And just like that, someone's created a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition that makes the game run at 60 frames-per-second on PS5 (and PS4, kind of). The mod's author, MrWright, has posted a brief rundown of how it works over on YouTube, and it's safe to say that Skyrim has never ran better on PlayStation consoles.
You read the headline correctly, by the way. As the mod's description explains, you can indeed have Skyrim running at 60fps without sacrificing Trophy functionality. Below is a quick step-by-step breakdown of how to get it working.
- Download and enable the 60fps mod
- Boot up a save (or start a new one)
- Quit back to the main menu (without closing the game entirely)
- Disable the 60fps mod in the mod menu
- Skyrim should now run at 60fps even without the mod enabled, allowing for Trophies (as long as you're not using any other mods)
- Repeat steps 1 through 5 each time you open Skyrim
Again, if you have any other mods enabled, Trophies will still be unavailable.
And yes, this mod does technically work on PS4 and PS4 Pro as well, but the results aren't nearly as noticeable compared to when the game's running on PS5 through backwards compatibility.
So there you have it: Skyrim running at (around) 60fps on PS5. Are you tempted to return to the world of the Dragonborn with this mod? Shout in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 38
And then suddenely...
Mod has been removed: Please buy the PS5 version.
Bethesda is the laziest developer ever I think, just leave everything to modders, lol.
You know damn well why they didn't offer up Skyrim as a free upgrade or a patch for the PS4 version when played on PS5
As other comments have joked to a similar point, I'm surprised there's no Skyrim Super Special edition yet.
@ShogunRok "I see you're using a mod to make Skyrim PS4 run at 60fps on PS5 at all times. I'm sorry but we have to delete that. You can get the full 4k/60 experience on our PS5 version when it's ready!"
I understand that, unfortunately, this trick can be used with any mod to cheat one’s way to trophies. Hopefully mods don’t take off on console, I get far too much added enjoyment in every game from trophies to sacrifice this for largely janky mods.
Bethesda should just patch this in natively.
I've been playing it like this on the Series S for a few weeks and its a great way to play the game, with the added benefit of using quick resume to skip all those steps every time I want to play. Still its good to see Playstation getting this mod as well, just a shame Sony won't allow any of the interesting mods
Bugthesda still haven't fixed it after all these years. Worlds most lazy half assed development team.
@AndyKazama Special SPECIAL edition
Trophies don't mean a thing to me, I'd much rather play with all the great mods available
Bethesda do wind me up sometimes. They have potential to make amazing games but are just ruined by game breaking bugs everytime. ES and Fallout get me everytime and somehow I never learn!
Actually - with every game being given away with game pass and less money being reserved for the work I can't see the quality getting better - arguably it will be worse, but I'll give MS the benefit for the time being. Maybe they can sort that team out to employ testers for once
For around $10, You can buy Skyrim Special Edition, which includes all of the dlc, and is almost 100% bug free. It's imo the best game ever made. 11 years old and still miles better than anything Ubisoft has ever done.
Calling Bethesda lazy misses the mark in so many ways. They innovate in every new release (single player, I mean, i'm not a fan of their mmorpg experiments) and bring more interlocking systems together than any other game company at the times their games have come out.
They are buggy on release, but I think it's because there are so many moving parts. They give you so many ways to play how you want to. I'm not sure it would even be financially possible to release games this complex without bugs.
If you hate Bethesda, then please don't buy Starfield. Stick with the cesspool that is Ubisoft.
Maybe in theory, but never in practice. Play one Ubi game, you've played every Ubi game. They'll never surpass Bethesda because they just don't have the creative spark. In a game 11 years old, Skyrim let you join multiple factions, had way better and more interesting underground caves, forts, castles, etc., and many many more enemy types than anything Ubisoft does.
Every Ubisoft game feels like a cash grab. And then, they're not content with just your initial spend, they want to milk you. If creativity means sprinkling loads of trash on the surface map like useless collectables, then wow, I'm impressed.
