Quick Resume has been billed as one of the defining features of Xbox Series X’s offering, allowing you to toggle between different games at will. From what we understand, this functionality works like an evolved version of the PSPgo’s old Suspend Mode, which effectively allowed you to create a custom save state in the game that you were playing. The difference with Microsoft’s next-gen console is that you can have multiple titles paused, and toggle between them at will.
During its PS5 UI demonstration, Sony didn’t announce Quick Resume for its console, focusing on Activity Cards, Picture-in-Picture, and other features of the system experience. However, some fans have been trying to figure out whether the system supports an alternative to Quick Resume regardless.
One thing that users have noticed is the Switcher in the console’s Control Centre. When playing Sackboy: A Big Adventure, the whimsical platformer’s icon appears to the bottom left of this menu tier, between the home button and notifications icon:

However, in the demonstration, when the user jumps to Destruction AllStars, the icon changes to the logo for the Lucid Games developed launch title. One important thing to note here is that the PS5 never informs the player that the Sackboy: A Big Adventure application will be closed, suggesting it’s stored in the background. You’ll remember that, on the PlayStation 4 specifically, you’d be notified of an app closing if you ever tried to boot something else:

But before Sackboy: A Big Adventure even fully loads, the Control Centre actually shows a different icon where the Switcher is located. It’s basically three layered squares – presumably representing different applications. It’s not confirmation, but it alludes to Quick Resume-esque functionality:

One other thing of note is that towards the end of the demonstration, when the console is put in Rest Mode, the text mentions that you’ll be able to “suspend your games” – plural:

Obviously, we’ll still need to wait for some kind of confirmation and further explanation from the platform holder, but it looks like you’ll be able to toggle between multiple titles at once, if that’s what you want to do. Is this a feature that you're holding out hope for on the PS5? Switch tabs in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 127
I get that Quick Resume is a really neat feature on the Xbox and it's definitely impressive from a tech perspective, but I honestly can't think of a time where I'll be switching between four different games every fifteen seconds. It's not a deal breaker for me personally if the PS5 doesn't have it.
Honestly, I think they would have shown it off if it was included. I really like the look of Quick Resume, me and my brother play the PS4 at different times so we’re constantly changing between whichever game we’re playing at that time. With Quick Resume, we could have both games open at the same time, ready to resume from that exact moment.
If the SSD is as fast as they say then does it really need it? Tbh I can't see any reason to switch between more then two games anyway.
@RBMango I'm somewhat in the same place, although I did like that suspend feature on the PSPgo, which was a very basic version of the same idea.
It was particularly good on PSPgo because a lot of games had bad save systems, so it made the whole system more suited to pick-up-and-play experiences.
@AdamNovice I guess you don't need to really save, right? You can just suspend your game wherever you are. So that's another advantage outside of toggling between titles on the fly.
That would be a neat feature if it’s included in PS5.
I don’t trust suspend states, would rather just save the game. Plus I’m pretty much all physical and you’ll likely have to keep switching discs to use quick resume on anyway, which kind of defeats the purpose.
I can see it being useful for people who get invites to multiplayer games.
@get2sammyb that is the advantage I am banking on with this feature. Play my SP stuff and then when friends want a few rounds of MP without having to worry about saving.
From what I have seen on xbox reviews it works really well albeit a little buggy at the moment following some crashes.
@thefourfoldroot I’ve had way better luck with save states over the years than game saves. Oh the hours I’ve lost from games inexplicably wiping their saves...
Well, since losing 100+ hours in Morrowind on the original Xbox, I always have multiple back up saves, lol. Yet no other issues other than ps1 memory card issues, but that was more a hardware issue I think.
No, overall, I’d much rather a hard save than trust to temporary memory.
@thefourfoldroot Ah yes, the Morrowind port that got steadily unstable as you played more hours. Still a technical achievement but more than a bit of a mess!
Yes, that one, lol. I eventually became ever more fearful and thus demotivated to play. Not the best experience, but since then I’ve just come to expect Bethesda games to be bug ridden pieces if almost genius.
I'm not unduly bothered...that SSD looks plenty fast enough even if you can't resume multiple games.
Also, I'm all digital, but for those with discs you can't do instant quick resumes between multiple games anyway, even on Xbox, unless they're digital.
@get2sammyb @RBMango I think you are missing the point of Quick Resume. It's not about flipping through a bunch of games during a single sit down.
It's more like, let's say you in the middle of Sackboy and your friends want to play together in Ghost of Tsushima multi-player. You can just load up GoT without worrying losing progress in Sackboy.
Got an indie game you play from time to time when you may not have the time for some AAA game? Well, you can just Quick Resume that and pick up where you left off without losing the same progress on said AAA.
It's just the convenience of picking up exactly where you left off when juggling multiple games (even if it's just 2) instead of Save/Quit/Reload.
@RBMango I see it as really useful for a game that doesn’t auto save every 15 seconds. The resident evils and final fantasies of old. Especially having kids, the number of times I’ve had to just abandon a game as the kids come in and want to play Disney infinity.
@thefourfoldroot Yeah, I literally just beat Morrowind’s main story a couple of days ago but that was on PC with a whole bunch of fan patches. It’s brilliant but you have to trawl through the strange bugs and mechanics. Now I’d love for that game to get a proper remaster but I reckon that would not be on PS5 😅
Yes, a remaster would be great. It’s the best ES for me (I never played DB and O and S both had horrible enemy scaling mechanics).
I’m not convinced Bethesda games will be exclusive to Xbox, I’m pretty certain they’ll release first on Gamepass, then full price on other platforms a year or two down the line (but never on competing subscription services).
It does look like some form of quick resume is there but given how fast it loads I don't think it really matters anyway to be honest. Not only that but my games will be on disc so I've got to change them anyway
It's a cool feature but I personally don't think it's a "make or break" situation on the PS5 since I'll probably never use it.
