PlayStation 5 is huge in size, but now that we've seen what makes the machine tick, it's easier to understand why. As shown off by Sony's Masayasu Ito in the teardown video, a massive part of PS5's design is to ensure it's kept cool and that it runs as quietly as possible.
Over on the PlayStation Blog, Ito says he's eager for PS5 owners to discover how quiet the PS5 really is. "After an extensive and complex trial and error process, we were pleased with the end result and I can not wait for our fans to get their hands on the PS5 console and 'hear' it for themselves," he writes.

In the video itself, the cooling system is shown in some detail. First off is the huge cooling fan, which draws in air from both sides via the vents on the front of the console. If you compare it to the fan inside the PS4 Pro, it's clearly much bigger in the PS5. Similarly, the PS5's heatsink is a monster compared to anything Sony's made before. Ito says that, while it uses a heat pipe like PS3 and PS4, its size and shape means performance is comparable to a vapor chamber.
Then there's the liquid metal cooling system in place for the PS5's SoC (system on a chip). Apparently, because it runs at such a high clock rate, Sony had to adopt liquid metal rather than thermal paste to keep things running smoothly.
We're no experts when it comes to this sort of thing, but all this should mean the PS5 will stay cool, and will run very quietly. We can't wait to check out how it sounds compared to our jet engine PS4s!
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 79
Hopefully it keeps the console cool as well. Reports on the XSX is that it's quiet, but crazy hot.
Now the PS5 won't scream like it's opening another circle of hell whenever you play Final Fantasy XV
Everyone talks about how loud the PS4 is but the only games that make it go into full jet engine mode are DOOM and now MediEvil. Bizarre.
@lacerz There have been just as many reports saying that it’s not crazy hot but normally hot, just like how gaming PCs and any powerful machine gives off tons of heat.
Maybe the PS5 is white to reflect the light and keep it that little bit cooler.
I posted my source...
I'm glad my Console won't scream in pain while I'm playing Ratchet and Clank.
That is very good news.
I'm quite a fan of the huge fan.
@lacerz And your source repeats the other sources that say the console runs hot. The thing is, it’s hardly not going to run hot. No amount of cooling in that form factor could help. As long as it’s under the safe threshold, it doesn’t really matter and anybody who’s ever played PC can attest to more powerful machines giving off more heat.
This all sounds great. Seems like they put a lot of work in to ensure this thing stays cool.
I'm not confusing anything. I didn't say it isn't well ventilated, I said it was hot. Omits heat. Warms up the environment...you know, hot.
It all sounds good but lets wait till optimized games designed for the PS5 alone starts dripping in.
If the console still runs quiet when very demanding games are running with loads of stuff happening on screen (lots of players in a map or loads of stuff being destroyed at once) we can call it a success. Up until then, we gotta keep our expectations in check 😉
The heatsink is huge! It's like top of the line cpu heatsink in high-end pc.
@TheFrenchiestFry Why would you even play FFVX? At least murder your PS4 playing something good.
@Medic_Alert actually there 3 bloggers with hands-on that said the same thing
Funny... no xbox fan boys here today wonder why 😂
I think a key factor is that the XBOX is emitting the heat at the top this time (instead of blowing the heat to the backside). That makes it more noticeable to people when they e.g. swap the disc.
Although Jeff Bakalar burning his fingers on the 1Tb expansion card, after the console has been in standb-by mode for a while is interesting.
See this video @2:24
The size of that heat-sink is cray! It's basically half the console. They were definitely worried this thing would reach some high temps. I'm pleased with what I see.
I know an ex Sony person who has seen the console this week and says that a) it is huge and b) it is quiet.
All of which I could have told you from all the news stories so not really insider information.
I may sound like a broken record, but keeping an electronic device cool is so important, specifically PCs. Glad to see Sony has the same thoughts.
@lacerz no surprise there !!
I would think the noise the PS4 and PS3 made were taken into consideration...
Put a giant fan in it!!!
