Kojima Productions is working on something new. That's it. That's the article.
After the launch of Death Stranding on PlayStation 4 and the subsequent PC port, it seems work has finally begun on the next project from Hideo Kojima and his team. What kind of game is the Tokyo-based studio making next? Unfortunately, there's next to no info right now.
However, we do know the developer is hiring in lots of key areas. Kojima Productions is looking for programmers, game designers, writers, artists, and more. You can view all the job listings through here, although descriptions are in Japanese.
Will this be a sequel to Death Stranding, or something entirely new? With Kojima, anything's possible. There's hope among fans that the team will put its hand to a survival horror title after Silent Hills was canned. Given the studio's last game, with its dark themes and eerie imagery, we wouldn't be at all surprised to see it go in this direction — but that's all speculation for now.
Anyway, hopefully it won't be too long before we learn more about what Kojima has cooking. In the meantime, what do you want to see next from Kojima Productions? Make connections in the comments section below.
[source kojimaproductions.jp, via twitter.com]
Comments 63
Will They Still Be Using Guerrilla Game's Decima Engine Or Have They Built Their Own?
My money would be on some sort of supernatural/horror adventure. You get the feeling Kojima had loads of ideas for Silent Hills, I can't imagine he'd let them go to waste

Will this new project be a ps5 exclusive or console exclusive that the big question we should be asking.
Weird horror please
I don't think it will be a death stranding sequel, I'm hoping we get a really good horror game, but who knows what he is up to lol.
He said earlier this year he's watching horror film after horror film because he wants to make a great horror game. If PT is anything to go by it will be an awful experience (and by awful I mean great).
Ya know, he did say something early on about Death Stranding ushering a new genre of “strand” game. I wonder if he will double down on that and create another game if it’s ilk. I don’t think DS needs a sequel, but I’d like to see what he could do with some of the ideas from that game. Perhaps a Silent Hill style horror game with asynchronous MP where you affect others people’s games. Instead of cooperative maybe you get “likes” for placing something into their game that scares them. 😄
@4kgk2 no, the big question is; will this title be released on the PS5 or next gen
It seems Kojima was burned out from doing installment after installment of Metal Gear, so my assumption would be he's tired of making sequels and that this will be a new IP. Otherwise what the dudes conceptualizing is anyone's guess.
Loved Death Stranding, I'm in whatever it may be!
I loved Death Stranding as well and wouldn't mind a prequel/sequel but if it's a new IP or Silent Hill remake that would also be grand!
Oh boy... Get ready for several month of people who have nothing to do with the videogame industry say that the game is unique and incredible without any useful info.
After Death Stranding I am all in day one no matter what it is.
I hear its going to be incredible, & quite unique!
The last game from Koj that I really enjoyed was MGS4.
Anything but death stranding 2, that game sucked ass...😞
More like,Over-hypedjima.
I'll take anything with Kojima involved. I love Death Stranding. And the Metal Gear Solid games are some of my favourites.
Please, please, please, PLEASE be a horror game filled with demented, bizarre stuff. I really liked Death Stranding, but I don't want a sequel.
@Deljo A masterpiece*
@rachetmarvel If making some of the greatest games of all time equates to Kojima being overhyped then you're correct.
Sadly I have a feeling Sony won't be involved, I get the impression DS didn't sell as well as they hoped.
Will it be the second strand type game?
@DonJorginho it really wasnt though, it was just a chore...
@gamer_since_83 I think the obvious answer is PC and PS5
Its gonna be...Card puzzle mmo battle game with gacha mechanics like time based gauges that you can pay to refill.
@DonJorginho You mean he makes one of the most over-hyped games,to the point that people no more discuss about death stranding nowadays,which is odd for a proclaimed great or masterpiece labeled game ,because actual great games like ,GOW,zelda,the witcher and red dead 2,where and are still talked about years after there intial release window.
MGS V final chapter patch?? 😂😂
Honestly, I'll be intruiged by whatever comes out of that guys mind.
Oh, duck yes! Kojima-san coming back to take us on yet another wild ride. I'm all in already. Just give me a Hideo Kojima game and I'll be set.
