While we're still rather annoyed by the fact we have to wait an extra week, but that hasn't stopped Sony from increasing its marketing hold on the UK as we near the launch of the PlayStation 5. Eagle-eyed fans have begun snapping shots of advertising boards and buses sporting the next-gen console, with some simply showing the system while others use Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales to grab your attention. Twitter user @tayslondonboy is the one who took and shared the images you see below.
As far as the US launch goes, we're now into single digits as we count down the days until the PS5 finally arrives. Have you spotted any other advertising campaigns from the Japanese giant? Share them in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 52
Not that this means anything but the buses look like they're at my local bus parking area thing in Putney/Wimbledon.
Play does have limits though. There are only 24 hours in a day for a start or does the PS5 come with a time delay device?
@Enigk Yes it does, that was one of the PS5's new embargoed features. @get2sammyb will not be pleased you broke the news in comments.
Maybe Sony should ramp up stock instead of advertising? Just sayin... some of us haven’t even been able to secure a pre order yet!
Not the best advertising for people not familiar enough to know what “PS5” is or stands for, especially the Spider-man one, I can imagine people just not even registering the “PS5” symbol snd thinking there’s just a new Spider-Man movie out or something...
Surely having the actual words PlayStation and Games console should have been a pre-requisite for the general market?
@thefourfoldroot but there is a picture of the console on the ad as well and I'm pretty sure most people would recognise the PS logo!
PS5 adverts are already in full swing in Yonge & Dundas Square here in Toronto
When I was touring around the U of T campus and took a break to get some lunch I saw multiple adverts for both it and the PlayStation versions of Avengers.
Be nice if they started lifting embargos so we could get more details on the system that launches in 8 days.
Have you forgotten all the people who’s initial reaction was that it looked like a router, lol,
Look, I know it seems strange to all of us here, but I know people who call any console from any manufacturer a PlayStation (a word not even in the advertising!) and couldn’t tell you what number we are on. Let alone recognise what the new one looks like.
I just think there are so many people for whom this will not even do the most basic task of advertising, which is to tell people what new product is out, nor even increase brand awareness, the second most vital factor.
I guess it's a good thing that every single PS5 ad in that image has the PS5 logo then.
@Enigk It comes with a long second watch (from the cult 80's Sci-Fi action comedy Trancers (a Cult film reference)
I saw one on the side of a Bus yesterday but by the time I got my phone out to take a picture the bus drove away(I nearly ran after it!)
Sure, like the tiny almost unnoticeable PS5 squiggle in the corner of the spider-man add that most people who have heard of PlayStation wouldn’t recognise as being part of the PlayStation brand.
I guess this is the wrong place to try to bring up a non gamer perspective.
@thefourfoldroot the ps5 and it’s ads aren’t aimed at people who know nothing about gaming tho, the cheaper version in 4 years time is when they’ll make their ads geared towards the more casual and less informed gamers, a non gamer isn’t gonna spend 450 quid on a console when they can get a PS4 or a switch for way cheaper, so I think you’re being just slightly pedantic lol
You are correct, and I was expecting that argument and agree to a certain extent, but this is why I mentioned the second aspect of these types of adverts: brand recognition. When spending this much on physical ads I would really expect the words PlayStation (and Sony actually) to be pasted on there.
PlayStation is ranked as the 3rd most recognizable brand in the UK. Ahead of Google, Amazon, BMW, Sony...people know PlayStation, whether it's spelled out or simply PS. It's #13 in the U.S.
I think PlayStation will be just fine.
"Play has no limits" I'm pretty sure not being able to play until 7 day's after the official launch date count's as a limit.
Interesting, but not sure how accurate with such a small sample of people. I mean, PlayStation more recognisable than McDonald’s!? Lol, no. And also this is why having PlayStation on there would be effective, whereas the symbol or PS5 not so much.
14,000 isn't a small sample size, by any means. PlayStation has been around for 25 years, it's sold more consoles than Nintendo. It's a mainstream brand. I don't understand how you could think it was some fringe/niche brand that only game site visitors would be aware of.
I’m not sure why you keep bringing up PlayStation. PlayStation is not mentioned on the ad, that was my point.
“ Surely having the actual words PlayStation and Games console should have been a pre-requisite for the general market?”
