Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.06 has just been deployed on PS4 (and PS5 through backwards compatibility). It's the game's second update in the space of a week, with this particular patch promising "improved memory management and stability" on consoles. In theory, this should result in fewer crashing issues — something that has plagued the open world title since launch on PlayStation platforms.
Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.06 Patch Notes
- Dum Dum will no longer go missing from Totentanz entrance during Second Conflict.
- Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes
The patch notes might be small, but the update itself is a big one. It weighs in at 16.8GB on Sony's systems.
Here's hoping that it works!
[source cyberpunk.net]
Comments 114
Those peeps are doing some serious overtime!
Here comes the people complaining about patch sizes
I’ll believe it when I see it
@Hoovesforhands Those peeps have been doing serious overtime all year. Didn’t stop the game being a car crash.
Been playing since first patch on a base ps4 and Xbox one s with a buddy. So far I finished one of the campaigns and never experienced a crash. Only one glitch at the coyote in the beginning but I thought it ran great for me. Graphically it could definitely look better for it coming out this year. But performance never felt like an issue for the most part. Having a great time with it!
Keep us posted on how it works out 👍🏼
I got my platinum already but once it’s fully fixed I’ll probably run through again
Isn't the PlayStation install sizer bigger than Xbox?
We're probably close to 110GB at least, if not more.
I'm just curious, although bigger size may mean better assets.
Anyone play with 1.06 yet? I was just playing and crashed, and when I tried to start back up, that's when I noticed the new patch. Now I've got 70 minutes to kill while it downloads. Any thoughts on the new one yet?
Tbh I feel pretty bad for the people working this. They aren't the ones that decided the game get published when it did, and I'm presuming they're being worked pretty bloody hard now, right over the holiday period no less.
I guess there are some who are passionate and willing to do it, but then I'm also guessing there are others who have families waiting for them. It just seems like a raw deal is all.
Glad that the teams will get their Christmas holiday now. They have suffered from poor project management during this development cycle and are having to deal with significant performance issues which wouldn't be there had the game either dropped last gen versions or at least gave more time to optimise them to an acceptable state.
Hopefully the patch stops this thing crashing out as much. I average a crash once for every 2-3 hours of gameplay on my PS4 Pro upgraded with a 2TB SSD.
According to this site's own @ShogunRok apparently the average crash running the same PS4 Pro version on a PS5 is more like 45-90 minutes for some reason, so it’ll be intriguing to see if it makes a difference or not.
It won’t fix the placeholder driving/police AI, I’m sure (that’s more than a few weeks job to improve) but if it stops the crashes and save file corruption – and by the way for those that don't already know there is a PS4 version bug that is different but almost as deadly as the 8MB PC one – that’s a good thing. They are really crunching to make a saving throw, I'm sure. Those poor tired devs. 🥱
"fewer crashes"
Uh oh. Maybe not then. 😂
@GamerDad66 "We're probably close to 110GB at least, if not more."
You're not far off. Including patch 1.05, Cyberpunk 2077 weighs in at 109.3GB on my PS4 Pro. I'll have to wait and see if that fluctuates much after the 1.06 patch installs. In terms of size it's squeezed between two Rockstars as RDR2 is 115.4GB and GTA V is a 86.25GB.
Honourable mention for DOOM (2016) in fourth place - who would have thought that would be such a scale-tipper at 79.84GB?
Funny really. In the SNES days games like Super Mario Kart were... oh lets see... 512KB. Not even 1MB.
EDIT: After install, game is same size (109.3GB). All these patches are 17GB or so, so they must be replacing the same set of files each time.
I feel bad for the people making it too. This game is amazing on so many levels. People just need to slow down and explore. Yeah it crashes but really.... I have lost zero progress.... it loads right back up to where I was when it happened.... but when you come from the time of your internet connection being disconnected because someone in the family needed to use the phone and it crashed Napster or lime wire from downloading one song that took 18hrs to download..... I laugh at this over dramatic complaining of people feeling the game is unplayable. Did you really think this game was going to be perfect out the gate.... never. I’ve been playing lots of games recently and all of them I’ve came across floating guns or bodies or anything really. Gta 5s new go carts wheels aren’t flush with the ground all the time... so what it still handles like a dream in the snow. I’ll be online with friends and go oh look a 2077. I really feel after being in this game for a good 20 hours taking my time exploring... by this time next year this game is gonna be butter... and if they have multiplayer like gta this game is gonna be around for a long while. But to the over all point... this game is outstanding... and when it crashes I take a welcomed break... the city is overwhelmingly huge and I almost feel relieved during a crash. Honestly the game being set in a crappy future world... it almost makes me think sometimes the crashes are just part of it like the rundown technologically advanced world it engulfs the player into... I think the game is great as is and it will eventuality get even better over time.
