"Another possibility for a Remake" reads the official reveal trailer for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis — a mobile game that appears to be an actual straight-up remake of Final Fantasy VII. Unlike Final Fantasy VII Remake, Ever Crisis appears to be built on the foundations of the PS1 original. It's got pre-rendered backgrounds and the same kind of text boxes for character dialogue. It even appears to have turn based combat (complete with visuals taken straight from Final Fantasy VII Remake on PS4). This trailer caught us completely by surprise.
We keep writing appears in italics because there are still so many unanswered questions surrounding this game. Is it really a full remake of Final Fantasy VII, in the classic JRPG style? Or is there some kind of catch? Why is Aerith in the boss battle with the Guard Scorpion? Is there some kind of gatcha element? Is this one of those mobile games? The bottom line is that we don't know, and with a loose '2022' releasw window, it might be a while until we get concrete answers.
But the most insane thing about this is that Ever Crisis supposedly covers the entire Final Fantasy VII universe. Advent Children — the Final Fantasy VII movie — is going to be playable through Ever Crisis. Crisis Core, the divisive PSP title, is also going to be a part of it. So is the bloody awful Dirge of Cerberus. Again, so many questions.
"[Ever Crisis is] a chapter-structured single player game covering the whole of the FFVII timeline - including the events of the original game and the FFVII compilation titles," says Square Enix, but that mention of it being "chapter-structured" might suggest that this is more of a smaller episodic thing that covers the main story beats of the Final Fantasy VII universe, rather than a full-blown remake of Final Fantasy VII, plus everything else. We suppose that would make more sense, but we're still baffled by the sudden appearance of this thing.
Indeed, we've seen a lot of people say that Ever Crisis could be what they wanted from Final Fantasy VII Remake all along — a 'faithful' remake of the PS1 classic. But at this point, we're not convinced that this is the game that many are hoping it might be. And only on mobile? We suppose that it could end up being a similar deal to Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD, and that it could eventually be ported to consoles.
What do you make of this announcement? Would you play a straight-faced remake of Final Fantasy VII and all of its companion pieces? Do you think there's a catch to Ever Crisis? Scratch your head in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 73
Square Enix production meeting:
Tbh I don't know why people just wanted the original game with slightly better graphics, it would have been an absolute waste of the possibilities that the actual Remake is giving us.
It looks fantastic to be honest. The scope of the whole Crisis means they can go a bit further afield too. For a mobile title, colour me interested.
Mark my words
This is exactly what the Switch will get instead of the console FFVII Remake
And I totally want this. If anything I'm actually really excited about this
@AdamNovice Honestly I'm really excited for this
It looks like more than just a better looking FFVII, it's basically covering the entire chronology and looks like a super convenient way for newcomers to get up to speed on everything FFVII related in anticipation for what Remake will do differently
Hell it might actually make Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus tolerable experiences for once
"...bloody awful Dirge of Cerberus"
Take that back!
@TheFrenchiestFry @nessisonett If a full remake is what this actually is. Like the article says, there are so many questions.
If this game uses assets from FFVII Remake, then what's production going to look like? Are they going to have to sync up development with Remake? It's 'chapter-based' so it's entirely possible it'll just release in loads of different parts.
And why show Aerith in the Scorpion Guard battle? Part of me thinks there's some kind of catch to this, but if not, I too would absolutely love to play this (preferably on a console at some point!).
I'd be more excited for playable Advent Children if it wasn't a mobile game...
Definitely more promising than their battle royale spinoff, that's for sure.
@ShogunRok I have a feeling a completely different team is handling this particular project as well as that other mobile BR game that got announced. Since it seems it's covering just the original FFVII continuity and nothing explicitly from Remake's canon, it might not even inform let alone influence what the Remake team are doing
Although that ending with Zack facing the soldiers on the train to Midgar looks completely new to me if I'm not mistaken
@TheFrenchiestFry Don't get me wrong, it could turn out great. I just feel if this was what we actually got for a remake after three generations removed from the original it would have been a shame. Still the chances now that no matter what you want from FFVII there's probably a version tailored to your needs now.
@SoulsBourne128 And here we thought 'First Solider' might refer to Sephiroth DLC for Remake...
@ShogunRok For all we know, it could end up being an Apple Arcade game and therefore an actual game. But then Record Keeper is creeping closer to end of life so this could be a new way to generate gacha money. I’m just going off the trailer which looks genuinely promising.
@nessisonett The trailer confirmed it'll be on both iOS and Android so it'll probably just be an App Store title and not something exclusive to Apple Arcade or anything
@TheFrenchiestFry Yeah, that’s true. I dunno, Square Enix did do Final Fantasy Dimensions so they have actually done this sort of thing before. It’s also quite a way off so if they’ve already got the game looking this good then it could turn out well.