I know some peeps will want to throw the whole console in the trash if it doesn't match the Xbox.
@I_Like_It Yep, that’s the power of SSDs being non-volatile. PS5 could theoretically do the same if you unplugged it but it depends on Sony’s implementation.
@thefourfoldroot I think you are thinking of Quick Resume as just an expanded "Suspend/Resume" like the PS4 already has. Its not.
I originally thought the same thing. I think Suspend/Resume on the PS4 is a terrible feature and I have lost quite a bit of progress multiple times from system lock ups, power fluctuations/outages, and just accidently unplugging the system.
Quick Resume does not suspend, it hibernates. The huge difference being that it actually stores the game state to the SDD, it doesn't just hold it in memory. This means that if the system crashes, or powers down, or you unplug it, you can plug it back in later and still resume.
Fair enough. I’d rather not use the SSD unnecessarily, but it might have been useful a few times if the wife decided she wanted to play sackboy with me while I’m in the middle of Spider-Man or something.
@Medic_Alert I know I won't ever use it, because I always save and close out my games before I move on to another one. That being said, if its done using the SSD storage like it does on the Xbox, I might start changing my habits.
Here is the thing though, it has to store the data to the SSD; which means if you are close to full, the feature will have to be limited.
@Medic_Alert I always power down my PS4, I never "suspend" it.
I occasionally move my PS4, or unplug it, and to do that I have to power it down. Its quite annoying to have to power it on, and the TV, and potentially go into a game and save, and then power everything down, when you just want to unplug the system.
Love all the speculation,"in under a month everyone will know lol
@Medic_Alert In that instance, consoles should have a disc swapper like old hi-fi units used to have. Bang in 2, 3, 4 games, and they literally just rotate out. Can't imagine they'd be too difficult to slap in.
Quick resume seems pointless if we ha e lightning fast ssds
I wouldn't use this feature. I don't think I'll even use it when I get my xboxsx
@RBMango exactly! And, IMO, the need to have the feature decreases dramatically when games launch in 20 seconds instead of several minutes. I rarely bounce between game’s and its only two at most.
This is just a big deal for the media, not the normal guy/girl.
@Medic_Alert I think something like Destruction All Stars is still going to be a longer wait as it establishes an online connection. It'll still be a welcome feature of course but if games are loading in under 10 seconds anyway and a lot of people will still be buying discs I don't think it'll make a huge difference overall
@AdamNovice you can turn your system completely off and unplug it and the games will still be in the same spot you left off.
Is definitely a feature I want, it even works if the system is unplugged or loses power. There's no reason the PS5 couldn't do it and since the SSD is faster it should be better then on Xbox, of course there's a chance the PlayStation devs just didn't think of it 🤷
@Juanalf Is there a limit to how long the power is out before it forgets the states?
Can someone tell me why it matters?. I play one game at a time. Why have other games sat idle whilst concentrating on say a large open world game?. I do see the need for this?. If people like the idea then good for them. For me, I dont really care.
@Medic_Alert That's pretty cool 👌
It may have a scaled back version of quick resume where you are switch between games and put the games into stanby mode (without unplugging or full shutdown like Xbox can). I am not sure if I will use the feature on PS5 or Xbox. I think my gaming behaviours are going to change a lot over the next few years and I will have to get used to the change of pace in games with less load times and all these new features.
Quick resume is a great feature but as most of my games with be physical purchases it’s not got to be life changing for me if the PS5 doesn’t have it
@Medic_Alert That's not entirely true, especially with SSDs. If you leave an SSD in a powered off state for a year, you will likely return to some seriously corrupted data. Its random, so you might not; but HDD and SSD's corrupt regularly (as part of their normal existence, not just number of writes) and yes, this happens even in a powered down state.
Normally the drives will notice these corrupted portions long before they become an issue, and move data around to compensate, but you actually need to have the drives powered on for these mechanisms to kick in. Its less of an issue with classic HDD's (which can supposedly last a few years powered down without any data loss in most normal environments), but with SSD's it is more likely to happen.
That's not too important, since I don't think you were actually suggesting leaving it in a hibernate state for a year; but its a fun fact.
@Medic_Alert I was against this feature when I first heard about it, because I thought it was just an extension of the PS4's feature, which crosses the line of uselessness into destructive/damaging. (Just wait until you have to recover from that power flicker!) but if its anything like the XSX feature (which we only really know about from YouTubers, since Microsoft didn't see fit to actually explain the feature as far as I know) then I welcome it.
@Medic_Alert As for the SSD space, it wouldn't really be a smart move to reserve that ahead of time. Each game could take up to 16 GB (depending on how the RAM could compress for that particular state in that particular game) and even reserving 2-4 of these can take 32-64 GB of space and this generation space is a premium, so it wouldn't be a good move to do that.
Maybe they could let you select the number and reserve that way?
It has quick resume, just not in the same way as XSX does. That saves the state of any game and allow you to jump back in where you were. PS5 has activities, pre-set checkpoints in all ps5 games that can be jumped to at any time, essentially offering way more save states. Pity theres no way that will extend to ps4 games, so XSX has the upper hand in that it works for backwards compatible games, but theres still some form of quick resume on ps5 games, possibly better implemented than xsx...time will tell
@Medic_Alert yeah I get what you're saying and this gen that would have been a huge benefit but All Stars got to the start screen in just 10 seconds from leaving Sackboy. Just for me the speed of loading negates many of the advantages of quick resume, especially as I'm getting my launch games physically (at launch at least)
For playing backwards compatible games it will be very useful and maybe it'll be something I appreciate more when I get my hands on it
Id be really surprised if ps5 didn't have the feature. If not at launch, soon after.
