Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is a great return to form for the marsupial mascot, but his latest game was somewhat overshadowed by the arrival of next-gen (now current-gen, we suppose). Of course, the launch of PlayStation 5 hasn't dissuaded hardcore Crash fans from completing the new game 106 per cent. Doing so is an exercise in patience, and we commend anyone who can endure such a feat. Totally completing Crash 4 gets you a unique ending, as well as some Trophies of course, but there's one tiny Easter egg that has fans scratching their heads.
As discovered by Kevin Fagaragan, if you have 106 per cent in the game and spin the TV in the very first level, something new will appear. After showing the logos for Crash 1, 2, 3, and 4, the telly will very briefly display a mysterious logo before switching off.
In case you didn't catch that, someone ripped the image from the game, which you can view here. It's a wumpa fruit, with orange and blue colours swirling around it. We can confirm that this logo does not appear by default, or if you just beat the game normally.
This is likely hinting at something Crash-related coming in the future, but what, exactly? There are a few possibilities. Some have assumed it's hinting at Crash Bandicoot 5, but it seems a tad early to be thinking about that. Others have suggested it could be referring to a remake of Crash Bash, the PS1 party game. We'd say it could also suggest some form of DLC is coming; perhaps a batch of fresh levels, or expanded multiplayer. Some are even speculating that a standalone, competitive multiplayer Crash game is on the way.
Whatever the case may be, it seems the bandicoot is sticking around, which is fine by us. We'll of course update you on this if and when we hear more. What do you think this logo means? Have your say in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 10
Spyro Season Of Flame, Season Of Ice. A reboot has been in the rumor mill. As the crash trilogy teased spyro remaster.
Or it could be Crash N-Tranced.
Or could be dlc for the corresponding Crash gem colors.
Or crash and spyro orange and purple but purple wasnt a color.
So many possibilities
Crash Twinsanity Remake ??
I watched Caddicarus's video on Crash 4. Good lord the game asks a lot of you to 106%. Especially when the rewards aren't really good enough.
I'd love for it to be Crash Bash. I know a lot of people don't rate that game but I played it so much when friends would come around. Great memories.
I absolutely loved this, so fingers crossed it's a sequel or some DLC!
My absolute dream would be Spyro 4 or at least an ETD Overhaul (actually completing the game development this time)
Youtuber "canadian guy eh" has a video on it and I share his opinion that it hints at a new Crash Team Racing game. Remember that when Crash 4 was leaked, there was also talk about a Crash PvP game for 2021? That's this game.
@AdamNovice It's only bad if you rush to complete the game. I saw his video too and it is obvious he crammed a lot of Crash 4 into a couple of weeks to be able to make that video. I'm doing a couple of gems per week since the launch and I still love the game.
@Turbodream Yeah that is a good point, he will have felt pressured to do a video quickly. Still I feel the requirements are still a bit excessive.
@AdamNovice Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Toys for Bob probably included all that extra content so Activision could justified a 60$ price tag.
Personally, I do agree with Caddi that there is too much recycled content. The same amount of extra challenges but with new stages would have been better.
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