With Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media, and therefore Bethesda Game Studios, the PS5 has potentially lost out on a Western RPG powerhouse. Now that Bethesda joins inXile and Obsidian Entertainment under the Xbox Game Studios umbrella, the team in green has established something of a genre monopoly.
Granted, it's going to be a while until we see these developers really kick into gear — we have no idea how far off The Elder Scrolls VI is, for example — but their probable absence on PlayStation platforms does leave a clear gap in the market. The aforementioned studios have been pumping out quality role-playing adventures for years, and although inXile and Obsidian don't have anywhere near the clout of Todd Howard and co., Microsoft's financial backing could open so many doors for both of them.
The bottom line is that the Xbox Series X and Series S are starting to look like WRPG machines, and fans of the genre will be wondering if the PS5 can compete in that same space.

But before we get into the nitty gritty, let's not forget that a bunch of third party companies are still set to support PS5 with their role-playing projects (unless Microsoft decides to get its chequebook out again). The obvious one is CD Projekt Red, a developer that's raised the bar for what we've come to expect from big budget Western RPGs. It's games like the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 that Bethesda's future efforts will be measured against.
Then we've got Larian, the team that brought us the superb Divinity: Original Sin series, which is more than capable of filling the hardcore role-playing hole left by inXile and Obsidian. Beyond that, it's sometimes easy to forget that BioWare is still on the scene. After Mass Effect: Andromeda and ANTHEM, faith in the EA-owned developer remains at an all-time low, but if that all-but-confirmed Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster is up to scratch and Dragon Age 4 delivers, who knows? BioWare might just claw its way back into our hearts.

Spiders is also worth a mention — the developer behind Greedfall and The Technomancer. Although it's still a ways off the other studios in terms of recognition, the French firm has been improving its craft at a steady pace over the course of this console generation. The aforementioned Greedfall, which released in 2019, was easily its best attempt yet, and you would imagine that the only way is up.
So while we don't think that the PS5 will be completely bereft of Western RPGs, the PlayStation Nation may have to just make peace with the possibility that the genre will flourish over on Xbox.
There is another factor to this conversation, however. With Bethesda, inXile, and Obsidian missing in action on PS5, there's an opportunity for other developers to rise up within the Western RPG space. Assuming the PS5 lives up to the popularity of its predecessor, we could end up with a market that some publishers won't be able to ignore.

Companies like Ubisoft have already tried to muscle their way onto the role-playing landscape. At this point Assassin's Creed is an RPG series, with Assassin's Creed Valhalla set to dive even deeper into player choice and character customisation. We wouldn't be at all surprised to see the French publisher push even harder in the years to come, with new properties such as Immortals Fenyx Rising being added to its arsenal.
And then there are Sony's own PlayStation Studios. There's no getting away from the fact that many of its blockbuster games already incorporate RPG systems and mechanics — even God of War has levels, loot, and skill trees. Heck, Horizon Zero Dawn made it onto our best PS4 RPGs list, where it still commands a high ranking.

If Sony really wanted to explore the role-playing potential of its first party developers, we dare say that it could. And with Bethesda seemingly out of the PlayStation picture, the gap in the market is there for Sony to capitalise on its own Skyrim. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but there's no doubt that Microsoft's acquisition has changed the Western RPG industry as we know it.
Are you worried about the future of Western RPGs on PS5? Would you like to see Sony enter the space with its own games? Vote in our poll, and then feed us your thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 121
No, I’m not worried. If there’s a genre that PS is lacking in, I’ll look at other consoles for what they offer. PS4 lacks grand strategy games, I play them on PC. PC lacks AAA action adventure platformers, I play them on PS4.
I kinda feel like Bethesda have tanked their reputation recently. They’ve always put out buggy games but their output this generation (RPG wise) has been poor. It’s some of their other franchises that could be a bigger loss.
As long as CDPR making rpgs...... It's cool......
Not really their studios can make their own they have the talent besides i'm more of a JRPG guy anyway
What I would like to see if Sony could make their own Elder Scrolls/Fallout equivalent IPs. Like how about a fantasy game open world RPG based on Ghost of Tsushima Legends' take on japanese folklore.