People downplaying it just don't get it. Maybe some of you really just play one game from start to finish without switching ever (raise hands, mmo players?) Maybe some of you don't mind waiting for load screens, logo screens, then redoing things you already did from the last checkpoint every time you start (raise hands FromSoft players lol) but for everyone else, most of us play more than one game actively over a monthly or longer period and making getting back into it instant is great. And not having to get to the save point before putting the game away and not having to retrace steps is invaluable for time saving.
Ps5 ui is, for better or worse built entirely around time saving and instant switching, with the cards etc., if they don't have quick save it undoes a lot of what they're trying to do. Not to mention power saving in rest mode with ssd suspend states instead of keeping the ram bank powered like ps4/x1 & even switch.
It'll have it. Or it'll look silly with some of the features they're promoting working kind of janky. Even with the fast ssd, there's still those mandatory startup screens you can't bypass in most games, and working back from checkpoints in at least half of games that don't have continuous save points every 5 button presses.
@nookie_egg there's no limit, it's not battery backed out capacitor powered memory. It just flushes memory to ssd.
For those unfamiliar, this isn't a new concept. It's been the backbone of enterprise computing for a decade. Virtual servers are spun up and suspended this way constantly. That's how services like Amazon EC2, MS Azure etc host so many machines and archive them, etc.
@NEStalgia Interesting stuff, thanks
@thedevilsjester That's a theoretical possibility, and yeah ssds should be powered up on a schedule in an enterprise setting for that reason, but it's not a common failure that they just have a random "disc rot" comparable scenario. Bad cells tend to go bad during write ops, not unpowered idle. It's technically true, what you say, and enterprises do tend to have 6 or 12 month "thaws" for cold storage ssds for that reason, but the real potential for failure in that state is very low to the point that for consumer products it's irrelevant. Laptops with ssds for example aren't exactly famous for just corrupting the os partition while just sitting there. And for the speds were talking I highly doubt were taking about TLC modules....
It is a neat feature to have but I don't see it as a system seller or anything like that. Not for me anyway.
I think it's a cool feature. I don't play a lot of MP but I could see myself jumping from a frustrating difficult part of a game into something more arcadie to reset the frustration level. My kid definitely jumps from game to game with his party. COD, Rocket League, 2K, Fortnite, Minecraft, Madden all in a 2 hour session. Short attention spans.
@NEStalgia that's mostly true yeah, I wasn't trying to say that it's going to be an issue, just that you can't assume otherwise for that long of a period.
Laptops are not a good indicator because they tend to stay powered with their battery most of the time.
Leaving something without power for awhile in this day and age is bad, even Nintendo did a recent PSA telling you to power on your Switch every so often.
I think it would be nice if saves evolved to the point where you could save your quit point (with everything stored, including what was happening) and have the option of loading the game from where you quit or the normal save point/check point. With the super fast SSD it could make quick resume partially redundant. Problem could be the size of the save data could be huge, you'd have to have an option to either save normally or "quick resume" save. Then again all it takes is one genius to figure out how to do it economically, think media molecule's Dreams, maybe they could come up with a solution to this?
I rarely play more than one games every time I play on my ps4 or pc, it's a good feature but not important.
Quick Resume would be an nice feature to have only need it between 2 or 3 games like know one needs there whole library open at once but if its not a feature on the ps5 it's not a deal breaker as destruction all start took 8 seconds to boot from a cold state so its not like you will be waiting long to get into the action.
Seems a bit of a pointless feature from my perspective anyway I only tend to play one game at a time and even if I was playing two different games, don't see much hassle in switching one off and loading the other, I would also think stuff like this overheats the ps and cause massive fan noise in the future. Also didn't Sony say loading times are super fast so yea pretty pointless imo. Did I also read that the Xbox has quick resume for something like 12 games, really who needs 12 games on technical pause!
It must do some form of suspend, you saw them swapping to another game. Not so useful for physical games.
Couldn’t care less. The suspend feature was hardly used on my console.
nice detective work on this. seems very plausable and a nice feature to have. i don't think i would use it often or for more than a game or two at the same time, but it's a neat idea.
@Daleaf my thoughts too. I wouldn’t use it. No need to have multiple games booted at same time.
I’d much rather have less features than a glut of superfluous ones.
My biggest issue with PS4 is the point where the USB cable meets the controller. I don’t know why more people don’t talk about this.
Put the controller down the wrong way or too roughly and the USB cable will bend at the point it meets the controller. The connection then becomes loose.
This happens because of the angle it goes into the back of the controller. I’ve gone through 5 USB cables and 4 controllers.
Now.... what happens when you can’t buy PS4 controllers anymore?
Edit: only one of these instances was a rage quit/tantrum. The design of the cable connection is a huge flaw for me.
Anyone else? Yes I realise I could play wireless but I prefer less latency because I play lots of rhythm games.
@Daleaf The vast majority of users out there do not really need to have 12 (or even 6) games on technical pause at the same time; that's just overkill. For most of them, this is a pointless feature.
This is also one of those new features people are talking right now, but after 6 months (maybe even less), the majority of them will not even care it exists (or forget that it is even there to use).
Because next gen consoles have fast SSD's that load in 7 seconds. Now that is to slow and we need quick resume? Yeah but No, I'm very happy load times without quick resume. Did no one watch the video? When the Icon for Sackboy was clicked it was literally sitting on the background splash screen waiting to continue!
I’m still going to be buying physical versions of games so quick resume for me will depend on how motivated I am to get off my fat ass and get the disc.
@nessisonett games will literally load in seconds so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
@East76landS It’s not about that, it’s about having multiple suspend points. He could safely play whatever he’s playing without worrying about saving my game or getting to a checkpoint. It’s just flexibility that wouldn’t have any downsides whatsoever, I have no idea why so many people are downplaying it.
@RBMango Do they even need quick resume.
