Puppeteer PS3 PlayStation 3 1

And with that, Japan Studio is no more. There’s been a spate of sad stories surrounding PlayStation this year, but perhaps the most disappointing of all is the disbandment of the manufacturer’s oldest first-party studio. The closure has culminated in an exodus of talent, with Gavin Moore being the latest high-profile departure.

Moore is perhaps best known for leading development on the irritatingly underrated Puppeteer – arguably one of the more imaginative platformers of the past ten years. More recently, he worked closely with Bluepoint on the Demon’s Souls remake, which was a key launch title for the PlayStation 5, of course.

“After 24 years at Sony and 18 of those in Japan, yesterday was my last day at Japan Studio,” he wrote on Twitter. “I will miss the great creative spirit and camaraderie of the studio that was a huge part of my life. Time to seek out new and exciting opportunities!”

PlayStation has lost some serious talent these past few months, with Keiichiro Toyama also departing earlier in the year. As of today, Japan Studio is no more, with boss Nicolas Doucet fronting up what remains under the name Team ASOBI. That group will focus on expanding upon the Astro Bot series, presumably with a new game for Sony’s next-gen PSVR headset.

[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]