It’s been a pretty – how shall we put this? – tense week, hasn’t it? Between the whole Bethesda buyout, Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered mishaps, and general mood online, we’re all due a bit of downtime. What are you playing this weekend?
Sammy Barker, Editor
I wanted to finally beat Grand Theft Auto V over the next week or two, but I’m just not in the mood for a story-driven game. I’ll probably just relax with Train Sim World 2.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
I’ve been playing Going Under, a sort-of roguelite action game about an intern clearing out the failed businesses below a giant corporation. It sounds mad, and it kind of is, but I’ve been really enjoying it so far. Expect a review very soon.
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
I’m back on my bullsh*t of playing decade-old games to pass the time in-between the bigger releases. This time around it’s Red Dead Redemption, and let me be the one to tell you this game absolutely holds up. It’s impressive how outstanding the game continues to be 10 years later.
Jade Sayers, Reviewer
This weekend I’m continuing with my replay of Trails of Cold Steel 3, getting ready for the release of the fourth game next month. I forgot how huge the game is, and so much happens it’s amazing to see how much is packed into it. Fingers crossed I can get in some decent playtime so that I have time to get in some 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, too.
What are you playing this weekend? Are you looking forward to starting something different, or settling down with something familiar instead? Let’s try and keep it positive in the comments section below.
Comments 77
I'm spending my Saturday making my own version of Fallout 5 in Dreams, to cheer myself up. It's my way of restoring hope to the Push Square community.
EDIT Microsoft just bought my Fallout game for £7billion. See you at the clubhouse, losers!
Ashen and the witcher 3 wild hunt.and watch the Pittsburgh Steelers nfl games tomorrow cant wait.lets get to 3 and 0.word life .word is bond.word to your mother.word ☝ up son
Having now completed Ghost of Tsushima I’ve made a start on CoD WW2 campaign. Also continuing with Resident Evil 7 which has been better than I expected for the most part. Although I still prefer the recent remakes.
I’m now in my 14th season of Master League on PES 2017 and my Liverpool team is hunting the treble. YNWA
I'm revisiting Tomb Raider (2013 reboot) and finding it still looks and plays great! Some GT Sport and Dirt Rally 2.0 (Colin's career challenges) on the side. Happy gaming everyone!
Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony & Dark Souls Remastered is on the agenda for the weekend.
I'm partway through chapter 2 in Danganronpa v3 on PS4. It's pretty good so far and if the first trial is an indicator regarding the quality of the rest... Well I'm really in for a treat!
As for Dark Souls Remastered I'm trying to join Kaathe & the Darkwraith covenant and do New Londo early. That's not really working out though 😅 Might just head to Anor Londo instead and progress the game normally.
Have a good weekend everyone!
On my way to platinum Dark Souls 3, after that I can finally start 13 sentinel.
Just started Chapter 6 of Red Dead Redemption 2. Nuff said.
I promised myself I'd take as long as possible in the earlier chapters but the story has it's way of moving things along despite your best intentions.
It's just as good second time round, maybe even better. This and The Witcher 3 are the best games of this gen at least as far as I'm concerned.
Enjoy your weekend folks!
Trine 4 (PS4) and Super Mario 3D All-Stars (Switch).
This weekend, I have been mostly eating... Space Marine Adventures: Rise of the Orks.
For me I work Saturday (3rd in a row) but I'm off Sunday and Monday. I will be doing some end game clean up for God of War plat this week & more Avengers with mates as we work on getting our mains to Level 50 with at least 135 power.
I’m playing Guaceamelee 2 which I bought for £2.99 in a sale and it’s an absolute blast. Gonna get the platinum on it
Going For The Platinums In Both Dragon Quest Heroes 2 And Sword Art Online Hollow Realization.
Fallout 3 (Games For Windows) - Even though I've already beaten it, I was almost wanting to play again.
Flowerz (Windows Phone) - I've beaten most of the levels now, it won't be long until I'm done.
Secrets and Treasure: The Lost Cities (Windows Phone) - Finished this late last night, so I'll count it today.
Well I'm playing dark souls atm, but honestly it's breaking me at the moment, stuck in the catacombs and haven't rang the 2nd bell and apparently you have to do that first. I was enjoying it but now those spinning skeletons are doing my ******* head in can't see where the hell they are, you think you killed them all then out of nowhere 3 attack and your done repeat, I'm on the verge of giving up at the moment it's just not enjoyable. Going to give it another few tries and see what happens.