If your game loads from cold boot in 3 or 4 seconds, is quick resume as relevent?
I assume it takes a few gig of SSD space for each title, so I'd prefer to have that space and wait 4 seconds.
Quick Resume is a useful backward compatibility feature but they are inefficient since Xbox needs to write the entire system memory into SSD every single time. Next gen game can be design to boot directly to autosave. Such implementation will work even faster than quick resume since no SSD write is involve.
@get2sammyb would you honestly rely on your titles not saving while being suspended in the background? Assuming no technical issues could arise?? I’m finding it hard to believe Quick Resume will be useful without functionality built in like Sony just showed off.
Yeah, anyone who says this is completely pointless or useless can't have a family. It is rare these days that I finish playing out of choice rather than interruption. Even if just from an eco perspective this allows you to suspend your game at any point (not a save point/checkpoint) and then fully turn the console off to save power.
I suspect that one day we will look back on this feature in the same way we do auto saving rather than menu driven saving.
@RBMango it is mildly disturbing that you have 38 votes so far for a comment where you can't think of a "good reason" that would make you want to switch games back and forth.
I play various games depending on which of my friends are online and switching between games is absolutely fantastic where you do not have to constantly load a game.
No I do not need to switch games every 15 seconds, but it's what you call a quality of life change.
It is not "needed", but it doesn't hurt me to have it. It is not a bad feature. It is not a good feature. It is a fantastic feature.
If the voting on your comment is not indicative of how far the fanboyism can go, then I do not know what else to tell you.
It is legitimately you guys voting and suggesting that a fantastic feature like quick resume is simply an unnecessary upgrade.
It is alright to have games you enjoy on specific consoles. But learn to recognize the quality of life changes where they are introduced.
Want me to give you another example in opposite direction?
You do not need a 4k ui to play games it is unnecessary for you to allocate resources where they may be utilized for gaming instead.
I don't recall the last time I cared about how "pretty" might UI looked for the 1 minute I spent on it to switch between games or adjusting something in settings or checking store out.
Do you really "need the guide" picture in picture when you can watch it on another screen just fine?
I like the picture and picture stuff in ps5 because I loved the concept of it when it was something similar toin Xbox one in early days where I had side window. I skyped with buddies and played game or watched twitch while playing games.
Every thing has a value for as long as it improves your quality of life.
You do not need an Audi when you can have a Suzuki that can take you to point A to B. But you get it any way because it is a luxury.
@thedevilsjester here is the thing. You can power your entire console down. Keep it unplugged for 24 hrs or more. Plug it back when ever you want.
Restart the console. Click the game. It still quick resumes.
You do not need to save or shut the game down at all.
@Mikey856 you do not understand the concept of quick resume in Xbox then. (comment #38)
@Gravity_Bear maybe I don't get you? I am confused.
It is like you thought of an inferior idea about saving check point so you can resume later.
And considered it to work better than the alternative, that is quick resume.
However, It does exactly what you just asked for, without you actually needing to save the game really.
You wouldn't have lost any progress either way? So why go through the whole hassle of saving the game and reloading the game?
Now if you were suggesting that the game should allow to save your progress so if you mess up, you can start from previously saved point, then yeh but that is entirely a different concept than what quick resume is all about.
@wiiware you only have one game on Ps4 and one game on pc?
@Arnna food for thought.
I am playing overcooked 2. In the middle of my game.
Buddy msgs me on division 2 to help them out in a raid at a specific point.
Gee, do I tell him to wait for me to finish the game?
Nah. Don't have to. I can switch games, get on, help the buddy out, go back to overcooked like nothing happened later.
Might sound too small for you?
I am playing arkham. I am doing amazing in an area in crazy hard mode here ei am trying to clear the room. Taking my time without getting seen.
Maybe buddy in destiny 2 needs assistance. I will not want to leave my progress because I know I will have to start that section all over... Or maybe I don't?
You see, just because you "won't" use something, doesn't make it worth any less.
It is useful, for those that can utilize it. Having the option doesn't hurt you.
Not having the option might make me wanna refuse my buddy's request or I lose my progression and effort.
I rather have the option to resume the game where I left it.
Appreciating the quality of life improvement doesn't put you in a bad spot, even if you won't have the need to use it.
@Sub-Xero you will use it so naturally that you won't even know you are using it.
You are not seriously telling me that you have zero digital games.
I mean game pass is there. It is all digital. You can go buy a copy of a game that might be on game pass. But you can keep that copy mint in your collection without breaking the seal. If it is in game pass, you are playing it digitally.
@TrolleyProblems fair enough! I wasn’t suggesting it was useless, everyone has different gaming styles. 😊
And you’re right, it being there hurts no one.
@GamingFan4Lyf.... You are also not getting the point.....
If am playing sackboy and my friends want a round of Ghosts Of Tsushima than I have to eject Sackboy from the Ps5, put it back in its case, take GoT from its case, put it in the Ps5 and start the game........ This quick resume is really is not as awesome some people make it out to be................
It's a just a marketing bullet point from Microsoft.........
This feature is pointless tho if all your games are on disc??? I will be buying most things on disc so it's a shame that I can't jump to loads of games instantly (well it takes me a while dragging myself off my sofa to swap discs to)
@TrolleyProblems sure I do it gives you the ability to have a few games suspended and to jump back into either of them anytime. My point is with the ssd being so fast and loading times practically wiped out why would anyone bother to suspend several games when they load so quickly anyway. It seems pointless.
It’s just more garbage from Xbox at the end of the day.
@GREGORIAN precisely not everyone will own the digital version of ps5
@TrolleyProblems do that while your playing bloodborne I dare you. You will quick resume to a dead hunter 😂
@TrolleyProblems I have a lot of games on ps4/pc but I rarely switch between them when playing, that's an unnecessary feature for most people.