To be fair, the game crashed about 13 times in the first 20h. Since than I've played another 25h and it only crashed 4 times in that time
I mean 4 crashes in 25h is still bad, but it's still an improvement
"Less" 😂
Great work, CDPR...
@ILikeStake if it fixes CE-108255-1 on PS5 I don't care how big it is.
I’m really eager to play it, but I’m going to wait until my ps5 comes in. Not worth downloading everything to then move to a new system.
@stormyuk @mariomaster96 "To be fair, the game crashed about 13 times in the first 20h"
I have 16 crashes in about 50-55 hours of play. Not the best, not the worst. Maybe there should be a pool for those that have the most, the top 1% if you will, and CDPR sends them a load of free swag like a free t-shirt etc.
"if it fixes CE-108255-1 on PS5 I don't care how big it is."
I wonder if that's a regional thing. All of mine are CE-34878-0.
@Mjoen Well said
@Mjoen you're defending the crashes as a "welcome break".
No one wanted perfection, just an acceptable playable state.
"cRaShEs aRE iMmErSiVe"
@oldschool1987 I figured it was more him saying "no they're not acceptable, but I tend to see the silver lining/positive side rather than losing my temper about it".
@zekepliskin i thought you were on PS4 Pro?
I have crashed 17 times in 66 hours. Definitely not great. All CE-108255-1 on PS5 for me.
@zekepliskin maybe, but I see that as a charitable interpretation. He built a strawman saying people expected perfection. No one did.
@stormyuk Oh maybe that's why the different error message. Doi. Silly me. I figured a PS5 in PS4 Pro compat mode would throw the same ones...
Mine too, 34878-0.
I've played 70 hours and have had maybe 8 crashes. As I get further along, it crashes more frequently. Hopefully this patch can keep it to once every 10 hours, I'm fine with that. Even with all of the things wrong, it's still a great game. If you take the time to explore, you will be rewarded. I can't stop playing it, even though on ps4 it might be the ugliest game I've played resolution wise. Shame they couldn't have had time to finish it, for me it would have been 2021 game of the year.
@LordSteev "Even with all of the things wrong, it's still a great game. If you take the time to explore, you will be rewarded."
Couldn't have said it better myself. There's qualities to it that have me hooked despite crappy AI on police/driving, the crashes, the bugs/glitches, the cut features etc.
Since it came out I've bought several games on sale including Death Stranding, DOOM (2016), Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and more yet I haven't even booted them yet. It's a poorly optimised port of the PC version yet it's becoming one of my favourite PS4 era gen games.
I've really been enjoying it on my PS4 Pro so far despite everythingand only had three crashes. It's obvious this game wasn't finished (I mean I found a Prefab cube earlier) and the most annoying bug is when I change something in the settings I can't get out of it.
But there is a special game here, it just needs fixing and added too now. Along with a telling off at CDPR which their getting but the narrative will eventually change. Gamers don't tend to forget but many will quickly forgive when it comes to a great game.
Crash bandicoot be like .did anyone say crash.oh no wrong game.word 😃 up son
@playstation1995 ba dum tssss... 🙃
Will boot this up latest when the ps5 update comes out, but seeing the current mess they're in, I'll have time to work off part of my backlog.
What bugs me the most is how empty night city appears. I'm a huge fan of cyberpunk as a genre, and a empty city just kills it.
@LordSteev Ive legit only crashed twice(so far) and they were way after me starting it up. Even in between, hopefully the new patch fixes it for you
So, played for about 1h after the patch launched, no crashes, but the real test will probably be tomorrow.
Also, it may be just me or my tired eyes (as I'm posting this it's 1AM - but the game seems to be looking better?
Playing on a Ps5
IMPORTANT NOTE: Item duplication glitch is still working
This interests me because they must have known about it, especially as it can factor into corrupting the saves on PC, however they left it in. As The Spiffing Brit would say, the game, after all, is perfectly balanced. 😂
Seems to load saves and the game itself a little quicker, too. Can't tell if the frame rate is better because my V is way out west in Mad Max desert territory, having just taken down dozens of bots and soldiers in the Militech base.
