Uncharted Movie 1

Upcoming movies from Sony Pictures like Uncharted and Ghost of Tsushima will stream on Netflix once their theatrical releases have concluded, as the film distributor has inked a lucrative long-term deal with the juggernaut streaming service. It’s important to note that this contract will not entitle subscribers to watch the films at launch – they’ll still debut in cinemas, assuming they’re open – but Netflix will be able to broadcast the flicks thereafter.

The deal will go into effect next year, with movies like Morbius and Bullet Train on the docket. Netflix has also signed a “first look” agreement with Sony Pictures when it comes to original movies produced for the direct-to-streaming market, and while it’s committed to a set number of titles, the distributor will still be able to sell content elsewhere. Finally, the streaming giant has also confirmed that it will license an unspecified number of titles from the Sony Pictures’ vault.

The contract only covers the United States right now, but is expected to run five years and be worth “hundreds of millions of dollars”. In fact, sources told Variety that this deal could be a record breaker, although it’s worth noting that with companies like Disney deciding to launch their own streaming services, the arrangements are getting rarer. “Netflix has been a terrific partner as we continue to expand our relationship,” a spokesperson said.

With the recently established PlayStation Productions committed to creating more and more content based on video game properties, this news all but ensures those franchises will end up on Netflix eventually. Sony Pictures, of course, will see this as a win for its bottom-line, but with around 74 million Netflix subscribers in the United States alone, this will also expose more people to the organisation’s gaming brands as well.

[source variety.com]