@TheFrenchiestFry It's definitely possible, but what I'm saying is that it's already using assets from Remake for combat. What happens when it (theoretically) goes beyond Remake and we visit places like... The Golden Saucer? Are the Remake team going to create enemy and location assets just for this mobile game? Surely it makes sense to port assets from Remake over to this? Hopefully you know what I mean — I'm just speaking on a purely developmental level rather than a canonical story one.
I guess they have to be tied together somewhere down the line...
Awesome, they gave us everything we've always wanted and more than gave us the middle finger and locked it to mobile. Can't wait for the console/PC ports with cheap controller support and lazy upscaling like they've done in the past with FFXVPE, Chrono Trigger, and all the Final Fantasy rereleases.
@ShogunRok The only thing I'm seeing that actually looks ripped straight from Remake are the battle animations, but the backgrounds almost look demade in a pre-rendered style that more closely resembles the original PS1 game. The character models were redone to better resemble the Remake character models but they're still very much kept in that stouter style that the original polygonal models were presented in while being updated and cleaned up just enough to look modern, which I imagine is something that the Remake team might be supervising on but not necessarily directly involved with the creation on
I imagine Ever Crisis will probably have something to tie it in with the new continuity as some sort of endgame content but I think we can assume at most they might have some key staffers like Nomura or even Hamaguchi and Nojima supervising and advising for, but the dev team will be completely independent. The character portrait art for the speech bubbles also does not at all resemble Nomura art
@TheFrenchiestFry I dunno, I think the entire battle scene is taken from Remake. The character models, the battle environment, and the animations. Obviously it's not the same battle system, but all the assets look like they're plucked straight from Remake to me (and dialled down a bit so that it actually runs).
It's all really interesting though. I believe Nomura is confirmed to be working on this along with the First Solider battle royale game — part of the reason he's not a full director on Remake Part 2, so you're right, this could have some actual muscle behind it (which would suggest that it's maybe not just some weird mobile spin-off thing).
And yeah, definitely Nomura character art I reckon. Or at least someone emulating his style to a degree.
I could definitely see this following in the shoes of FFXV Pocket Edition. Dumbed down combat and sparknotes for major events from the source material. But I'm open to any and all surprises along the way.
@Broosh Hopefully that's not what this is. Hoping it's a true to original remake.
Edit: OK I read more about it. Likely this will suck lol
@AdamNovice The same reason Demons Souls remake was such a big deal to people? Or Shadow of Colossus? Or Diablo 2? Or name that game...
Sadly, this is not it so it doesn't matter...
@ShogunRok If It's Covering Everything I Wonder If All Of The stuff With the Turks During The Events Of Before Crisis Will Be Covered?
This looks weird wtf.word up son
@RBMango i haven't played it but the missus has. I was reading out the description and i know she loves Dirge of Cerberus (she explained the characters from that as they appear to be in to the Yuffie DLC) and your comment cheered her up after seeing the hate lol
Square is stating to feel like a Unity Asset Flipper...
@ShogunRok they already flipping assets from other projects, maybe they just lift assets from FF XIV's Golden Saucer.
@Danloaded Glad I could slightly brighten up her day.
It's been a very long time since I've played it, but I liked it back in the day. Calling it bloody awful is just way too strong.
Mobile? Why? Oh, right, microtransactions.
Clicked, watched trailer and like many others thought of FFXV Pocket, which then ended up on Switch. It can't be full versions of all of those games, though... Even if they cut down on enemies/battles considerably and exploration, there is just too much story and scenarios that would make it really long. I mean, I only completed Dirge, the original and played some of Crisis Core, so I'm not 100% sure but seems unlikely.
@Jayofmaya The game is supposed to be episodic exactly like FFXV Pocket Edition which I assume is how they'll compartmentalize every game/movie's story and make sure it all fits
The FFVII portion is also apparently completely linear and removes the overworld element which explains a lot
All I want is Sephiroth in Smash... oh wait. 😎
How many versions of ff7 will they make? You have the original, the HD remaster, the remake and this one... The HDer? Remake-ish?
@SoulsBourne128 Has to be the dumbest thing made. "What is it that Final Fantasy fans ACTUALLY WANT? Of course a Battle Royale game, it makes so much sense!"
If anyone’s played KH union x, it’s probably going to have a similar business model.
Trailer looks pretty cool. I'm not sure I care as a passive FF fan at best. And, you know, many unanswered questions.
Otherwise it looks fine, but the battle system still looks like some gimmicky trash as far as I can tell. And being on mobile and what that usually pertains is obviously bad.
This looks.....idk...i want to say awful. Part of me wants to say that's mobile sour grapes. And then i remember it'll probably be a switch game, and, no, still looks awful.
