Sony has revealed the PS5 user interface, with an in-depth video demonstration giving us a pretty good idea of how the next-gen system will operate. Obviously we all need to go hands on with the PS5 before jumping to any complete conclusions, but in our humble opinion, the UI is looking impressively slick.
But of course, we want to know what you think. Do you like what you've seen of the PS5 UI so far? What's your favourite feature? Vote in our polls, and then feed us a juicy opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 71
Meant to vote for the tiles, not game resume. Anything that allows me to use my limited game time more effectively.
Overall I love the new UI.
These feel like the kind of features you cant fully appreciate until you try them out first hand. But as someone who routinely pulls his phone out to pull up walkthroughs, I can tell I'm going to get a lot of use out of all this new stuff.
Picture in Picture game hints spoiler and ad free? Sign me up.
@Enuo Agree!
I just watched the video but didn’t see any instant game resume.
😄-The UI will be a blast to use, especially after committing it to muscle memory after enough reputation🎮.
I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t this! I’m blown away. I did not expect Sony to come out with something like this.
I wasn’t going to buy a PS5 for at least a year, but it’s becoming more & more difficult to do so...
@Enuo yea I'm same with walkthroughs always got phone with you tube, it's only after I complete a game and think that I am going to go for the platinum or if I get really stuck on something, having that screen there while playing is a great feature.
I hate it. Why does it look so much like an Xbox dashboard now? And what's with the mini adverts on the bottom?
The more I see from Sony nowadays the more I feel like they're slowly copying Xbox, and I don't like that, that's why I don't have an Xbox anymore.
Cross generation games after Phil Spencer threw shade at them.
Slowly putting your exclusives on PC.
'Recording' Private party chats. (I don't believe them).
Similar controller design.
And now a UI that looks eerily like theirs?
It looks pretty solid. I was expecting an incremental upgrade from the PS4 dashboard but smaller additions like a game immediately resuming from where you left off, and I really like how the PS Store dashboard looked from the snippet we saw at the end.
The one thing I'd change personally is that I don't like how small the game icons look. I prefer the way they were presented as tiles previously, or even how the Switch game icons look.
Looks a bit cluttered and I'm probably not going to use about 90% of it, but I'm sure it will work fine when you can try it out for yourself. I just hope you can remove things you don't use.
@GADG3Tx87 Why would you think cross gen games were them trying to copy Xbox? The PS4 had loads of those during the launch window, especially for multiplatform games. All of these plans were probably set in stone before either console was publicly unveiled to begin with.
Also they literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain by putting select exclusives on PC. They're not even doing it as frequently as Microsoft is, and it basically serves as free advertisment for their consoles since they put them out years after their original launches. Microsoft puts their stuff on PC because they literally own the Windows OS and it makes sense to bring it into parity with the rest of their products. That's why even stuff like their Surface Books are also advertised as gaming laptops that can play Xbox games off the Microsoft Store.
@GADG3Tx87 I think you just want to hate and moan. Nobody can record your chat except the ones in your party. I mean you should already know they can do that since long ago.
Looks quite swish... I like it.
Looks alright if a little cluttered.
I like the voice transcribe for messages.
Seems fast/slick as you'd expect.
The hints system seems good but I doubt Devs will properly embrace it other than first parties.
The in game cards seem quite cluttered
The ps menu for games seems again a tad cluttered.
It's hard to say based on the video of course.. my eyes were wandering off to check other areas which weren't explained so hands on might be much better.
@GADG3Tx87 copying Xbox lol you can’t be serious right?
I expected it to be similar, but this has me blown away. It's similar in the best way and innovates with the SSD. This will make bouncing around to different levels, trophy hunting, and quality of life things so much easier. No more having your computer up to find collectables. Awesome work Sony!
For a second I thought we were actually going to see some All Stars gameplay lol. So close yet so far.
The only thing I didn't like was some(?) of the Tips/Video guides bit was only for PS PLUS subscribers??? :-/ Well it looked that way. I might be wrong tho + the PS Store inside the PS5 was cool to .
@GADG3Tx87. Stop drinking alcohol early this morning.sony copy x box.wtf you talking about looks nothing likethat.word upson
I love it. It looks smooth, responsive, and easy to navigate. My favorite feature is definitely the tips section. I'm someone who is always looking up guides, so this will save me a lot of time. I also love the share screen option. I play a lot of Destiny with friends, and trying to help out one of them by describing what I am doing doesn't always work.