You could say that about literally anything though, best to quit if you're not enjoying the experience. Can't please everyone.
@rachetmarvel I see plenty people talk about DS, and even more so talk about one of the greatest game franchises of all time in MGS.
Keep living in denial if it helps your agenda.
@LieutenantFatman absolutely, to each their own. For me it got very repetitive very quickly but glad you enjoyed it 👍
@DonJorginho What people?are you refering to you and your kojima fanboys?,well of course, you guys will fan over it ,you are fanboys by the way.
Honestly, I have been hearing more about the potential game Kojima wanted to make with MGS5 and the MGS remake,than I have been hearing about ,death stranding.
The truth is, death stranding may have been enjoyable, for the people who bought it other than I,but the games statues can not be compared to that of the GOAT games,it was just not that good,or innovative like,people and kojima intially praised it to be.
@rachetmarvel thank you for your immature reply. I never knew the majority of the gaming userbase were fanboys of Kojima as even his biggest critics praise the MGS series.
Hell no game has topped MGSV in it's stealth action Gameplay and that came out in 2015.
Is he pretentious? Yes.
Slightly overrated by some? Yes.
But he's still one of the icons of the gaming industry, he's up there with the very best.
Death Stranding isn't perfect to everyone, but a lot of people adore it, I think MGS1-4 can easily be in the goat arguments, MGSV is one of the best games this gen, not of all time though due to it's incomplete story.
I hope you give his next project a chance as it seems to me that you've been unfair on him till now.
Not sure if it's been said, I haven't read the comments, but ign said:
"There are mentions of 3D model production for 'weapons, gadgets, vehicles, mechas', and desired experience with 'Event control system[s] in RPG', but there are very few specifics beyond that."
with the lukewarm reaction to death stranding, let's hope it is something a little more mainstream this time. and by mainstream, i don't mean the story (i want kojima's kooky flavour of course), but rather the area of gameplay.
@nookie_egg No horror game
@Nepp67 Maybe. Just with robots and rpg mechanics.
I still want to see what he does with the horror genre. He could really shake it up since he’s not from a horror background.
Plus let’s face it - the recent horror games that have released have been pretty bad.
@nookie_egg I will take that any day.
@Porco I don’t remember DS having a Luke warm reaction and the sales figures weren’t bad either iirc. Maybe not what sony wanted though. They’d be mad to cut ties with Kojima, MS will snap them up in a second.
@Areus doubt they'd make an engine that quickly tbh
@Arnna 7.3 meta userscore is fairly lukewarm. not the score i would expect for a kojima game. even mgs v which is very divisive amongst the mgs community has an 8.2 meta user score. death stranding is certainly not the commercial or critical success sony wanted.
@Porco I understand your point but using Metacritic to gauge anything is pretty much useless.
@Arnna for game that is being trolled to death i agree with you (not the norm). but for most games, meta user score is a fair point of reference. if you read up in various forums online, you will see that death stranding is a fairly divisive game.
Im hoping kojima makes his own version on PT or some silent hill asthetic type game. Also fingers crossed he makes his own version of metal gear solid cause screw konami with metal gear survive.
@rachetmarvel..... You point about a game being great if it's only being talked about is rubbish....It's like you are talking out of your ass...... Call of Duty, Fifa and Fortnite are the most talked about games daily and yearly....... They are far from being great games........... Zelda, Gow, Witcher, RDR 2 are only being talked among the games community or fans........ Oh and by the way the noise around The last of Us Part has totally died down...... And I know that game is a masterpiece........
So death stranding is being talked among it gamer community.........
Please stop talking out of your ass......
@Deljo.... A chore to you...... Cause it's not doom or Cod or a fifa which makes sense why you don't enjoy it....................
I like games like Life is Strange and Adventures of Captain Spririt........ Playing Death Stranding is like engaging in Porn for its....... It's a jaw dropper...................
So how do we resolve this...... Is it a bad game cause it not your type of game or is it a masterpiece cause I can't find a flaw with it..........
