Square Enix has another Final Fantasy game in development exclusively for PlayStation 5, according to a fresh rumour that's already being picked up all over the internet. This is in addition to all of the Final Fantasy projects currently announced, such as Final Fantasy XVI, Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, and, we assume, Final Fantasy VII Remake 2.
This rumour stems from Navtra, a ResetEra "insider" with a seemingly accurate track record. Navtra previously "predicted" most of the main reveals for Sony's first PS5 showcase, including the fact that Final Fantasy XVI would be announced as an exclusive.
Navtra writes: "I believe you can expect at least one more major Final Fantasy announcement in addition to updates on the currently announced stuff." The post goes on to say that it'll be a "good E3 season for Square Enix overall".
We don't always recommend buying into uncorroborated rumours like this (even real "insiders" can be dealing in outdated reports) but there is reason to believe that Navtra has access to reliable information. If this thing turns out to be true, then we'll obviously know for sure.
"I believe we’re getting two major SE reveals this June: A PS5 exclusive FF title, and a cross-gen Eidos title," Navtra concludes.
So what could this be? Use of the word "major" suggests that it's a big deal, but knowing Square Enix, it could be anything. Another remake of a Final Fantasy classic seems unlikely seeing as VII is still in the works. Maybe something like a Crisis Core remake would make more sense — but again, the Japanese publisher is often difficult to predict.
Assuming this rumour has some truth to it, what would you like to see? Explain your wildest dreams in the comments section below.
[source resetera.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 73
I hope it's a final fantasy tactics 2
Dirge of cerberus remake plz
Sony & Square sitting in a tree
Bring it on! I hope it’s not online related
Eidos??? Presumably Montreal. Could be another Tomb Raider - or realms of wishful thinking could it be Soul Reaver at last? Or the closure of the Deus Ex trilogy?
Goes without saying i am down for anything Final Fantasy. Important Sony nurture this relationship further.
FFVII Remake was announced 5 years before launch so perhaps FFVII Remake Part 2? Intergrade does launch a few days before E3 starts.
I think logically, if it was another remake then they should remake 8, following capcoms route? Imagine FF8 with today's standards. I think it would be much better received in today's world than when it was originally released.
Would love to see a Crisis Core remake as I don't have anyway of playing the original.
Either Final Fantasy 8 Remake or Final Fantasy 10-3.
@EquiinoxGII @Snake_V5 Shouldn't they finish 7 remake first before remaking another one?
@munstre This seems like the most likely thing. Even though Remake 2 is obviously coming, it hasn't been officially announced or demonstrated yet.
Sleeping Dogs 2 please SE
Most likely console exclusive or timed either way I wouldn't mind having a remake of X and X-2 one bit.
Come on Final Fantasy VIII remake. 🙏 I wanna see Balamb Garden in the UE4 or 5 engine.
Ever since that tech demo of what Final Fantasy would have looked like on N64 (using FF6 characters), I have always wanted a Final Fantasy VI 3D remake.
Anything Ivalice related would be great but with SquareEnix's recent track record this will likely be Final Fantasy X-3 or some such.
@Matroska @munstre True, Remake 2 hasn't been "announced" yet, but follow-up posts strongly suggest that this project is something that we don't know about.
Crisis Core remake? Only one can hope
It will 99% likely be Remake Part 2. Because technically, even though we all know it's happening, it has never officially been 'announced' yet...
Final Fantasy 6 Remake.
Just do it!
Uh oh I hope Square isn't spreading themselves too thin like what happened when FF13 and Versus 13 were announced. Hopefully its just FF7R2 as I don't want to see a situation where a spinoff of 16 becomes FF 18 10 years later!
@Snake_V5 Final Fantasy X-3 will be a pleasant surprise, if they make it good.
(They will not.)
woildnt be suprised if its ff7 remake part 2. Sony probably has that in the bag already
Ff9 or tactics remake would be my ideal reveal.
World of Final Fantasy 2 CONFIRMED!!!!!
I mean if it's even true cool i guess. As long as it looks anywhere near as interesting as ffxvi, I'll be excited
But I'd much rather see more of the new mainline entry
FFXII Part 2 please.
Navtra hasn’t been correct on the Death Stranding prediction yet so don’t get too excited folks (as someone who was disappointed by that). Still, doesn’t seem too far fetched to see a FF7R pt. 2 teaser at least
Remake Final Fantasy IV or VI
Tactics, please!
Chocobo Racing 2!
Judging by the hints from Intergrade and the mobile Ever Crisis it'll most likely be something related to FFVIIR and it's branches to have it all wrapped up in one nice complete remade basket.
Or it's a dormant series like Tactics making a return.
@AndyKazama here's a blank cheque for Unreal 5 Balamb Garden...
Just make me a remake of Chrono Trigger instead! Will gladly accept a sequel as well.
@Octane considering reports suggest it's a game we are unaware of, my comment references the story. Not that I I think they should staring making new titles before finishing 7.2.
Its about overkill with this franchise.
Don't get too excited, they already have 2 major projects in their hands (3 with the FF14 expansion). It will probably be ports of older games to the PS5 or something like that.
