One of the more unexpected features Sony introduced with the PlayStation 5 is the ability to track your playtime across games. Now you can easily track how many precious hours have been invested into first-party titles or the big online shooters, and this also goes for past PlayStation 4 games. That could be either a blessing or a curse, depending on how you look at it. So, we want to know what were the PS4 games you played the most. Each member of the Push Square editorial team has been convinced to share their own wall of gaming shame, and it's only fair you do too.

Sammy Barker, Editor
- The Last of Us: Part 2 – 80 hours
- Everybody’s Golf – 61 hours
- Rocket League – 61 hours
- Grand Theft Auto V – 58 hours
- Ghost of Tsushima – 54 hours
I’ve always been a complete-and-quit gamer, so you’re not going to see any wild statistics from my PS4 playtime like you will from the other guys. Pair that with the fact I spent much of this generation trying to raise Push Square’s profile, and there was less opportunity for me to repeatedly invest into the same games.
That said, I did get hooked on Rocket League and Everybody’s Golf earlier in the generation, and poured a lot of time into them. Perhaps the most interesting thing to me is that my gaming habits have changed this year; all of my Grand Theft Auto V playtime – focused solely on GTA Online – has come in 2020, while NBA 2K21, Train Sim World 2, and Madden NFL 21 sit just outside my top five. They all, like Ghost of Tsushima, launched this year.
With the way games now have tails, I’m finding that I’m slowly becoming less of a one-and-done type player, and coming back to my favourites more and more to see what’s new. All that said, I do try to play as much as possible, so 1,000 hour playthroughs are never going to happen on my console – especially while I still spend time outside, anyway!
Oh, and as for The Last of Us: Part II – I wrote the guide!

Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
- Destiny — 1030 hours
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (regular and GOTY Edition) — 785 hours
- Fallout 4 — 578 hours
- Diablo III Eternal Collection — 504 hours
- Monster Hunter: World — 495 hours
What can I say, I really like playing video games. RPGs in particular, it would seem. First thing's first, though: I'm not sure that Destiny playtime is correct, but that's what my PS5 says. Beyond that, how the hell did I put 578 hours into Fallout 4? I think I spent far too much time making ridiculous settlements for Preston and the gang.
Meanwhile, The Witcher 3 comes as no surprise whatsoever. My favourite game, period, and I've played through it at least six or seven times. Diablo and Monster Hunter don't come as much of a shock either — they've both been games that I've returned to repeatedly over the course of the last generation. There's always something to grind for, and the gameplay is top notch in both.
Some other fun facts about my PS4 playtime: I've spent close to 500 hours playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which is mental considering I've only ever had one save file from start to finish. Tekken 7 isn't that far behind at 361 hours — and most of that will come from mammoth versus sessions with friends. Persona 5 Royal is just behind that — another one of my absolute favourite PS4 titles.
I dunno, I think I've got pretty good taste.

Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
- Dreams — 235 hours
- Rocket League — 213 hours
- Fall Guys — 69 hours
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 — 61 hours
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice — 61 hours
Listen, I absolutely love Dreams, but I wasn't expecting it to be my most played PS4 game. Having only launched earlier this year, I don't feel I've put quite that much time into Media Molecule's create-'em-up, but I guess the numbers don't lie. I suppose that, having covered the game extensively for the site and dipped in periodically throughout the year, the hours added up. No regrets, anyway.
Rocket League is more understandable. Quick five-minute matches and gameplay with a high skill ceiling kept me coming back day after day, and a good portion of this time was spent playing with Push Square readers. It's a similar story for Fall Guys, which grabbed my attention for weeks with its daft but fun multiplayer.
The bottom two are interesting, because in both cases, I played them primarily for review and guide purposes. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time also has the same playtime. All of these I've thoroughly enjoyed, but I do have to wonder how much time was technically spent working. If not for my job, perhaps Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War would've made it into my top five.

Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
- Destiny — 1524 hours
- Destiny 2 — 286 hours
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare — 187 hours
- Overwatch — 179 hours
- Apex Legends — 162 hours
Yeah, I think you could probably say I was obsessed with Destiny in its heyday. Weekend after weekend of Trials of Osiris runs with players across the globe alongside numerous raid completions are what significantly bump my playtime upwards of four digits, making it far and away the game I've played the most in my life so far. And I don't really regret it. I loved Destiny at the time, but you can quite clearly work out how I moved on from the series after the sequel came out.