You see how opinions on one are so subjectective...... Enjoy what rubs your groins and don't project your dislike about something onto others.......
@rachetmarvel..... It is amazing and Paradigm shifting...............
@Porco....... Actually its the other way round...... MGSV for being a well known household franchise should have scored higher than 8.2 just like COD and Fifa never miss their sales targets no matter what horrible state they release in......... Whereas for a new IP that is not an established genre its pretty high for DS to score 7.3...........
@GREGORIAN what a odd comment, your not happy that I've shared my opinion by going on a senseless rant sharing your own. Stick to the porn chum
@Porco... And Days Gone is the not the commercial and critical success Sony wanted? Cause Sony only makes games for commercial and critical success... That why they funded Media Molecule to send the entirety of the Ps4 cycle making Dreams which has not even passed a million in copies sold..cause Sony only support devs when they make critical and commercial successful games.
Mmhhh..... Makes you wonder why they kept Guerilla around cause they did not make any commercial and critically successful games until Horizon Zero dawn..........
You have a bad habit, when you don't like something somehow you have this crazy thinking that everybody else dislikes it as much as you do...........
There is a reason some guys pack 6inches and less underneath and some guys packed more than 6inches...... Yet the ladies are still happy and satisfied....... There is no one size fits all in this world.......
Learn to have an open mind.........
@Deljo.... I knew you were a simple mind. That's why your head only registered the porn part of my whole post I did that on purpose.......
DonJorghino said its a masterpiece to him and You kept to banging about it being a chore........
My post was addressing that part of your postings.....
@GREGORIAN your post was an incoherent mess claiming that because you think a game is good no-one can have a differing opinion. Maybe you need to lay off the porn as your hand seems to be cramping over the full stop key.......😉
@Deljo...... You must have a different opinion to people....... It's what has moved the human race forward uptil today.......
Nothing synister meant to you from me.....
I was just specifically responding to your exchange with DonJorghino......
Before your posts, a balanced number of people above mentioned liking the game and some mentioned not enjoying the first one........
Your initial response to DonJorghino (which my post was addressing only), came off as a generalization that the game sucked when the 1mil+ copies sold proved there are people who found it fun.....
My bad if I misinterpreted your post incorrectly (stupid of me) and I apologise........and you only changed tune when LieutenantBatman point out that you could say what you said about DS pretty much about everything and every experience.......
If you initial response was the same as the response to LieutenantBatman then we would not be even engaging in this post....
As to my many periods(full stops) use in sentences, well apologies for that too.... But too bad as I don't write on the internet as a write a formal letter.......... It's no justifiable excuse........ But it is what I write it to be..............
Peace and Happy Gaming Days................................................................................................................................................... ...
This game could be anything! Death Stranding 2, Silent Hill-esque game, etc...
Whatever he makes I'm definitely looking forward to it!
Great... loved Death Stranding. Kept repairing my roads long after I was finished with the game 😂
Can't wait to see what else he has coming.
@GREGORIAN that's why sony didn't release sales data for death stranding like they usually do? right. also, kojima went on record himself to say the game did not do so well in the west and one of his followup projects was cancelled. that has nothing to do with the sales success of death stranding? are you cherry picking only positive reviews for the game and dismissing all the others?
i think you are too emotionally invested in these games to give an objective opinion. it is you that needs to open your mind. i was a massive kojima fan beginning with mgs1 through iv. they are among my favourite games of all time. but i would be lying if i didn't admit that mgs v was a grave disappointment for me in terms of the mission scenario and story (gameplay mechanics were great but could not save the game on its own). as for death stranding, i have not played it yet, but based on what i have seen and read, it looks underwhelming and the scores prove it. i will pick it up on the cheap during black friday and will get to it later this year mostlikely, but i am not expecting a miracle.
the point is: death stranding did not live up to the hype and anticipation that kojima created. not by a mile. it has been two underwhleming games in a row (maybe not for you but for many of his core fans) and you have to wonder if his best work is behind him now. in any case, i anticipate kojima to make a more mainstream game next because he is not immune to poor sales and prestige projects are not going to pay the bills.
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