@Medic_Alert 😶-I don't mean to get in the middle of anything, but the concept is simple, if the SAME GAME has the SAME POWER LOAD used (for equal comparison purposes) from both consoles, the better the overall cooling system will blow out LESS HEAT, and then in turn, heat up the room LESS. Simple.
😃Another good example is when I personally changed my car's turbo intercooler with a LARGER intercooler, it allowed the turbo under the SAME LOADS to run cooler.
😃-Your making a logical argument (to use a cliche ) if your putting the cart in front of the horse, which is what your doing.
😃-If the better Cooling system(or Horse) is in place first, then under the SAME LOADS it doesn't allow it get HOTTER in the first place for it to blow the hotter air.
It's a sad day of social-driven "fake news" when someone reports the exhaust temp of a computer is hot, and the internet decides that means the cooling solution is a bad design....
If the thermal imaging or probes start showing components are running not - i.e. not being cooled effectively, that's a problem. Right now we're measuring exhaust air of high end video cards. Of course it's hot! If PS5's cooling solution is "better" odds are the exhaust air will be even hotter since it would be extracting more heat from components! Especially if it produces more heat when it shifts into the overclock. Doesn't mean it's poorly designed.
@ThaBEN That could be a concern and doesn't seem like that's how it's intended to work. OTOH, "burns his fingers" and "is uncomfortably warm to hold for more than a few seconds" are not necessarily the same thing unless that was a clinical burn received. The "handle" is a heatsink of course...it's supposed to be hot. It's radiating the heat passively into that grip. If it's hot enough to actually cause skin burns or ignite combustible materials, that's bad. I'm sure the PS5 nvme addon will be quite hot if you open it up and touch it while running, too. There's "I reached into the oven and grabbed a glass pie plate and it's burning my fingers" hot and there's "I picked up my coffee mug and it's burning my fingers" hot. We'll have to await other sources there. That video looked more "wow this is hot, I have to let it cool" rather than "I need ice water and bandages"
@RicksReflection Err...what? If two enclosed boxes with the same TDP have two different cooling solutions. How is the one that extracts more heat and/or draws in more cool air to displace it going to vent cooler air? The air may "feel" cooler in one solution due to differences in velocity or size of vent area, but the actual temperature of the exhaust air will be higher from whichever is displacing more hot air. What you may be thinking of is heat buildup - where thermals are running away inside the enclosed box without being exhausted efficiently leading to an increasing temperature inside, which would then lead to increasing temperatures at the exhaust. If that is a problem, though, temperatures would continuously rise until failure, or until throttling of the power draw, performance, and therefore TDP allows temperatures to drop and the cooling solution to catch up.
It's highly unlikely that either of these consoles has a design failure of that magnitude so as to allow buildup/runaway and/or require throttling. The only concern in these designs is if the solution effectively draws the heat away from the silicon and then out through the exhaust. Hot air at the exhaust means its working. If buildup/runaway is an issue we'll know when the test folks get out the thermal imagers and see rising component temps, or see drops in the power draw coinciding with rising component temps. Otherwise, everything is working as designed and it's all much ado about nothing.
PS4 Pro's problem wasn't that it ever "overheated" - it was that it got extraordinarily loud due to spinning the fan up to very high RPM to maintain proper cooling.
The cooling system looks brilliant but what hasnt been explained - which given the size of the system is going to be very important - is how much ventilation will be needed around the side of the system. As i have two young children i dont think i will be able to have it sitting vertically next to the TV, but my entertainment centre is made of wood. Whilst the PS5 will fit in one of the gaps, there wont be much space on either side of the system. I'd like to know whether that is likely to be an issue
😃-If there is EQUAL POWER LOAD of both consoles, and one is more efficiently dissipating heat better from the VERY BEGINNING,👈that's important to the concept) then it PREVENTS LESS THERMAL BUILD UP in the FRST PLACE.
@nessisonett No.
@RicksReflection Right, you're talking buildup. But you're making an assumption that A) Buildup is occurring and component temperatures are indeed continuously rising, and B) The thermal solution is not calibrated to throttle according to set temps, and permit a certain amount of buildup within tolerance until a threshold is exceeded.