I'm juggling multiple PS4 games at the moment...mostly playing The Last of Us Remastered, Life is Strange 2, and Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark.
Also started to play Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, I almost made it to the last level of the first island in CB1, but having trouble with said level.
Disney Magical World 2 3DS
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Finally got round to platting AC Odyssey. Gonna play through the dlc now in prep for Valhalla in November. Also mopping up some FF8 trophies.
By spinning skeletons do you mean the wheeled skeletons towards the very bottom of the catacombs @Daleaf or just the nornal ones and their rolling attack?
I assume you have a divine weapon too? Because unless you use a weapon with divine properties (Or kill off the various necromancers scattered throughout the level I believe) the skeletons will actually keep coming back up and won't die.
Rocket League
25 hours in on Hollow Knight, hoping to finish it this coming week and then jumping into God of War, would like to get that and Dishonored 2 finished before PS5 comes out.
Got and Tony hawk's on ps4, got is huge a game I'm really enjoying taking my time on!
Mario 3d allstars and huntdown on switch
Stay safe folks
I've been replaying Resident Evil 7 since it came to Game Pass, and I finished the Marguerite section last night. So if I play any games aside from Animal Crossing this weekend, it will be RE7.
Been busy again with work this week, so I just want to sit back and play lots of different games this weekend. So I'll be beating up more thugs in Yakuza 0, and getting further with Persona 1 and Bravely Second. Also, I've just started the third Crash game, Crash Bandicoot Warped.
I've almost got a good incremental numbering system going here, except that pattern will fall apart when I hunt some monsters in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
I'm grinding My Team challenges on NBA 2k21. I may dabble with Rise Of The Tomb Raider as well.
Be well, be nice to one another and stay safe people!
Mario Sunshine, or Mario Dark Souls edition as I call it.
Finally got around to starting Nier: Automata - promising opening. Probably also waste some time in Enter the Gungeon and hopefully make some more progress with Prey.
Good gaming and happy weekend all!
Just finishing some stuff up in Act 2 of Ghost of Tsushima before tackling the next castle.
Thinking of heading back to metro Exodus, but the controls just feel so heavy and clunky, I loved the first two. Other than that still trying to clean up some of my backlog so playing shadow of mordor and an adorable game called Wintermoor tactics club.
Treat myself to Mafia Remastered Edition so will be blitzing that. Been great so far, a lot of love has gone into this
Marvels Avengers - aiming to finish the campaign, which is great, multiplayer is utter crap so doesn't bode well as a GaaS
Will also start Crusader Kings III on laptop with the aim of being an utter evil *****. No change there then 😂
Have a great weekend guys ♥️ ♥️
TLOUII- still on my 2nd run.
RDRII - still on my 3rd run, Chapter 5. My Arthur's moustache hasn't been shaved since Chapter 3, he has no lips.
Rocket League - it's fun and I think R* put a mode like that in GTAO, that was also fun but my problem is I haven't found that mode ever since. R* should sort out how they list modes in GTAO because you play something once and can't find it no more. I remember playing rugby with cars on a bridge - never saw it again.
Then some PES2020 and FIFA20.
I still haven't beaten MHWorld, probably dive back in. I'm on some mutated stronger Rathian.
I'm back to Pirate Warriors 4 at the moment since the new DLC pack dropped. Overall. This crop of characters is better than the first, and it's kind of exciting knowing I'll be playing the final DLC pack on PS5.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy yea those wheeled ones bloody annoying. And no I don't have a divine weapon yet but have killed the necromancers so that's not the problem. I am using the Claymore with +5 at the moment lol, I have the bonfire right by the big skeleton that you can upgrade stuff and buy. This is another problem I have with the game it just doesn't tell you what to do at all so I am constantly on Google looking at stuff what does this do. I have no idea how to get a divine weapon etc. It was fun and hard at start, but the catacombs are just doing my nut in lol. Hopefully will manage to get out soon 🙂 but I know will have to come back at some point, but I have already killed Pinwheel so that's something I won't have to do again but he was pretty easy. I started to go through tombs of giants but it was too bloody dark and couldn't see where I was going lol.
Going to play some Division 2 coop with a friend who just bought the game on PS4 and over on Xbox I'll be on Forza Horizon 4 and New Super Lucky's Tale. Happy gaming all!