@Daleaf comepletly agree. It’s a useless feature to most I would argue
@BionicDodo....... This is not a general must have feature but a preference (I prefer this, or this is convenient for me) feature..... You say autosave are great feature and I say unlimited and u barred save is awesome....... E. G. Assassins Creed Oddysy and MGSV have autosave and save fuatures where game state or progress is contastly save but as soon as you enter a battle that auto save becomes useless....... Whereas in Fallout 4 they have unlimited save feature where I can save that state of the game even in battle...... So when I get to a part of the battle that is going to hard......can quickly save so when I die I can continue from where I was in a battle which is amazing for me...... whereas in Odyssey and MGV5 I will have to start the battle from scratch which is annoying.........
So it's all about what each gamer prefers....... Personally for me it's just a marketing Bullet point
@TrolleyProblems.... So since when are people not allowed to not to like something or not be blown away by it because you do..... You sound like the people who expect other people to be happy when you are happy and expect people to be sad when you are sad.....
You like the quick resume cool for you.......
But that does not make it mind blowing for everybody else as it is for you.............
What is more disturbing is that in a supposedly free world..... People are nto allowed to have free opinions.....
RBmango above mentioned in his or her post that quick resume is cool for those whole like it.... He did demean the feature or talk bad about it..... Just that it's good for those that like it and that it's not for him...........
And now you are calling people take liked his comment fanboys...........
So are we all supposed to sheepishly be blown away by a feature some of us find to be a pointless marketing ploy..........
For example I have just come out of an RDR2 18 hour play session and after that I have been playing Pes 2020 since yesterday and a such for someone who games like I do......... Quick resume is pointless but will be useful for those who prefer it.....
So how does that now make me a fan boy because from what has been shown about the feature........ I have not been impress by it by one bit......
@TrolleyProblems.... And just because something it useful for you does not mean it's useful for everyone...... There is a reason the saying "Another man's meat is another man's poison" exists. Also all your examples for the benefit of th feature is for online gaming........ So this feature is useful to you as you game online and you game with your friends online hence your constant mention that you will need it when your friends messages you to join them in a game online.............. I co-op offline(i.e. Football games and beat em ups) and game with my friends online........ So don't game with anyone online nor do I want to hence I don't want knor will accept any invites to join a game online...... Which means the feature to me is pointless and useless................
@GREGORIAN To be fair, I didn't say quick save was a great feature, the point I was making was that it is an accepted feature by the majority of gamers and would, I am sure, draw lots of complaints if it was removed. All the games I have played recently quick save regularly but also allow for manual saves if the user wishes to (which I often use). This is by far and away the best setup in my eyes as it gives you the best of both worlds. Personally I'm not keen on saving in the middle of a battle/boss fight as it feels a bit like cheating but I'm all for more options so that everyone can be happy. What I really need is the ability to stop my game in the middle of a battle when my real life comes calling. Sometimes I am then denied the ability to resume playing that day and the option to power off my console fully without losing any progress seems good for my electricity bill and the environment.
I am sure that some people will never use this kind of feature, but I can't see how anyone literally can't think of a single reason why anyone would need/want to, which some comments here suggest.
>.. So since when are people not allowed to not to like something or not be blown away by it because you do.....
Good attempt at deflecting the problem at hand, but you do it When you have zero good reason
You are blowing away something when your reasoning is no better than "I don't think I will use it" "I think it is unnecessary" when I am clearly explaining in several posts with example above why those statements are incorrect.
You cannot actually give me a down side of it.
That is the issue.
There is no downside to this.
>You sound like the people who expect other people to be happy when you are happy and expect people to be sad when you are sad.....
You sound a person who assumes alot of things with zero facts.
Baseless assumptions don't work so well.
Simply put, you are wrong for assuming that about me since you have no idea about me.
I find it amusing when fanboyish behaviour goes to a point that every thing said by them becomes freedom of speech and an "opinion", regardless of how baseless that opinion might be.
Just because you "have" an opinion, doesn't make it a "valid" opinion. Learn the difference.
>You like the quick resume cool for you.......
But that does not make it mind blowing for everybody else as it is for you.............
tilts head
It is absolutely a fantastic feature for reasons I have given in multiple posts above.
Your entire argument hinges upon your right to not like something.
Not liking something is fine.
Not liking something because you won't use it or you don't think it is useful is limited to you.
In other words, it's existence has zero bearings on you. It being present doesn't hinder you. It is cool that you don't want to use it. But you cannot claim that it is not useful in a nut shell.
it not being present is a downgrade from what that technology offers for those who care about it. In other words? It not being there matters to those of us who find it fantastic.
>What is more disturbing is that in a supposedly free world..... People are nto allowed to have free opinions....
Free opinions are like buttholes. Every one has one.
It is free world so you can make claims like "since I don't think it is useful, it doesn't need to exist."
It is free world so I can make claims like "you are incorrect because it doesn't hinder you by existing. It can only benefit, and not take away from experience by making your worse in any shape or form."
>RBmango above mentioned in his or her post that quick resume is cool for those whole like it.... He did demean the feature or talk bad about it..... Just that it's good for those that like it and that it's not for him...........
His exact quote is"i get that Quick Resume is a really neat feature on the Xbox and it's definitely impressive from a tech perspective,... "
I do not have issue with this statement because he recognizes the value of it.
>"...but I honestly can't think of a time where I'll be switching between four different games every fifteen seconds. "
An exaggeration yes? No one switches games every 15 seconds. But I really have no issue with this other than, it is a quality of life change and this exaggeration makes it sound like it's an unnecessary feature, when it is not.
>" It's not a deal breaker for me personally if the PS5 doesn't have it."
I have zero issues with this statement.
