One of the coolest new features of the PlayStation 5, which we can’t wait to put through its paces come launch, is the new Accolades system which forms part of your User Profile. As outlined in our PS5 review, this is a brand new rewards system that's designed to acknowledge those players who represent "PlayStation’s ideals”.
Here’s how it works: when playing online with strangers, you’ll be able to award badges based on your experience with certain players. There are three tiers: Helpful, Welcoming, and Good Sport. You may, for example, want to award a Helpful badge to someone who guides you through a co-op game, while you may give the Good Sport badge to someone who’s gracious in defeat.
The idea is to add a reward loop to being a positive community member. As we’re still in the pre-launch period, we haven’t been able to test this out properly yet, but we’re in love with the overall concept. It’s in the Japanese giant’s best interests to promote an inclusive community, and while this ultimately won’t weed out bad eggs, it does offer extra incentive to be kind.
[source pushsquare.com]
Comments 29
I like these systems in games like League of Legends and Overwatch. I mean, they both still have horrific communities full of toxic behaviour but at least a little bit of positivity shines through.
I like how they're going the Death Stranding approach with only giving positive feedback instead of negative
Hi there fellow gamers. Now this is the right approach on giving people feedback. It is always preferable to reinforce people, not denigrate them. Positive over negative feedback all the way. Enough of toxicity in all kinds of media, especially on gaming wich still baffles me why people like to hate on others in an universe where FUN is supposedly king.
Really nice feature.
Cheers, stay safe out there and happy gaming to us all
Excellent idea.
@Killerlightning way to go proving his point.
What do these actually do though? Or what stops a person from handing this out like Halloween candy?
@Killerlightning Hi there firend, thanks for the reply.
If you actualy read my comment you will see that I said and quote:"It is always preferable to reinforce people, not denigrate them." end of quote.
Lot´s of individuals enjoy using the net to not only say whatever ridiculous things they feel like saying, but also to spread some kind of venom and to offend others.
Now, you are absolutely right, we should always call to attention when things are not alright or are just plain wrong, but that doesn´t mean anyone should just badmouth others or sending death threats like it´s normal behaviour.
It is NOT.
As for the "snowflake comment".... I´m not caucasian and I´m not offended easelly in anyway so..... I guess it doesn´t work on me 😜
Cheers, stay safe out there and have a good one 👍
Awesome idea but... I can envision many communities abusing it though, trading accolades, spamming them, etc.
Er. This just seems stupid and unnecessary.
With your strain to be inclusive. I'm being excluded.
@RaZieLDaNtE I'd give you the Welcoming accolade!
@Killerlightning Okay, I'll test your theory.
You are making this comment section worse.
@Killerlightning i think what he means is sometimes using the carrot instead of the stick is more effective. which if one way is more effective than another then I'm not too worried about what seems oriented toward snowflakes. most people I'm sure would just appreciate whatever methods help make gaming less ugly.
This is very good news to hear! Great job Sony team!
Very nice, I like this idea. Cannot wait to use it and I hope to receive some nice accolades from the community.
As long as there is a way to disable it go nuts sony.
@KippDynamite Hi there friend. Thanks for the vote of confidance.
May we all strive to be as positive as possible in a world where it seems so difficult to do so.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one 👍
If it's somewhat safe from abuse (like farming those badges to each other in a party for example) - then hey why not.
Cool, I like playing online with randomers but rarely do I get someone as thorough as me, so I usually single play unless on a second playthrough. Resident Evil 6 was a good one for me, shorter campaigns that you can blast through in a couple hours max. Really feel like that game got too much hate when it tried to please many.
This reminds me of Reddit’s award system. Which is a good thing.
Ugh! More online-centric nonsense. Seems anything new they add only relates to multiplayer gaming. Not all of us do that.
Do these CEOs realise most people don’t give a ***** about inclusivity lol
By striving to have no accolades and bragging about it.
@Killerlightning Rather than being negative, you congratulate them on a good game, and give them pointers on how to improve. A desire to tear others down is not a healthy outlook, and only proves the weakness of the mind.
Yup horrible idea made worse by not having the ability to have a negative review on anyone. You're dead on with the snowflake trash they pulled and just goes to show how horrible this piece of crap system is going to be....
Definitely needs an "Absolute c*nt" badge. 🤣
Joking aside, I'm all for the 'positive reinforcement' vibe, but sometimes you just need to call a spade a spade, and you should be able to warn people off of a potentially bad (maybe even harmful) experience.
Any review system is only worth it if you can help people to actively avoid problems and not pretend they don't exist; not being able to do so only papers over the cracks.
There should be a method of giving people a black mark (not necessarily visible to the public), and a threshold below which matchmaking lumps all the a-holes together, so the rest of us can enjoy the games.
Hope this will make the GTA Online lobbies a better place.
It actually reminds me of the 360 days idea. Absolute apart thing to ever be invented. Spamming players for positives and negatives for the sake of it. Eventually your profile might look like a dump of negativity feedback. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but hope it's not like 360 which Xbox rightfully abandoned.
@LiQuiDM3tH you and killer are the exact reason why it is a good idea to not have a way to give negative feedback, people like you guys would hand those out like candy rather than to actually help people learn how to improve and be an actual asset to the gaming community. Being a trash talker to those who make mistakes and belittling others just shows immaturity and incompetence. Both you and killer prove this system is needed to help and acknowledge people who like to do good in games.
Neat, reminds me of online/gaming version of Boy Scouts!
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