Then there's last year's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which is actually mostly due to Call of Duty: Warzone. I'm still playing that one so it could end up higher on this list as the generation progresses. Finally, Overwatch and Apex Legends are two more titles I have moved on from, but they definitely had their time in the limelight. I think I miss Reinhardt, actually.
What PS4 games have you played the most according to the PS5's statistics? Share your own list in the comments below.
Comments 69
GT Sport = 451 hours !
For solo games, probably Persona 5 and The Witcher III
Over a 1000 hours in GTAV
FFXIV - 1084 hours
ESO - 404 hours
Persona 5 Royal - 248
Diablo 3 - 241 hours
MHW - 206 hours
Destiny 1 - 1,500 hours
Destiny 2 - 500 hours
A selection of mine and I suspect that Fallout 4 is 90% building settlements, though I do question how reliable it is as apparently I've finished Castlevania Symphony of the Night and most of Rondo of Blood in less than an hour
Destiny 613
Fallout 4 262
Witcher 3 222
Arkham Knight 123
Rocket League 127
FFXV 112
Persona 5 91
The Last of Us 72
Horizon Zero Dawn 70
The Last of Us 2 53
Ghost of Tsushima 53
Death Stranding 40
RE7 31
For me it was Rocket League 546h, Battlefield 1 525h, Battlefield 5 237h, Apex Legends 98h, and Persona 5 93h.
Destiny 1 - 950 hours
Diablo 3 - 350 hours (probably double that including the PS3 version?)
I regret nothing!
Bit soon to be talking about PS4 in the past tense...
Something like this:
Dirt Rally 2.0 100 hrs
Witcher 3 100 hrs
Two Point Hospital 60 hours
Bloodborne 50 hours
Death Stranding 50 hours
Bloodborne, probably around 100 hours.
Haven't touched my PS4 in about 2 years, though!
Skyrim all versions close to 1000 hours, maybe more
Monster hunter world probably around 300 hours maybe
I played 204 hours of Arkham Knight! That really surprised me. I do have all the DLC for it and I started in 2015 and only recently went back to it for the platinum but I also did loads of extras like the racing trophy’s.
I've played pretty much everything from the previous generation, like, almost everything general consensus would deem must-play/most popular etc.
So I got a shock when I saw my most played game was ... Dragon Age: Inquisition. 225 hours!!! And I never even touched the DLC. I mean, I know I definitely enjoyed that game, but damn.
Does anyone else some of the playtimes inaccurate? I've definitely played Rocket League for more than one hour.
Witcher 3 plus DLCs aprox 250h
I don't know how many hours i have been playing but these are my Top 3 PS4 games :
1. Dragon Quest Builders 2
2. The Sims 4
3. Portal Knights
Btw, is there any way to check play time on PS4 like on 3DS / Wii U ?
Only 3 games I can think of that I'd have up there.
Persona 5 Royal: 120 something hours
Persona 5: 102 hours
The Last Of Us Remastered: Probably around the same time
Everything else would be <30 hours
Top 3 are:
Witcher 3 - 118h
Tsushima - 61h
DQ 11 - 59h
Bloodbourne, DS3, Nioh 1+2
Probably into the thousands now on multiple playthroughs.
AC odyssey, 126 hours.
I don't have a ps5 but I'm pretty sure I spent like 20 hours on Spider-Man.
The only multiplayer i play is Monster Hunter (vanilla and iceborne): 300+ hrs.
For solo Persona 5: 217 hrs. and I really want to play P5R next year.
@WizzNL Wow! That’s nuts!
@StartWars Yeah some of them are a bit odd. It’s definitely not 100% accurate.
Would love to know, but Sony for some dumb reason never added it to PS4... I suppose it will be something to look forward to in a few years when I do get a PS5.
It wouldn't surprise me if my top 5 were some variation of Persona 5, Persona 5 Royal, and Dragon Quest XI, Yakuza 0, and Yakuza Kiwami 2.
Edit: Skyrim might be 5th with Kiwami 2 6th.
Clocked 866hrs on Monster Hunter World and on Iceborne. After that it's Battlefield 4 at 274hrs and AC Odyssey at 232hrs. Not a minute wasted. Loved all three.
@Medic_Alert It's only showing one version. There's also another game that's showing as 1 hour when I've definitely played it more than that and some games that aren't showing at all.
Monster Hunter : World / Iceborne so far 789 hours and still going strong. To be fair tho that's typical for MH games in general.
@TG16_IS_BAE great game. Why haven't you touched it recently?