@GADG3Tx87 it looks nothing at all like the xbox UI. if anything, it looks like they've iterated on the ps4 UI which iterated on the ps3 UI and actually has roots in the Japan only psx and Sony tvs of that era.
Love the ui just thing the whole new creation button they went on about is a bit pointless it seems like the existing system on ps4. But we are yet to see there might be more features coming when you hold it down.
I love it, especially the card system and the video hints, no more searching for hints on phone while gaming
I don't really have an opinion. It looks sleek, but also complicated. So I'll have to play around with it before I can say something about it.
Going to appreciate some hint in Demon's Souls 🤫
Does this mean no folders at launch like with ps4?
1) They aren’t adverts, just requested info on games you follow
2) other than being in squares, it’s nothing like the Xbox UI
3) Similar controller? asymmetric sticks, haptic feedback, motion control, speakers, mic...it’s far more advanced (whether you personally like those advances is not the point, they aren’t copying)
4) Games on PC? Sure, and? That’s been a thing forever.
Really don’t get any of your points to be honest.
i liked all of it. i don't play multiplayer games much so those features won't get alot of use from me. however, the rest of the UI looks awesome! i like the progress/hints as well as the estimated time. as a dad that can only really play late at night, i can better budget my time knowing ahead of time of how much i need to spend doing something in a game (particularly in JRPGs and in 3rd person action/story driven games).
calling it "cards" is appropriate too. i thought it was a good naming convention.
also for the partners/family members who don't play video games but will use the PS5 for watching tv/movies, having a separate media page is a good idea.
It looks like something I will be forced to use to it, but it looks like searching in trash bin for something. Hope those tiles and other stuff could be disabled. And that "News" icon to be deleted...
I voted that I "like" it, though mainly because I'll ignore most of the new features. The only things I want from a console UI are game launching and access to a store, though the store being another app isn't exactly a problem.
The Switch has the best UI going at the moment. Lightning fast, no bloat. I do wonder how much time people are really spending in the console UI vs in games given how important it seems to be. The demands for features on the Switch side especially seem to be near continuous.
It looks fantastic, some really clever design choices such as the cards and tip system and the picture in picture to watch your friends games. I'm very impressed with what I've seen so far and truly next gen in its features
Personally I'm really loving the overall speed and instant resume, but also very impressed by the hints system, speech recognition and PS Store integration. So much less wasted time as a result of these improvements!
I'm very disappointed, I do not like this UI at all. I hope they overhaul it entirely by holiday next year.
my favourite is seeing a little window of what your mate is doing.
imagine both playing the same seed on binding of isaac at the same time and having a proper isaac race. or both playing demon's souls and helping each other out?
I think this feature is a brilliant addition and it opens up a lot of opportunities.
I love the design and layout, but where are the Folders? I need to keep my ISH organized!
I was expecting it to be pretty terrible. What little we saw (there is still quite a bit missing) isn't nearly as bad as I had feared; but I would really need to get my hands on it to see how much it shoves those social features in your face.
Ooh I do like it.
I like it. Very sleek. And the ps store on the console was long overdue a bit of oil squirted between the gears.
The “news icon” is only for things you follow it seems. So it doesn’t have to be used at all.
Plus, you don’t have to use the control panel anyway. You can literally ignore the entire thing and never enter it at all if you don’t wish to,
Funny how we could make a list of people here who wouldn’t like the UI before it was ever shown...
@thefourfoldroot Alternatively one could make a list of the people who would like it no matter what was shown. I understand this is a playstation centric site but there is no reason to be a fanboy about every aspect of the console.
Woke up early and surprised by Sony with a UI reveal. Very very cool.
Though I'm thinking the instant game resume won't be so instant when you have to get up and change discs.
I like it. It doesn't blow me away or anything since like 99% of the features are of no interest to me; but I do like instant game resume - though, all the current consoles have it (or something similar), so it's not anything really new.
Yes, that’s equally true.
Some pretty amazing praise for the PS5's UI:
"...a truly impressive range of in-game functions."
"...impressive new improvements...
"...things we have never seen before in a console."
"...at the basic level, the user interface itself does not disappoint."
"But the cool new stuff really starts to kick in when you highlight a specific game..."
