Bethesda may be gone, but Fallout 76 is not! The publisher’s committed continued support for the online RPG on PlayStation 4, and that means you’ll be able to enjoy its entire suite of 2021 content. The firm has released a roadmap today, which outlines a little bit of what you can expect, beginning with Season 4 this coming Spring.
The highlight features currently being tested on the title’s Public Test Server include SPECIAL loadouts and CAMP slots, as well as a complete overhaul of the Daily Ops objectives, effectively providing you with more variety. The developer’s also testing some quality of life improvements, such as aim assist and batch crafting – you can find out more through here.
Then in the Summer window, Season 5 will mark the conclusion of the Brotherhood of Steel storyline, with new quests and NPCs to interact with. There’ll be new Legendary Weapons and Legendary Armour to craft as well, preparing you for the big Season 6 update in the Fall. This one’s being kept under wraps for the time being, but the publisher is teasing more tweaks to Daily Ops.
Finally, the Winter period will add CAMP pets and new world and seasonal events, so basically a full year of new content to work through – in addition to everything that’s already in the game. We’re curious: how many of you are still actively playing Fallout 76, and what are your thoughts on the title now it’s been iterated upon?
Comments 34
Good for those still playing it I guess, but have to resign myself to the fact I’ll never get to play another New Vegas type Fallout. Bethesda has been trending towards system (and lore) simplification since Morrowind, so unlikely to change. Also not sure whether we should be happy they’ve brought this on track. Yes they improved the game a lot, but the fact they thought the game they released at launch was good enough for their fans is still pretty awful. They had no choice but to improve it. Should they get credit for polishing a broken game they charged at full price for launch?
Serious question, I love Fallout but was never slightly interested in trying this out. If I'm wanting more gameplay and content similar to 3, NV, or 4 will I be dissapointed?
It seems to me, that developers are like plastic surgeons in regular hospital. They don't care important things. And even after years when their patients dying and ask: "Please, doctor, what is my disease?" they just answer smiling "I don't know, but how about new shape of your nose?"
People actually still play this??
@Tasuki I think it's all a conspiracy. They just pretend to update the game every now and then to appear devoted to the game. But in reality they don't even release the patches, but there's nobody to playing to notice it.
Please just kill the support so this awful game can die already
@huntbearpig As long as you don't go in expecting the depth of Fallout 3 or New Vegas you'll be good. The quest are about on par with Fallout 4. The game goes on sale often if it's like 15 bucks I'd say it's worth it especially with the QoL update from last month. I paid 30 for it and I put in 550 hours into it so I definitely got my money's worth out of it.
[October 23rd 2018] Fallout 76’s Poor Beta Foreshadows What Was To Come.
[November 14th 2018] Fallout 76’s Release Is A Disaster: Poor Critical Reception, Poor Sales, And Drama.
[December 6th 2018] Fallout 76’s Patches Break The Game Even Further.
[December 18th 2018] Bethesda Reveals Their Holiday Greed With Microtransactions.
[January 24th 2019] Bethsheda Sells Premium Fallout 76 Leather Jackets for $276 USD.
[Feburary 19th 2019] Bethesda Breaks Their “Cosmetic Only” Promise.
[April 8th 2019] Bethesda Adds Pay To Win Repair Kits to Fallout 76.
[June 3rd 2019] Todd Howard Admits They Knew The Game Was In A Sorry State Before Release.
[September 13th 2019] Fallout 76’s Junk Bot Being Sold To Players, Despite Originally Being In The Base Game.
[October 23rd 2019] Fallout 76 introduces ‘Fallout 1st’, a premium $100 USD annual subscription service for the game.
[November 8th 2019] Bethesda’s customer support bans players for trying to improve/fix the game.
Shoutout to betheniaarts for being on top of this from the start. They’ve counted 25 controversies since release. Can’t forget about the duffel bag or the rum fiascos.
No one likes and no one plays. Please kill the game already and work harder on Starfield, Elder Scrolls 6 etc..
@huntbearpig I'm about 250 hours in and I would say its just as good as the previous Fallouts, plus it is constantly being updated, tweaked and extended. I did play through the very rough first year, and that was frustrating. But they doubled down and fixed things.
The best part is you can play completely solo or with others, both experiences are great. The base building is more advanced and you can visit each others camps, I have visited some and gotten some tours and it is amazing how much time is spend on building these enormous compounds.