@oldschool1987 I’m understanding to the fact this is a 9 year in the making across the span of like what 3 consoles. Release day people now days are the live subject in the wild testers. Yeah it would be great if a game released completely... but that’s a thing of the past for the most part. I’m sure the crash error most of us have had will be ironed out in weeks. Sometimes it takes the mass rollout to exploit the bugs that go overlooked. I’m sure the crash issue is A1 priority and will be greatly improved soon.... But the amount of complaining has just been insane.... and more so by people that have yet to even experience it yet with the loudest vocals. Like come on people... refusing to play something because they heard it’s unplayable... bottom line... you can already get it for like 10-20 off I’ve seen. I’d absolutely pick it up for that price if have not yet... everything will be ironed out by the time a lot of you find a PS5 and by then the FREE PS5 upgrade version will be out. If you like gta this game is amazing... hopefully online is good.... by the way I remember when gta online first went live... it kinda blew... how many years later... still a top game.... this game could be that.
@Mjoen "this is a 9 year in the making across the span of like what 3 consoles"
"It is based on Mike Pondsmith’s Cyberpunk role-playing game franchise; Pondsmith started consulting on the project in 2012 […] The game entered pre-production with approximately 50 staff members after CD Projekt Red finished The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine (2016)."
Source: Wikipedia
I would describe that more as an idea they had kicking around for 4 years (2012), before actually ramping up to pre-production and actual production after DLC for The Witcher 3 was completed (2016), and the actual production taking 4 years. I hate to be a pedant but people keep doubling the development time on this thing.
There is a website techinn.com that has the digital ps5 for $464+taxes/del. fees. A disc version is $595+taxes/del. fees. Promises delivery first week of march. Don't know the reliability of said website, but they accept paypal, so you're covered there, I guess.
Still crashing for me (Ps5).
@zekepliskin both error codes are just generic "game crashed" errors on respective consoles
I've said it before on this site and I'm going to say it again:
The game should have been delayed again until it has thoroughly been tested on every platform or start over from scratch.
@Mjoen tl;dr: You are playing our game wrong. - CDPR
@Mjoen well I'm genuinely happy you're enjoying it but you have to admit the state it was released in is indefensible?
Either way, I'm glad you're happy but the criticisms are justified.
CDPR does not leave it's games behind. This will be an entirely different game in 6 months.
Fewer*. Yes, I'll be that guy because it drives me nuts.
To be honest CDPR staff deserves alot for working tirelessly on fixing the game. I personally never played yet but i plan to. Props and much respect
The sad fact this is something to be happy about is the problem with the industry.
When you say you are releasing a game on X date. It should be completely playable on X date.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Ghost of Tshushima
The Last of Us Part 2
You can play all those games from start to finish with few if any problems on launch day. Thats what was advertised.
Cyberpunk 2077 you can't do that with version 1.00
I don’t notice anything wrong besides a few floating bodies from time to time. The city is overwhelmingly massive and just standing in the middle of the road and looking around is exhausting. Then I find myself in a mission... the gun battle is intense... one to two good shots and I die.... it takes dozens of shots to just knock a robot cyber punk thing.... they keep coming.... area cleared.... next room.... it’s never ending it feels.... I’m going 78 floors down in a building and then more rooms leading to allies to escape. (Do wish it was harder to ditch the cops).... finally I’m out but is the mission done... idk... gotta pick up my phone..... alright need to go someplace.... but where.... I get lost in gta mode/mindset exploring.... checking the city.... alright.... let’s get to where I need to go.... oh way over there..... place marker... drive a bit... sidetracked by cool sites to explore..... Crash..... in a panic.... did I lose anything... restart... reload... placed back where my last mission ended.... super close to where I gotta be next...if I got into a fight and got some new gear.... loads closer to where it crashed.
I am on a PS5 I should check it on my pro...I’m guessing the crash will be the same... but will make my system sound like a jet while I’m playing and won’t look as shiny. I guess I’d say for PS5 I the game is amazing. Crash happens...nothings lost... back in my game in like 30 sec (I’ll time it later tonight and post that). Basically. Stand up grab a soda hit the bathroom ever other crash and I don’t even notice. Maybe they should have just not released it on last gen hardware... it’ll be too much to keep up in the years that follow when it goes online.
