Destruction AllStars PS5 PlayStation 5 1

Destruction AllStars has all the bells and whistles you’d expect a modern multiplayer game to have: customisable player profiles, multiple currencies, and lightning-fast matchmaking. However, it commits one cardinal sin: there’s no universal option to mute voice chat. With the DualSense controller shipping with a microphone integrated into it, you can imagine the chaos.

First, if you’re not aware, there is a way to mute your vocal opponents on a match-by-match basis: push the PlayStation button when you’re in a lobby, scroll to the voice chat Activity Card, and hit the Square button. It’s not a particularly elegant solution – you’ll need to repeat this for each match you play – but it’ll save you a headache if you go through the hassle.

We’re sure this is something that Lucid Games will be looking into, and hopefully it can patch in an option for those who want to turn the feature off. Obviously it would be lovely if we all lived in a world where strangers could come together and communicate calmly with each other – but well, we all know that’s not the case, don’t we?