November 2020's PlayStation Plus games have been announced, and it's a bit of a bumper month for the subscription service. Not only are we getting two highly rated PS4 titles — Sony's also thrown our very first PS5 game into the mix.
That's right, the one and only Bugsnax debuts alongside Middle-earth: Shadow of War and Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition. From where we're sitting, that's a pretty good selection, right?
But as always, it's your opinion that we want. Are you happy with November's lineup? Vote in our polls, and then feed us your delicious thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 75
A solid month, for sure. Now if I can just find a PS5 to pre-order I’ll have a game to play.
and then Hollow Knight cos I loved it on PC but never finished it, time to fix that with the incentive of a Platinum!
Last month was bad, but this one is amazing.
Last month was great and so is this one. Keep'em coming Sony.
I’ve got Hollow Knight already, but happy for those who don’t, as it’s an incredible game. Will probably download on my PS5 just cuz.
I feel ‘meh’ about the Lord of the Rings game. Bugsnax on the other hand, VERY happy to get to try this out for free in a couple weeks. Smart move on that one!
Bugsnax so yes. But HK I have on Now. I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but I’ll never subscribe to both services simultaneously until they guarantee no duplicate games.
I'm very much looking forward to Bugsnax. And Shadow of War being here means I can trade in my copy to help pay for Spider-man, so it's a win-win.
Hollow Knight is the big draw for me, been wanting to play that for a while.
Of course, it's no Farming Simulator 2019, obviously, but still not a bad month
Will definitely play Shadow of War and probably download Hollow Knight. The latter belongs to a genre that I'm not usually that interested in but money is tight right now, it's free and I can always delete it if it's not for me.
Won't be getting a PS5 for some time so obviously Bugsnax is out of the picture.
I'm very happy since we're getting Bugsnax. Nice that we're getting a new PS5 release along with the console.
@Medic_Alert I'm not complaining (this month) but I think you could be overselling Bugsnax a tad.
We got a PS5 game very happy about that. Lets hope we get the standard 2 games new games for PS5 next month.
PS Plus is looking better than Xbox Live Gold lol.
I'm glad I'm on Game Pass Ultimate, because if I was paying $10 a month for online games and mediocre games, I wouldn't be very happy.
Yes, I'm happy bugsnack is on november psplus since I plan to buy that game. Already have hollow knight, didn't have shadow of war, I hope shadow of war is updated to 60 fps framerate 😃
Will i be able to put bugsnax in my library on ps4 so i can play it when i get a ps5?
I plan to subscribe as soon as my PlayStation arrives on the 19th as it'll be my first Sony console, and I was planning to put Bugsnax on my Xmas list, so colour me pleasantly surprised!
@Danloaded I saw someone saying you could claim ps4 games on plus via the browser if you didn't even own a PS4 yet, so I'd imagine it's the same for PS5, you just might not be able to do it directly in the PS4 store app
First time in months that we don't get 2 turds or something that almost everybody owns. I already have hollow knight on switch but I don't mind.
Not happy, but it's also not a bad selection. I already own Hollow Knight and the LotR game, and don't have a PS5, so won't be able to try Bugsnax.
Hollow Knight is on PS Now, not interested in Lord of the Rings, and I won't be getting a ps5 any time soon..so not a good month for me!
I am not impressed with Novembers free games so I'll pass this month. Trying to decide if I want a PS5 at launch or should I wait.
@Jslade I agree with you. I'll get a PS5 maybe in the spring. Right now, I am not sure how the second round of Covid is going to go so I need to reserve some funds.
@Ralizah I thought Bugsnax was also on PS4. I guess I misunderstood.
If Sony gives out Bugsnax every month, I will finally feel like ps plus is worth it.
@Far_Cide It is. But I don't think PS4-only owners are going to be able to download it via PS+.
I got PS now and hollow Knight is there already😂🤣 just like last month vampyr. I only got one free game from ps plus looks like it’s happening again 😂🤣
Best month in a very long time and a great start to the PS5 Plus games.
Extremely happy.word up son
@Medic_Alert Yeah, well, y'know, that's just like, your opinion, man. 😝
Bugsnax seems like it will be pretty fun, and I have the other 2 on PC but now PlayStation as well I guess
Sony is sloppy with there ideas and what’s this got to do with Those greatest hits selection? No this is not it. But I really don’t care because I’m about to drop Plus now because to me it’s just a figment of your imagination. Sad but true
Pretty good selection. I've been wanting to play Hollow Knight for a long time and have been meaning to pay the LotR game (having almost bought it several times). Plus as much as I hate to admit it, I'm excited for Bugsnax.
I'm a very very happy man.
Do you have to have played the previous LOTR game to understand this one or is it a stand alone?
Technically there's like 23 of them 😘
Never gonna complain about free games, even when they're not my cup of tea.
I'm really excited about Bugsnax but won't have a PS5 anytime soon. I assume I can add it to my library without a console, though. This way I can build a little PS5 library before picking it up.
@Col_McCafferty shadow of war is a big big game. Could keep you going for quite a while
I already own shadow may give me a free add-on dlc for it??
I have hollow knight on switch and I've been wanting to try the mordor games so I'm super excited. I've read the lotr books and watched the movies and wasn't really into them. The game play always interested me though. also I was jokingly hyping up bugsnaxs and ended up being legitimately hyped. so I'm hyped to own my first ps5 game.
@Boucho11 Sounds good to me!
Maybe not exultant (considering the high odds of me playing both games elsewhere), but it's a neat month regardless - we're talking two classic actventures in one package, after all.
The line up is fine, probably one of the best in months.
I don't think SoW was as good as SoM from what I played, but still good. Haven't played Hollow Knight but hear great things.