These fans don't spin at constant speeds, they throttle as the onboard sensors tell them to. PS4 Pro's fan is for some reason not controlled in software, it's on the hardware so they seemingly released an updated version to change the fan thresholds and quiet it (permitting higher component temperatures - more buildup determined to be within operating range.) What we don't know is:
-IF component temps are continuously rising relating to the exhaust temp.
-IF the fan rotation speed was running at it's maximum rotation speed for those users or if it was spinning at a reduced speed, allowing some buildup, because component temps were within tolerance.
-IF the fan had recently accelerated to exhaust some amount of buildup (within tolerance) and that's when the observers noticed elevated temperatures.
If it's truly a bad design that just allows endless thermal runaway, or throttles (thus making performance poorer) to manage its thermals, we will know soon. DF and others will be running tests soon, assuming they already aren't. But I say again, it's exceedingly unlikely that is the case. That large fan is no doubt capable of spinning up to very high RPM if necessary, but likely effectively never does so.
Same for PS5's fan.
😂-Again your describing HOW it works, which is RIGHT, I'm not debating HOW it transfers heat, and why you feel that heat (That's ALL YOU) what I am say is with ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL WITH THE POWER LOAD, that the THERMAL HEAT LOAD ISN'T going to be ALLOWED to HEAT UP as MUCH, WHY because of the MORE EFFICIENT COOLING SYSTEM transferring the HEAT FASTER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING in COMPARISON to the lesser efficient cooling system that WILL ALLOW IT TO HEAT UP MORE BEFORE it DISCHARGES the air out of the vents. 😶-Again simple thermal dynamics.
Reminds me of one of my 360s which kept showing 2 red lights and turned off when it got overheated. I then realized the fan had stopped working, I just bought a huge portable fan like this PS5's, placed it behind the 360 and it became the strongest console ever! It could stay on the whole day no red lights, problem solved.
😂-No, your over complicating this simple discussion and your getting in your own way, and you think it's me...lol.
😂- Lets try it this way, you have 2 ROCKS, we'll call the larger more efficient cooling system the LARGE ROCK and the smaller less efficient cooling system the SMALL ROCK and I applied 150° degrees to them for 1 minute, which rock is going to stay cooler with less heat build up even though they've both been subjected to the SAME amount of heat, is it the LARGER ROCK or the SMALLER ROCK?
😃- Now for the sake of the argument keep blowing a fan at those rocks as well as the consistent 150 degree heat and the LARGER ROCK is still going to OVERALL STAY COOLER and blow LESS HEAT off of it, due to its LARGER MASS(LARGER HEATSINK)spreading it out and dissipating it faster than that SMALLER ROCK with LESS MASS(SMALLER HEATSINK).
😅-If y'all guys can't get this by now, maybe someone else can, because y'all need to read up on thermal dynamics, because schools out and I ain't teaching this lesson anymore...lol😂
@lacerz one of the people that reported on the heat as gone on to clarify that his comments were taken out of context.
"People are using something I said on the podcast, clipped and out of context, where I said it was enough heat to warm up a room... except I go on to say that's like a high-end PC, Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, etc. Electronics make rooms warm unless you have AC."
Big fan of the big fan here!
@RicksReflection Your rock analogy is riveting, I suggest you contact Scientific American with your findings.
On a non-sarcastic note, because you seem to be implying otherwise, the XSX has an objectively better cooling solution and it's components don't generate as much heat as the PS5's(gpu is more than PS5's but the PS5's SSD takes it's heat output to another level). It really is that simple, no rocks needed.
😂- At least you didn't accuse my Rock analogy of being on the ROCKY side of things...lol🤣
😶-But on a Non-Sarcastic note, no implication of THAT SORT whatsoever was applied on my part, on that subject. 😶-You would have to read step by step what I said and responded to.
😃-But since you implied that I had that opinion, I will comment on yours by saying barring anyone else's opinion or written word on the internet, and by only using the base information about both systems available, including today's teardown of the PS5, it NOW is my (OPINION) that Sony's system is a much more efficient cooling system.
