The PlayStation Plus games lineup for June 2021 has been announced, and we'd argue it's another solid month for subscribers. In case you missed it, PS Plus users get access to three titles — two of which are brand new releases.
On PS5, there's co-op focused spy game Operation: Tango. It's flanked by the enjoyable Star Wars: Squadrons and the reborn Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown on PS4. Something for everyone, surely?
But we're not here to make up your mind. Are you happy with June's games? As always, vote in our polls, and then give us an honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 70
I’ve been itching for a arial dogfighting game… squadrons will hopefully scratch the itch.
I played a lot of virtua fighter 4 so I’m looking forward to 5 on ps plus as well.
I’ll give operation tango a spin, but I’d be surprised if I like it.
Overall, I’m stoked for the lineup.
Nothing for me. No interest in fighting games, and I didn't think enough of SWBF2 to finish it, so no interest in Squadrons either... though to be honest, despite being a Star Wars fan, I never have been interested in the games.
I believe "indifferent" needs to be an option, because that's how I felt, these past few months. Appreciate the hzd complete collection, though.
I’m hyped for the Virtua Fighter 5 remaster! I don’t have any interest in the other 2 but I’m very happy with June for VF5 alone.
Jazzed for VF. Tango looks neat so I'll bank it for my future PS5. Squadrons is a perfect add as a game I wanted to try but would never buy.
One of the best months since at least Fall Guys launch month. I really want to try Operation Tango, interested in giving Star Wars a go, and of course I'm pumped get back into the highlight of the month VF5!
I've been waiting for a new Virtua Fighter for years can't wait for this
I think it's a good month but I'm not really that interested in either of the games I can play at the moment.
I played Virtua Fighter back on the ps3 but it was too technical a fighter for me. Only one here I'm really interested in is squadrons but I hear that one is only particularly good if you play it in VR.
I happy with virtua fighter 5 but I don't care about the other games.
More indifferent this month, but I might try Star Wars Squadrons sometime. Although it probably involves a lot of shooting, so you can guess my usual concerns by now.
Personally not a good month, but it will be for some. Also won’t complain as PS+ has been on a great run last 24 months. Since dropping PS3 & Vita options the quality went up massively. Sometimes less is more.
Just like Games with Gold, I’ll claim them, but I have no idea if I will even play them; but at least it’s there just in case I get curious.
As far as June is concerned: come on June 10th and 11th!
Nothing worth turning my PS4 on for. I haven't been on it since I got a Series S with Game Pass.
I'm completely lost with people's opinions. VF5 remake is a must play, squadrons which I've just bought is good and operation tango looks interesting.
36% of people are saying it's poor or straight bad. Hating this attitude and although everyone has a right of an opinion, I can forsee free games being scrapped on plus as it's all negative. Then everyone will be forced onto a £15 a month sub for now and internet access.
It's a shame that Operation tango is only for ps5 owners, most of my friends still own a ps4 due to the insane price hike on ps5. The game requires 2 players and finding a second player is a challenge. They should have considered that the majority of the players are still on ps4.
Not very happy. They’re fine I guess but none of the games appeal to me.
I’m kinda interested in Star Wars: Squadrons, though I’ve heard you ‘really’ need a flight stick to get the most out of it (& VR to improve it even more).
Heard it’s really good though, not bothered about the other two.
I knew a bad month was coming at some point. Just thankful its shortly after Returnal and Mass Effect and right before Ratchet & Clank.
It's funny 25% said mostly happy
But 32% don't care for the selection
I agree, dont care for this months selection probably won't even add them to the library
As the PS5 offering, I’m not interested in Operation Tango. I’d have much preferred something like The Pathless. I mean, the iOS version of the game is available on Apple Arcade, so how about a month on PS Plus, too?
played so much Virtua fighter 5 in Judgement so looking forward to that, pity there's no platinum
They're fine. Just bought Squadrons a couple weeks ago so that's a bit of a bummer. After watching some VF5 gameplay it's almost like a Tekken 7 knockoff but I will give a few rounds, the other game doesn't appeal to me but I'd say its a decent month objectively.
More people agree with me than I thought, this is one of the worst PS Plus months ever.
