Square Enix is pitching Outriders as its "next big franchise" as the publisher reveals that more than 3.5 million unique players gave the looter shooter a go during its first month on the market. While the statistic doesn't reflect sales, there seems to be enough confidence in the IP and developer People Can Fly going forwards that the company feels safe in promising that Outriders will be expanded upon in the future.
In a press release, Jon Brooke, co-head of studio at Square Enix External Studios, said: "Launching a new game IP is never easy and we remain very grateful for the community’s support and feedback – we continue to listen carefully and want to assure everyone that we are committed to improving and enhancing the experience in the coming weeks and months. We also look forward to expanding on Outriders in the future." Average playtime is said to be around 30 hours within its user base and engagement with cooperative play is very high.
We have to assume Xbox Game Pass played a large part in boosting Outriders' player numbers since the game came to the service on the same day it launched — a move we thought would crater sales on PS5 and PS4. Square Enix definitely seems happy enough with the number of copies it has sold, however. News on the Outriders front has been fairly quiet since its worst bugs and glitches were fixed, so maybe new content will be revealed next month. E3 2021 is just around the corner, after all.
Were you one of those 3.5 million users playing Outriders in its first month? What sort of content do you want for the game in the future? Post your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 36
Awesome! Loved the game. Platinumed it and can't wait for more!
Great news. Tons of fun co-op. Would love more content.
They have a good foundation to bild on.
See what y’all did gamers lol went and created a monster
Come on SE, put on your thinking hats and come up with something less bland. And if all else fails there is always final fantasy 😃
I would have never touched this game if it wasn't for gamepass but I'm glad I did. Has issues but is undeniably fun. Very interested in where they take it.
I'm happy for outriders dev, I hope thay can make the next-gen sequels
Also it's more successful than their big blockbuster avengers games, SE executives should be kicking themselves for wasting money on avengers ip lol.
I hate to compare games but for SE to boast about a new IP that is shy away from AAA, whereas Avengers...
Hope they learned their lesson : )
I don't think it's safe to say they're happy with the sales numbers at all. I'd actually be willing to bet the opposite. If they were, they'd tout the sales numbers. Period. They're very distinctly not doing so. They're using the "unique player" metric to obfuscate the data.
I'm pretty sure when someone downloads and starts a Game Pass game, it doesn't count as a unique sale. The publisher has already made a monetary gain for the game being on Game Pass, as is. The individual copy isn't sold.
This is a new IP that launched on 5 systems in a relatively dry portion of the release calendar and it got decent reviews... yet they aren't stating sales numbers. I'd be willing to bet the game actually sold pretty abysmally. They needed to use player numbers to pump the numbers up significantly for optics, likely due to how many players are only playing through Game Pass. There is no reason that they couldn't say, "It sold 3.5 million copies and we have X million unique players thanks to our partnerships!" Except, you know, the fact it likely didn't actually hit great numbers.
Good for them, but I don't know...
The only thing I hear about this game is how they keep patching it like there is no tomorrow (more than what I would expect to be honest). Their Twitter account is full of those type of tweets.
I was going to buy this day one but after seeing it was going to GamePass I decided to wait for a sale that would offer it at a similar price on the PS5.
The wait continues.
Enjoyed it. Played it on Game Pass. Wouldn't have bought it otherwise. Fairly solid game but had outworn it's welcome by the end. Story was nonsense. A better scripted sequel would be welcome though.
Played it on GamePass on XBone and was thoroughly underwhelmed. A generic, by the numbers looter shooter which pales in comparison to Destiny 2 ( which is fantastic )
Thanks to Gamepass, I tried it. And then that was that.
Outriders has fun gameplay but matchmaking is awful.
I don’t have anyone in know that plays it so was totally reliant on that for the higher tiers and trying to find one or two people who were on the same level as you was such a pain.
Literally spent half my time matchmaking and not playing
Gave up with it in the end
Played it on Game Pass, enjoyed it but by the time I had completed the story, we were ready to move onto something else.
There are more than 10million gamepass subscribers atm... in adition to all the retail buyers they counted 3.5million who tried the game... wow. Bad! The game was fun to me until I reached the camp to do expeditions... game died and I deleted it.