P.S. I gave your comment a 'like' because I liked your edit. The last sentence in particular. 😉
@LordSteev Come on all their games are a mess and they are terrible at fixing them. If you cant fix a game in two generations and how many rereleases you are a joke.
As an older gentleman, I only have a few games I can say I put close to 500 hours into, this would be one of those.
Looking forward to the Double Secret Probation Edition
When was the last time you played Skyrim? It's one of the most 'fixed' games out there. Runs like butter on a ps4, too.
Probably closer to 3,000 hours for me. My all time favorite.
@LordSteev believe it or not, I have not played through Skyrim. I tried Oblivion a long time ago and could never really get into it and have never given Skyrim a fair shake...I suppose I should remedy this at such a decent price.
I think you'd be doing yourself the favor of a gaming lifetime.
Just don't rush through it, check out everything, learn how to craft everything, and then enchant it, too. Pick flowers. Collect animal parts. All of it will feed in to your blooming alchemy skills. Buy houses as soon as you can in each town and set up your own crafting labs in these locations. Store all the vital stuff there so you can travel light. Do a few quests, then just veer off the path to check out something that looks interesting. So much to do here, and as big as the world is, if you added up all the underground, non-surface map areas, it's probably 3 times the size of the surface world.
You seem smart, deliberate, and patient. I can't believe you wouldn't find this a fascinating world to live in. It's a good time right now to get in to it, with PS5 on the distant horizon and not too many must-plays between now and then. You just can't play it in a rush to get on to the next game, it's way more enjoyable just taking your time.
I can think of no better way to spend some money than the amazing deal for this bug-free version of skyrim plus the 3 dlcs. When you take $10 or $15 and divide it by the hours of joy this game has given me, the miniscule fraction of a cent per hour is the best entertainment deal I've ever had.
@wiiware they do suck ass
@LordSteev My guy @Flaming_Kaiser just doesn't like popular Devs outside PlayStation. To him R* is yawn, Bethesda is a mess and probably dislikes Ubi a lot too. Ain't no changing his mind.
I hear you, man! That's fine by me, to each their own. But when someone offends my beautiful baby, Skyrim, I can't just let it slide, lol
@LordSteev I generally move at a very slow pace through games, I like to take in all the sights and sounds and really disappear into the world. It’s why I’m so picky when it comes to these massive open worlds, I just don’t have the time to see them all through. I haven’t played an Assassin’s Creed since 3. The last Bethesda game I played through was Fallout 4. I thought it was pretty good.
I love these types of games, I just find there’s too many to take them all in in a receptive way. Skyrim is one that’s always been on my radar but I just never went for it. Hearing you talk about it as your favourite game, well, I’m just gonna have to go for it now.
I have a bit of a backlog all of a sudden but I’ll get to it sooner than later I hope. It’s kind of exciting having this huge, epic world that I basically know nothing about at my fingertips. Thanks, man!
I liked Fallout 4, too. But I LOVED Skyrim! I think you will too. Bethesda kind of introduced me to open world games, way back with Morrowind. I used to think I loved all open world games, but there have been many since that have proved me wrong. This one is special. Pull the trigger on it! If you don't thank me later, I'll mail you a check for it.
@LordSteev Oh yea Skyrim is a joy just as Fallout 4 is. Just tried this 60fps, looks good. Those are games that'd always make you feel like you've missed a lot even after multiple playthroughs, and need to get back to them.
Yea man! Skyrim is the ONLY game that's never left my PS4 hard drive to make room for something new. After I finish a new game, I usually go back to Skyrim for a bit, and it continually reminds me what a great experience it is. Man, I can NOT WAIT for Starfield. A new Bethesda single player franchise on a brand new console? That's the kind of gaming nirvana that only comes around once a decade! I've said it before, but if I have to, I'll buy a new xbox JUST for Bethesda games.