What I have clearly stated is that I have an issue with people "voting" it because it presents his point, which is exaggerating the lack of need of this feature, which is then up voted, when his entire "opinion" hinges upon the fact that he won't use it because he doesn't find it useful.
Amy one else simply up voting his point, because they believe it is not useful for them either, when it has absolutely nothing to do with it being not useful to them.
The issue is, they have zero reason to argue against having this feature.
And those who are even suggesting don't fully comprehend this feature and compare it to things like suspend feature from Ps4 which it is nothing like.
In other words? They are up voting something while either having a lack of understanding around what the feature is, and the fact that if they don't need it, it doesn't need to be there.
That right above is silly. A feature that provides no downside and has only potential to have upside, cannot be perceived as a hindrance.
>And now you are calling people take liked his comment fanboys...........
Read above. I am specifically calling those who do not research features and simply dislike something because it came in a box that they don't support, or because they simply don't like it, and features they don't need or approve shouldn't exist? I have probably harsher terms for them, it I will stick with "fanboys" for now.
>So are we all supposed to sheepishly be blown away by a feature some of us find to be a pointless marketing ploy..........
It is not a marketing ploy and it is not pointless. If you aren't able to comprehend why I am making this claim, then perhaps you aren't simply someone I find worth discussing this point with.
Do your research.
I don't care about your feelings. I care about your facts. So far, there are none, other than you simply not liking it because, well "you don't find it useful"
>For example I have just come out of an RDR2 18 hour play session and after that I have been playing Pes 2020 since yesterday and a such for someone who games like I do.........
For someone who may have played TLOU and Gow and will probably play Spider man, all being single player, story games
And if they ever want to get on destiny because they may need to provide assistance,
Or because their kid is now asking them to play another game with them on same console, or for what ever reason, it is worth it. Your evidence again, doesn't provide me with a reason why the "gimmick" as you may call it, shouldn't exist.
You have simply aid that it is not useful to you. In no shape or form can you possibly imply that something that may not be useful, may also not useful to others. Because that would simply be dumb. Yes?
> Quick resume is pointless but will be useful for those who prefer it.....
Again. Let me repeat.
It is not pointless if it is "useful" for those who who may want to use it. Specially when it has zero negative impact on you, other than "pointless to you".
Is this concept too complex for you?
>So how does that now make me a fan boy because from what has been shown about the feature........ I have not been impress by it by one bit......
It makes you a fanboy because you lack the comprehension required to actually do some research and come up with actual reasonable arguments, rather than simply point fingers at something "you" do not find useful and go "mommy! Me no likey!"
I don't care about you being impressed by it. You are irrelevant in this equation.
This issue is not about you being impressed. It is about it being useful while posing no problems in terms of hindering resources.
Any one who plays more than 1 game will find this feature to be useful.
Heck even if 30% people will ever use it, it is good having this there for them.
Those other 70% who will "never use it" have no concern associated with this, other than, "I don't like it"
But if that statement goes from "I don't like it" to "I don't like it and it is unnecessary", then that is where my beef is.
I don't care if you find it necessary. It is not causing your machine any performance issues.
It is not holding your current experience back.
Don't use it. Move on. But don't make claims like "it is unnecessary". Even a small percentage of those who find this feature useful, makes it a solid addition when it really doesn't hold any one back from having a good experience.
@Mikey856 because it is not same as shutting game down and restarting from a check point..
A game can be continued from where it is left of, mid activity.
Checkpoints do not allow any activity in between to persist.
They only save a state of game.
This feature allows your activity to persist as if you simply hit "pause" mid air while jumping
You could pause a game mid killing an npc, plmove to another game, come back and continue with killing that npc
Friend. I understand what you mean. Thank you for explaining.
But my question to you is, how sure are you that it is actually wasting the resources? How do you know what the secret sauce behind this feature is?
Are developers complaining about it consuming resources or something?
Should I just be skeptical because, well it is what keeps me from feeling like I had too many expectations?
A device can be capable of doing more than what you want it to do, if it poses no hinderance to your experiences.
I can respect your choice in your games. Your play style and all that makes you happy. Heck I am. Happy that you will never need to use this feature!
I buy my games like you, but I prefer digital over physical because I run multiple consoles. I can play one copy of my game on 2 consoles simultaneously. To me, again... It is useful, while to you, it is not.
However you are not going around telling me that having the digital option is pointless or useless because you don't use it?
I do not call this feature "pointless or useless" because it doesn't really hold my experience back in any shape or form so far.
That is all I am saying here.
Edit: night night. Sleep time.
Let face it if it doesn't. Sony can easily add in. And it will be faster then Xbox's
@TrolleyProblems I may be over thinking it. But the idea is to have save system that is continuously saving and act just like a suspended or paused game, but without limit on number of games or have any problems if you turned your console off to go to sleep, work or maybe you unplugged it to move it to another room and continued playing there or saved the save file to a USB drive or online and continued on a different PS5.
If the power got cut and you were playing a game, when you next boot up your console you could continue like you had just paused the game. Maybe in these cases it could also ask if you wanted to go back a few minutes, so that you could get back in the right rhythm and if starting from exactly where you were is not a very good option you could also reset to a check point.
So basically it would be Quick resume/suspended/paused like, but built into the save system. Start playing a game and even if it was a year later, you could start the game from cold and it would jump in like it had been paused for a year instead of closed. Just a resume button and no start up sequence or pages asking for options.
Saving this data may create huge save files, but if you look at media molecule's Dreams, where an entire level can be measured in kilobytes, then it might be possible to reduce the size with outside the box thinking.
I hope this helps clear up what I was thinking.
@RBMango You're missing the point of the Quick Resume feature...
@TrolleyProblems I am not sure what your point is, or what you are replying to because I know this, and have said it multiple times in this thread.