Or maybe an open world rpg spinoff of Horizon Zero dawm where we can create our own characters and it could take in different regions around the world? Just think of fighting a loch ness monster robot in Scotland, or a dragon-like robot in Japan or China. That would be sick imo.
There should be an option "I'm not worried because I see these games coming to PS5 anyway"
Western RPGS are bloated pieces of trash. I have never finished an Elder Scrolls game because I become bored halfway through. Assassin's Creed is just the same game every year with the same collectables.
The JRPGS, even the longer ones, are better paced and the levels are tighter. Give me Persona or Yakuza over them anyday.
The Witcher was the best of them because they didn't have the endless busy-work to bloat the game out.
when I think I own all of the fallout games plus skyrim and maybe have played 3 hours total combined I'll be fine. I will miss their FPS more than their WRPG
however, for the general ps5 consumer this is bad news if the titles become xbox exclusive (do wonder if they'll try to release on ps5 like two years later or so, they'll still have the console sales and will get more money on their software)
Not that concerned really and i'm aware that the elder scrolls is held in high esteem but i've played skyrim to death on my pc and oblivion before that but heres the thing...i am playing assassins creed odyssey at the mo and i'm thinking that its a much better (and larger) arpg than skyrim..i know heresy and i should probably be burned alive but its the truth..i'm loving it and i'm loving it more than i ever loved skyrim..
I much prefer JRPG's to be honest, the only western ones I've played are fallout 4, kingdom of amalur and dragon age Inquisition.
And fallout was an absolute buggy mess
If Sony releases Legend of Dragoon im good. I only played Skyrim that was fine and Oblivion which i hated. Dishonored and Prey will be missed.
I'm more of a JRPG person. It's why I always feel the need to own the latest Nintendo handheld and Sony console.
We'll see if the same holds true for PS5. Smaller Japanese developers seem to be transitioning away from Sony, and I have my doubts about how many full-fat exclusives the system will receive going forward.
On the rare occasion I do happen to play a WRPG, it's ALWAYS on a PC, so this Bethesda deal doesn't make a bit of difference to me. I actually like it, because it means future Elder Scrolls/Fallout games will be available via Game Pass on PC.
Not really worried but if Bethesda games are MS exclusive now it does leave Sony weaker in that department. MS are really strong with Obsidian and InXile under their belts too but Sony are stronger with their first party exclusive story driven games, for now anyway. Both consoles could be offering strengths and weaknesses with different genres and that’s ok.
I'm not that bothered with Western rpgs. Missing out on Doom would be a much greater loss to me.
I guess if Sony had bought Bethesda this comments section would be full of praise for this acquisition. I agree with @nessisonett though. We'll look to different platforms for different kinds of games. Could be an issue if you only buy PS5/XSX.
Evil within prey.and dishonored will be missed.if its not coming to PlayStation anymore word up son
I'm not worried about this. I'd rather play those games on PlayStation as it's my favourite platform, but I can nab a Series X when needed to play them instead.
As for WRPGs on PlayStation, I've been saying for some time that I'd love to see Sony give a big mean high fantasy WRPG a go.
It's the only thing missing form their first-party stable for me. PlayStation WWS have everything else I want covered. Maybe this is the perfect opportunity.
Then again, there's no harm in both platforms being known for having strengths in different genres.
@Flaming_Kaiser Give me a complete LOD remake by Bluepoint games. Now THAT I would buy a PS5 (if they can bring themselves to keep it off PC that is!)
I'm more worried to play any RPG after Cyberpunk 2077. It's going to be like playing other open world games after the incredible RDR2.
When its launching the same day as Cyberpunk, a week after Assassin's Creed and Horizon is on its way I don't think we have too much to worry about for the short term at least. It'll take a few years but yes Xbox could have a huge advantage in that genre with the likes of Fable, Avowed and possibly Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Starfield then again after Fallout 76 who knows of they're worth waiting for. Someone else will always come along and fill the gap though and CD Project Red are at the top of that particular mountain at the moment
Most people are acting like it's no big deal but the fact is that Microsoft at the beginning of this generation is looking much better prepared. Sony is fumbling around when it comes to presenting it's console and the whole 70€ per game is total *****. I wouldn't be surprised if the Xbox closes the gap a lot this generation.