@TheArt Square Enix, Bandai Namco, Housemarque, Sega, Capcom, Platinum Games, Team Ninja to name a few developers i like.
Just not big on Bethesda bugfest, R* just not my games and Ubisoft copy and paste, life service and ofcourse the company that helps getting molesters away with their crimes.
Just thinking about this game and how much I love it, I've thought of a few things I wished I had known before I started it. If you're bored and have nothing better to do, here are a few things I think will make the game more enjoyable.
As soon as you can, probably in the Castle of Whiterun, buy these two spells. Candlelight and Soul Trap. Candlelight eliminates the need to carry torches, which weigh 1/2lb. each and you'll want the space to pick up stuff. Also, one of the best things about Skyrim is that you get better at things the more you do them. Candlelight is an easy way to build your alteration skill early in the game. Soul Trap is cast on something before you hack it to death to, obviously, trap it's soul. You'll find empty soul gems fairly often, and this is how you fill them. These are what you use to enchant your weapons and armor. An armor enchantment is permanent, but a weapon enchantment slowly drains with use. Your smaller soul gems are how you fill them back up.
Early in the game, if you ask about magic, you will be directed to the Mages College in Winterhold. Around the same time, you will get a prompt to visit the Shrine of Azura. I'd do these things before I got too far along in the Main Quest. This will give you one of the best things in the game, Azura's Star. It's a re-fillable soulgem that only works on lesser beasts.....or is it? Definitely DON'T do what the lady at the shrine wants you to. Opt instead to go against Azura's wishes, and you'll get the Black Star, which can hold more powerful souls. This alone will make you a fantastic enchanter.
I would also say, it's ok to just follow the main quest, at least until you learn a few shouts, but then, for maximum enjoyment, I'd leave it alone and start on all the other quests and sidequests, and just exploring in general. The way I had the most fun with it was to sort of do the quests and side notes in the order I received them, with plenty of (oh, I found this landmark while traveling to my last quest, I should go check it out now) moments thrown in.
Couple of other quick things, always carry a pickaxe with you for when you run across mineable rocks. Rocks=ore, and at a smelter, ore=metal bars which you use to make your own weapons and armor.
Don't overuse fast travel, or you'll miss some really cool things. Walk where your going, and fast travel back to town to sell stuff if your inventory is full. If you find a new landmark before doing so, you can fast travel back to it without having explored it.
Don't bother with a horse. You can't pick mushrooms, flowers, etc. from horseback, and they are worth picking up when you stumble across them for potion making. I always made way more potions than I could use, because you can sell them as a great way to make cash.
There's plenty more, but by now I've probably bored you to death. If you ever think of any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. If you couldn't tell, I love to talk about this game!
@Flaming_Kaiser Surprised you don't have a problem with Capcom's overpriced costumes in their games, especially SFV.
I will avoid Bethesda games like the plague in future after f76. They don’t deserve a penny for anything from any of us
Would this work on Xbox, too? I mean doing it without disabling achievements.
@LordSteev awesome, thank you! I really appreciate your friendly, helpful attitude. I’m excited to jump into this. I may just move it up the list. I feel the same way about Bloodborne as you feel about Skyrim, so if you have any questions about that throughout your play through, feel free to ask. Have a good one!
@TheArt That i like a studio does not mean i like everything but they make more games then SF. With R* we only got two games in how long so if you dont like them its over soon. 🤪
Yepp. That’s why I just started replaying Breath of the Wild.
I missed a lot of interesting stuff on my first play through. I didn’t fully grasp the game’s systems until 40 hours in.
Now that I’m armed with that knowledge, I’m really enjoying my second play through so far. I’m far more efficient at finding things to craft early on and buffing link so I don’t have to walk around in constant terror like my first play through.
This might be a silly question, but the mod description states that you can disable or delete the mod and it will still work, so how do you actually delete the mod (or ensure it is disabled)? I made the mistake of trying this on the Pro and the performance is noticeably poorer.
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