"Ultimately, everything we've seen so far of the new user interface suggests a degree of innovation that may well border on outright revolution..."
-Richard Leadbetter, Digital Foundry
Really like the look of it but doubt I’ll make use of much of the social features. I game to take a break from real life not have people join me!
@lacerz that’s good praise coming from digital foundry considering their typical bias towards those in green...
Honestly seems like there's just way too much going on. I very much like minimalist stuff and that is definitely not it. And I don't like how all those cards take up so much of the screen, they could have been down the side and taken up much less real estate. Not that it matters too much I won't be getting one until the slim comes out and by that point the BC will have been removed and the ui updated.
There seems to be allot of stuff on the screen, I hope they let us customized it and let us copy our music but overall I'm happy.
I love how all my lying mates will get exposed for their claims in no hit bosses in Bloodorne
Unpopular opinion, im not into it. Seems awfully convoluted. So much filler and clutter. Was REALLY hoping for something clean and minimal.
I SERIOUSLY hope i dont have to deal with all of that nonsense during gameplay.
Talk about taking you out of the immersion. What i mean is, i hope these features are not forced on developers. Say im playing a really atmospheric horror game (lets say PT part 2!) but when i pause the game all these colorful windows pop up asking if i want to share my latest PT trophies on twitter or share my progress with my friends list or whatever.
Seems like a system made for people who spend their whole lifes on social media. I just want to be able to avoid ALL of it.
How about just tell me theres folders.
Fingers crossed.
@Insightful How is it doomed to fail bc of PS Plus? PS Plus has almost many concurrent subscribers as people who own an Xbox One....
@mcdreamer The Switch's UI is super snappy, but now that Sony has shown off how the Store is integrated into the main UI instead of being a standalone app I kinda wish the eShop functioned the same way since as it is, it's an absolute trainwreck in terms of navigation imo.
@Gmork___ Amen to that. I just hope all this social media integration is optional. I don't want to earn a trophy and then have the game be all "Hey do you want to stop everything and post this on your social media account right now? Just press this button to do so!" No thanks, just want to play.
I can't believe I have to keep up this narrative but folders? Will folders be available?
All of this looks great, except this new party system sucks.
@TheFrenchiestFry Yeah, there's certainly a lot they could do to improve the navigation of the eShop on the Switch. Whilst I don't mind the store being an app, it's certainly an interesting idea to have it integrated into the UI. Will be interesting to try that out on PS5 when I'm buying Demon Souls on day one!
I also Love the new UI!
It's overall ok, but i don't like the games icons on main menu being so small, i hope you can make it bigger with some settings, like Steam Library does.
ScreenShare is maybe the only new thing i care. Sometimes i use that on Steam too.
And also dissappointed that there's still no playtime stat on UI.
Picture-in-Picture hands down
@thefourfoldroot But "News" is default selected icon, when you boot up system... Yes it shows only things you follow, and if you don't follow anything like me, it shows you friends earned trophies ergo nothing usefull...
That's great if that control panel is not necessary... I've seen that video with no sound, so it looked like chimpanzee randomly smashed into controller.
I think the UI is a thing of beauty
Overall, it looks great. But, it looks be lacking in the way of features. To me, it looks like they're hopping on board with many existing design elements, rather than doing anything particularly unique.
Also, it looks like they're staying with the limited sharing capabilities, instead of allowing Bluetooth or WiFi transfer to paired devices.
@GADG3Tx87 You're over exaggerating a lot of this.
Is anyone else massively underwhelmed by the promises of this upcoming generation? Both PlayStation and Xbox haven't blown me away in any way.
Love it, being in my late 40's and having so many family commitments its great to see the progress and time to complete on game activities, the hints system also looks brilliant I hate having to trawl through you tube and online guides, a lot of the time I may only have 30 minutes play time available and by the time you boot up the game download patches, try to remember what your trying to achieve its game over for me. If they can integrate this into Destiny 2 I will dust down my Titan and start playing again.
It looked clucky to me but almost every UI change across all Tech has rattled me until I get us to it. So I'll reserve all judgement until I use it for a week or two. I'm already pretty sure it will prove well thought out
@GADG3Tx87 😆 The new Xbox dashboard right now looks great. No issues with it, so Sony’s being similar is a plus.
@Yoatemybeans Apparently, @GADG3Tx87 think it is.
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