I was already buying an Xbox for the Obsidian/Inxile games so Bethesda doesn't change my mind.
What would be bad is if Sony try to imitate Xbox's RPG niche and sacrifice what they make at the moment. Also, so long as Sony has the JRPG's (something Xbox is lacking more than the PS5 will miss WRPG's) then I'll still get my PlayStation RPG fix anyway.
Simple answer is yes. Let's be clear, apart from one or two notable third party exceptions like BioWare and CDPR Microsoft now own most of the really big name studios in Western RPGs. I'm not concerned for myself, but it isn't a healthy state of affairs.
RPG's represent the majority of the games I play and they have absolutely been on the decline in the last decade. I was expecting, with these supposedly "amazing new consoles" that "open up a whole new world of possibilities", we would get huge slates of epic massive open world rpgs. We got none. Xbox has Avowed and Fable in the works but nothing close to launch. I suppose now they have ES6, FO5, and Starfield as well but this is still way less than I was expecting. And we are getting nothing from Sony in this department, just another watered-down kiddie rpg in the form of HFW.
I blame crap like Fortnite, Call of Duty, The Last of Us, and all the other casual garbage that studios focus on instead of real games.
@nessisonett Rubbish. No buying multiple boxes. You buy one, and then you grab your sword and you fight TO THE DEATH to defend its honor!
I was having a look at my gaming shelf, and have literally so few WRPG's, I have started to question myself if I missed out.
I actually find this refreshing in a sense
Now Xbox/PC can be where I go for WRPG content while PlayStation/Nintendo is where I go for JRPGs.
I like this inherent sense of direct contrast Microsoft owning Bethesda in addition to Obsidian and InXile creates
Every generation a new studio comes into the limelight and takes on the RPG genre. Arguably, CD Projekt Red are the ones of this generation. In the PS3 days it was Bioware. I'm excited to see who takes the next gen tech and smashes it out of the park.
Wait...what? InXile is xbox?
Last of Us does not deserve to be grouped in with those games.
Call of Duty and Fortnite have way more mass market appeal than most first party Sony titles except Spider-Man and some of their platformer franchises like Sly, Jak and Ratchet
@Menchi I would go insane i HD so many great memories about the game. Did you ever play Koudelka, Legend of Legaia 1 and 2, Breath of Fire 4 great memories. 😌
How could i forget Parasite Eve 2 part one never released in Europe.
@Ralizah You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defence?
Nope. Firstly because I don’t care for many western rpgs (I’m much more into JRPGs) but also Bethesda games are glitched messes with incredibly poorly paced narratives. Plus they are ruined by extreme enemy scaling systems.
Regardless of whether they allow ES6 to come to the PS5, and I very much hope that they do....I want Sony to develop their own similar open world title. Its been nine years, and we don't really have any Skyrim clones, truly. Why doesn't someone else build a similar game?
While i will miss Bethesda and Obsidian, there will always be another developer ready to fill the gap. Gaps in the market mean there is money to be made
We still got Larian and Bioware, but the ones under Microsoft's umbrella will be sorely missed.
Rather have them on PC Game Pass for $10 anyway.
Opens up cash for games like Cold Steel and RYZA on Playstation.
For me CD projekt Red crushes Bethesda in-house development team, they are a far better development team that release massive RPG's that actually work unlike Bethesda. Bethesda best games are not made by Bethesda in-house development team, hence why they work and aren't filled with bugs or crashes. I'll will miss some games but definitely not Bethesda's in-house development team, I'll be getting a XSX anyway and play them on my XboxOneX so will not miss out but again Bethesda in a junk development team.
think over time bethesda is actually going to lose money due to gamepass. there's no need to go out and buy any games thanks to it. equalying less incoming back to bethesda. ya fine they got billions from MS but you look how much games cost now over 100+milion each and over few years making 20+ games there going to lose money overall. so unless they still make games for other systems there going to run out of money in the long run unless MS gives them even more.
other problem bethesda has just done is killed off around roughly 60% of there sales base going to MS, which isn't very smart its plain dumb for a quick pay day.
