PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 lead system architect Mark Cerny broke his Twitter hiatus overnight to confirm that he’s unlocked the Platinum Trophy in rock-hard run-‘n’-gun indie Cuphead. It was the Marble Madness creator’s first post on the social media platform since last year, when he unlocked the Platinum in Invisible Inc – another uber-rare trinket.
According to Sony’s own statistics, just 1.6 per cent of players managed to unlock the Platinum in the notoriously difficult Cuphead, while 0.1 per cent of gamers have Invisible Inc’s most prestigious gong. Cerny is currently Trophy Level 261 with 29 Platinums; he’s been busy in the build-up to the PS5, as he also recently 100 per cent completed Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us: Part II.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 49
I can think of a million other things he's better then me at as well lol
How's he 261 with 29 Platinums... I'm 262 with 9 Plats. And getting platinums means you've gathered a lot of gold and silver trophies, unless he's only played 29 games. I'm guessing most of his plats are those "just finish the game tell-tale" plats then.
Excellent and no Hanna Montana is sight.
@TheArt He's only played 53 games but has almost 70% completion! You can see more here: https://psnprofiles.com/Marcus
@get2sammyb no souls games... he’s got to “git gud” 😂
I had to.
Not a single Knack trophy there. What a fraud.
Insert comment questioning whether the rest of his trophies are on XBox
Welp, he's definitely better than me.
Be smug all you want Cerny!
@TheArt he’s only got 1223 trophies with that many platinums. I’ve only got 6 platinums but I’m 296 because I have a crap load of other trophies (2854 total). Platinums are worth more than others.
Respect for the man, I'm playing cuphead but still there's a lot of boss that I haven't defeated yet 😃
He didn't platinum knack 1 or 2 lol
@theheadofabroom I can confirm that he has zero trophies on xbox.
A Demented Orangutan is better than me............still I have fun trying on my Play Machine.
He's definitely a trophy hunter.
He probably did all of his Knack & Knack 2 playing on a dev kit.
I wonder if he was consulted for the Knack Trophy list?
Surely he has to know some of those trophies were unnecessary...
@get2sammyb Hmph interesting how a whole PS Boss has only played 53 games, must be a real busy man. Or like me, he only focuses on a few games he really likes.
@MarcG420 Still confusing since plats are now worth more, I expected him to be ahead of me. Guess those 29 games all had just a few bronze, silver and gold trophies then, like TLOUII, the trophy list is pretty short.
Nah mark you aint better than me.but that is pretty cool.word up son
@Richnj someone was going to say it sooner or later, so I thought it was better as an obvious joke 🤷♂️
@TheArt Do u really thank he only has one psn account hell I have 3 ! so may have a lot more trophy on second account ! Or play a lot more games on it !
Not bad! I recently finished Cuphead too but am taking a break before getting the last few trophies I'm still missing
I see he's got Wolfenstein 2 in his collection, I'll bet he's nearly done with the mien lieben trophy as we speak.
Gonna go with no he's not.
@TheArt You realise being a "PS boss" doesn't mean you just play games all day lol?
Pffft, could had just got one of his employees to add it.
@roe @get2sammyb Fun fact he got 2 of the game that ain't working on ps5. Hitman go. And Robinson the journey!
@Ridwaano Haha!
@TheArt I'm sure he's a very, very busy man!
@TheIdleCritic Goodness no! He's busy but not that busy if he has 29 plats 😁
@Repo_Dog Nah, I don't see why he would have different accounts...
How many games has Phil Spencer finished 😁. Nice to see Mark actually enjoying the fruits of his hard work. Think he'll be on Demon Souls day one 😎 respect
Ahh. So this is why we know little about supported SSDs! lol
I expected nothing less from the creator of Marble Madness......any brain twisted enough to come up with that test of patience should have no problem with anything else.
Besides, as the One True Fan of Knack, I have to appreciate anything software-wise Cerny does.
Hahaha has he got the plat for knack?😂
Yes guys a genius, made one of the best arcade games ever Marble Madness!!.
Honestly big respect to anyone who can beat the full-game on co-op. It doesn't quite reach Halo 2 Legendary co-op but it's still fairly hard.
He’s not a better gamer than us, he just knows how to hack Sony’s trophy server!
I think my rarest platinum is at 0.2 percent on Overwatch... I don't think I've ever even seen one at 0.1!
Awwwww bless the little cherub, Hes got 34 platinums
@TheArt lol I would bet u he does !
Wow. He must be single. I COULD NEVAAAA... 😍😍😍
@TheArt I'm kinda the same. 130 plats and I'm about the same level as a friend with only 70 plats. He has a lot more bronze which carries a lot more weight for some reason. I just play my games to completion. (only about 10% easy cheap plats)
Plats don't have as much weight on your level as a lot realise. You could have 50 more platinums than someone but if they have a load of bronze more (easily done if you play a lot of games) they'll probably have a higher level
Psh, this just means he "finishes" more games than me, I don't really play for those trophies on most of the games because some are more tedious than entertaining to obtain. I had a ps3 before they added them and didn't get one platinum until 2018 god of war persona royal being my latest.
He platted Astrobot and the Witness. What a legend.
I suspect he's got a work account which is where he plays the games he's designed like Knack.
man my Ghost of Tsushima trophies are bugged I gotta get the last two in New game plus, also good on you Cerny for your gaming talents and console architecture design skills
I did complete Cuphead, though. Great game.
@TheArt I think he's busier than us. He probably only plays the games he wants to, also whilst juggling business and family.
@Andy22385 I guess a lot of bronzes and silvers have a lot of weight then.
@Bobskie77 Yep he definitely plays the few he likes and plats them.
cuphead difficult?... erm...
160 plats... 60 of the rarest plats in the world... solo 100% ds, ds2, ds3, bloodborne & sekiro... cuphead was a breeze, just saying... 🤣🤣🤣
So this explains why they changed the leveling system, so Marc Cerny could feel better about himself.
By the way, he's actually level 297 since he has a bunch of hidden (hacked?) trophies and PSNP recalculates the level based on that.
Cool to see PSNP used as a source instead of Sony's official site though. Lol
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