu. In Europe Hungary promoting being gay to kids what the #### is even promoting its just a way to shun people by making them feel bad about themselves. You should support people in whatever and how people are.
@3MonthBeef Its seems to work really good in Sweden though and trying to make the world a little better wont hurt.
@ralphdibny Yeah, I always think he's invisible but you're right, he isn't. I read all the 90s comics when they released and I always thought he was invisible then too.
@Flaming_Kaiser well, at least things are improving in the US with Biden, I'd say. Agree about Hungary, Poland, etc, sadly.
@rjejr I think I forget he's not invisible too sometimes, he does look a lot like the Invisible Man from the old films after all!
The only doom patrol comic I've read was Gerard way's Milk Wars because it was a crossover with the JLA book I was reading at the time. It was a bonkers book, I had no idea what was going on it to be honest 😅
@ralphdibny The best thing about Doom Patrol was the bonkers. Read a lot of bonkers comics in the 90's from Vertigo. Had the term been invented yet it probably would have been ridiculed as DC's "woke" line of comic books. Probably a good thing twitter wasn't around yet. 😂
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@naruball Lets hope so we dont need to go back in the stoneages. Whats next the middle east more liberal and free then the West. And is it me or does this topic really attract the worst people.
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im cool with the LGBTQ community as well, but being gay doesn't make anyone special. i understand the whole right moment about being equal and what not but now a days its pushed so hard it's starting to look more mainstream than anything. please don't take this out of context but stop worrying about what people think of you (LGBTQ community) and its not everyone so don't take it the wrong way. do what makes you happy and f**k everyone else. for those out there who are somehow making money off the LGBTQ community you should be ashamed of yourselves. (b '')b
I like those initiatives but I'd like Sony to take position on other topics as well, like anti-violence and anti-weapons stands. I respect any kind of human life and I find it sad that most of the games (especially western) main missions is to kill other people.
But such kind of stands would hurt the market, and therefore are a no-go.
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@Flaming_Kaiser It does attract the worst people and it's a shame because it's something that doesn't affect them and they could simply ignore it.
@LaytonPuzzle27 were you arrested by your government for expressing your opinion that doesn't incite violence?
If not, free speech is alive and well.
You may wanna look up what free speech actually means and where it applies.
I think the sale could have included Senran Kagura games since they have lesbian characters and they are great games. Atleast I did not see them on my PS4. I personaly don't celebrate Pride, but happy celebrating to those who do.
Cool! I will get the theme.
Awesome to see Sony/PlayStation are being supportive, I redeemed the theme despite mostly being on PS5.
I only came here for the comments and it was pretty much what I expected.
Thanks for the entertainment
@naruball Lets be honest a lot of people hide behind free speech to be racist and extremely hurtfull things and up threathening things.
@Flaming_Kaiser From my personal experience, that is 100% true. Just an excuse to be hateful.
@Enigk yup I am, it's pride everyday of the year for me 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
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