😯-But I reserve the right to revisit this point of discussion after both systems release, to further engage on said subject.
@RicksReflection You are right, I didn't want to read everything you wrote and I find it odd you put emojis all over the place in your comments.
By the way, I'm not going by opinion. We've been shown both consoles fully now, so we know the facts. I've done the math, factored everything in that applies, and even with a large margin of error the PS5 is still the hotter console.
😂...🤣.... I'm amazed at how open minded you are with your opinion, and thinking it's not just an opinion, but fact.
😁👍-Even though the hardware for both systems isn't even out yet...lomao😂🤣
😂You should start your own gaming site, with all the locked down scientific knowledge you've acquired.
😊-True scientific analysis would require REAL WORLD TESTING.
😢- So sorry buddy, your definition doesn't meet the requirements for it to be the absolute truth😣...😳
The console is definitely big, but it looks like the trade-off in size was worth it for better cooling.
@lacerz The PS5 will not be "running cold" like everyone will try have you believe. Xbox, PS5 and PC all get hot when running games. It's about getting the hot air out, which all 3 do.
The internet thinking it's gonna be blowing out cold air or something, yikes.
Yes I do think its exaggerated by the press.
However there is something to get from that.
As far as I understand, on the PS5 the cool air enters from the top (or sides) and the warm air comes from the back like in traditional consoles.
Unless I got it wrong so please correct me, on the xbox the cool air is supposed to enter from where the non removable stand is (also some small vents at the back) and the warm air from the top or the side depending its position.
That's how I understand it 🤷♂️
@RicksReflection 🤦♂️ Ay ay ay. What exactly do you think will change about these consoles when we get them in a month? The PS5's have already been produced, they aren't adding anything to what we've seen today.
Nothing in your response makes any sense, we have all the facts we need to form a conclusion about how these consoles handle heat dispersion. This is simple stuff, I don't know why it is so hard for you. Your insistence that these consoles will be different from their specifications is bizarre, the only thing they can do differently than an ideal scenario(what all my calculations were based on) is underperform(which they will and is included in my margin of error).
@lacerz that wouldn't bother me at all, not like I'll be touching it, and I could use an extra heater during Canada's winters
@Menchi There was a tweet yesterday from the Senior Editor of the Verge where he comments on this. He says that the recent rumors of the XSX heat issues are false and implies the PS5 is the console that actually has heating issues. I'll reserve final judgment until I've played both for months/years but this is exactly what the hardware points to.
I never thought my ps4 or ps4 pro was all that loud, maybe because I had a PC with a bunch of fans I guess but never really an issue for me, just gets lost in the background like all other white noise
😅- What conversation are you talking about, it's not with me?
😂-Because if it is then your NOW just putting words and FALSELY made up implications in my mouth...Lmao😂
😕-What part of TRUE SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS is based on REAL WORLD TESTING, that you don't understand? 😂
And I (UNLIKE YOU) I reserve the right to revisit this point of view AFTER THE CONSOLES LAUNCH to know the WHOLE TRUTH and NOT just take YOUR WORD as FACT?
😕- Is it REALLY THAT HARD for YOU to understand?
😶- Evidently so, and so much so that you even had to SINK DOWN to putting BS💩 WORDS and IMPLICATIONS in my mouth, really?
😶-No just kidding your the MAN, I and everyone else should just bow before the all seeing and almighty KING.👈(THAT WAS SARCASM, JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW)!
😂-You can further read more of my sarcastic witticisms in (Wait for it...)....(Wait for it)...
"Scientific American" on PAGE 86, Under the Title ("Rick says if you don't like it, get BENT")
😕- Do you even hear yourself and what your saying?
😂- Rumors ARE FACTS...WTF?
😂-That's it, your too easy....🤣believe what you wanna believe, but go peddle your RUMORS, I mean FACTS to someone else, because I ain't bite'n....lmaoa🤣😂
@RicksReflection If you aren't trolling, I suggest some English courses, specifically with writing and comprehension. You are almost completely incoherent.