But to all those those waiting for "Fallout 5"..it is already here. I feel that if you love Fallout, you will love this game. Plus it is always on sale on PSN for like $15.
I do hope they do a PS5 version with 60fps and upgrades, BUT for the price, massive content, and dedication to on-going plans, it's hard to go wrong. I'd take a chance!
If Fallout 4, the main game, was terrible...why would this be any good, right?
Do people still play this?
I very nearly bought this in the last store sale. I'll try it someday.
Late to the party with 76 so can't speak for how it performed at launch but honestly it's... not that bad? It's not a fantastic game and it's got it's faults with the whole monetisation system, the inventory/stash limit and typical Bethesda bugs and it's never going to be as great as the older Fallout games but! If you go in with your expectations low and treat it as an add-on to Fallout 4 it's got quite a bit to love. Appalachia is beautiful, the combat's decent and the writing isn't too bad either. I don't know if it'll get worse later on but I'm enjoying it for what it is.
Microsoft owns it now so can just throw money at it till it's a good game
@huntbearpig fo4 is the worst one in the series. Fo76 is actually better than 4
@djlard it's why I couldn't care less about the acquisition besides Starfield sounding awesome on paper or the idea of a full-blown Elders Scrolls sequel. I really wish a studio like ND would tackle the genre as story, solid mechanics, pacing, and lore just seem to belong to different genres today. No one is doing the grand scale epic that incorpates it all.
@Omnistalgic I love Uncharted series. And even if last AC Valhalla is trying, I'm missing some "Indiana Jones" ancient artifacts hunting series. Less rpg, more story (and it says someone, who love rpg games). Simple, clear, story driven action game.
Never going to try it, unless they somewhat make it offline story driven game like past fallouts.
Is all of this free content?
What ever happened to the golden age of MMORPGs? They really lost their way at some point..
Pretty dang sad that fallout seventy whatever will be the last thing we get... Sigh
Been having a blast. Doing it solo in a persistent world has brought me back into the fallout series. Thanks game pass
Woooooooooooooooow!!!!... anyways
@ScottyG you need to double check your list of negatives. Fallout 1st was a heavily requested feature from before the game even launched.
Microtransactions weren't a surprise either.
Your last point in reality is probably closer to "hackers get banned for modding an online game".
Guess you got griefed and rage quit, huh?
Lol not my list and I’ve never played it. I gave credit to the folks that made the list in my comment.
@huntbearpig Fallout 76 is a Fallout 4 add on because it uses assets from that game, one hacker managed to hack the Big Blimp from Brotherhood to Steel in Fallout 4 and it was in everyone's game. Until Bethesda patched it out it was a joke when it came out and still is no matter what content they add to it.
It is and always be Besthesdas Destiny clone to keep money coming in with a live service game
Zenimax announced about the time of the MS takeover rumours that Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Online would be supported on the PS platforms. The PS5 update to the game client is due soon for ESO at least.
@Bamila I think it will always require a connection. It is a (big) story driven game, even more so since they added NPCs a few months back. Also you don't really see people unless you do things like attend events or open up a shop at your camp to sell items, then you will have people swinging by to check out your store. If you want real solo, you can join the Bethesda Fallout 1st plan ($8 a month if you pay yearly) and you get your own Fallout 76 server, literally just you (and friends invite only).
@Amusei All new content is always free. There is a micro transactions store which is just cosmetics, skins and building parts. Although they did sneak in a few kits like instant repair, which are very cheap and very handy. There is a Fallout 1st membership (like ESO) that gives some perks, but there is nothing you have to buy to play all the content.
@Nakatomi_Uk Although the difference between the graphics on Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 is night and day on PS. Fallout 4 graphics are very basic with short draw distances, whereas 76 is much higher resolution and richer graphics. Also it's lush and colorful, compared to Fallout 4's very muted palette.
Anyone that doesn’t play this game because it’s online are really missing out. No one is is going to attack you, and even if they do, you have to fight back in order to enter into battle.
Still a hard pass for me, will just watch any story related missions on YouTube.
@frankmcma Ok, cool, good to know. Might pick up the base game in that case somewhere in the future.
@frankmcma I'm with you: yes, the game started buggy and glitchy but improved a lot since Steel Dawn. Private servers are optional and you don't need them AT ALL.
I'm +200hs and it's way better than Fallout 4 (actually, F4 it's the least Fallout of them all). By the way, love to see these "never played the game but I know it sucks" experts. Always a joy to "read" their opinions based on google search.
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