Following its release on Nintendo Switch earlier this year, publisher Forever Entertainment has announced that Panzer Dragoon: Remake will be coming to PlayStation 4 in the near future. Confirmed in a tweet, it was simply said that the game "will be soon available on additional gaming platforms" and the PS4 is one of them. Could it be out by the end of the year? Possibly, but we can't forget that the coronavirus pandemic is still very, very much a thing.
Our friends over at Nintendo Life reviewed this one upon its original launch and weren't overly impressed by its offerings. "Panzer Dragoon: Remake is a decent take on an all-time classic that goes some way to modernising it, but doesn't quite nail the landing. Awkward controls and a visual style that's a clear improvement but could still look much better result in a game that’s mainly for fans of the original who are curious to see how it would look with a new lick of paint." It's also just two hours long.
Were you a fan of the Sega Saturn classic and are looking forward to playing this PS4 remake? Fly into the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 27
Just give us Saga
I have panzer dragoon saga on the saturn somewhere at my parent's house. Need to find it and get it on ebay. Should have remade that.
It’s a series I had no idea existed until this remake. Might give it a go.
Yes!... If anything deserves a "Remake" it is Panzer dragoon Saga.
I have this on Switch and its a good little remake, the soundtrack is still absolutely amazing and the same team are remaking Zwei as well. Hopefully if these do well that encourages more in the series and a remake of Saga
I thought the remake was pretty solid. I'd also gladly take remakes of Saga in addition to Zwei and Orta. Especially Orta and Saga.
Left my copy in my sisters loft, then she moved house..
Not a day goes by I don’t think about it!!
@phil_j exactly, Panzer Dragoon Saga is one of the best JRPGs from that generation. I'd love to see a remake of that game.
I played panzer dragon zwei on saturn, I hope sega remaking both of them in one package since the game is pretty short. I want panzer dragon saga (the rpg one) and orta too.
@CFDennett Pretty sure I got it quite cheap from GAME not long after it's release. If only I'd stashed multiple copies!
Only 2 hrs long? What? Game better be less than $10. Hell should be a PS Plus game. 2 hrs wow.
@phil_j Go on then. Whats the going rate these days 😬 looking at the resale value of sega stuff makes me regret not investing more in their ecosystem.
I still regret not buying rule of rose on PS2 for a fiver in game back in the day. Worth upwards of £250 now
Been waiting to pick this up for a while, primarily because I wanted to see if a PS4 version came along. PS5 support would be even better, would love this in 4k.
Same pal, I bought it in game in Warrington at launch. Who knew hey??🤷♂️
The biggest issue is the price. It needs to be $14.99 or less.
On Switch, it's $25 (I think) and hasn't gone on sale.
I always wanted to play some Sega saturn games and Panzer Dragoon is apparently one of the best in the console, so I definitely getting it
@Gremio108 (looks at their avatar) I recently started playing Suikoden I for the first time. Is Gremio your favorite character?
@Nickolaidas He's up there, although I probably prefer Viktor. Flik's good as well, he has an interesting character arc across Suikoden I and II. It's the second game where the characters really shine for me. And then there's Clive. And Apple. I'll have to replay some Suikoden games and come back to you with a definitive answer!
I chose Gremio as an avatar because he's honest and polite. the idea being that his face would remind me to show the same qualities, as the internet can be a crazy place
@Agramonte I wonder if it'll ever happen? Wouldn't be an easy job for anyone who took it on. They'd have to get their hands on the original for a start
Nice one. I hoped that this would eventually come to ps4. Hopefully the Sega ages come across as well at some point.
Unfortunately Sega handed this off to a real middling studio, and the game feels like a real 6/10. Seriously buy it if you want it but consider holding out for a discount.
Awe man I read only dragon and looked at thumbnail thinking Dragon's Dogma 2! Just got done playing it for the 10th time . I'll check this out.
I got this on Stadia when it was a free pro game. I enjoyed it but it's pretty short.
@GamerDad66 It has gone on sale a couple times on Switch, but not a deep enough for sale for me to pick up such a short game. I heard patches significantly improved the game though.
@Snick27 Reminds me how much cost a movie on bluray? Surely more than 10 bucks?
Also, like Collette pointed out, its gameplay is very arcade oriented (replayability).
I was considering trying out until I saw how expensive it was.
2-3 hour games should be $10, not $25!
Came here for a review but found that PD: Remake now from PSN for $12.49 available till June-18-2021
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