Alongside our staff-voted Game of the Year awards, each of our writers have crafted their own personal lists, covering their top five PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 titles of 2020. Today, it's the turn of senior staff writer Liam Croft.
5. Astro's Playroom

Who would have thought that a PS5 pack-in title would end up being one of the best games of 2020? Having grown up with PlayStation and owning every console since, Astro's Playroom hit me in all the right places with heartfelt tributes to both the games of my childhood and those I consider to be the best of the best. From Metal Gear Solid to ICO, a rather large smile was stuck to my face the entire time. It's also a pretty good platformer too that demonstrates the potential of the new DualSense controller with complete confidence. Haptic feedback and those adaptive triggers really do feel like the next step for this industry. The perfect place to kickstart the PS5 generation.
4. DOOM Eternal

Talk about an uncompromising sequel that knew exactly what it wanted to be. DOOM Eternal is what I consider an FPS masterclass, expanding on the 2016 hit with enjoyable platforming and a new gameplay loop that rewards aggression and punishes cowardice. Landing a shot on an enemy's weak point has never been so satisfying. Ludicrously fast-paced gunplay keeps you on your toes, fluid mobility turns combat into a performance worthy of Strictly Come Dancing, and environmental puzzles act as a welcome breather. Before you source some ammo, armour, and health and do it all over again. With a weapon in hand, it doesn't get much better than DOOM Eternal.
3. Demon's Souls

Demon's Souls was the single, modern From Software title I never got around to beating upon release (please let me forget about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice), but that was finally rectified with Bluepoint Games' outstanding remake on PS5. Not only is it one of the best looking games I have ever played, but the trendsetter is also packed with memorable, atmospheric locations that truly immerse you in the mysterious world of Boletaria. The Tower of Latria will live long in the mind. Then there's the tense combat system and wonderful boss fights — two staples of the genre Demon's Souls defined. I think the Storm King encounter is one of the best ever, but then most of the game's boss fights put other titles to shame. This classic just got even better on Sony's new system.
2. Final Fantasy VII Remake

The past 12 months have shone the spotlight on remakes, and Final Fantasy VII Remake was the best of the lot. The funny thing is that I actually have very little experience with the original on PS1 so the big twist of this year's version was sort of lost on me until deputy editor Robert Ramsey explained everything to me, and it was at that point that I could appreciate the sheer audacity of Square Enix's narrative choice. Amazing stuff — I love it. The combat was one more highlight along with wonderful characters who I can't wait to see more from (Jessie is best girl). All I can really hope for is more of the same then so I can learn who the hell Zack is. Bring on part two.
1. The Last of Us: Part II