@TrolleyProblems It's unnecessary for most people, the only things that suddenly make it important feature is because xbox has it and playstation didn't. If ps5 has this feature, people will move on and think the feature is unnecessary again.
@wiiware if one had it, and the other didn't, regardless the side, the side that had it would still troll the one that didn't have it, and the one that didn't have it would claim it'd not that nice.
That said: I often jump between two games, and have been silently praying for such a feature for years. I hope PS5 ends up having it, although the feature does eat more space in the SSD.
@GREGORIAN Even with disc swapping, the idea of Quick Resume can still work - granted, Microsoft hasn't actually said that Quick Resume works with physical games, but I can't see why it wouldn't work.
Physical discs offer nothing more than an authorization key to play the game. Ejecting the disc during gameplay could simply put the game in a Sleep state for another time rather than exiting the game completely like systems do now.
So, yes, there is still the actual method of swapping out physical media for such a scenario, but that still doesn't discredit a Quick Resume feature.
Even if 1 day you play Sackboy and another day you play...say...The Last of Us Part 2, being able to inset disc that day and pick up exactly where you left off is just a nice convenience. If it's something you don't do, well that's you.
I don't think it's just some PR thing. It's a nice feature you don't have to use. People seem to like it because they want to know if Sony has the same feature.
@thedevilsjester I honestly mistakenly pasted your nickname in my post. It wasn't meant for you but another gentleman that I wrote a longer post to later
@wiiware and that is where you don't Get it friend.
I would absolutely love the concept of it in ps5 as well.
People are caring about it not because of console wars but because it is legit a solid tech.
I will have a ps5. I will definitely want it. Any one who knows how decent this thing is, wants it.
You aren't wrong about fanboys on Xbox side btw. But I wouldn't chalk this up as a tech only desired because it is on Xbox and not on playstation.
@Gravity_Bear your post makes sense and your concept is more or less what I think this is as well.
As far as space taking goes, I am under the impression that it will go with what ever games save file size is. As for now I do not know what their tech is using and not using other than save file size.
Considering it takes approximately 6 seconds to load the resume, I think they keep the data point and what the ai was doing and load the texture during this time? Unsure how big a spot they may require to do this for each game
@TrolleyProblems ah, got it. Easy to get confused.
In the Control Center when they are on the icon for the sack boy: big adventure icon the words above it said "switcher" so I'm making an educated guess that it's the "quick resume" like function and we'll get more info on it soon.
@TrolleyProblems I was thinking if the SSD is capable of loading a level in a matter of seconds, loading a save file won't take much longer and on the home screen of the game you could have the options of Start Game and Resume [from where you left off], which ignores normal start up.
Well, at the moment, the PS4 stores the suspended data in a large storage system, so that if you shut the PS4 off properly, it wipes it. If there is a limit to how many games you can suspend at once and it says that you can only store these in rest mode, then it must take up a lot of space.
If a suspended game (on the PS5) is storing a clone copy of the data ready to load what is essentially a paused game, it would (or could) be large, but if it could store everything in text (or whatever) and be capable of restoring everything as is, it would be much smaller and with a SSD capable of 5GB/s it might be able to load it without any noticeable time difference.
But like you say, the storing technology is unknown, so it will be interesting to see how it will work. You would hope it would store a save file, like you were saying and not a snapshot of part of the game like the PS4 does (it is a little different, I believe).
So it could be storing a clone/snapshot of a paused game versus loading a save file that gives you the same result or something in combination or something else completely different.
I now also like the idea of, in addition to to a Start and Resume button, the idea of a rewind button: what was I doing? Or I made a mistake pausing it there, on resume I will surely die.
This has been fun contemplating the possibilities of what the future of resuming and saving games could be.
@TrolleyProblems @Tharsman Maybe 2 games quick resume is okay, but most people won't sacrifice their 100gb (expensive) ssd storage for 5 quick resume games. Of course I have no problem with this features if we receive it for "free" (only taking little storage space).
@wiiware ok. I agree!
@Gravity_Bear I would say I really like your concept. I wish that was the case? Unsure if it is. Need real time hands on experience with the device
@TrolleyProblems Thanks!
We'll find out in three and a half weeks. Can't wait, so to speak.
I am wondering, if I buy Miles Morales on PS5, do I get a PS4 version, like cross buy or is it just one version. And if I upgrade from PS4 to PS5 does the PS4 version stay intact. One can hope I guess.
Even if this feature would be there, I will not use it. When I play a game, I want to focus and enjoy it, not to jump from one to another. Just my thought. Anyway, I believe that the feature is there according the presentation, no prompt to close the current game, multiple layer icon and in rest mode the games, not the game are suspended. Cool
@TrolleyProblems yes I know but do you really need it when the ps5 wil load games in 6 seconds anyway 😂😂😂 Christ almighty
@thefourfoldroot I think Phil's most recent interview makes its pretty clear the reason for the purchase waa not to sell games on competing platforms it was to make all gamers a "customer of their services" be that on an Xbox a pc or any other device that allows access to that service.
They haven't said no to Playstation or Nintendo but that's because it's up in the air as to whether those platforms will allow their services on their console.
They don't seem to have may interest in selling the games its about making their play to be the Netflix of gaming as strong as possible.
And we didn't see Netflix putting their shows or movies on hulu or Amazon when they were trying to get there.
@I_Like_It yep even from a cold boot you can still resume games on Xbox series x. Linus tech tips showed it off with doom.
@Deadlyblack to the people here none of these "issues" are going to effect anything for them they are bought in 100% they could be really upset about it but even their own brains won't let em say it. These lots of small differences will likely mean very little to most fans but overtime and word of mouth the overall picture will be shaped by these type of "quirks".
I'll be getting mine and am not worried about it in the slightest as ill only be playing the couple of games each year Sony forces me to play on their console. I'll buy them on disc (as I have for the last 7 years with ps4) and play through them in the weekend or two it takes to finish. I'll then uninstall them and sell the disc on hopefully for the majority of what I paid for it. (I can usually get 45 to 55 within the first week to month).