1240 hours
Not got a PS5 yet, but I'll be surprised if Dark Souls 3 isn't number one
If you can see your PS4 hours played on PS5, and they've been tracking it all this time, why do they not make it publicly available on PS4 and/or the My PSN web pages? 🤔
I didn’t go through my whole list but Fortnite, COD MW Remaster, and Battlefield One were at the top of the list. All were over 200 hours. Dead or Alive 5 Last Round was about 185.
It’s a shame they didn’t track PS3 games. I sunk way more hours into SFIII:Third Strike and Skyrim GOTY edition than I’m proud to admit. My estimate for Skyrim is around 300 hours on one character, and 175 for my second play through.
Unsurprisingly, my son--who loves sandbox games--has 4 of the top 5 playtimes.
1. Minecraft - 708 hrs
2. Lego Marvel Superheroes - 344 hrs
3. Witcher 3 - 304 hrs
4. Disney Infinity 3.0 - 269 hrs
5. Littlebigplanet 3 - 180 hrs
To be fair, I contributed to the Infinity and Lego Marvel times. Most of my games are somewhere between 40 and 120 hours.
@SolarSailor Been playing a lot of Dark Souls, and spending a lot of time studying.
God of war.grand theft auto 5.remnant from the ashes.darkest dungeon.borderlands handsome collection.etc.word up son
"Does anyone else some of the playtimes inaccurate? I've definitely played Rocket League for more than one hour."
I had that on many games. i downloaded 2 different games and the save from the cloud and total hours played was sync'ed so try that.
Don't forget you can use the accurate and reliable PS Time Tracker service
Elder Scrolls Online
Longest gaming session: 19 hours
My kids must’ve been at their mom’s lol
@get2sammyb I'm having issues with the playtime counter even with PS5 games too. Got the Miles Morales PS5 platinum today and it says 13 hours total, but I played yesterday for ~5hrs and the counter was flat at 10hrs all day, then played another 3 in NG+ today and it started counting back up to 13 again. Have you heard of anyone else having issues like this?
Also PS4 games which have a playtime counter built into the game don't agree with my PS profile count either (Celeste, Ghost of Tsushima etc)
@Zeke68 You mean you redownloaded some of your PS4 games to PS5 and resynced everything and it worked? I haven't transferred any of my PS4 games yet but I have transferred my PS4 save data.
As expected - some Assassin's Creeds are up there but I was surprised to see I apparently also spent over 100h in Arkham Knight
Holy smokes, some of those staff numbers are insane! My most played game on PS4 was Tales of Berseria at 112 hours to get the platinum trophy.
I would like to know that, but apparently for Sony that's a cutting edge feature that requires a brand new console...
Going by hours it was Horizon: Zero Dawn and Yakuza 0 at the top. I replayed Ratchet & Clank, Resident Evil 2 remake, several MLB The Show games and a few fighting games more than others though.
Witcher: Wild Hunt & Divinity 2 for me.
I can only remember my top 2 off the top of my head.
1. Witcher 3 and the two expansions - 221 hours
2. Persona 5 - 121 hours
@Deadlyblack Now this is good taste.
Cities skylines. : 671
Grand theft auto v : 383
Everybody’s golf. : 173
I only played 300 hours of cities skylines, I watched a friend play the other 371
The track time feature does not work very well. For example i played 700 hours trackmania turbo according to the tracking via ubisoft but ps5 tells me i played it only 150 hours. So i dont trust the tracking feature for ps5 because i know i played waaaaay over 150 hours of this game.
No Mans Sky ----- 2,320 hrs
Elite Dangerous - 1,332 hrs
Pinball FX3 -------- 761 hrs
Diablo III ------------ 632 hrs
Stardew Valley --- 399 hrs
Death Stranding - 387 hrs
I have been retired for 12 years nothing else to do but gaming or work around the house. my avg time playing games is 4-6 hrs a day.
gta v 1000+,battlefield 4 1000+,destiny1 and 2 2000+,no mans sky 2700+ and still counting across 4 machines......
500+ hours in fallout 4 for me I just loved building settlements. I’ve attached some links to some I’ve made.
My biggest:
My favorite:
My hotel with a rooftop nightclub:
My teddy bear torture machine (3:50):
Other than that it’s Overwatch and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Without knowing the actual hours.
Offline; Fallout 4, Skyrim, Dying Light, Handsome Jack, Far Cry 5. Some online with Handsome. I would love to know my Gta online for both PS3 and PS4. Has to be a lot when combined.