@themcnoisy Couldn’t agree more with your assessment of the month. To me, VF alone makes this one of the best offerings in recent memory. I always look at the plus games as a way to try things I might normally pass over, but I would have paid full price for VF.
Maybe I’m crazy, but if people have plus for the free games and don’t like the offerings month in and month out, why don’t they cancel their subscription? If they don’t cancel because they have plus to access online gaming, why complain about the free games? It seems that some people subscribe for the sole purpose of complaining about the games each month.
I think it’s a nice month. Looking forward to trying all three games. Loved Virtua Fighter eons ago, so it’ll be fun returning to it
I can't decide whether June or May is the worst offering so far of 2021.
1. Not interested in niche fighting games.
2. Not interested in online games where the communities going to die immediately.
3. Not in kindergarten so not interested in star wars.
@themcnoisy VF5 alone makes it the best month for me for quite a long time, easily one of the best fighting series ever made. I've also had a brief go of Squadrons elsewhere and that's pretty fun too
It’s funny to see 3 new games from different genres and people be mad.
I guess they were expecting to receive a PS5 with Returnal, Biomutant and Resident Evil 8.
This was a great month (2 brand new games hitting the service), and especially for the fighting game crowd.
@themcnoisy agree completely. Don't worry though, lots of users that frequent to this site whine a lot in general (for even the most insignificant things too). And to think some of the same users here wanted them to add MBL The Show 21 (a sport game that most them here do not play or even like) just because GamePass got it...
Always happy when we get a VR game. Very difficult to go wrong with them.
Disappointed I don’t get a PS5 game though (a 2 player only game with no local co-op is not a game I can access).
@lolwhatno. Then why you are leaving comment🤔.make no up son
Not sure I'll play VF that much, depends if anyone I know is, then I might have a practice and fight them online. I assume it has online, anyway. Squadrons will be awesome in VR, though. Very happy with that onem
Man, finally psplus has been back on track for the last few months now and there's still so much negativity going around. Two games where it's guaranteed that no one has them yet, and squadrons is a) a great game overall b) also has psvr support!
Remember the months where they just rehashed their psnow offerings on plus?
@Amnesiac I would question whether they should be called “free games”. Getting the games each month as part of your subscription is expected so I would say it’s part of the cost of PS+.
Additionally, we all know it’s required for online play. I think it’s unfair to say stop complaining about games you’re paying for as part of your subscription since you use it for online play.
Most topics are more nuanced then internet/social media discussions can handle and I feel like we may have entered that territory.
I think it's a good month. I will give squadron a go as a big star wars fan. Definitely be playing VF5. I don't have friends so wont play Tango though.
What a bs argument. Not sure I even get what you mean.
All of those games are very niche and won't appeal to majority of players so it only makes sense that those players will not be happy with the selection. Of course it doesn't mean that those same people won't be happy any other month.
Personaly, this is the only month in at least 2 years where I'm not interested in any of the free games. But do I still have to be happy with the selection just because?
@FatalBubbles I'd you take advantage of the ps+ discounts then amortized they could be considered free. Otherwise as long as you're buying your sub for 50% off, it's about 83 cents per game, which is basically cheap enough to be considered free to some.
@FatalBubbles Eh, they seem free to me since I view PS Plus as a nominal fee that allows me to get my butt kicked in SFV when the mood strikes, but I can see how it's a matter of perspective. To be clear, there are plenty of reasonable and interesting comments from people who are uninterested in a given months selection of games for some reason or other. It's the handful of petulant complaints from folks who decry every month that doesn't cater to their specific wants that spoil what is otherwise an interesting read.
None of them. I'll be busy with the last of us 2 and ratchet clank.
@Amnesiac @Milktastrophe My point is that you’re paying for service where part of it is that you get games each month. Therefore, I don’t think it’s a fair argument for folks to say “don’t complain about free games”.
Now if you want to say that to people complaining about the games we got for Play From Home or whatever it was called then I am board.
Never gonna complain here about being given games at no extra cost.
VF 5 Ultimate Showdown makes it a good month.
