Update: Insomniac Games' James Stevenson has confirmed that the developer is looking into this issue, so hopefully it will all be cleaned up over the coming days:
Original Story: As reported overnight, there are definitely some glitches in the PlayStation 5’s system software which are causing issues. While we’ve encountered the Rebuild Database bug in conjunction with the external HDD, the vast majority of people seem to be getting this when putting Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered into Rest Mode.
Our recommendation: maybe don’t suspend the superhero title on your next-gen console until there’s a patch. You can ensure the game is closed by pushing the PlayStation button and bringing up the Switcher, then hover over Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, push the options button, and select Close Game.
It’s a shame that this is happening, but we’re sure patches and firmware updates will be issued promptly – presumably before the European launch next week.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 54
Is this only when running the game from an external HDD? Or does with happen when it's running on the SSD?
@Zanao you can't run that game from an external drive
I’ve just started using rest mode on my launch PS4 so I can suspend Titan Quest without having to restart from the last checkpoint. As it’s kind of a new feature for me I probably would have used it on PS5, even if not strictly needed given the rapid loading snd activities features, so thanks for the heads-up. I’ll wait for a firmware patch (assuming one isn’t already out by the time we get out ps5s here in the U.K.).
Well it may be a little bit annoying to close the game everytime you want to set your PS5 on stand by but considering how fast the game loads it's not that bad.
Just hope there is a patch soon
@Zanao This warning is regarding the Spider-Man Remaster only available for PS5. PS4 version available via BC has no issues.
@carlos82 I guess I don't understand why it would give a "repair your external" if it wasn't running from an external.
@Zanao Because it’s a bug. Bugs usually cause weird things to happen, including error messages that shouldn’t normally fire.
@Zanao It gives a ‘repair your external’ message because, just like the PS4, a crash cuts the power to your external hard drive and forcibly ejects it, which is absolutely not recommended for the health of the drive. This is why it asks you to repair it on PS4 too, to sweep the hard drive and check for corrupted data, even if you were playing from the internal.
@Zanao You are unable to run native PS5 games on an HDD. PS5-only games can only be installed on the built in SSD, while PS4 games can be transferred to an external HDD
@God_of_Nowt Thanks, I'd assume if it was on PS5 it would say "repair your internal" or "solid state drive" not external, I understand it's a bug and why it's reading incorrectly just seemed odd that the error would have that nomenclature to begin with when you can't run PS5 games from an external.
So to be clear this is a problem with suspending the game, not with rest mode right? Still safe to use rest mode when not suspending a game?
Ok! so on the 19th make sure to
A) not put into rest mode
B) Don't use an external drive just yet
Got it!
Hope there'll be a firmware patch to fix this!
Very anxious I'm going to brick my console on launch day!
They rightly decided that Quick Resume was a pretty useless feature so they didn't include it to be sure that everything was working at its best! 😂
My "not at launch" sense is tingling.

@andreoni79 Well people are having issues with quick resume too. Wonder if it's related.
@andreoni79 Quick resume is incredible, I hope by the time I get a PS5 it has some form of it. You don't have to knock it just cause you don't have it. I do hope though these PS5 issues are resolved quickly so everyone can get back to enjoying their awesome new console ✌️
@God_of_Nowt thanks man. You seem to have inside knowledge
@God_of_Nowt so, just for clarity, I can use my external with it as normal but just make sure to fully shut down when I’m done until a patch arrives (unless one is already dropped before the 19th).
@AlexSora89 Why pay people to do Q&A when you can have millions of people pay you? 😉
Odd problem but I'm confident Sony will patch it.
If this is at bad as it gets for the PS5 at launch that's not bad going. I reckon with the pandemic a lot more gremlins would have squeaked by quality control as opposed to usual. If it's one that's patchable and not terminal like this, and it's the only one. That's still pretty good going.
@God_of_Nowt What about reports that using a LAN cable can cause problems? Not for transferring data, just normal use.
@God_of_Nowt appreciated my man. I’d imagine this will be at the top of someone’s list right now so hopefully it will be sorted pretty quickly. If not I will just hang fire with external drive until it is. Again, appreciate the info.
@God_of_Nowt awesome, thanks, I’m safe to plug in my LAN cable
Thank you again for all you are sharing here.
@God_of_Nowt a true legend among the community here. Thank you Sir for all of the information you have been providing us.
I feel excited for the launch of the console but at the same time left out because although its launched, we can't fully celebrate until we get the consoles in our hands next week.
Hopefully fixes will be quick and rolled out before the European launch. I can hold off plugging in my External until a fix has been issued.
It's not really acceptable this is happening. You'd want to test these things before launch, no? Sounds like a big hiccup on their part.
Thank god we are waiting till 19th hopefully will b a patch out day b4 which means we get glory from day 1 still wish I had it now though 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭dam u sony
@God_of_Nowt yes indeed, thank you. My console arrived today and it's waiting for me at home. I'll be sure to hold off on using my external and/or using rest mode (which will take adjusting to as I almost always have my Pro is rest mode when not in use). I'll wait for the inevitable update!