Red Dead Online. Even though I'm basically doing the same stuff on it every single day, it's just so god darn beautiful and serene.
1. 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim
2. F1 (Russian GP weekend 🏁🏎🏎🏎)
3. Wasteland 3 (On the GO, Shadow PC)
Like Mr. Croft, I have been playing old games in between big releases lately. Just finished Bioshock again (Still great after all these years!) and last night began Bioshock 2, which I never got around to when it first released (really liking it so far). So-it is a Rapture weekend for me.
Now, Sony: Would you kindly allow me to pre-order a PS5 sometime before 2021?
Ughhh it's my freakin birthday. Wife's making me take off from work. Having some friends over. All of our friends have kids as well. So I'm gonna be drinking beer and doing a lot of grilling, so I can keep away from the horde of children running about my property. Watching nfl games tomorrow after work. Hopefully, tonight, I can sneak in an hour of thps2. Like the game, but it's just not as fun as it was when I was a kid!
Dragon Crown Pro and Samurai Shodown for PS4.
I just got to Act 3 in Ghosts of Tsushima, so I'm going to be playing that until I finish it and get the Platinum trophy. It's a fantastic game.
13 Sentinels. Very different but like it a lot so far and I don't usually enjoy visual novels. The sci-fi setting helps a lot.
What’s going on guys, I’ve been playing Silent Hill on the Vita trying to unlock all endings. I beat the game twice with a Bad+ and a Good+ ending, now on my third run with the Katana newly unlocked and going for the Good ending this time.
On PS3, I’m back to playing Catherine after a lengthy break.
Happy gaming everyone.
Alright I also just picked up a copy of Kingdoms of Amalur, hoping it’s not total dogsh*te. Looking forward to getting into that tonight!
@NYJetsfan123 happy birthday penguin
I'm playing Icarus Proudbottom in The Curse of the Chocolate Fountain this weekend.
@Daleaf hoho, I got all the way to the bottom of the catacombs with much, much effort, and then realised I too had gone the wrong way and not rung the second bell. I lit the bonfire too, so was stuck in the dark. I had to battle my way out past the giant skeletons and rolling skeletons. I did the whole in/out ordeal in one sitting and it basically took an entire afternoon. I hated it at the time, but looking back, it was kind of fun.
Anyway, if I could get out, so can you
@Col_McCafferty Yeah, sounds like you're enjoying your second playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2 the same way I did - taking it very slowly. So much attention to detail in that world to explore.
What I'm playing this weekend:
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Wasteland 3, Mafia definitive edition, The Council, Bards Tale 4 directors cut. Don't have time for it all but will be choosing a couple of these.
Mafia, Avengers loving that game, whoever said the story stunk. Must really hate comic book stories the last few years because this is better than some of them. To round it out my buddy and I have slid back into some Division 2. Not sure for how long but we will see.
Penguin?? You saying I walk funny??
@Crinkem Yeah, it's just like watching your favourite show a second time. You notice little things that passed you by first time round. Example, I didn't meet the 'lovely' couple at Aberdeen Pig Farm when I first played it nor did I run into any of the Klan. It's very poignant as well, I have taken more notice of certain characters and appreciated my interactions with them that little bit more during this playthrough. It's a masterpiece.
I'm a big Death Stranding fan as well. Finished it back in late July. I can definitely see myself playing it again on PS5.
@kyleforrester87 haha I have past the bit I was stuck on now. But still haven't come across another bonfire to save I'm just hoping I get to one soon, although I feel like I'm getting deeper inside. I just want to get out, don't want to see another wheeled skeleton, I swear I will be having nightmares about them tonight, been nearly 3hrs now hopefully get out soon. I am literally on the verge of giving up but keep telling myself just get through this and I'll be fine ish lol
Edit I just nearly got out now, but as a stupid idiot I thought I'm just going to sprint out past every one as I didn't have any health bottles left, started to go up ladder and about 4 skeletons got me I'm nearly crying haha, at least now I kind of know the path out hopefully lol.
I beat and obtained the Platinum for The Order 1886 last night.A great game indeed.A sequel would be nice..
Now I have a week off I can get busy with 13 Sentinels,Mad Max and Tokyo Xanadu Ex.
On the Switch I'll be continuing my Paper Mario adventure.