I really have no idea what you are talking about or what point you are trying to make, your responses don't make any sense in regard to what I wrote. You haven't responded to what I said or given any alternative, you just keep going on about how we have to wait until we have these consoles in our hands which is simply not true. I'm assuming you are either just a troll or are in some sort of denial.
"What part of TRUE SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS is based on REAL WORLD TESTING, that you don't understand?" I'd like to see you try to explain to a physicist that they aren't a scientist because they can't physically study stars, black holes, or anything that isn't on this planet in a lab and everything they know is based on math and observations. Your use of emojis might cause them to not pay you any attention though.
😶-Your right ALL SEEING, ALMIGHTY KING, I cannot comprehend your VAST KNOWLEDGE, and I apologize for my lack of comprehension, EVERYTHING you say is true, and UNLIKE TRUE SCIENTISTS THAT take theories and PROVE THEM THROUGH MATHEMATICS to PROVE them to be ACTUAL FACTS(Otherwise they stay theories), I should just blindly be accepting that your scouring of the RUMORS on the internet is the SAME THING....Gotcha...Almao🤣😂
😆-I'm humbled by your BLINDING BRILLIANCE, it's too much for me to take, so this lowly troll bids you farewell, and I know that you'll respect this farewell, because otherwise that would make you the troll, and the ALMIGHTY KING would NEVER DO THAT, would he?
@RicksReflection Again no counterargument or actual response to what I said, just semi-coherent unrelated nonsense. The specs and the tear downs of these consoles are not "RUMORS on the internet", they are facts released by both companies. I don't know any other way to help you understand that.
😢-(Troll)....(Troll)...mommy the bad man won't quit touching me.
😖-I ALREADY said farewell and yet HERE YOU ARE AGAIN addressing me with MORE QUESTIONS to illicit a response!
😖-I thought if you'd just drop this and agree to disagree then WE might be able to continue to MAYBE talk on OTHER SUBJECTS here on PUSHSQUARE in the future, so are you wanting to agree to disagree or do you want me to PERMANENTLY BLOCK YOU from ALL other FUTURE CONVERSATIONS? IT'S YOUR CHOICE, I'm cool with moving on, how about you?
@RicksReflection I'm not trying to "illicit a response" I was trying to have a conversation but you went completely off the rails. And I will never "agree to disagree" about reality. I hate lies, liars, and people who try to warp facts to fit an agenda. I have no "dog" in any race, any preference for any thing, or any bias for any individual, company, product, or thing. I will always be on the side of objective reality and fact. If you have a problem with that go ahead and block me.
😶-Yeah well everything you just said was a lie, but I guess that's a YOU PROBLEM and NOT A ME PROBLEM, at least NOT ANYMORE, because I've been engaging on PUSHSQUARE's forums since 2013 and had differences of opinions with other people and your the FIRST PUSHY egomaniacal A-H**le that won't agree to disagree, just to let things go, and has to have the last word, here's mine,BYE!
@RicksReflection If you really wanted me to quit responding to you, you'd quit responding to me. Your insistence at further continuing this petty charade is indicative that your last "sentence" applies to yourself.
@nessisonett My PS4 Slim attempts to take flight for most of the top games this gen such as God of War, FFXV, Uncharted 4, Resident Evil 2/3/7, Horizon Zero Dawn, and the list goes on. Anything demanding graphics-wise and it turns into a jet engine.
Looking forward to playing games with a quiet console for a change.
@710King you got sucked right into that ass clowns orbit then...he just showed you he is the master troll and you fell hook line and stinker..i did the same with "he who wont be named" about the ps5 being or not being great value for money...in the end i realised that particular monkey could never see anybody elses point of view..ever..🤘
@Grimwood do u happen to have a good link on how to do that, changing the thermal paste...ive never did that before, but my ps4 has became very loud and i would love to fix it.
Im glad to test PS5 and future system software for PS4, also enjoying Genshin Impact! えなこ
@lacerz how is posting an article about the Series X relevant to PS5?