Been playing on my ps5 doing main story and thats fine but because it's Christmas I'm now playing on a ps4 pro and honestly it's a mess, trying to do the epistrophy side missions and I find the cars and it doesn't register or anything 😞
Well just crashed but whatever still playing lol
I have also enjoyed most of the 60hrs I have put into Cyberpunk, The 30seconds it takes me to restart the game is about all the time it takes me to get over my anger about it. Then I am right back working on clearing the map of side quest. I fully understand the criticism I feel that disappointment when something causes a error. Its taken me 60+ years of my life to be able to get over anger and disappointment and continue with things I enjoy. I expect CDPR to fix all the bugs. I have had about 8 errors and needed to restart the game on PS5. Less than 8min of bad for 60hrs of good.
Just got done playing for 5 hours, no crashes, and it might be my imagination, but the draw distance looked a little bit longer, too. It keeps getting better.
@LordSteev I hope you're right on the draw distance cause seeing a bunch of traffic in the distance just disappear is pretty jarring for me. Also the crashing was before the update started. I'm in the middle of mine btw.
I really hope this patch fixes the crashing. The amount of time this game crashes console is completely unacceptable... It would be fine if it was once every several hours. But I get a crash every 45 - 60 minutes on a PS5.
That doesn't seem like a problem for people who get to sit and play 4-5 hour long gaming sessions a day. But as someone who maybe at most plays less than 2hrs a day and maybe less than 8hrs a week. The crashing is super annoying. I spend most of my time waiting for the game to crash, so that I can spend my time retracing my steps since the auto save system is trash.
My other big complaint is that the game looks like complete poop in some places. In door area look really good, but out door needs a lot of work. Overall the game on console looks like it 3 console generations behind compared to the game running on a decent PC. The boost to the image sharpening in the last patch helped a lot, but I would like to see some improvements before the actual next gen version releases.
Started the game. Played for 3-4 minutes (PS5 BC mode) and it crashes. Wow, this Cyberpunk mess actually brought down my christmas mood today, on Christmas Eve itself.
They should just pull this mess before it actually bricks someone's Playstationconsole...
Edit. This was directly after installing patch 1.06 if that wasn't obvious. 😉
Merry Christmas to all except CDPR. 🧑🎄
Wonder how it runs on KFConsole..
Warm chicken at least.
STILL CRASHING, same old sh!@
(about 30 minutes of roaming in the city)
Prior to downloading, I was doing all the quests and side activities in the badlands, probably 8 hrs of playing over a few play sessions without a single crash, and that's coming from someone who has experienced 25+ crashes thus far not even halfway through the main story progression (i like to explore). This is clearly a huge problem with the way in which they tried to implement/optimize city specific aspects, how it affects memory, and it tripping up the Playstation architecture somehow. PC users have concluded there is a memory leak problem that is even present on the PC side, however maybe this is whats causing the PS versions to error out consistently. This is the 4th patch taking a stab at fixing this and it's gone nowhere. I think its time to put this down before it bricks my PS5.
Unacceptable when you see what can run adequately on the base ps4, which look and run better than this. If they released this knowing theses issues they are just straight dirtbags, if they didn't do enough testing to be aware of these issues with such a huge base likely playing this on a PS console, equally as disappointing. It would be interesting to have a brave development team members stand up and describe the workplace culture during this development period. I suspect it was chaos.
***update: 3 crashes in the city areas, about 2 hrs of play ***
@Floki it didnt
@Zeke68 i completely agree.
@Wormold Maybe the PS5 DotY Edition
(Disappointment of the Year)
Installed patch last night,
4 hours no crashes👍
@Mjoen K
@GamerDad66 no xbox has a quality mode that ps doesn't so I would assume that has the best assets or at least resolution
Crash #1 at 7:23pm on my PS5, nearly one hour into the session
@Mjoen you say 'like' when it's really unnecessary, it's really irritating. Do you constantly do the same thing with 'literally' too? I have this with my daughter all the time, it's beyond infuriating!
Soz, just grumpy because it's Christmas and there's a bug going around.
@LordSteev Blackwood Crossing a brilliant walking simulator bought it ages ago. Short but great story loved every second of it.
@Wormold Why do they do this for other games? A review should not change you get one chance why should we get a new review every time.
Fewer crashes. I expect that in the comments but you're a journalist Robert and you don't know the difference between less and fewer. Embarrassing.