@TheFrenchiestFry "Hell it might actually make Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus tolerable experiences for once"
Just because this is the internet doesn't give you the right to make up hurtful lies.
"The FFVII portion is also apparently completely linear and removes the overworld element which explains a lot"
This article is like... two days late. Lol. Anyway, FF15 Derp Edition was the worst thing ever and if this resembles that, I'm likely out. Can't they just remake the game with no bells and whistles like we originally wanted?
First time? Record Keeper manages to cover the entire franchise and then some. This sounds similar, except with the gameplay possibly more reminiscent of Dissidia Opera Omnia or Tales of Crestoria.
If only Sony had a handheld gaming system we could play this on...
@TheFrenchiestFry Zack on the train is actually a segment from crisis core.
If companies stop wasting time on mobile crap, we would have FF16, Diablo 4 and other games already...
This needs to come to console.
@thefourfoldroot I don't know man I mean I get what your saying in today's climate you would be forgiven for saying such a thing..............But my guess is The Consoles is not Number 1 in Japan anymore if it gets ported to the Switch all well and good so bringing it to Smartphones means a bigger audience either way it looks how I wanted the Remake to look so all is well at the end of the day.
@Rob_230 It's not like the PS4/5 can't run this.
@ShogunRok The Aerith thing could easily be a debug thing.
@Areus Before Crisis is confirmed in the trailer.
@djlard Maybe so it makes them a lot of cash cant blame them.
Dirge of Cerberus slaps so hard. I love that game to death
I’m more excited for this than any Final Fantasy title in over 15 years.
And I’m very hopeful it gets ported to console!
Why does every Final Fantasy project have to be so convoluted, pretentious and inscrutable?
And then people ask me why I never got into it lol
I'm just glad Dragon Quest never fell into those bad habits FF and KH do to be honest 😅
But seriously, the communication with all of these projects is absolutely terrible all the time, which is a shame cause the games are usually good (I mean I don't play them but people like them, so I guess they are good).
Regarding this weird thing, I know it's controversial to want mobile games on consoles, but if (big if) really is a FFVII compilation of sorts with souped up graphics, well, I'd be all over it, having never played the original.
I didn't know the Scorpion Sentinel had that much HP.
mobile...no thank you
I don't get the pretending not to get it for comedic purposes ala some of the horrendous coverage of FFXV from certain outlets when it's various updates and dlc came out. "Aren't those Japanese developers SO wacky! Those idiots with their vastly culturally different viewpoints to game development on a mass market scale ahahahaha!" This will clearly be more of the same of what Final Fantasy 15 Mobile was.
this is a crisis , you have phones dont you?
😂 seriously
ive a tv ive a pc and gaming consoles.
square enix , pc or console only geez
Yes, look eggsellent! The dogs dodadds!
Happy to give it a try when they release it. Interested to see what becomes of it, and like someone else says, I hope the full game comes to Switch.
Something about this looks off. Extra-wide Barret needs to be a meme, now. Is chibi trending somewhere, right now? // random thoughts
return 0;
The trailer really does make it look like a straight remake, but I don't trust it.
@ShogunRok $till gonna make them tons of money with way less effort if we like it or not. 🤪
@TheFrenchiestFry So do you think all of the main story dialogue in all of those games can be squeezed into a pocket FFVII game?
@AdamNovice because don't break the working clock
I could be wrong, but the overall look seems to be scream actual remake. I've played their gacha games, and story plus navigation is much more select this node than it is actual walking out cutscenes with characters being expressive and interacting with the environment.
The Aeris bit is confusing but are we just going to ignore THE SUMMONS lol
I'm just wondering if it's partly the original game underneath the fancy graphics.
Also I think the original demo had Aerith and summons in the first reactor. Maybe it's a nod to that.
"Indeed, we've seen a lot of people say that Ever Crisis could be what they wanted from Final Fantasy VII Remake all along — a 'faithful' remake of the PS1 classic"
Yeah that's pretty much what I'd have been happy with — as much as I enjoyed FFVIIR, and appreciate the work that was put into it, I still have a soft spot for the original, with its quirky designs and traditional combat.
@ILikeStake... But Demon Souls and SOTC are combat based games that's don't have much story its just fighting till the games ends. So there really was nothing Bluepoint could add to both games hence they are just visual upgrades. Also SOTC is only being raved about because no one played it on the Ps2 so the remake was kind of like a new game.