@Grimwood I see your point, but have to disagree. Yes, for tech savvy folks, those with the knowhow, and those who don't mind voiding their PS4 warranty (if it's still within warranty) by prizing it open and muddling about with the innards, people can clean out the console and replace thermal paste, etc. But for the vast majority of PS4 owners - average Joe - this isn't something they have the knowledge or confidence to do, or may not even know is possible to do. In my opinion, its a smart and user friendly move by Sony to ensure the PS5 is better cooled and won't require invasive hands on maintenance to keep it in tip top working order.
Both are consoles. Both have shared games. There is relativity to the development of said games as there are shared factors between various consoles (Xbox One, Series S, PS5, Series X).
As for cooling techniques and heat generation, a comparison view is relevant in how one performs vs. the other. My question to you is how you could think it wasn't relevant?
Plus, I hear that XSX has a very proprietary cooling technique...

@lacerz "Reports on the XSX is that it's quiet, but crazy hot".
That has been confirmed to be Sony fanboys FUD. What they said is that the expelled air is hot like any powerful console or PC but the Series X doesn't overheat. It actually means that the cooling solution removes all the heat efficiently.
@BlueOcean No one said it overheats. It generates and projects a high level of heat. Much better than overheating, but not an ideal situation for a family room.
@lacerz "not an ideal situation for a family room".
Right and PS5 runs even hotter as have been explained by other people (including The Verge). You need a Switch or perhaps a Series S if you don't want to add hot air to your living room.
@JJ2 We might finally agree, Series X expels air like a "hurricane" through the top holes so even if PS5 run hotter because of the throttling or SSD, the expelled air goes through the heat pipe and out of the whole rear side. You might notice less air streaming out on PS5 because the surface is bigger.
The difference is that the PS5 uses its massive heatsink to cool the air before dispersing it, and when it is dispersed it is spread across the rear, not centered at one focal point. There's a reason Microsoft has an embargo preventing people from talking about it's heating issue and Sony doesn't.
@lacerz There is no mystery surrounding Series X. Microsoft showed the tear-down months before Sony and explained how the cooling works. They have sent hundreds of consoles to journalists and everybody says that it's doesn't get "crazy hot" like you claim, it just expels hot air like any console/PC which is how cooling is supposed to work.
The embargo prevents them from saying it's hot or cool...streamers say it is hot, but are now having to backtrack or be face the wrath of a multibillion dollar corporation.
Where there's smoke, there's fire...or a Xbox Series X.
@lacerz "Where there's smoke, there's fire...or a Xbox Series X".
Or so Sony fanboys say...
😶-I can only assume that you didn't read "ALL" the comments that 710King and I had, especially the very first INSULTING comment he made towards me, AFTER HE TROLLED a previous conversation I was engaged in without him ALSO reading ALL of those interactions to FULLY understand any of the points of view in those conversations. 😣I'm really the one who is the idiot that got sucked into that mess.
😶- Normally I wouldn't get sucked into the ass clown comment, but after checking your past comments in your profile, I actually noticed that you and I share alot of the same view points, so before you make a comment on my comment to you right now, go check my profile and past comments to see if what I'm saying is true, and then go check his profile and you'll see he likes to inflame issues for the sake of it.🤘✌
Fair enough..i generally dont check anybodys past history as i choose to comment on the present discussion but if the ass clown comment offended you then i'll take it back..
😶-By the way Sony's using it's term "boosting" differently than what typical PC terms of boosting mean, but that's another conversation...lol.
😶-But your right to think that the GPU is going to run Hotter clocked at 2.23(hence their liquid metal cooling), but I think I have a better simple analogy that might explain the thermal cooling process(better than the rock analogy.lol). Here's my example: Everybody uses a microwave right?
😶If you use the SAME POWER LEVEL and SAME TIME to cook in that microwave a Large Potato(Large Heatsink or more efficient cooling) and a Small Potato(Small Heatsink or less efficient cooling) and then go to remove the potatoes from that microwave the small potato is going to be HOTTER and GIVE OFF MORE HEAT(Like the less efficient cooling system would be blowing out hotter air) do to its SMALLER MASS(Like a smaller or less efficient cooling system).