I'll be using my PlayStation exclusively like this with it spending the majority of its life sitting and collecting dust but at least when the replacement comes out I can list it for sell as gently used like I did for my ps4 pro I sold 3 weeks ago for 275.00 USD.
I'm into Sonys exclusive games but nothing else about their organization impresses me in the slightest. I buy in but to the smallest amount possible to get what I want out of them.
@Juanalf exactly expect the 6 month to year update of ps5 to suddenly gain new abilities that seem so familiar to users of xbox (but also for Xbox users to get something very similar if the things ps5 has over it)
@rpg2000 more like those that have it will immediately notice when they switch to a system that doesn't have it.
It's such a good quality of life perk that no one should really be talking about it except in places it's not available.
If ps5 doesn't have it prepare for all the articles from the Xbox guys jumping over to try ps5 after 6 months or a year.
@nessisonett you have "no idea"?
Do you see where you're at?
If Sony doesn't do it it's NEVER important (you know til they do then it's the best thing since sliced bread)
@GREGORIAN his comments about fanbogism because if this site were to run a little "test and announce the opposite of something like this article indicates. The opinions of the majority of users would absolutely skew towards being all about the feature and how awesome it is to have.
His point is that many (not saying you personally) but many are more than likely letting their fanboy colors show by denying the benefits of the feature that if the article were complete opposite they'd be super pumped about.
Provable? No not really not unless this site grew a spine and did some actual some real investigative journalism... Lol
But he sees what anyone who doesn't have a clear bias sees. His glasses arent tinted like so many here.
@wiiware "the only things that suddenly make it important feature is because xbox has it and playstation didn't. If ps5 has this feature, people will move on and think the feature is unnecessary again."....
No what you're missing here is its because MS has shown and promoted it for months and Sony fans said of course we will have that too and the fact that it looks like maybe now they don't. And now because of that they are all talking it down line it matters nothing. If it mattered so little we wouldn't be talking about it and if you had it your side would be praising it. (like they praise a 4k ui that literally matters for null and only promotes using system resources and slowing things down)
This is a feature that's just there to improve your quality of life if you CHOOSE to use it otherwise it has no impact on you.
Yet Sony v famys clamor about a mandatory higher resource requiring ui and downplay something that's actually helpful.
@Gravity_Bear "I am wondering, if I buy Miles Morales on PS5, do I get a PS4 version, like cross buy or is it just one version. And if I upgrade from PS4 to PS5 does the PS4 version stay intact. One can hope I guess."
These kind of questions is why I really prefer Microsofts approach to the" generations "and with Sony basically walking back all their talk about defined lines between generations (with multiple big AAA Ps5 only games now conformed for ps4 too) their policy and way of handling these things leaves A LOT to be desired.
With Microsoft it was easy, basically it was now like pc gaming when you saw smart delivery you were getting a game that ran at its best on whatever hardware you put it on. With Sony honestly who even knows most of the time you'll need a diagram to figure it out.
@Mikey856 they keep you in the intro screens and warnings for longer That in a lot of games anytime saved starts to add up and yes I absolutely am someone who edits my pc games to remove those splash screens anytime I can it extremely nice to not waste that time over and over and over again.
? Obviously they know Sony snd Nintendo can’t allow Gamepass on their consoles. It would be a death sentence. That’s completely and eternally out of the question.
They bought Bethesda to make more money, plain and simple. They think it’ll get more people to subscribe to Gamepass if those people think they can’t get these games on competing platforms, or will have to pay full price for them, and it was no coincidence it happens just when people are deciding between two platforms. One with Gamepass and one without.
These games will release first on Gamepass, then on Xbox proper, then on ps5, a year or so later, but never on PS Now.
And as to this topic. I use suspend states already for one game on PS4 because I also use it to watch Netflix and prime, I wouldn’t ever need to keep 4 games running at once, so, meh...
In fact I save before suspending anyway, so it wouldn’t even be a big deal to lose this functionality
@thefourfoldroot I don't like to brag but Ive rarely had to admit I was wrong when making these predictions (though when I was was I happily did so) if I'm wrong I'll be happy to do it again but I have a strong feeling I won't need to.
No way to know either way tip it happens but I suspect some titles to come to other platforms at some point but the biggest ones the ones that have a chance to push people to jump on board will stay that way. It doesn't help them to give in to these people who literally say they have no reason to join the ecosystem by giving them the one thing that MIGHT make them do so.
. The ones who won't well they seen really worth the loss of all those that would so stick to your guns like Netflix and dont blink I say.
That's how you succeed.
And you still get to to be the company will g to let anyone play your games anywhere that is willing to work with you.
It eventually got netlfix on every platform out there even the ones that directly competed with them.
I know it may be hard to swallow if your one of those that aren't willing to budge but it would be ignorant to their long term goals to give in.
I would have nothing against them keeping the games exclusives. I like exclusives, it breeds competition which ultimately benefits consumers, I just don’t think it fits with their current strategy.
They see Gamepass and Xbox as two complimentary but separate markets. I absolutely agree they’d never put their games on PS Now or other sub platforms, but I think they’d be very happy to pick up £70 per game from ps customers. They get money for limited extra work, and it acts as great advertising for just how good value Gamepass is.
@BionicDodo....... I am humble by your responses......... I wish more people in the world and more gamers were as open minded as your are.......... You may have unwittingly actually sold me on the feature.............
@TrolleyProblems...... That why are you so rattled about it if other people are not gaga about it..... People have different tastes and you seem to have an itch about it....... Like I said it matters to you, It ain't mean jack to me from what I've seen/heard about it....... So that's not something to be so jumpy about...........
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