A post on monitor manufacturer BenQ’s website over the weekend fuelled hopes that the PlayStation 5 would be compatible with 1440p screens, but the page has since been edited leaving fans eager for answers. Sony has confirmed that the next-gen console will, of course, work on 1080p and 4K displays, but it’s been conspicuously quiet about 1440p options.
Those of you with a PS4 Pro will already know that the console does not support 1440p monitors, detecting them as 1080p and then upscaling from that. The aforementioned BenQ post talked a little bit about the fledgling 120 frames-per-second boom that’s occurred of late, and pointed out that a 1440p screen may be good enough if you intend to leverage such refresh rates.
“It’ll be another generation before 120 frames-per-second in 4K are normative for the majority of games,” the company wrote. “We expect the PS5 to deliver firm 4K 60Hz for the next few years. If you’re interested in high framerates, you may want to consider a good QHD gaming monitor, as 1440p will be supported by the PS5 with a higher likelihood of 120Hz in that resolution.”
That information has since been rewritten with the last sentence removed, suggesting it got a little giddy. Ultimately, it means this is yet another minor detail that Sony needs to clarify. Microsoft has included 1440p monitor support in its various consoles, so it’ll be interesting to see whether the PS5 follows suit.
[source benq.com]
Comments 46
They Are Probably Looking Into This And Aren't Ready To Share Anything Yet.
I'm sure it will "support" it meaning it'll work when set to 4k mode (or 1080p if you want blurry, sub native scaling) but I doubt it's gonna have a 1440p setting and most games won't redistribute the cpu/gpu to work better with 2560x1440 and high framerates. It'll just supersample the 4k resolution/mode/visuals down to 1440p so it'll clean up the image a bit better,
Don’t most people have 4K displays these days? It’s hardly new tech.
In the series 'Fans are...'
So a few people wasted money on their 1440p high refresh rate monitors, and think Sony needs to accommodate for that?. I hope this isn't going to be the next Sony boycott from the "fans". Game's on console unlike PC's you don't need to drop your resolutions and tweak 20 settings just to get something to look remotely playable. Which is why most people on PC still game at 1080p aswell.
If you're going to have some games running at 1440p, the least you could do is support the damn resolution.
@Arnna No, that's why 4k is still struggling to gain mainstream traction after all these years.
Good thing I didn't upgrade to a 1440P screen.
1080p 120FPS here we gooooooo
@Menchi not exactly sure what you mean. 4K TVs are cheap as chips and look great.
How are they not mainstream? Obviously if you want to make use of them a powerful PC or PS4Pro is necessary but also there are plenty of streaming services which use 4K.
@GamingVeteran what you're talking about? 4k high refresh rate won't be possible this gen. By allowing 1440p 120Hz Sony would allow games for competitive gaming between console and PC cross play. Especially when it comes to first person shooters. The 1440p resolution you think is useless is in fact the best mix of resolution and framerate and is in all honesty what Sony and Microsoft should have been targeting this generation. You'd be surprised at how popular 1440p monitors are becoming becoming considering that Asus, Samsung, LG, and BenQ are pushing out more of these monitors than they are of their 4k counterparts. The existence of 1440 is part of the reason why 4k hasn't caught on as fast as people wanted it to and not everyone wants to play on a tv with crappy post processing and way more input lag than what could be had on a monitor.
4k is nice, but it takes a lot of effort and is a very power hungry resolution for games even on PC, especially on a console. 1440p 60+fps would be a nice sweet spot for console games.
108 millions in 2019. So not so many
@graysoncharles no one is saying Sony won’t accomodate those users.
I can’t speak for Samsung but I have a Sony 4K TV which, after adjusting some settings, works fine and looks beautiful.
Often TVs have default settings that are meant for shop floors. You have to tinker with them. Sometimes removing motion blur, definitely turn off any picture modes which are meant for watching films. A number of things.
I would turn off any post processing modes, they are not useful.
Sometimes TVs have a ‘games mode’ also.
@graysoncharles Try gaming on an LG OLED (C9 or newer preferably for VRR) then assess your opinion
@graysoncharles I'll send you mine when it gets burn in & I upgrade!
4k/120 is a pipe dream. never happpening because devs will always put more emphasis on beautiful visuals over performance. heck, we will reach 8k/30 before we ever get to 4k/120 lol... for me personally, 4k/60 is as far as we need to go and anything beyond that is diminishing returns. i will also be content with 1080p/60 and 120.