😶-The larger potato would be COOLER and give off LESS HEAT because of its LARGER MASS(Like a Larger or more efficient cooling system blowing out cooler air) under the EXACT SAME POWER AND CONDITIONS.
😶-The Larger and or More efficient cooling system(Or Larger Potato) WOULD REQUIRE a lot HIGHER POWER LEVEL or LONGER RUN(Cook Time) TIME to reach THE SAME HEAT temperature for it to blow out the SAME TEMPERATURE of hot air, but that's under totally different POWER and Length of time settings, which in turn would OVERHEAT the small potato.lol.. While blowing out any air warmer than the ambient room temperature means it's working, but hotter air doesn't mean it's working better, in fact less so. 😃-By the way until we get the ACTUAL SYSTEMS we don't truly know for sure which system runs cooler under equal conditions, but after NOW seeing both teardowns, I think Sony has an edge over MS, but we'll have to wait and see..lol.✌😁
😂-Only because I was actually going to call HIM a Ass Clown at one point and then drop it, but instead I became an idiot and got sucked into a painfully prolonged exchange, which again is my fault for feeding the beast👹...lol.
😁🤘-I appreciate the apology. By the way he didn't only do it in a previous conversation on another subject, if you back track far enough above in this time line, you'll see that he engaged and insulted me first , I didn't start engaging and insulting him until after he wouldn't accept my more neutral viewpoint and in turn I wouldn't accept his words as the factual gospel truth, and he ended up implying and acting like I was arguing about actual undisputed facts(again implying but not true), which is a treacherous way of trying to make someone else look like the moron and not him, and because people on forums only rarely fully read BS disputes(I don't blame them) from the beginning to the end to find out differently. Ultimately I blocked him, because he ain't worth the skin, if you know what I mean...lol. Take it easy brother😁🤘
😕-The ACT of HEATING SOMETHING UP is the SAME regardless of the MATERIAL TYPE, it seems like your side tracked by convincing yourself that a potato is too different and somehow it would react different, but that isn't the question, can metal get hot, can a potato get hot, it's the ACTION of the PHYSICS which in this case is the APPLICATION of HEAT ITSELF that doesn't change how it works when you compare ANYTHING REGARDLESS of MATERIAL TYPE, example..Potato to Potato, Metal to Metal, POTATO to METAL the LAWS of PHYSICS don't change the way HEAT itself works, just getting lost in the specs can, but we're not comparing a potato to metal, we're just using the potatoes as strictly an example with the FULL comparison being FULLY the SAME as if you were Comparing a Large Heatsink to a Smaller Heatsink.✌ I'm editing this to add that weather it's Heatsinks or (MORE EFFICIENT COOLING SYSTEM) which I did have in there, which means ALL the THINGS that make it MORE EFFICIENT, so that WOULD MEEN EVERYTHING that's PART of THE COOLING SYSTEM. So I Don't Know what your saying?
😶-All I can tell you brother is that a LARGER HEATSINK or a MORE EFFICIENT COOLING SYSTEM keeps the INTERIOR cooler by it TRYING TO PREVENT IT from getting too hot in the first place(AS MUCH AS IT CAN), before blowing the HOTTER AIR OUT of the vents.
Your stuck on the mechanics of how that hot air coming out of the console shows that it's extracting more heat properly and the HOTTER the better?
So the way your putting it is the HOTTER THE AIR COMING OUT the better it's working at its cooling job, but where is that HOTTER AIR coming from, it starts coming from the INTERIOR where it's already COOKING and BAKING the INTERNALS of the console, BEFORE it's being pushed out as EXTREMELY HOT AIR!
You probably won't believe me since we're debating this, but don't take my word as gospel truth, research it and see if I'm untruthful.✌
😁👍 That's cool. Respect✌.
I just wanted a picture of the PS5 cooling diagram for a technical writing assignment. After reading this thread, I've decided to drop out of school, burn all my games and consoles, and slit my wrists.
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