Hot on the heels of its Project 007 reveal, IO Interactive has revealed another location Agent 47 plans to visit in the upcoming Hitman 3. Named Chongqing, the Asian setting features the bright lights of neon advertising as well as realistic rain effects to make puddles and drops hitting the silent assassin appear better than ever. The studio also places the focus on its Glacier engine, detailing how it enables them to push the boundaries of AI. That aspect will surely get even better between now and its eventual James Bond title.
IO Interactive also details how Hitman 3 will look and run on PlayStation 5. The game will run at 60 frames-per-second with a 4K resolution and HDR support. Both Hitman and Hitman 2 will do the same on the current-gen console. And as for ray-tracing, support for that feature will arrive after the January launch. What do you make of this new level? Is it a classic in the making? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 11
Well this looks amazing. Seriously, it’s like that one good level of Absolution bumped up to a full world.
Looks great. Loving the improvements to the past levels, too, including the bump in AI characters. Praise Cerny for PS5's new CPU!
@get2sammyb I mean... it’s coming to PS4, PC, Xbox One, Series X/S, Stadia and Switch using cloud tech as well so can it really be put down to PS5’s CPU or just a wider step forward in the industry?
I used to love Hitman games, but they've fallen into the horrible area of confusing editions and what you get with each copy of the game. I played the first one on ps+ and still had no idea of what else there was I could and couldn't do after playing it. There we so many extras and things I needed to buy to get the full game I just played a few levels and gave up in the end.
Every time I thought about buying 2, I'd look up what is included on the disc and there was always a load of stuff not included or some other edition I needed to buy if I wanted this or that. This new one seems the same, normal and deluxe editions. Do they come with 1 and 2 or not? Just release the game with everything on the disc, is it really that hard? It looks like the same will happen with this one for me too, wait til it's cheaper, then not bother as the cheap version is missing loads of stuff I still need to buy. Shame really as I'd like it to do well, but I'm tired of games companies expecting us to do a bunch or research into what version of a game does what.
@Old-Red If you own 1 then the levels are included with 3. If you own 2 then those levels are included with 3. If you own neither then you get the levels from 3 but you can buy the previous ‘seasons’ for a price. It’s a really quite fair way of doing it to be honest.
@nessisonett OK, does that include if I own the disc versions of 1 & 2? Do I get the levels from 1 if I have it from ps+? It might be fair, but it's not clear. It's a mess to the point where I can't even be bothered to try and work it out.
If I could have an option to turn off all the noise of what is paid for dlc or not in the menu that would help. Hitman 1 was such a mess, as I couldn't separate what levels I could unlock from game progression or paid for content.
@Old-Red I assume so with PS+? I already had bought the game before it was free so I don’t know how that works. If you have the disc inserted and all content installed on your PS4, you go into Hitman 1 and follow the steps to redeem the legacy pack for Hitman 2 which is essentially a DLC that includes all levels from 1. Perhaps the team here could put together some sort of guide once Hitman 3 comes out? I do agree that it’s not exactly straightforward.
If you have Hitman 1 from plus and register for a free IOI account you get to download the game again for free but now with higher resolution graphics. If you then buy Hitman 2 you can import the levels and story into Hitman 2 so you can play everything within one game.
Same will happen in Hitman 3, through your account you can add Hitman 1 & 2 to your game menu and have them all "under the same roof" so to speak.
The story between the missions is all part of the same trilogy and Hitman 3 is said to be the end of this story.
I always bought the Deluxe/Gold editions, that way I got everything released, including free stuff through patches.
Edit: I forgot,you also need to link your PSN account with the IOI Hitman account. 😉
@Zeke68 Best explanation I've seen on how to sort thru it all, thank you so very much!
@get2sammyb.... Wow this looks so everagr and generic.....
Surely this games does not review higher than 6 for graphics.
Sammy guys must be fair, all other devs who released games similar to the previous game got points of the reviewe score for not doing something new.
This looks like Tha same crap as Hitman 2. So if this is the case then this is a DLC and must be reviewed as such. Aside from graphics it still plays so plastic, I mean the play through I have just seen, the a.i. is still a joke. The game is still confused as to what it wants to DO, I mean the pathetic story opportunity are still there.
In terms of a franchise or game it has not move forward from 2016, to the point I think that IO lied, Hitman was supposed to be 1 game consisting of 1, 2 and 3. They just cut it up and released it in piece as three separate game.
Playing both 1 and 2 feels like unfinished games cause they r unfishined games.
I think it's the major reason for 007. It seems IO also felt that the series has stagnated. And this shows cause this is the last Hitman game we will probably see..
Looks absolutely delicious...
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