Rumours around they will release a week earlier in Europe than original date
I remember someone on here saying "only ***** products advertise, great products sell themselves" I wonder how that person feels now , now that ps is "advertising"
@thefourfoldroot I guess the question is, if you are not familiar enough with gaming to recognize the Spider-man game, the term PS5, what the PS5 looks like, or the Playstation logo, are you actually the target market for these advertisings?
PS is synonymous with PlayStation. Want mainstream examples?
The Washington Post
A feel for the game: Sony’s big PS5 bet is that what’s good for developers will be great for players.
The New York Times
"We have a PS5 on hand to review..."
USA Today
PS5 Unboxing: See how the colossal PS5 compares to the PS4 in size
"At launch, PS5 console owners will have to option to purchase new Media Remote (sold separately for $30) to navigate and control the entertainment experience on PS5."
You're trying to create issues where there are none.
@lacerz keep an eye out on Friday if you believe the leaks
That’s cool, but I would hardly say tech journalists are mainstream. Im not sure how old you are, but ask non gamers you know if they have heard of “PS5”, then ask if they have heard of PlayStation.
Again, just saying that because PlayStation is the brand I thought that Sony would at least mention it on the ads for better brand recognition and so non gamers are more likely to know what the hell they’re looking at! Not just put a small PS5 symbol in a corner out the way. This is obvious, I’m not making it an issue, just stating the obvious.
Yada, yada, yada...
Yes, I'm sure the PS5 will struggle all the way through this generation. yawn

@thefourfoldroot whilst i do understand where you are coming from, i do think the playstation brand is almost as ingrained into wider public consciousness as say Nintendo. Its been around for many many years and regularly when people have talked about video gaming in general they refer to playstation as a catch all
Edit. Read your post in more detail. I get what you mean about using just PS5 rather than spelling it out 👍
How childish. I make a point, an obvious point, PlayStation is better known, and I’m surprised it wasn’t even mentioned. If your best response degenerates into a repetitive stream of “yada” then I guess my point is made.
Spider-man isn't specifically named...I suppose we should question whether anyone would understand who he is. LOL.
@lacerz classic film 😁
Exactly what I said. Many people just say PlayStation to mean a console in the same way they think of Google to mean a search engine, so I’m surprised they don’t use the brand name in their advertising. Thanks for understanding.
@TheFrenchiestFry You live in a great city. Loved my visit a couple of years ago. You have some awesome game shops. I was able to pick up a good stack of Vita games that just were not available in the UK.
Missing those Beaver Tails down by the waterfront 😁
@fatdragon I had to look that one up. There's a whole series of them! Sounds suitably bonkers which was the norm for a lot of 80s cult movies. Sadly can't see it anywhere to stream to fill the gap in my life.
@Rob_230 If I was on campus right now I'd totally love to chart out the city for joints like comic shops, places for lunch and the nearest EB Games if I could
It'll be my first time walking out there outside being with my family so I personally can't wait. It also helps that my specific campus is like a few blocks away from Yonge & Dundas where all the good stuff is
@SwanPrincess83 There's no reason to assume they aren't already doing everything they can to get as much systems out there for launch. But with COVID, and the high demand, it's not a surprise they are hard to find.
What’s the point l! You can’t buy any of you wanted to.
They better play the 2 Unlimited song in adverts.
@nessisonett now there's a classic from the primary school disco 😂
😆 Play is currently limited due to lack of hardware available to purchase.
@nessisonett thanks that's in my head for the next few days lol
@Enigk Its available on amazon or ebay for under a fiver on dvd,the 1st is the best low buget but fun
All of the Champions league adverts on BT sport are ps5 orientated today to.
Yep total waste of money from Sony, advertising something that sells faster than they can make them.
Either they have a boat load more on the way or they paid for all this in advance.
@lacerz @lacerz that Washington Post article was very interesting, and expect more on Friday 6th when the full embargoes are lifted.
@NickTheGeek keep an eye out on Friday 6th.
I agree. I found the article very well done and was very impressed with the formatting. I don't recall seeing a WaPo tech article that well laid out before.
What's the point of advertising something no one can buy until next year
Advertising something that people 1) have already managed to preorder, or 2) can’t preorder due to lack of stock. What’s the point?!?
@Octane there was no assumption... there aren’t consoles available in Australia until at least 2021. Just like many other comments after mine, why ramp up advertising on something you can’t pre-order, let alone buy on day one.
@SwanPrincess83 Awareness.
Surely it's launching in Australia this year, no?
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