Dragon Quest III is being remade for "consoles". Titled Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, this is a gorgeous looking reimagining of the original adventure, which first released in 1988 for the NES.

2D-HD Remake is getting a simultaneous worldwide release — although no dates have been given.
Comments 39
I was amazed at how beautiful it looks. Truly stunning.
This Looks Great I Will be keeping An Eye On This.
This looks exceptional. Stole the show! Hopefully we get platform details and a release window soon.
As nice as it looks, if they'd remade it in the style of XI, I'd be ecstatic about his. With this version, it won't be hugely different from playing the SNES remake (still one of my favourite 2D games visually).
@ShogunRok Watch It Be Exclusive To The Switch lol
so will s-e release this game twice again? first time with synthesized soundtrack and second time with orchestrated + many other bells and whistles?
that aside, this does look good. are they using the same engine as octopath traveler?
Looks absolutely breathtaking. Think I’ll probably get it on the Switch though, I’ve gotten right into playing RPGs on that handheld. It’s a great console if you just don’t put it anywhere near the TV.
Square Enix is really getting their money’s worth out of that Project Octopath engine. It’s a gloriously beautiful engine and I will for certain be buying this.
@MidnightDragonDX Already Have One It Doesn't Get Much Use As There Is Not Currently Anything I Want To Play On It.
@nessisonett Agreed. That’s why I traded in my Switch for a Switch Lite.
I'm definitely looking forward to this. I'll have to get it on Switch because rpgs with the choice of handheld and docked play make it an easy decision vs TV only.
DQ 6 or 7 would be great for this treatment!
This looks great! Wish Capcom would take notes and do the same for Breath Of Fire IV
This looks gorgeous. As someone who hasn't played that many DQ games, this looks like a must, especially on the Switch.
I'm okay with a host of classic jrpg's getting the HD-2D remake look.
Looking very good, please give us FFV and VI remade this way
Absolutely stunning. Hopefully the gameplay has some QoL improvements too, Gameplay has evolved a lot in the 33 years since this was released.
To be honest it looks quite low budget for me. I know they are going for a semi pixel art look for reasons of nostalgia but I’m not a fan. Animation looks poor, everything looks a bit low res and blurry...still likely to buy it though. Graphics aren’t everything and I never had a chance to play the original.
The 2D graphics are gorgeous, I like it, I want more games remake this way, just give us chrono trigger and final fantasy 6 in this graphics style squareenix 😃
And yes on that worldwide release, it's not acceptable anymore for games from big company not having worldwide release.
I'll keep my eye on it. It kinda looks they were going for that octopath style which is hideous. Id rather just play the original on my 3ds but i do want to support more of these releases on ps4
@Matroska I think it's quite a difference. I personally didn't love how XI looked (or played, really).
@Judal27 Love the Octopath look; it has made turn based games interesting to me again.
Looks amazing but I can think of so many RPGs more deserving of the treatment
@doctommaso Yea most people seem to be of that opinion. Just couldn't get into it
But this remake actually looks more easy on the eyes than octopath. And the actual combat looks really great. It's only when in the overworld that it looks a bit like octopath to me
I’ll pick it up if it has the giant foldout map and weapon list like the original release
@Judal27 this is interesting, I always thought the Octopath style was almost universally praised, interesting to hear the other voices.
I agree the animation, or lack of it in places, doesn’t look great. Though on the whole I like the style and think it looks lovely. Moreover it’s much preferred, at this sort of budget, to something like the awful and ugly Secret of Mana remake... which I foolishly bought day 1 off of nostalgia... before reviews 🤦♂️
@ChromaticDracula Ah yes, the Octopath Engine.
Or to us normies, Unreal Engine 4
That looks awesome but I hate that kind of fighting mechanic (not really an RPG kind of guy) so it's a no for me. If it had normal combat like Link to the Past for instance, then I'd be well in.
This is how they should have remade FF6.
If every 2D RPG ever made could be re-done in this style, that'd be grand - thanks.
But seriously, wow. It looks perfect.
Looks cool. A nice way to get that classic jrpg fix, without having to boot up my gameboy, haha
Day 1 for me too! Makes the Pokémon Remakes look like dust in the wind! Fantastic DQ reveals!
Beautiful. This one totally caught me off guard. I’m just relieved they announced it’s coming out in the west.
It's using the Octopath Traveler engine. Awesome!
Game looked cool..never played the original but I'll probably pick this up in a sale.
@themightyant that's actually what i disliked about it. I didn't like how dark the border of the screen was and how it'd blur the background and sometimes shoot up the bloom in a weird way. It just wasn't pleasing to my eyes at all
How people can say games are getting too bleak and colorless but adore octopaths style is beyond me lol. At least this remake seems to take away some of my issues with the style. And the combat just looks fantastic
@Judal27 I can understand that, I seemed to stand alone when I said I didn't particularly like the Link's Awakening art style for the over aggressive use of blur in fore and background. It looks better in screenshots, but gave me a bit of a headache while playing.
Hopefully this doesn't suffer the same issue.
@themightyant apart from the blur, I just didn't like what they did with the Links Awakening remake at all and making everything look toy like. Links awakening deserved better than that imo lol
SE has been pretty consistent with letting people try out their games before release. So maybe they'll let us see for ourselves how good this one really looks. Definitely being more hopeful for this one
"Consoles" gives me hope for a PS5 version with trophies. I never got into this series, but always loved final fantasy. This looks awesome to me
What a beautiful looking game.
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