Not only does The Last of Us: Part II top my list for 2020, I think it is the best game of the entire PS4 generation. Edging out God of War for that prestigious accolade, Naughty Dog defined Sony's commitment to single player experiences with an incredible follow-up to Joel and Ellie's original adventure. The story had me gripped from open to close, with the introduction of Abby quickly becoming the narrative hook that elevates proceedings to new heights. What a special character. The gameplay got better, the visuals got better, and so too did the immersion as a result. Naughty Dog once again demonstrated how it is two steps ahead of the rest of the gaming industry. The Last of Us: Part II really is the new benchmark to beat, and I don't think it will be bettered for quite some time.
How closely does Liam's top five PS5, PS4 games of 2020 line up with your own? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 50
Nice top 5. I can understand this selection. Did you also play Ghost of Tsushima and is it out of your top 5 or did not play it?
@Gaming365247 @Mysterio I completed Ghost of Tsushima, but I don't think it's all that great.
Oh boy....
It's becoming a tad boring now (😉) but I agree with your No. 1 choice. My favourite PS exclusive this gen.
I will play Final Fantasy VII but only once I am finished with Jin's journey. Could be a while then!
I saw my brother over Christmas (don't tell on me!) and played a bit of both Sackboy and Astro's Playroom on his PS5. The first was fun, the latter was really good and the controller was very impressive. When I do finally get my hands on a PS5 then Astro will definitely be the first game I play on it.
@LiamCroft Why is that? I'm only 8 hours in but I'm impressed with it so far. It's such a pretty game, the combat is growing on me and it's overall a very well made game.
I guess if someone doesn't really like open world games then even Ghost may not impress. Not all games appeal to everyone, for me I have no interest in Doom and only slightly interested in playing Demon's Souls one day.
One things for sure, there are enough games out there to cater to everyone's taste. No need for people to fixate on that which they don't like.
@LiamCroft OK thanks. I started it, but then tried Last of Us 2 and was hooked on that. Although I am not fond of scary games or with monsters, I am so impressed with the game.
@Gaming365247 There’s only one person goading everyone from the sidelines like some warmongering buffoon. On every article it seems.
Put the popcorn down my dear, I think you’ve had enough.
The Last of Us Part II making it up to these lists warms my heart. It deeply resonated with me and still goes on to do so. I don't think if I'll ever get tired of it, or the original game for that matter.
The rest of this list is also amazing. Haven't had the chance to play Astroy's Playroom or Demon's Souls (cuz duh!) but I've heard so many good things about them that I'm sure they belong where they are. (Specially Astro's Playroom, cuz I'm a Fromsoftware fan anyway, don't need to hear good things about Demon's Souls, even though the remakes isn't by them...)
@Gaming365247 This must be at least the 3rd or 4th one of these articles where I have seen you do this.
Chill. People like games, people don't like games, accept it.
Anyway, regarding the list. Not played any of these, but I have just picked up DOOM Eternal, and I am very much looking to start my New Year with that once I finish up Yakuza 7.
But you took the time out to reply to my comment soo. I'll see you when Pushsquare votes TLOU Part 2 #1 and you are on that post raging like the rest of the haters.
@LiamCroft Would you give Ghost of Tsushima a 7/10......The refreshing thing is Ghost of Tsushima is missing from YOUR Top 5 because it was not great in your view something we both agree on.
nessisonett you are correct go to the top of the class Push Square #2 top game FF7 and #1 TLOU 2.
👻 ghost of tshushima is the best game and game of the year.and god of war is the best ps4 game of the generation.word up son
That reminds though i really need to play Doom Eternal though maybe i can fit in a play through before Hitman 3 hits
@Number09 I think it's a very strong 7/10, at times a weak 8/10. It becomes far too repetitive for my liking the more you play. Ghost of Tsushima would probably scrape in at 10th place if our personal lists were extended.
My top 5 is 1. ghost of tshushima.2.nioh fantasy 7 remake.4.streets of rage 4.5.crash bandicoot 4.word up son
@playstation1995 Nioh 2! Yes, that was excellent. A shame it's been ignored from the best of year lists similar to how the original was as well. My favourite PS exclusive of the year that one.
TLOUII is such a unique experience. Like the first, it's such a hard game to play not in the way of difficulty but you have all these mixed emotions you don't know who to like. Guess that's the point of the game, there are no heroes, everyone's trying to survive!
Agree with most of your list except number 2 ! It would not even make my top 200 list but them are opinion's!
Doom Eternal was such a good game. I'm actually a big fan of the platforming they introduced.
All games are repetitive in some way or the other so not sure why this is seen as a particular problem with open world games only. Repetition is actually an essential element of gaming. No repetition in something like DOOM then?
But as I've said Liam might be a bit harsh on Ghost but two games in his top 5 I doubt I'll ever play so that's just how it goes.
@Gaming365247 wow man you definitely have a problem with this game, you should let it go a little bit. Obsession isn't good.
We have a very similar taste and I loved all the games you mentioned. Personally, I would've included Ghost of Tsushima instead of FFVII.
I never played the original but I loved the new battle system. However, the level design felt extremely basic and dated....and I also was not a fan of the unidimensional characters.
The Last Of Us 2? Absolutely Game of the Year for me...and probably of the generation.
