Sounds like the Uncharted movie and The Last of Us television show are just the tip of the iceberg for Sony’s newly established PlayStation Productions department, as Sony Pictures has ten projects in production based on the company’s video game intellectual property. According to CEO Tony Vinciquerra, speaking with CNBC, three of these upcoming conversions will be movies while a further seven will be TV series.
He said: “We have a program within the company called One Sony. You’ll be seeing a lot more integration of Sony companies together.” To be honest, we’ve already seen elements of this, like how Jaden Smith’s new music video was closely aligned with the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
Exactly which franchises these unannounced projects will be based on remains to be seen. Horizon Zero Dawn seems like a perfect fit for cinema, but could prove incredibly costly to make. There have been rumours for years that Twisted Metal is getting a television show, and we suspect that’s one of the projects on the docket here – in fact, Vinciquerra has openly spoken about that before.
To be honest, we’re not completely against this entire initiative, as long as it does the brands justice. The Last of Us is almost certainly going to be a behemoth hit with HBO involved, and Sony Pictures, to its credit, has been pumping out some excellent television shows for years now. It’s the movies we’re a little more concerned about, but we’re willing to keep an open mind. Which first-party brands do you reckon would be ripe for adaptation?
[source mediapost.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 53
Ten adaptations of Knack? Wow, they’re going to be knackered.
I know Infamous is Sucker Punch, but that series deserves a television series.
Ratchet and clank cartoon should be pretty good for the kids 😃
@wiiware Which reminds me I never watched the movie - I hear it's pretty bad
Honestly I'm just fine with the games. They're free to make whatever they want though.
anything from Team Ico!
Which means remastered versions of some of these games if shows/movies do well.
I wish Sony direct all that wasted resources towards making new sequels for their games instead.. Personally I would never watch any movie or TV show even if it was for my absolute favorite game franchise and neither anyone I know.
@Voltan I watched it with my kids, it was enjoyable enough.
How are they going to make a TV series out of Vibribbon?!
Shadow of the Colossus would make a brilliant movie!
@Voltan I haven't watch it but the reviews isn't good, maybe I'll watch it if it's available in netflix.
@Voltan It's not what I would call bad, but it is very boring. My kid was, I think, 8 or 9 when we saw it, and even he thought it was pretty slow and not very funny. The tie-in game was great though.
@Voltan It's jokes are bad, and I think that some of the cutscenes are from the 2016 game. There was only one joke I liked, and it was a very subtle one too.
Wasnt there talk of a Sly Cooper animated movie a while ago?
Does spiderman 3 count?
I'd love ghost of tsushima. It was influenced by movies in the first place
A, obviously, a dark and gritty twisted metal, I'm all for! Just don't focus solely on sweet tooth, either. Homicidal serial killer clowns have been played to death. Individual episodes, to introduce characters and their reason for wanting a calypso wish. Two episodes of the tournament, beginning and ending.
The only thing I'd ever want is a hand-drawn animated Sly Cooper TV show. If they aren't going to make a new game, then at least give me a hand-drawn animated show.
Can't wait for MLB: The Show: The Show
The stories of the characters in Twisted Metal were awesome, and they used cinematics really well.
God of War would be possible.
@mctaboo Thats a very strange opinion. To say that you wouldn't watch a movie or TV show even if it was of your favourite game? Why is that? Out of spite? Because you don't believe they should be doing it? Look how well The Witcher turned out, you've got to give these things a chance, or else we'll just end up with an endless amount of reality TV shows like TOWIE/ Made In Chelsea/Keeping Up With The Kardashians and we can all agree which we'd rather.
How many of those are going to be awful?
A friend of mine worked on Erica. After it was all finished up, he was chatting with the contact from Sony about future plans. My mate inquired about the Wipeout IP, but apparently that licence had very recently been purchased...
If its good i wont mind its not made by the game studio's anyway. And if its bad i just wont watch it.
I'd love to watch a big budget The Order 1886 and actually get to see the progression of the story as there was so much story left to be told. And Sony definitely don't look like they'll be adding a sequel any time soon.
I look forward to the family friendly Hollywood adaptation of Bloodborne.
I imagine most will suck. Uncharted movie included. Last of Us series will be good however since they have Druckman writing the series.
Personally I've felt he's better suited to TV/Film as opposed to games anyhow. I expect I'll enjoy the series more than the game.
Medievil or God of War movie or TV series anyone?
Infamous might be fun if they expanded the story more.
Horizon Zero Dawn could be an epic film trilogy.
Days Gone could work as a TV series (SoA meets The Walking Dead)
God of War, I'm not sure about. On paper it has potential but the budget would have to be huge and maybe it's a bit hard to empathise with actual Gods.