At least one game is 1440p native (souls) and i thought we heard of at least one other that also is when in 60fps mode (was it Spiderman?). I can't imagine the console not outputting the native resolution of some (maybe many?) Of it's games. That would be awkward if they omit that.
Get an Xbox Series S/X instead. They both support 1440p natively. I don't see why Sony would have an issue unlocking scaling in what essentially are compact form factor PCs.
@Arnna most people do not have 4k monitors.
@GreedyGoblins so get a whole different platform for 1440p?
@NinoBrown that may be true. But they are affordable now and are still useful in some situations. I figured people would get them once the price went down.
From what I can tell the ps4 pro does support 1440p displays. While the ui may not be in 1440p, some games who support "4k" actually render in 1440p. Like avengers, that game allowed me to enable "4k" on my 1440p display. Same goes with God of War and Black Desert Online.
@NinoBrown I'm just joking. I'd honestly be surprised if PS5 doesn't support native 1440p though. Would seem an odd decision to me, but what do I know?
Sony really need to issue a statement here and clarify the situation.. I'm not gonna buy the ps5 if they chose to skip 1440p. For me it's the sweet spot of clarify and frame rate for FPS games. 4k 120 frames get second isn't going to happen this generation. I'll switch to series x if they don't support so it's Sony's loss really.
Unless Sony confirmed otherwise I would assume that PS5 would output 1080p to any 1440p monitors. I certainly wouldn’t go out and buy a monitor at anything other than one of the TV resolutions in order to play a games console. You’re likely to get a worst experience and waste money
1440 screens? Whoa...
1440p is important because lots of people like to game on monitors, and having 4k on a monitor of that size is largely pointless. Lower resolution and high frame rate is the way to go on those kinds of displays - which in the influencer/streaming world we live in are now becoming more popular for consoles. Not everyone plays on their main TV in the living room and it would be great for Sony to support that. You'd think it wouldn't be too hard to do, so fingers crossed.
It doesn't affect me - I play on my main TV for the most part and I'm not particularly fussed about 120fps personally, but I can totally get why it would be a priority for other people.
Who cares, honestly people will complain about anything. I don't know the facts and figures but I'm guessing more people in the world use a TV rather than a monitor. So stop expecting companies to support something just because you want it you entitled children
@Artois couldn’t agree more.
I’m sure if we had access to the stats you’d see more than 75% on a TV rather than a monitor (I’m being very generous in my estimation for how many would possibly use a monitor I think).
Nah just fed up of hearing people complaining when they don't get what they want regardless if they're in the minority or not. I doubt any company would include something for a handful of customers that use monitors when the majority of their customers use tvs. As I say entitled
I bought a Toshiba LED tv back around 2007 or 2008, it still works perfectly, so I can't think of a reason why i would want to upgrade to a 4K tv, especially as the images are usually too sharp, like watching video over a movie filmed on actual film, not digital. So, as my tv is also my gaming monitor, there'll be no upgrade until it breaks, or the sockets become obselete.
@Arnna I don't. Up to this point, there's been very little need for one; I don't own any 4K movies, and there's precious little TV content either. That said, it's also never been an issue for me - I also only have a 1080p monitor for my PC, even though it's more than capable of 4K.
It was only ever going to be gaming which nudged me towards a 4K TV, and even now I'm thinking I'll hold off until next spring to get one, when not only will PS5's capabilities be better known, but there'll also be a wider range of fully compatible TVs available... and probably at lower price points than they are now. Until then, a PS5 will run perfectly well on my current 1080p Bravia.
I've considered a large (32+ inches) 4K gaming monitor, but they get stupidly expensive compared to 4K TVs, even though on the surface they're offering you less (no tuners, etc.); yes, I know there are other technical issues which supposedly justify the prices, but it still strikes me as ludicrous. I certainly wouldn't want to put a PS5 on anything smaller than 42 inches, so monitors are out of the running... it'll have to be a TV.
@graysoncharles because sony gets the money from selling vr whereas they won't through supporting monitors. I get your point, my frustration isn't really with this. It's just that it seems that every time I'm on this site someone's complaining because they aren't getting what they want
@Paranoimia all fair points the price difference between PC monitors and TVs is certainly very fishy. I went for a TV because it was better value and I bought a Sony branded TV which I find are a good quality product in the mid range of price. Approx $570USD (I’m in Australia and gaming things are more expensive here) for a 55” and it’s served me well so far.
But I completely understand your position.