Also Both remakes were also not done by the original developing studio hence Bluepoint could not or did not add anything to the games, kind of like the Crash remakes not being made by Naughty Dogs, the remake studio would not know what made the original game special hence would not want to mess with the games original fanbase. I think Demons Souls remake becomes a different game if done by Fromm Soft, there is nothing Bluepoint could add as they would not understand what made the game special hence the only thing they can do is just a visual upgrade, same with SOTC whereas FF7 is Square Enix's baby in that it's what we essentially know them for, they are the Final Fantasy gaming company, whereas Bluepoint have not done a game except for visual upgrades
Also the sales of Demons Souls Ps5 remake means you will never see a Bloodborne Remake, this was Sony testing if the Soulsborne IP's has gained popularity and it turns out they have not because the are boring, same reason Fromm Software is now putting a serious story/narrative to their combat style with Elden Ring.
Whereas FF7 is completely a story based game in that if you remove the story the game falls flat, It would have actually bombed and tarnished the name and reputation of the original Ps1 FF7 if it was just a visual upgrade.
Also the remakes of RE2 and RE3 and Crash Bandicoot Insane Triology have shown that gamers have a lot of rose tinted glasses for their eyes on games, those games never reached the sale heights or critical acclaim of the original games. This shows that the magic of the Ps1 launches can never be recreated, i.e. RE2 on Ps1 is a once off and can never be recreated which is the same for FF7 ps1. That's is why Resident Evil Village is continuing from the RE Biohazard formula and not the remakesbformula. If you want the magic the ps1 game brings on a Ps4 or Ps5 or modern pc it just would not work as just a visual upgrade, because the magic of FF7 ps1 comes from the fact that the game was specifically created the way it was created specifically to run on ps1 tech. If Square had Ps4 or Ps5 tech in 94-97 then FF7 ps1 would have turned out differently to what was released on Ps1.
It's kind of the same reason Valve will never ever make Half Life 3 and only did HL Alyx, its better to quit while you are on top/let an IP die while it is highly regarded, cause if you release it you will have a lot of people wanting tailor made experiences of the new game because they have rose tinted opinions or views of the previous games.
A quick example of this is Shuenme 3, people hacked on about how they want the remake or continuation of the original Dreamcast game the way it was on the dreamcast, and when the game was released as originally wanted by the fans the same fans said the game feels outdated or 2000ish and needs to be modernized.
@invictus4000... If you want the original FF7 game then there is the ps1, PsNow and the HD Remakes and also mobile remakes, or try the Ps1 emulators if you so want to play the game in its original Ps1 form.
We can't have a global multimillion company bowing down to self entitled, rose tinted wishes of an "apparent" original fanbase of the Ps1 game.
I certainly don't want a Ps1 visual upgrade on my Ps4 or PS5. Square made the right choice with Ps4 FF7 remake and we gamers who spoke with our wallets and bought it, Told square in hard Cash terms that they made the right call. F the original self entitled fan base as they are stuck in the past and holding games back.
The fan base of Bloodmoney cry blue murder when IO release a Hitman that does not play like bloodmoney yet the Hitman reboot Triology has barely made 5 million sales combined for all 3 games forcing IO to completely abandon the franchise to keep aflout otherwise they risk closing down for keeping the core fanbase happy.
I am glad Square is ditching the "supposed original hardcore FF7 ps1 fanbase" and this fanbase is force to play what square releases or abandoned the franchise, we will keep supporting all releases of FF7R until the entire story of the origin al is complete and you can keep mourning like entitle brats about "this is not what we wanted for our rose tinted FF7 ps1 remake"
So either you play what released on Ps4 or PS5 or look for a ps1 on ebay or try emulators or the HD remakes if you want the original FF7 Ps1 game experience
@djlard..... But you don't buy console game in enough numbers to keep the companies make them profitable to keep existing. You only buy game on discounts and sales and you also mourn about PS5 price games.
So what must devs do? Wait for you to wait for a sale or discount to buy the game.
Mobile gaming is cheap to make cost wise and very much profitable compared to console gaming for gaming companies.
If you want them to stop focusing on mobile the each release must sell like FIFA or COD,
@GREGORIAN Thanks for the novel, professor. Let me guess...your favorite game is Kingdom Hearts.
@GREGORIAN I understand that machinery. Also understand they feed thousands people (even if a few dozens are important while rest is expendable).
On the other hand there is "holy three" why NOT buy for full price.
1. Buggy and unfinished at release.
2. Too long games, which led to long backlog
3. Deal is sooner or later, and while it is still profitable for 75% off, why waste full price?
Simply, if deals were rare, games were finished and have solid but firmly set playtime, people would buy full price.
@invictus4000... Nope.
Some of my Favorite game(s) :
Alone in the dark
Witcher 3
Elders Scrolls V Skyrim
Super Mario 64
Elevator Action
Ballad of Gay Tony
Roll Cage Stage 2
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Tekken 3
Tekken Tag Tournament
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin......
I was really excited for this trailer until I saw the Android/iOS bit...hopefully they'll port this to consoles eventually, like they did with Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition.
We wanted a remake of FF7 so badly that we got 2 of them
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