@Flaming_Kaiser JRPGs being my favourite genre, yes I've played all those over the years. SNES, PS1 and PS2 were the best for them. Still waiting on a Shadow Hearts trilogy remaster!!! (well I only want 1 and 2, but if I have to take 3 in order to get them I can suffer it)
@777Reigns Yeah. Wasteland is now a first party franchise for them
The zenimax purchase has me now 50/50 on which console to get. They make my favorite genre, single player rpgs. I won't buy for a year anyways so I'll see how this all plays out.
@banacheck What are you people talking about with this CDPR crap? You're aren't making any sense, have you actually played these games?
The Witcher 1 and 2 are the definition of mediocrity. At the time they came out they were okay, playing them now is grating.
While the Witcher 3 is somewhat of an improvement, mostly due to it's large open world, it is hampered by the absolute slog of a story, the most boring and lengthily cutscenes ever put into a video game, and a lack of actual gameplay. There are far too few real side quests and far too few monster hunts, combat is the same rinse and repeat for every enemy. I 100%'d the game and the most fun I had was playing Gwent which was more thought out than the actual game itself.
I just do not understand the hype surrounding this company or Cyberpunk 2077, it doesn't make any sense.
I'm not worried about Sony overall, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss those franchises. I was a huge fan of Inxile, obsidian and Bethesda game studios (not Todd Howard). Based on this track record I don't want to love any other third party studios because Microsoft will buy them 👀
@710King hahaha gwent go brrrrrrrrrr
So the question is — will Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield sell $7 billion worth of GamePass subscriptions? At $15 a month that’s a lot of GamePass subscribers. Are there that many gamers in the whole world?
(Before people start to correct by ignorant economics, please know I’m kidding. I know there are other factors in play to make that $7 billion back. But still ....that’s a lot of clams when you’re not actually selling games)
Can't worry about it, the situation is what it is. I'm going to give Guerrilla the benefit of the doubt that Horizon will continue to be a strong IP. From there, just have to hope other devs step up. Maybe Bioware finds some of that old magic, maybe the team that made GreedFall takes a massive leap ahead. Hopefully SquareEnix will bring back Deus Ex.
We'll see what happens but this is why I don't stick to just one brand. If Xbox Series X is where I'll have to get most of the good WRPGs, so be it.
Not worried at all - I can play all those games whether MS decides to make them all exclusives or not and so can anyone else if they want to on PC, Mobile or on Xbox consoles. 1440p is more than enough and anything more is a 'waste' of resources now that Demon Souls was shown at 1440p so a Series S for £250 (maybe even £200 or less by the time these games release) is going to be more than adequate - if you don't want to play on PC or Mobile...
No doubt Sony and other 3rd Party devs will have some Western RPG's - the most obvious already announced one being Horizon 2. Dragon Age and Cyberpunk are coming too - assuming people still have the attention span and/or time to enjoy an engaging 50hrs+ Single Player RPG - as I also see people complain if a story is more than 10-12hrs long...
@Ralizah I shall die on the hill of Nintendo Play Station 4lief!
Well, considering jrpgs used to be turn based games, and how ffxv and ffvii:re are somewhat western RPGs, gameplay-wise, themselves, I'd have to say no.
@TheFrenchiestFry Indeed it does. I just wish they had done the standalone gwent game better than they did.
I can see me having a series s for these games at some stage, maybe even an x. Buying both with game pass and plus is still cheaper than building a really good pc. To be honest, its a few years away before we see starfield. I'm more interested in avowed and fable than most Bethesda stuff
Since Ive preoedered a Series S and haven't got ahold of any PS5 disc systems yet I'm not worried. I'm definitely a Sony guy but the rate that Microsoft is gobbling up software companies has to be alarming. Let's be real nothing after Ghostwire & Deathloop are coming to Playstation 5.