First time i have ever saw some people defending bugs/glitches or crashes. If this was another game i wonder what will happen.
I wasnt even able to download 1.05 on ps5 kept getting an error. Hope this works!!
I installed the update and my microwave no longer works.
@AdamNovice The settings bug appeared only once after patch 1.05. Went into settings and no close button. Exited game to dash and restarted. It forces a settings reset. After that it works perfectly 👍 Put almost 60hrs into the game now.
@SamuraiBirdman95 only one crash in 4 hours though! Definitely an improvement
@JapaneseSonic common usage? You mean other people getting it wrong too. He's a journalist so no excuses. Also the article itself uses fewer instead of less.
Also using the term Nazi is completely inappropriate and far more egregious than picking up the poor grammar of a profesional writer.
Not played it. But the worst thing I’ve heard is how bad the ai is, and police just materialising and dematerialising. Things that aren’t even bugs or crashes.
@ILikeStake Lets be honest its a completely new game after all the patches the game should have been pushed into next year. It looks like they didnt test it at all.
@TheLightSpirit Cause people played $60-80 to play the game today. Not when they decide to finally fix the broken mess they released.
@Floki exactly
@Wormold The game has too be playable without patches from the disc. I can life with patches but i draw the the line at games that have bigger patches then the complete game. Whats the use of a physical release if the physical release doesnt even work without a patch as big as the game.
@ILikeStake patches are bigger than the game size.
So glad I got this for the PC and no crashes or issues at all..
Still crashing just as much as before the update for me. Now with the added joy of dead enemies staying stood up after you kill them before crashing to the floor 10 seconds later.
@Floki "But I get a crash every 45 - 60 minutes on a PS5."
It's like on PS5, you get double the frame rate but half the time between crashes as compared to PS4. Maybe the two things are related? Just a guess; it's probably way more complex than that, as open-world sandboxes tend to be.
"Overall the game on console looks like it 3 console generations behind compared to the game running on a decent PC"
I have to politely disagree with you there, because you're saying it looks like a PS1/PS2 game. Although it's hardly the best example of visual fidelity in a PS4 era game (God of War (2018) is the one that springs to mind as a great example of a title that is), it's got a way higher polygon count and more fluid animations than a PS2 game, and the walls/other textures don't "wobble" in that distinctive way a lot of PS1 games like Tomb Raider used to.
What is sub-PS2 era are the driving and police physics - both Vice City and San Andreas had those nailed better, in 2002 and 2004. No amount of graphical polish will hide those facts.
Could be worse though, the game could have launched without NPCs of any kind rather than a reduced count, like Fallout '76 😁
@Zeke68 Hello other Zeke! 👋
"They should just pull this mess before it actually bricks someone's Playstationconsole..."
They did. It can't currently be purchased on the PS Store. You have a disc copy, right?
To be fair, 3-4 mins before first crash is the worst I've heard. Wouldn't it be just typical if 1.06 fixed "later in game" issues on consoles but made bugs in the first few hours worse? Probably not, but just food for thought.
@KundaliniRising333 "if they didn't do enough testing to be aware of these issues with such a huge base likely playing this on a PS console, they are equally as pathetic."
General consensus from the little that's come out on the interwebz (so take with a pinch of salt) is that developers knew it was unfinished, testers knew too, they all said something but were roundly ignored by management who wanted it out for Christmas, no matter what. All 3 Witcher games launched in this "bugged now, patch later maybe" state so personally I wasn't that surprised, but it's still kind of a shame to have to relive what I already did 5 years ago with Witcher 3 on base PS4, but just like then the quality of the game just about makes up for the flaws, IMO.
@Max_the_German "Maybe the PS5 DotY Edition"
That's a point, after this really disastrous PR nightmare of a launch, is it even possible to have a GotY edition?
@Dan_ozzzy189 "Soz, just grumpy because it's Christmas and there's a bug going around."
Bug with the game, 'Rona reference or something else? 🤔
@Flaming_Kaiser "A review should not change you get one chance why should we get a new review every time."
Though that was true in the past and I'd agree with you, games these days are subject to change, what with patches and DLC. Therefore reviews should be subject to change to re-evaluate the opinion on the game, wouldn't you say? Otherwise old reviews for titles like No Man's Sky, which now has features it never launched with which add to the core gameplay, would get lambasted for not keeping pace, for example.
@usaislie "First time i have ever saw some people defending bugs/glitches or crashes."