Online; Gta 5 , Red Dead, Far Cry 5. I am still only midway through chapter 2 of my first play of Red Dead, but online i play almost every day. My offline play of Gta 5 was a lot on PS3 with a little on PS4.
700 hours on Destiny.
300 hours on Rocket League
250 hours on Destiny 2.
Surprisingly, around 150 hours for No Mans Sky, Elite Dangerous, For Honor, Bloodborne, Fallout 4, Rainbow Six Siege.
A lot of 75-100 hour games like Battlefield One, Modern Warfare, Battlefield V, Monster Hunter, Witcher 3.
@StartWars yes. 😃
I downloaded (PS5) Driveclub and No Man's Sky I think it was and the cloudsave. After a restart of my PS5 the real values was there.
I've beaten Demon's Souls since then and is in ng+ chasing the missed trophies so I haven't got time to try that with more games, but I guess Sony will solve it soon.
I have no idea without a ps5 its hard to say. But Rocket League would be high on my list. As for solo games i sunk a lot of time into Persona 5 and DQXI. Id love to find out.
687 hours on battlefield 1....
No idea how that happened.
Destiny 2 (990 hrs)
Destiny 1 (980 hrs)
GT Sport (740 hrs)
Battlefield 1 (520 hrs)
The Division 1 (450 hrs)
Spider-Man and God of War.
I copied this from the forum, so apologies if you've already read this. I went through my list of games, and here are my top played. The games marked with a * are ones I played most of the dlc for. Which makes the top game even more surprising.
I note some games didn't even appear on the list such as no PES titles? Some games also appeared on there multiple times like FFVIIR. And a couple like DOOM and Resi Evil 7 only shows up as 1 hour played. The former I got pretty damn far and the latter I completed and played most of the dlc.
The Witcher 3 - 403 hours
Bloodborne* - 324 hours
Fifa 15 - 318 hours
Far Cry 4 - 233 hours
Dragon Age Inquisition - 257 hours
Fallout 4* - 214 hours
Dark Souls 3* - 196 hours
Dark Souls 2* - 170 hours
Battlefield 4 - 167 hours
Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor - 166 hours
Assassin's Creed Origins - 151 hours
Sekiro - 145 hours
Ghost of Tsushima - 136 hours
The Division - 122 hours
Xcom 2 - 114 hours
Dark Souls Remastered* - 110 hours
Dying Light - 101 hours
Horizon Zero Dawn - 100 hours
My top 5 seem to be:
Driveclub 1336 hours
Diablo III: Eternal Collection 1232 hours
Nioh 891 hours
Nioh 2 830 hours
Red Dead Redemption 2(never touched online) 462 hours
Battlefield 4 - 436 hours. Am I missing the sort by size order option?
I don't have a PS5 yet but..I am assuming I spent ALOT of time in the Uncharted series, God of War, Spider-Man (2018) etc.
Also Horizon: Zero Dawn too, forgot about that beast.
Hunt: Showdown 625
Conan Exiles 449
huh... huge piles of hours guys. If I dig into my memory there are just a few pieces that have some significant numbers and it is UFO Enemy Unknown (PC, 2500+ hours), Diablo 1 (PC, PSX, 2000+ hours), Diablo 2 (PC, 3500+ hours), Diablo 3 (PC, PS3, PS4, 3000+ hours) and keep in mind it is all just Singleplayer. But when it comes to 2020 PS4 than:
1. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - 159 hours
2. Shadows of Mordor - 65 hours
3. Shadows Awakening - 60 hours
4. God of War (PS4) - 60 hours
5. Capcom Beat'em Up Collection - 50+ hours
1492 on Fifa 18
426 No Mans Sky
199 Red Dead Redemption 2
First of all let me say that not having an option to filter the games by playing time order is really bad.
Second, I'm 100% sure I don't have 84 hours at Bloodborne, I didn't even finish the game once!
Third, there are missing games in the profile. I'm pretty sure.
Anyway it seems I played Overwatch for over 1000 hours (seems legit) and Fortnite for 800 (seems legit)
@Gr8VngnzN4esAngr in a similar boat! Dragon Age Inquisition was a game deliberately designed as a time sink (for the worst imho). Its top of my PS list too.
There are a few missing like Bloodborne which lists as only 1 hour, yet I have the platinum!
I also play on other systems. I suspect Breath of the Wild and Terraria might top Dragon Age. Certainly both are much better games!
648 hours in Bloodborne..eek
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