Lol so many saying they played it on game pass. Makes sense of course, but how many played it elsewhere when it wasn't free. That will tell the tale if it has staying power.
Surprised so many people played it. I honestly don’t know a single person who’s tried it.
@nessisonett My life would be exactly the same if I never tried it. Minus like two hours.
@Divergent95 I really do not get this whole thing. Why do they always seem to overestimate the potential success of one product vs underestimating that of another?
I am happy knowing I never paid 60$ for this junk.
I haven’t even been bothered to download on Gamepass. Seems too bland - just doesn’t seem compelling.
The game is rather good. Power fantasy done right, through the whole campaign.
However, the end game turned out to be anything but. Even disregarding the bugs, you are a weakling, grinding endlessly for the gear that will allow you to kill trash mobs a bit faster. Until you max up your build, the combat becomes a slog. And you won't be able to play the way you want, as there are few viable builds with viable abilities, the rest is being useless. In short, not fun at all.
@OmegaStriver Waiting is good, as there are still numerous bugs to be sorted out.
@KingPev Just the fact you said Outriders was generic and in the same sentence mention Destiny, is comedy gold. Destiny is generic as they come.
loved this game. spent many hours playing this. glad to see it getting some more love.
@Zoomzeta Business in a nutshell my friend : )
EA was in the same boat until Fallen Order sold more than some of their "live service" games combined.
So the new Square Enix is putting out incomplete games. Started with FF15 where they didnt even finish the complete story. Broken at launch finish it later or not. Always online even with the singleplayer its just what we need another Ubisoft.
@wiiware Really thats the lesson they should get out of this? Stop making cookiecutter games with next to no effort put in them. I think the the biggest joke is that they could not make Avengers work.
If we would have a Insomniac version with optional coöp in the game it would have made a killing.
Lets hope they releasing broken messes of games where the always online does not (which should never be a requirement if your playing offline)
Tried the demo, played it all the way through, but didn't bother with the full game. The shooting felt 'off' to me.
@Flaming_Kaiser Superhero IP didn't matter as much as SE enix thinks, if the game is good like rocksteady batman and insomniac spider-man, it will sells, if the game is bad, like other batman games and some of activision spider-man titles, it won't sells.
I really think the game will sells as good as insomniac spider-man or rocksteady batman if it's a full, complete single player games.
@GamingVeteran ...except Destiny 2 and all its modes is fantastic, Outriders is just a dull, derivative, crap copycat
@wiiware You think Spiderman only sold because its a great game of course not. Marvel characters have a huge fanbase if you make a solid 7 game or a mediocre game it will sell.
This game was a mess from the start it shows how much of a failure the project was. No content with a character that looked really bad and boring from the start even the monetization was a joke which they even made worse in the end.
I cant think of one positive thing about the game i read from the start of the reveal untill the latest articles.
But then again of you look at COD even the worst game of the series sold great. So i guess i want to say without the Marvel branding we probably would not even had known the game existed.
Outriders was such a mediocre game but fun game the swinging camera made me sick. And the always online made me uninstall the demo right away how hard can it to make a offline save will not work online.
@Flaming_Kaiser Spider-man becomes one of the best selling sony 1st party games because it's a mix of great game and great ip. And yeah, if avengers is a solid, non-broken 7 or 8 metacritic game like jedi fallen order, it will sell way better than right now.
Also I don't understand why SE choose a very bland characters model in this game, it's like a cosplay players playing as avengers. Spider-man ps4 didn't have this problems although it's not using actor from the movies. I don't know if it's SE or disney fault, although capcom vs marvel ps4 is also using this kind of semi realistic model, so maybe it's disney fault.
@wiiware And this game had storymode written all over it im sure if it wasnt a boring liveservice game but a story driven it would have been a hit.
Optional coöp and even some legacy costumes as DLC would not have made fans mad easy cash you would think. And its Square Enix how the hell could they have not seen this coming.
Also the liveservice slots have been filled we gamers only have so much time in the week or day get with the program publishers. 🤪
I think everyone would have loved to see Insomniac work on this one.
Hard pass on this franchise, not touching it with a 10 foot pole.
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