I think this is way overhyped when you look at all the games performances this gen.
@AndyKazama Thats some pretty wishful thinking. There is no way that Microsoft is going to allow Bethesda to release flag-ship titles on the PS5. Even the founder of Bethesda thinks this is unlikely, saying "What Microsoft Owns, Sony Cannot Get".
Microsofts vague statements about a case-by-case basis for other platforms are just vague enough that they can avoid the complete vehement hatred that Playstation fans might direct towards them for this acquisition, while not actually saying that anything will come to the PS5.
@Rob_230 @jsw-8 Agree, this studio certainly might be one to keep an eye on.
Bethesda may get some things right but there is some areas like micro transactions and dlc that gets old fast. At some point it makes you wonder if instead of doing their best to release a game with a thorough amount of quality in it, they purposefully hold back so that you have to buy more, then they just add filler. The base construction in the 4th is just an empty addition that makes it feel like the game has more to it, all it takes is a company that can get it right without these compromises, and they'll take that market. Skyrim was basic and Oblivion was a little better, but Morrowind was the best and it's not a good thing when the quality has been declining, they developed a AAA name from Morrowind and Fallout New Vegas and now they just keep trying to sell some just above basic games with the same names and themes attached to them.
I'm not afraid. developers will screw another action games with non-fitting rpg system like they did to God of War or AC series (Kratos with idiotic axe without blades of chaos and Assassin that cannot assassinate only because lower level is ridiculously sad).
... maybe next Uncharted or Crash Bandicot will be rpg (I clearly see it, Crash cannot jump until level 10 and cannot throw apples until level 20. ROFL)
I'm hooked on GENSHIN IMPACT right now goes to show Sony have a talent in finding talent, so not too worried. If major Bethesda RPGs and Arkane games become exclusive though, I would be worried.
I agree, Microsoft didn't buy them for the exclusive content, they bought them to have a part in the sales. This generation of consoles for Microsoft sold half as much as the PlayStation, they have to weigh the potential for Zenimax to sell entire systems over how much profit would be made by selling through PlayStation. For the time being they may act like the "major" releases could be exclusive, but I doubt they actually will be.
@TheFrenchiestFry I am disappointed, I love games done by InXile. Maybe they won't be exclusive? I'm not going to buy a pc or Xbox. I only have time to choose 1 console.
TLOU casual? Pfft nonsense. Just because it isn't an RPG does not make it casual it's just a different genre.
Personally i have always found JRPG's to yeah be a bit cringe but they have a level of technical polish and flair that WRPGs usually completely fail to match - outside of the Witcher and RDR2 everything else has been a bland buggy bloated mess
@777Reigns I think Wasteland 3 is also Xbox/PC exclusive so that's probably going to be the case for future games.
At least there's xCloud?
bethesda is possibly the most overrated developer in the world. never had a desire to play any of their games. microsoft certainly overpaid for the acquisition and i don't expect it to pay off for them for at least 15 years or more. as we have seen, microsoft is incapable of nurturing its studios so i do not expect bethesda to improve in the coming years simply because they have more resources at their disposal. they need a complete overhaul.
This is why I have decided to get a series X as well as a PS5.
Playstation has no good RPG developers in my opinion and that is my favourite genre.
Playstation will still be my main console because I still love their exclusives like God of War and Uncharted (not true RPG's in my opinion), but I couldn't bear the thought of missing out on Starfield, which I think will be incredible, and The Elder Scrolls, although still a long way off, is my favourite IP.
I hope one of Sony's studios try to make a true fantasy RPG to compete with the Elder Scrolls.
It's definitely a shame but I think it represents a huge opportunity for other developers to fill the space. BioWare should be rubbing their hands, for example.
@BearsEatBeets looks promising! Interested to see more
Not worried, never could get into Elder Scrolls or Fallout (or even Outer Worlds ) . now if Witcher 4 or Cyberpunk was Xbox only that's a different story.
I agree, BioWare could well step in to this void. They need to brush up their reputation a bit, and here is an opportunity to do a massive new WRPG IP.