Could it just be the official unveil of VIIR part 2 as opposed to another title? Square Enix Japan is just 4 development studios now, studio 1 is working on ffvii remake, studio 3 is doing xiv endwalker and xvi and the other studios work on things like dragon quest, mana and saga games. I cant imagine them having another major title, unless they've outsourced something, or Tokyo Rpg Factory is working on it
FF13 Remake , i'm ready !
Final Fantasy: The Final Fantasy
Just acquire Square Enix already Sony, geez.
Might be that long awaited XIII remaster. If it's a remake of VI or VIII then I will scream like a teenage girl at a Backstreet Boys concert.
Parasite Eve... 23rd birthday 😀
Oh, it is a FF title... oh well next E3 - back to work
@DeepSpace5D square enix is a bit of a ***** though, giving timed exclusives to PlayStation and then giving titles like octopath and outriders straight to Xbox game pass
Hoping for Final Fantasy Classics Collection (FF 1-6).
Another user said on that thread that it will be a game on a new genre/style for the series... So an musou or souls-like game.
@Vivisapprentice That’s true they do like to spread it around, but a possible 4 FF titles along with Forspoken seems a bit excessive.
All we do we know for sure is this won’t be the Final Fantasy...can’t believe Square gets away with false advertisement every time
@Rob_230 Soul Reaver would be extremely very welcome!
Curveball. They're bringing back the western developed Fortress spinoff/sequel of FF12.
For love of all thats good and decent. Enough w the damn remakes and remasters! Please, please, please, be something original.
@wiiware I love this idea FFT2 but with modern graphics make it look like really detailed board game pieces with a photo realistic scenery to fight in!
@wiiware A proper one, unlike the GBA games.
Despite your assumptions, i think it's FF7 part 2 because it hasn't been officially revealed yet. Also, i don't see what else would fit the "major" description.
My interest goes to the Eidos game. Could it be a new Deus Ex? That would be cool.
FF Tactics 2 would be a dream come true, but i don't see it.
It's probably just 7 remake part 2. Although I won't be nearly excited for part 2 as I was for 1. I'm very much burnt out on the FF7 flogging now. Especially with how the meta stuff was handled in remake.
@Royalblues It really wasn't. The thing was badly designed (drawing over and over was boring, not using your spells cause it would cost you stats was annoying, missing a GF cause you forgot to check every fight with draw was frustrating, the fact that enemies leveled with you negated progression and the story itself had a cornerstone of "oh we forgot").
In it's time FF8 was the worst FF. Unfortunely the future had terrible plans, so now... it's not that terrible in hindsight, but it was very flawed and not on the level of 7 and 9.
A new Deus Ex would absolutely blow my mind. Can't believe they've let this series lie dormant for so long. When the first one came out, waaay back, it instantly became my favorite game. Is Warren Specter even still alive?
Weren’t there rumours that eidos were working on a guardian of the galaxy game a few years back?
Never seem the appeal of Final Fantasy games! Just a load of nonsense from what I've played and seen in the previous games.
Final Fantasy 6 remake? or Final Fantasy 7 remake part 2?
@PossibLeigh Agree, I'm so disappointed with gba game story, from political intigrue to kids slinging snow 😕
@Jmerbaugh I'm also okay if it's 2D-HD like octopath travellers but in 4K, that game art is gorgeous 😃
With FFVII: EVER CRISIS coming out on mobile, I'd seriously doubt it's CRISIS CORE.
My guesses would be World of Final Fantasy 2 and a remake of the original Tomb Raider that follows on from the reboot trilogy.
Give me another Deus Ex you cowards! 😃
Square still has “Chrono Break” trademarked.
I would love for an interquel. A game set in between Trigger and Cross.
Which ones have you played?
Out of the main series the only one I would call “bad” is XIII.
@tomasu I did forget about that. They did express desire to make it at some point.
Given how X-2 was just an unecessary filler story, i do worry about what can come out of it. FFX ended in a memorable way. It was a memorable journey. The sequel material has not helped it in any way.
@TheRedComet I wish they did. It is mind blowing to me how the Chrono IP is laying around wasted. People love those games and they are hailed as amazing classics. There are big bucks waiting to be made.
FF6 remake.........please? Or at least a remaster so we can actually play it again. Honestly, its probably just FF7R2.
Final Fantasy XII-2 would be something to behold.
God I hope not.
I don’t hate that game as much as most people (for example, I thought it’s battle system was brilliant) but that game doesn’t need a remaster.
They should release a compilation of FF1-FF6. I know we will never get full on remakes, but give us the most “modern” versions of each game on one disc or download.
@Arugula That would honestly make sense if it's not FFVII Remake Part 2, the FFXIII trilogy is on XB1 backwards compatibility so Square Enix would skip doing a Xbox version much like how Aspyr did the same regarding the 6th gen Star Wars games that were released on the OG Xbox meanwhile if it's only releasing on PS5 (i.e. not on PS4) then Switch wouldn't get it because the system is too weak.
Obviously it’s Final Fantasy VIII Remake: Intergrade Part 1 HD Limited Edition Digital Deluxe Collectors Edition.
At least that’s what Yoshi P dm’d me...
Current state of the rumor is that it’s a souls/fallen order inspired game made by Team Ninja (the Nioh studio).
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