Oh and some Animal Crossing.
Ratchet and Clank remake.
I've never played one of these games before, but the new one on PS5 looks too good to skip, so I'm getting some background in first.
Is it the year 2020 or 2002??? I ask that because it feels like 2002 this weekend for me with the games In will be playing.
Xbox One — Mafia Definitive Edition, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 & 2
Switch — Super Mario Sunshine
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
@kyleforrester87 I've made it!!! Oh my I'm so glad I'm out of that place. Going to have a break now and then get to the 2nd bell after some food. Haha that was a bloody nightmare haha.
@Daleaf today you became a man!
Lego City Undercover all weekend. I just bought lego movie 1 to play on ps4 for first time (did it on 360) so i would like to get it out of the way.
Polishing off my third play through of Nier Automata (which has been as excellent as everyone says), and then a spot of Ghouls and Ghosts on the Sega mini.
@kyleforrester87 haha, I feel so happy at the moment, but I know that will be short lived as I get to the next stage and be like wtf!! But I feel I have now overcome my feelings of giving up, next time I'm really stuck I will keep telling myself you got out of the catacombs you can do this lol.
Mortal Shell and Captain Tsubasa
Danganronpa V3 and Ghost of Tsushima.
It’s a nice couple of games to jump back and forth. Once I get open world fatigue I switch over to the text heavy VN / puzzler. Once I get reading fatigue, I switch back to exploration and hack and slashing.
Seriously persist and stick with it. When you break that wall the feeling of satisfaction is immense. I’ve been banging my head against Seikiro and have just found my stride.
@Lumic oh man I'm seriously starting to break again lol. Ok I get that it's hard and I don't mind that, it's just the no help in telling you what to do with certain things and no map of where you have been it's just stupid and that's what is frustrating me more than anything. It's seriously doing my head in now, I'm just trying to get to the 2nd bell for quelaag and no idea where it is, I just got to blightown I think it's called and I just keep getting poisoned and no idea where the hell I'm supposed to go or even if I'm on the right track. Ahhh lol. But yea I get what you're saying. Think I'm going to leave it a day or so and maybe come back.
Edit is sekeiro any good, is it better at telling you what to do or is it the same as souls?
Playing outer worlds in game pass and a bit of PES2020 on ps4.
Giving Little Big Planet 3 a try today. So far so good. I haven't played LBP since 1 on the ps3.
Just got around to trying Rise of the Tomb Raider and I think I'm slightly addicted. Not sure if I should buy the new one in PS store while it's on sale.
Also grinding away at GT for credits.
The original Mafia, Mafia Definitive edition, The Sims 2, finished The Avengers and started replaying Crash N Sane trilogy in preparation for 4
Yeah it’s really good - I’d definitely prefer the combat to DS. I’d say it’s just as vague (if that’s the best word) in terms of telling what you need to do/where to go, but for me that’s where the satisfaction comes once you’ve figured out what to do. I was going through I patch where I couldn’t get past a certain boss and thought I’d exhausted all other routes to explore, but eventually found an unexplored path and since then the game has opened up massively. That’s why I say just stick with it.
@Lumic cheers mate if I manage to get through dark souls might give it a go it does look good, but think I need to finish souls first to see if I can finish them. Had a break from it last night, was going to start on final fantasy now as it's on ps now, but something is telling me to stick with dark souls, hopefully This time next week I will be saying I have completed it 🙂.
Pushing further on with Persona 5 Royal. I’ve just beaten a major boss and imagine I’m close to starting the bulk of the new content in Royal. It’s my first time playing the game and I still have no idea where the story will go! At the rate I’m going I’ll probably complete the game within the next couple of weeks.
Chilling this week with Konami classics and capcom beat em ups. And dipping in and out of metro 2033. Safe stay and protected guys.
I'll be starting Borderlands 2 today, with The Division 2 as a contingency if Borderlands doesn't grip me.
Finished ratchet and clank which was short and fun (much needed after TLOU2)
Started GoT. I’m only a couple of hours in but feel like I’m going to LOVE it. The combat feels so satisfying and the graphics/world design are immense
Wasteland 3. Just starting the second act.
I got Ashen in a recent sale. Must say it’s very very good. I get bored playing dark souls but this seems just the right length.
Spent the weekend playing division2 warlords campaign and it was a lot of fun. Really hope they continue the series onto the ps5
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