@God_of_Nowt What you suggest! I just dont want to crash my console tbh
1. don't use reset mode for a while cause it might crash your console!
2. u can use reset mode but just don't use it when you spiderman remastered open!
Thank you!
It'll be sorted in no time but this is one of the reasons I never buy a console at launch. Although I do end up buying games for systems I don't own yet in preparation for the day I get round to buying it. I remember owning several PS4 and Xbox One games way before I actually got the consoles. I have a problem.
@God_of_Nowt so basically shut down after every game and power off. What about the updates can you get those on disc when new games are released ? I ask this as I am not connected to the internet.
@get2sammyb could you create an article where good Samaritans like @God_of_Nowt can share their experiences to help early adopters to face issues and bugs? Or maybe just rename this to make clear that we can always refer to the comments to do not feel alone while facing some issues.
@God_of_Nowt mate you’re not irritating anyone. You are just plan and simple helpful! This will be my first day one console, but am aware of the issues that can come!
I asked on Twitter about this issue but none replied. So what I can tell: you are a gem!
@God_of_Nowt just wanna know what you think do you think its something with software which means (with updates might get fixed) or the problem is with hardware (which means it can't get fixed unless they fix it in the next wave of consoles, they trying to sell)
what do you think is this a hardware problem or software?
Since I don't have that huge a library with PS and my external PS4 drive was just a powerless laptop drive I was planning on sticking with the internal only for now anyway. But this is a good heads up because I always use rest and suspend modes on PS4 and X1/X. Not sure if I trust rest even without an external HDD for now.
@God_of_Nowt Another Playstation Launch without Rest Mode, it seems. Maybe 2022.....
Fine by me, i don't use it on PS4 unless i'm downloading and have no intention of using it on PS5.
@God_of_Nowt Oh wow that was perfect! thank you for answering my question and going deep down with more information! you should become a journalist no kidding I would love to listen to your podcast or anything you have so much information and I really appreciate that!
@God_of_Nowt do you have the U.K. phone number for Sony support in regards to this matter. I was wondering if I don't connect an external HDD or use the rest mode, do I actually need to get the update ? The issue in question seems to revolve around external storage plus rest mode so if I don't use either will my console be ok ?
SONY really NEED test things better really. My SONY 4K TV after a update is causing me problems a bit :-/ COME ON SONY! YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU! SO LOVE ME BACK!
@God_of_Nowt many thanks for all your feed back on this subject. I still eagerly await the 19th of this month with a deep feeling of excitement to play on Demon Souls. You have provided clear info for which I am grateful. Once again Thanks...
@God_of_Nowt I highly doubt Microsoft would've delayed the release of their next xbox just because Sony asked pretty please. Microsoft has a huge cloud infrastructure and develops remote collaboration platforms, so pretty sure they're able to work remotely. At the same capacity as working onsite? Possibly not, but most likely not at such a diminished capacity as to introduce too significant of delays.
@God_of_Nowt Thank you! Knowledge and common sense are a rarity these days and ALWAYS appreciated.
@God_of_Nowt honestly, do you think I’d be better off just leaving the ps5 in the box for a week and work on my ps4 backlog while I wait for an OS patch?
So, I got mine today and have messed about with both Astro and Miles. I've had to stop and start my playing (busy day), and have just simply closed games and shut down the system with no problem. I don't really expect any issues so long as I keep on with that for the time being.
@God_of_Nowt eh, you're going to need a citation for PS5 and Xbox deliveries disrupting supply chains for groceries or medicine. Remember at the start of the pandemic when groceries couldn't keep staples in stock but restaurants could and started selling them directly to customers as groceries. That was even the exact same product.
Yes, I managed to get a PS5 at launch from Best Buy.
@God_of_Nowt oh and regarding PSNow, it runs on Azure.
@God_of_Nowt I'm definitely enjoying 😁 It looks and feels amazing and Miles plays like a dream!
@God_of_Nowt my only regret is that I won't have a lot of time to play as I'm working all weekend. Looking forward to my Monday off though!
@God_of_Nowt Thanks again man, you’ve really helped calm my nerves, I appreciate your transparency.
@God_of_Nowt that's why I bought a spare 😉
@God_of_Nowt sorry for leaning on you so hard, but you’ve been so useful.
Here is my experience so far:
Should I be concerned or do you think those are just software issues with the OS?
@Carl-G As much as I agree with you about the testing, there's also no way these companies can test and catch everything that can go wrong. Out of millions of these things there are going to be bugs that slip through the cracks.
@God_of_Nowt Thanks. I was worried about something like a bad sector (or the SSD equivalent) on the chip, or maybe a weird power supply issue. But I used it for a couple hours after that and no more issue.... mind you I didn’t use the game that was downloading when I had the OS crash (bugsnax), so it could still be something with that part of storage.
Aaaanyhow, thanks once again.
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