@carlos82 love you ava btw 👍👍👍😆😆
I like the fact that both games I get are ones that I wouldn't spend my own cash on. I've had a mild interest in Squadrons, so it gives me a chance to check it out. Not really into fighting games, but I'll give this a shot since it's free, who knows, maybe it can change my mind.
So, no, not super happy with the selections this month, but I'm willing to give them a try and see if either can give me a new perspective.
single player gamers hate it , multiplayer gamers love it.
I already have squadrons but now it should have more players so that's great. I haven't played a virtua fighter game for over 10 years so I am looking forward to that. And operation tango looks good I will give that a try as well
a recent poll from sony says that over 30% of users subscribe to ps+ for the online play and not the free games. what is so curious is that sony could literally take away the free games and they would likely still maintain at least 50% of their of their subscriptions. we should be thankful we get pretty solid games (and sometimes very good ones) each and every month. sony could one day just pull the games out and we would be left with nothing. if that day does come, i won't subscribe but just pointing this out.
I own Squadrons on PS4 and VF5 on PS3, so not the best month for me, no. I'll certainty download VF5 on PS4, but I was never very good at the VF games... I have fond memories of playing VF2 and 3 in the London Trocadero back in the 90s though.
First time in ages I'm actually looking forward to the monthly PS+ collection. Been wanting to try a Virtua Fighter game out and been ages since I played a Star Wars dogfighting game too. Even the co-op game might be a lot of fun.
I think the selection is fine. Games that I haven't played before.
Excited to try Virtua Fighter though.
I don't play fighting games so not interested and already played squadrons thru EA play from Xbox games pass so nothing good I'm afraid
I will claim Squadrons and Virtua Fighter, but I'm not in a hurry or excited to play them lol.
I am cool with this months gamesbut now I hear vf5 is going on psnow in June too. Then they add Witcher as well , so ps plus games look a lot better than my psnow account
@ViolentEntity Would they though? Or would they respin positive marketing towards safe online gaming?
One thing that's often overlooked. I have PSPlus for 6 years, and about 150 games. Working out at £1.80 per game. Even if VF5 remake isn't the bee's knees it's still well worth £1.80.
@ThePizzaMule Ok so thanks for saying my comment was BS. I've had a multitude of months were I already have the games. I already have squadrons as an example.
We are getting 2 brand new games and it's all bad news? You haven't tried either of them - so at the very least you get a new experience.
@rpg2000 here here. Although I would like the show 21 ROFL. I play anything and everything but it seems to me the PushSquare crowd want 3rd person games and that's it - I like them too but we all need a bit of variety.
@carlos82 Arite Carlos, how's things mate? I'm looking forward to VF5 and the spy game looks interesting if you fancy going coop?
@Amnesiac spot on mate, hopefully we can get a crew of us together to run a VF5 tournament in the forum's?
@themcnoisy I've never said it's bad news. I said those games wont appeal to most people and it's normal for them to dislike this selection. No one is protesting or anything, but rather simply stating their opinion. We are not obliged to like everything "free" (even though those games aren't free) by default.
Very VERY happy with June's PS Plus. I already have SW Squadrons, so it was fine, but the one i'm truly looking for is VIRTUA FIGHTER 5 ULTIMATE EDITION. Been playing Virtua Fighter games since the 90s and i'm so glad and excited for it coming to PS4.
Super happy! I'm a huge Virtua Fighter fan. Still play the Sega Saturn versions once in a while.
Yes, we are getting so many good games in recent months, and for ps5 too. Virtua Fighter looks great, I think I played one of those in my kid days.
@lolwhatno. Stop doing drugs .its not healthy for you😲🤔😀😄.hahahaha.word up son
@themcnoisy That sounds good. I'm always up to receive and or administer a few beatings.
hmm they keep putting those EA games on there... kind of makes it pointless to get EA Access or whatever that's called
Holy cow, we're getting that newly released VF?!? that's friggin awesome!!
I am down for VF5, it has been awhile since I have played the franchise.
No interest in Squadron.
I will give Tango a try with a friend because it is there now.
Last couple months haven't been great, miss getting games like onrush and zombi ect...
Kingdom Come Deliverance,Cyberpunk 2077,WWE 2K20 or Resident Evil 3 remaster or Resident Evil 7,Nier: Automata these would all been good choices
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