My guess is because people have found reasons to love it despite it's flaws, as people do with other people IRL.
Also some of those glitches or oversights are beneficial - the item duplication glitch for quick cash, for example. I used it to go and buy all the vehicles so I kinda cheesed the 🏆 [silver] Autojock trophy without realising 😂.
Definitely seems a bit more stable, only played around 3 hours since and no crashes. Seems like there is a bit less pop in and not that this should be a positive but I actually got run over a 3 times crossing the road at various points having never been so before as there was so little traffic.
@Flaming_Kaiser "i draw the the line at games that have bigger patches then the complete games."
I already responded to you on another comments section, but I'll try again.
The game itself installs across two blu-rays, so (without uninstalling to check) it's around 100GB. Digital version was 102GB at pre-load, i.e. presumably Version 1.00 as found on the disc (https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/12/cyberpunk_2077_is_a_massive_102gb_download_on_ps4).
My install is 105.2GB. Each of the four patches has been 17GB or so. The game doesn't get any bigger each time so it's replacing content, rather than adding to it.
If you got the disc Version 1.00 you don't have to install each patch cumulatively I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong but that's not usually how patches work on PS4s, you just jump from 1.00 to the most current), then going from Version 1.00 to 1.06 is an extra 17GB to download but the game size is still about the same.
Therefore the base game plus the patch is almost exactly the same size, give or take maybe 1 or 2GB, and the patches were less than 20% of the game size each.
TL;DR - The patches aren't bigger than the game. Even if you've downloaded each patch in turn that's around 68GB, four patches, still smaller than the Version 1.00 double blu-ray disc set.
@zekepliskin Never seen NMS get a new review though. I would say a new review for a new version maybe. And if we work like this whats the use of a review? Yeah they fix it in two months should we put that on e ery review? The developers already have little eye for delivering quality already. If we go down this road why not start releasing early access at a reduced price i wont be supporting that.
@zekepliskin Ok let me rephrase i the game doesnt run decent on a PS4 from the disc. And patches even if they are a 17GB patch everytime i still need too download them. Its not a reduced price early access game. Why reward a company that lies too their customers. They could have released the PC version first and polish the console version. How is it possible that after all these years you still have not tested the game. I dont believe that they just bite of more then they could chew no shame in that but be honest about it.
@Flaming_Kaiser Agreed. It is night n day different
Have you guys experienced less crashes since the patch?
@zekepliskin I'm not saying that game looks like an actual PS2 era game. I'm just saying that if you look at the PC version and console version. They don't look even comparable... I can actually see people holding and playing a guitar on PC instead of the people playing air guitar on consoles. The PC version looks as if it could a remaster of a remaster on the PS7 or PS8.
"the game doesnt run decent on a PS4 from the disc"
Sadly I have other games that have that "Version 1.00" problem, and I don't just mean The Witcher 3. 😂 CDPR aren't the first nor the last to release an early-access alpha/beta level product early due to it not being ready in time but management doing it anyway.
"Why reward a company that lies too their customers. "
Big companies do that all the time. Look at Apple and slowing down older phones with a certain few iOS versions, to convince people to upgrade, under the guise of it being "to save the battery". Lied about it now it's a court case.
Doesn't seem to have harmed their profits though, being as they are a trillion dollar (more?) company. The reason? They have products and services people want or are locked into at least, so despite shady business practices they flourish. Sadly, that's how big business goes sometimes, even with a company not quantitively as big as Apple like CDPR.
Modern first world living would be a lot harder if you avoided every company that lied to their customers. Sometimes when the paths of morality and least resistance meet, least resistance wins. Luckily it's just a video game that annoys people by being buggy/crashy, not like a big energy company giving their customers cancer (PG&E, who incidentally are still trading).
@Floki "They don't look even comparable"
I disagree; it's like running the PC on lower quality settings. Plenty of YouTube videos out there about it. Some people actually attempt to config the PC version to look the same as the console version to guess at which settings are being used that you can't see/access on the console.
A lot of what makes Cyberpunk 2077 look better on PC, other than increased NPC/traffic densities and resolution, is fancy lighting tricks which are resource heavy. On the PS4, the GPUs are old enough they can't do stuff like that in hardware, and the AMD Jaguar CPUs in all the PS4 versions (clocked 500MHz higher in the Pro, which helps) are often running flat out trying to keep the world moving so it's not a good idea to do it in software either, which usually incurs a massive performance penalty even on PC hardware. So fancy lighting which is resource intensive was one of the first things to go.
