Mass Effect Legendary Edition Multiplayer Co-op

We're still playing through Mass Effect Legendary Edition for review, but so far the remastered trilogy has surpassed our expectations. It is missing one thing from the old games, though: Mass Effect 3's surprisingly great multiplayer mode. BioWare confirmed that it wouldn't be included in Legendary Edition long before release, but some fans are already pining for that sweet co-op action.

However, all hope is not lost. In an interview with CNET, Legendary Edition director Mac Walters holds a "never say no" stance on reviving multiplayer. Apparently, it could all depend on how in-demand the mode actually is: "We want to see what kind of reception the Legendary Edition gets and what the demand for the multiplayer is. And then we'll ask ourselves if we have the resources and time to bring it up to the quality level we and fans want." We certainly wouldn't be against it, given the stellar work that BioWare has done with the remaster.

It's worth noting that the ill-fated Mass Effect: Andromeda shipped with a very similar (and quite good) co-op mode, but it was never held in the same regard as Mass Effect 3's offering — probably because of the game that it was attached to.

Would you play Mass Effect multiplayer? Did you play it the first time around? Begin some N7 operations in the comments section below.

[source, via]