Interesting reading the comments here - I ended up getting both Ghost of Tsushima and FF7R for Christmas and am figuring out which one to play after I finish Demon's Souls. So far I'm leaning towards FF7R but we'll see.
@Gaming365247 Do you make this account only for simping tlou 2? Lol 😂
I like these lists, it helps to get to know each writers tastes on gaming websites. It gives a lot more weight to their reviews.
@pip_muzz. Nioh 2 is amazing.word up son
Nope this is my normal pushsquare account im also on PureXbox and Nintendo Life as i also own the Xbox one X and Nintendo switch. But keep disliking TLOU Part 2 no one care about your opinion.
@wiiware I would love to see the entire collection of his TLOU2 comments since its release across the whole internet.
We feel him here all day but I can only imagine the flood of posts on other forums and reviews. He really has commited full time to hating lesbians and trans in games regardless of how good the game is.
Cool list. Couldn’t get into Demon’s Souls, and damn have I tried 😂.
My top 5 would be:
5- Astro’s Playroom
4- Ghost of Tsushima
3- Animal Crossing: New Horizons
2- Final Fantasy VII Remake
1- The Last of Us Part II
2020 was, gaming wise, an awesome year.
Happy new year, everyone!!!
@Gaming365247 As everyone is saying, friend. Now is the time to let go. Take care of yourself and your thoughts. Peace and one love, brother.
@ygorapBFR Happy new year, to you too!
@playstation1995 You have a great taste in gaming, my list is almost the same to yours except Nioh 2 because I haven’t played it but I know it’s a great game if it’s anything like the first one
I'll let go when and the rest of u people let go of the dislike/hate of TLOU Part 2 And the hate of anyone that doesn't hate/dislike like you do. At this point you all are annoying as hell time to "LET IT GO, LET IT GO, NO ONE CARES LET IT GO" Happy Gaming though :^)
Umm i think your lost pal. I like The Last Of Us Part 2. And i dont care about the lesbin stuff in the game only 10 year old boys do.
@Gaming365247 Almost forgot this is a new year eve, happy new year to you too, and all of pushsquare users
In the end it's just a game, no need to be upset about it.
@GKO900. Yes it is.its amazing.better graphics.gameplay.boss is amazing.story can turn into a can play multiplayer solo.and you got magic also.word up son
Same to you
@Gaming365247 I can understand defending TLoU2 when there's actually a comments section full of Neil Cuckmann nonsense but it does kinda seem like you're just looking for a fight when you preempt everyone.
For the record I love the game.
I really like TLOUII but no way is it a better GAME than GOW.
@Arugula Yea Yara had a sad deal. And yes the combat is fantastic. But you sure did feel some emotions c'mon.
3 good, 1 unknown, and revenge bad game, not bad.
Great list! I haven’t tried Doom Eternal yet but I’ve been very curious about it. The last full blown FPS to do something special for me was Wolfenstein: The New Order, so my itch has not been scratched for a while...
@Gaming365247 i havent played TLOU 2 yet, but im looking forward to doing so just so i can see what all the fuss is about. But, im sure ill like it as i really liked the first, ive read about the things people didnt like and i dont think that them things will really bother me at all. Plus ive read that the gameplay is really really good.
@LiamCroft I'm sort of the same about it. Whilst I totally agree with some commentators that GOT is stunning looking and plays like a dream, it kinda left me a bit empty. The swordplay didn't really have much force behind it and the characters and story didn't really anchor me. Still it's a beautiful game and one that I'm glad to have played, it just won't stay with me or have as much a lasting effect as The Last Of Us Part II.
@Gaming365247 You're just baiting people and being antagonistic. Only two weeks ago you accused me of being a Schill for Sony and Naughty Dog when I stated I enjoyed TLOU Part II and it was my game of the year.
Yet you accuse someone for shilling for cyberpunk 2077. You dont like it when its the otherway around huh.
@Gaming365247 The difference was (and you know this fine well) I'd mentioned my enjoyment of TLOU Part 2 twice, whereas the other commentator went on and on and on like a broken record in EVERY single comment he made. What you didn't like was my pointing out to you that TLOU Part 2 wasn't a flop despite you claiming otherwise.
What I say stands. In just about every comment on here you're antagonistic, confrontational and baiting and I'm sure I'm not the only member on here to notice this.
At this point i think every other member has "ignored" or ignored me speaking of ignoring im gonna do that now. Cant wait till the Dumpster fire that will be the comment section this afternoon when pushsquare votes TLOU Part 2 number 1 and everyone that dislikes the game whines about it.
Because if you dont like or hate the game you are a whatever that one guy said about me.
I played and enjoyed The Last Of Us Part 2. But i wonder what has dropped like a rock faster. Cyberpunk 2077 or the game the vocal minority hates in TLOU Part 2 but hey happy new year kiddo. im done with this convo people dont like it when you have a mind of your their own.
And one last post heres one last fact check. Last of us part 2 is a sales flop.
@Gaming365247 FFS you just can't let it go can you? As I said, you are antagonistic, confrontational and baiting.
6.8 million sales in 6 months for TLOU Part 2 is NOT a flop regardless how you see it, and sharing charts from Japan are irrelevant as pretty much all western games don't fare well there. Now off you pop petal as I've already spent enough of my precious time with you.
Lmao not just Japan i also shared world charts but thats ok though i'm done with you too. I like the last of us part 2 but you dont see me shilling the crap out of it or hating it just because its cool to hate it.
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