I Would Also Like to See Something Based On Syphon Filter Killzone And Resistance.
Parappa the rapper series anyone?
There's huge potential with a lot of Sony franchises in the right hands. I'm just desperate for the Uncharted movie to not be a crock of s**t. Anything else would be a bonus.
Hi there fellow gamers.
Tv shows and movie adaptations of games are always complicated. The track record isn´t the best to say the least.
But, if done well, it could be very cool.
I have some hopes for The Last of Us tv show.
Uncharted movie not so much.
But I could see Days Gone becoming an interesting tv show(it´s basically Sons of Anarchy meets the Walking Dead anyway)
And also Horizon Zero Dawn could be very cool as well, maybe like an epic movie or something.
They should just use the games story as a foundation and just make something new.
We have the original story in the games already.
Just my two cents on the matter.
Cheers, stay safe and Merry gaming Christmas to us all
@gingerfrog Hi there friend. This. Just this.
Both the game and the story had potential.
Really wanted more of it.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@thefourfoldroot Hi there friend. Yes. Infamous would be great, especially if they focus on the first two games, story wise.
Then, eventualy, tell the Second Son story.
And make it animated. It is a comic book like story anyway.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@ILikeStake you win 🙌🏻🔥
Tokyo Jungle? 😂
I'd like to see another attempt at a Ratchet and Clank movie. I always thought it was odd that Sony gave that IP to a random production company like Rainmaker when they have their own animated movie studio, and this "one sony" approach would change that if they did it again.
Considering that film was the precursor to this PlayStation Productions thing, it'd be fitting if they went back and did it right. Give it a decent script, get someone like Gennedy to produce it, and actually market the damn thing instead of dropping it at the same time as a Disney movie with zero advertising.
This excites me! I think Sony has quite a few game series that would translate well into other media. Personally I would love to see another shot for Ratchet and Clank, as well as maybe Heavy Rain.
I think just about anything PlayStation-related would be better suited as a TV Show, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ape Escape, Sackboy/LittleBigPlanet, God of War, Uncharted, Infamous, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, Resistance etc. would all great if given the TV Show format, as you're not restricting hours upon hours of story to just a 90 - 120 minute runtime, plus it allows for more creativity and experimentation.
However I think Syphon Filter & MediEvil would work as movies, maybe Astrobot as well.
Hopefully these PlayStation Franchises being given the Movie/TV Show treatment will pave the way to more sequels and possible revivals, Kratos knows Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ape Escape & Twisted Metal NEEDS a Revival.
@RaZieLDaNtE - Jason Statham as Cole MacGrath... I mean it just makes too much sense, though I doubt Jason Statham would agree to play Cole if Infamous was a TV Show (Which it SHOULD be a TV Show IMO)
@HMazzy111 "Out of spite" !!? I don't know how it could be out of spite.. but anyway no, it's because they always made cheesy cheap ones and I've never seen a decent one that's all.. and vice versa I've never seen a good game based on a TV show or a movie.. I feel like they need to stop milking their successful franchises.
@JustPlainLoco Hi there friend. Oh I absolutely agree.
Jason would be ace in the role if he decided to do it.
And Jak and Daxter would be sweeet.
Love if there was another game with my favourite dynamic duo.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
Cough cough Thor... cough. 😜
Still waiting on my Sly Cooper show, Sony!
@Lodogg3323 Hmm I was thinking more if they started from Greek mythology first before moving onto the character we meet in the 2018 version.
Maybe they could just tell that part of the story via flashbacks.
It could definitely work as an anime though.
I will agree the Greek Gods are hardly sympathetic and would be hard to be true to them and then empathize with their tribulations. And, after playing the latest God of War, I can see the Nordic Gods going down that same route too since we already blitzed Thor’s (in that game) kids, I doubt he’d be friendly and understanding. I was, more or less, referring to the adulation that Marvel’s version of Thor gets. I say that as I have a replica of Mjölnir six feet away from me, so I’m a little biased. The ancient gods were often depicted as cruel sometimes and abusing humanity for sport, modern reinterpretations can go either way with them, as either benevolent or just plain dicks. Just depends on what the story needs from them. Either way, I look forward to the next God of War, bring on the Thunder.
A Legend of Dragoon anime would be sick.
@mctaboo u didnt watch the witcher?
Sublime move by Sony, how to get none gamers and Xboxers into playstation? TV, beautifully simplistic but brilliant
@mctaboo I would watch a Red Dead Redemption TV show.
Am I the only one who thinks games should be games and movies movies?
Exciting news but until we know what they all are, I'm prob gonna forget about this lol.
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