@ShootMePlease what are you on about? The real fact is, the 1440p user base is a small percentage of people. Same can be said about "competitive gaming" which is also a very very small percentage of the user base. I assume you are one of those people who wasted money on a tiny 1440p gaming monitor. "1440 is part of the reason why 4k hasn't caught on as fast as people wanted"??? Bwahahaa. Have you ever been to any electronics store anywhere on Earth? I think 4K has caught on pal. I mean geez my grandparents use 4K tv's. But I will stick with my 65" OLED for my game console thanks.
Even as a owner of a 27” 1440p monitor sine late 2010 (4K was a really, really expensive thing back then!), the resolution is uncommon. Sure it’s not a more recent 120hz gaming monitor, just 4K was made cheaper for the masses.
@Artois don't you see that irony of you on here complaining about others complaining 🤔
Nope not too at all😉
@Artois 🤣
I think Sony went into creating the PS5 with the goal of hitting 4K 60fps natively no problem, that being said I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have made the PS5 have the ability to detect 1440p displays seeing how popular they are amongst many gamers. I think it's likely that PS5 will output the 1440p resolution. After being blown away by the performance of my PS4 pro & it's amazingly awesome upscaling abilities when playing on my 4K TV i believe Sony went into this next generation ready to make 4K more common than ever. I'm genuinely excited at the prospect of playing games at 4K 60fps natively. While I think 120fps is absolutely brilliant, I don't believe most games will be targeting 4K 120fps. That's why I think Sony has been anticipating 1440p as a selectable resolution. Think about having the ability to choose between 4K 60fps or 1440p at 120fps. I think that's a GREAT trade off. My logic is based in the fact the the PS4 pro detects 1440p displays as 1080p then upscales from there. I play my PS4 pro on a 43inch 4K TV and it's absolutely stunning, my wife plays her PS4 pro on her 32inch 1440p monitor & the difference between the two is minimal. BOTH look absolutely beautiful when playing games & both are a HUGE upgrade compared to when we were gaming solely on 1080p TVs. Happy gaming ✌️
@GamingVeteran the "latest outrage from fans" is just another way of saying you hate that people are complaining about legitimate concerns you want to ignore.
The console unlike in the PS4 vs xbox one launch is definitely in the "lesser" postiton in any number of ways and the issues are issues and once that will be referenced back to when comparing the launches way down the line wondering how we got where we did.
Just cause you don't care doesn't mean Sony shouldn't.
@graysoncharles do it man check greentoe.com or check slickdeals for discussions on where to get the best pricing I bought my 65 c9 last year 5 months after release for 1799 when it was still gooi g for over 3200 in best buy.
Been the greatest single piece of tech I ever purchased (especially combined with a 3080)
Im literally blown away how amazing it looks and how I can't even care to think about things like stutter or tearing or blurry motion.
It's just amazing and I think of you shop around you could get one for pretty good amount under the 2k you expect to pay.
@Porco they should be going 144p/120 be for ever aiming for 4k/60 but tjr Console players have yet to truly understand the benefit of high frame rate.
This generation will be the one where their next TV purchase more than likley will finally support it.
Once they start to experience it in some ways they'll definitely start asking for more.
Thing is Sony most likley stuck in their ways I suspect xbox to adapt much better to changing opinions of new hdmi 2.1 tv owners over th next 6 or so years.
Console players are slow to adopt and Sony is the slowest but it will happen 120 hz will become a major focus (especially for competitive games) and getting there at 1440 vs 4k/60 is the fastest and best way to do so with the hardware limitations these consoles will deal with.
@Artois and people like you will deny legitimate complaints to protect your fragile ego which is intrinsically tied to a brand they have arent even getting paid to defend. You do it because you don't want to admit your choice could be inferior. It's a sign of weakness. Just because more have something doesn't mean the other significant portion of the world should be ignored its not a less than 0.1% who want to play via rf adapter on a black and white TV or something. It's a huge market and one that's is very much tied to the video gaming.
They deserve to be represented and the Xbox been doing it for years no problem.
Your decision to act like it don't matter is one of selfish needs to not have to accept or as being an inferior implementation vs the Xbox...
You're the one who needs to grow up.
@Cybrshrk a bit rich calling me a fanboy when you're sounding exactly like one. I don't care whether it's on xbox, sony or Nintendo as you say I'm no ties with either. But constantly nit picking over things that don't matter to most is getting tedious. Certainly before they've even been confirmed
Come on Sony. Do it.
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