Godfall was the first PlayStation 5 game to be announced, and now it's just a day away. The self-titled looter slasher has steadily grown more promising over the months leading up to PS5's launch, and it looks pretty darn solid in this latest gameplay video. Courtesy of GameSpot, check out the first 10 or so minutes of gameplay.

Combat is a large part of Godfall, and it looks flashy, scrappy, and God of War-esque here — especially with the shield. Three main weapon types are shown off: the longsword, dual-wield swords, and two-handed mace. As you might expect, they all appear to play very differently, so it seems like there's decent variety in weapon choices. We also get to see what is presumably the first boss battle.

The game's looking decent, then, but are you interested? Will you be looting and slashing in Godfall on PS5? Tell us in the comments section below.

[source youtube.com]