But there wasn't an option for "we should have access to the ps plus collection on ps4" so I didn't vote.
Well, I'm not unhappy as I still get enough from Plus to justify the cost... but there's nothing here I'll be downloading.
Very happy cause....BUGSNAX!
I enjoyed vampyr last month, first game I ever bothered to platinum, and I gotta say none of these games mean much to me. At least I get the plus collection..
I’ll be honest, none of these tickle my fancy, but that’s why I have the Avengers for now and Valhalla coming next week. Maybe down the road if I’m bored I’ll check them out. Just my opinion.
There seems like there's plenty on ebay. 300 quid more expensive, no warranty and 2nd hand.
I'd rather wait... I hope they're stuck with them
@Steve30000 I’m not going to pay over retail for a launch unit. Nor will I camp out and stand in line all night before release day to get one of a few units not pre-ordered. Thankfully I have an enormous PS4 backlog (with Shadow of War and Hollow Knight now added) to keep me plenty busy until I can buy a PS5 the legit way. And who knows, maybe Santa will drop one off 😄
Hollow Knight is a 10/10. It is easily the best non-Metroid Metroid game I have ever played.
No, the PS4 titles are already on PS Now and Bugsnax is no use to me. Nothing wrong with the games though.
Was really hoping they would release Knack 2 as a plus title and then announce knack 3 but maybe they'll make it a plus game after announcing knack kart or little knack adventure.
Good month. Always wanted to try shadow of war cause I loved the 1st game, but i heard how sloppy it was at launch and never bothered getting it since
I've always wanted to try hollow knight but never got around to it, so i guess now's my chance
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L. Whats going on big time.hows everything in England.i heard theres a lockdown in England.pittsburgh Steelers 7 and 0.haha.word up son
@Far_Cide Sorry, u didn’t preorder u ain’t gettin it.
I can get bugsnax without paying for it, so I am happy. As for Middle Earth Shadow of War and Hollow Knight, I've already played them, but they're very good. Especially Hollow Knight, it's by far one of the best metroidvania game this gen, if not the best.
@ThewolfX73 what the hell are you even talking about?... Wanna drop the service, do it, there is no need to announce it here... News flash: no one really cares if you do or not.
Or there'll be plenty at launch, and Sony are deliberately releasing few consoles to create demand.
Bet there's more available..
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L. Everything is better. In new york.yeah big day voting is coming up.pittsburgh Steelers is the best team.they just added avery Williamson today he is really good.robert spillane is playing good also.word up son
@Steve30000 likely a few, but you'll be very lucky to find one. Have you heard how many units have been pre-ordered? They were comparing the first 12 hours of PS5 sales to the first 12 weeks of the PS4. Demand is way outpacing supply.
Personally, I think the two PS4 titles are great if you are one of the few that wants to play them and haven't yet. Unfortunately the first PS5 title, Bugsnax is just disappointing to say the least.
@deathaxe Why didn't you think we would get a PS5 game on PS+ for 6-12 months? We got them on day one with the PS4.
You could argue that there is less need (with PS5 being backwards compatible) but I would argue that Sony wants you to move to the PS5 ASAP, and giving existing PS+ members (most of which are on the PS4) "free" titles that they will have to buy a PS5 to play, gives more incentive to pick up a PS5 as soon as possible.
Even if someone doesn't get a new console for 6-12 months because of stock issues, by the end of 6-12 months they will have a large selection of PS5 PS+ titles already, making the PS5 better value out of the box than it would have been.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand Indian jones is not bad take that back
@Banehatsu I'm so sorry, I forgot that game was on Gold
It's ok ik people forgot lego games its alright
Bug snacks free on PS plus as a first PS5 game is awesome I had no intentions of purchasing the game but getting it free on plus is worth my time
@itsMeaningless Reasons why PS+ is very average at best.
1) Most months 1/2 games are already available on PS Now. The 2 subscriptions clash and overlap. Not a great value for consumers. Not a great incentive for PS Now. As someone who like PS Now, that's a big negative.
2) They often offer games available elsewhere, like EA Play or they offer the vanilla version of a game with TON of DLC. Like when they offered the Sims 4. The base game is basically an ad for the dlc. Again, not a great bargain and borderline dishonest practice here.
3) The games are often old (several years) and previously often on sales so a lot of gamers already bought them.Most subscriptions services offer at least one recent game to balance the offering.
4) Until about 6 months, the PS Store had a nasty bug that prevented people to buy games claimed on PS +. I missed on several sales and I also skipped on claiming certain games because of that completely unacceptable bug that was fixed only this year.
5) The price. I get 10 to 12 games for 12 bucks every month with Humble Choice. And Steam doesn't charge extra for online gaming.
Pretty good. Not really interested in the older PS4 games but I'll give Bugsnax a try on the PS5.
this is a great month for me I'm really lookin forward to both of these games especially HK...Coolio..
@Danloaded Yup! “Don't own a PS5 yet? Add Bugsnax to your game library and it'll be saved for as long as you're a PS Plus member.”
Pretty good month this time, looking forward to playing Bugsnax so I'm glad that's been added.
Lol I don't have ps plus at the moment since I'm waiting until I get my PlayStation to input my code for 2 years so I guess bugsnax will be my first ps5 game. 😂🤦🏾♂️
@Culjoseth Oh that fine.
The only reason they're struggling is because of the pond life snapping thousands up and selling them on ebay for double the price.
Otherwise everyone who wanted one would get one. Stop this practice, and there wouldn't be any supply issues.
@Steve30000 I think the supply would still be slow to meet demand, but you're right insofar as the gulf between supply and demand wouldn't be as dire.
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