"I can actually see people holding and playing a guitar on PC instead of the people playing air guitar on consoles."
Sounds like another one of those problems caused by the data not being streamed in off the stock HDD in time. I've not come across that one myself, but then my Pro has an SSD so this issue I've basically not seen since Day One, I'd consider that pretty lucky, and might explain why my game has crashed less over longer time periods than some gamers I've spoken to.
"The PC version looks as if it could a remaster of a remaster on the PS7 or PS8."
I think you're grossly underestimating the power of the PS5 and XSX. A lot of the fancy lighting effects I mentioned a moment ago are actually possible at hardware GPU level on them, including ray tracing. I think with decent optimisation (something that the base console versions don't even have yet) the approximation will give decent lighting effects that people who aren't majorly into the games would have trouble telling apart from the PC version running mid-high type settings on a good RTX rig. I reckon enough that you'll be able to preserve most of the more striking effects when running 1080p60 or 4K30, but that's an educated guess based on what I know personally and what I've learnt from watching Digital Foundry discuss the hell out of the specs, before and after launch.
Just played for about 5hrs and no crash or any problems. To be honest was out in the badlands not the city. Happy with these updates.
On the first patch, you could not change the settings and then exit with circle on console. This problem has not been rectified yet.
I imagine the devs are having a rough time, but the silver lining for them is that they are one of the rare studios where each developer gets a share of the profits. So those 13 million sales are probably keeping them warm at night. If they're allowed to sleep.
Why don't you lighten up? You're the one calling people a Nazi.
I'm seriously loving this game, some bugs are comical but not to the point annoying......but those crashes 🤔 always at the most inopportune moment for me! I'm still experiencing them in 1.06 which IS annoying but I'm lucky to be playing on PS5 so it loads in seconds. Still, it's very much my GotY.
Been playing on PS4 and since day 1 never had any bugs, crashes. Am I just lucky?
@TheLightSpirit Have some empathy for others, please. 60 dollars might not be much to you, but it is to a lot of other people. Especially at a time when many are losing jobs and livelihood.
Sorry, but such simple things aggravate me an unreasonable amount given these are supposed to be professional writers!
Merry Christmas everyone! Signed Scrooge
I appreciate that some people are entitled, and some people whine, but let's not paint everyone with the same brush. Like I said, the value you place on money is not always the same as the value that others do. You don't need to be on, or below, the poverty line to feel the weight of money. There are a plethora of reasons why someone can be tight on cash, but still manage to treat themselves, or their loved ones. Do I really need to go into that? But anyway, in regard to empathising with the consumer and the developers - those two things are not mutually exclusive. Let's have empathy for all.
@SamuraiBirdman95 think it's just random luck and what you are doing. I've had 2 crashes since the new patch both during driving but, before that had it elsewhere. No idea. Some people say they get zero crashes and any CE-108255-1 error means some hardware issue. Honestly no idea right now.
I need to do another check on how many crashes versus hours played again on my other games.
Edit: I thought Spider-Man Remastered had crashed more than it had. 3 CE-108255-1 crashes in 33 hours. Cyberpunk. 19 CE-108255-1 crashes in 71 hours.
Now with 5% less t-poses and floating cars!!
@AhabSpampurse lol it’s called a job and they get paid pretty good to do it. Don’t feel bad, it will all be over soon.
@Floki they havent released the series x and ps5 patches yet, maybe when that comes out we’ll see it look more like the pc version. These next gen consoles have the horse power to support it.
@whoisbdub im playing it on series x on quality mode, haven’t experienced any crashes on x so far. They should have included this in the ps version, I’ve been hearing this has been the best mode to play on out of all the consoles, but its capped at 30 fps. It feels like im playing a ps4 pro game, can’t wait to see how the game looks when they release the next gen patches.
@Onion_Knight right on im playing on ps5 and I've had some minor issues with the game nothing breaking or crazy but ya I wish it had a resolution mode id totally play that the image is just so soft even in resolution mode on series x its not 4k so I cant wait till this game is 4k with Ray tracing but after all this sadly its gona be a wait I think
@Onion_Knight well, yeah. I get paid to do my job.
But if my boss asked me to come in and work over Christmas and not see my family because he ***** his own pants on purpose, I wouldn't be impressed.
@Mjoen thank you I agree 💯
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