@get2sammyb Yeah If They Can Get Out From Under EA
Bethesda got a lot to prove going forward, so I’m not worried about potentially losing them on PS5. I can play their games on my PC anyways.
No, because I've never really played them anyway.
I enjoyed Fallout 3, but New Vegas was way too similar, bored me, and I didn't play much of it. Plus, Bethesda have become a bit of a running joke.
Horizon 2 will do me for the next gen, even if it's the only one I ever play on it.
There's always been a bit of a disconnect for me with MS. The games they've made have never held much appeal for me (probably why my original Xbox and 360 hardly saw any use), and none of the studios they've bought in recent times have really inspired me either. It's just a big ball of 'meh'.
Sony's got me covered with JRPGs and third person action adventure with RPG elements. I'm good.
@thedevilsjester when multi plat games tend to sell majority of PS4 is Europe it's hard to ignore Sony systems.
Perhaps I'm being too optimistic, and we'll see. I'll eat humble pie if I gotta 😅
@Salt_AU They Should Also Grab a Few For JRPG's As Sony Is Sitting On Alot Of Great Games That People Would Love To See Brought Back.
No im not concerned at all
This is why I always get an xbox , Playstation and a Nintendo soni can enjoy games unique to the systems. I however am concerned that they are going to remake all the ps4 titles for ps5 just like they did with ps3 games on ps4 haha. I am slightly annoyed that they have remade gta5 for ps5 too instead of making gta6 gta5 released on ps3 in 2013 so no idea why its still a thing but im sure the extra blades of grass that the ps5 can display will make it worth the money ha!
Bethesda keep your RPGs, fromsoft just give me elden ring, don't tell me you don't see it, look up at the sky, it burns !! Oooohhhhhh elden ring
@TheFrenchiestFry I have wasteland 3 on ps4
@Mariosmaster1 Ok it's on PS4 as well apparently
It was also announced well before InXile was actually acquired by Microsoft so it's likely they wanted to at least uphold the multiplatform release much like Outer Worlds with Obsidian
Given that Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI were announced with no platforms specified or even decided internally at all according to Todd Howard, they could probably still end up being Xbox/PC exclusive when they're eventually unveiled and it would make sense to people
It seems like MS are going with an all or nothing approach this gen, the acquisition was a show of intent and strength.
I wonder though what could Sony do with 1/10th of $7.5 Billion? .... possibly build 7 fresh, creative studios with $100m funding apiece?
I dont feel impacted by the acquisition of Bethesda studios, as I only care for Doom & Quake, which I can play on PC henceforth.
I am not concerned at all that Playstation will be "losing ground" to MS , due to fact that like Nintendo (& SEGA of old) they now have a pedigree, built over 25 years, of having demonstrated they can deliver quality on a consistent basis and foster creativity, sometimes even at a financial loss.
MS will certainly find the audience that resonates with their offering. For me, Playstation will be Playstation.
Sony has the pedigree...all they need to do (if they really need to do anything) is invest in what they already have. They invested $250 million in Epic. Take another $250 million and invest it internally. You'll be expanding on some of the best game developers in the business, and doing so at a fraction of the cost.
It's hard for any non-Xbox users to discuss this without coming across as salty, but honestly I don't think things were all rosey at Zenimax, especially with Bethesda. They wouldn't have sold if they were confident going forward.
I won't miss Bethesda unless they come out with some genre defining masterpiece, which I doubt will happen. The biggest shame here is Doom is owned by Microsoft as well as Shinji Mikami's studio. But if MS give Mikami a huge budget to make whatever he wants they'll have done something right.
I find the whole celebration thing really strange as well. Xbox users were going to get all these games anyway, so nothing has changed for them really. It seems odd to be so happy about something that will only affect other people negatively. It's not like Microsoft have created a killer new IP that they can be proud of. All they've done is drop a load of cash to have the power to stop others from having something they were looking forward to.
Personally it's not enough to turn my head from the usual Nintendo/Sony combo.
Dragon age 4 is coming out....someday.
@lacerz That's about what I'm thinking. It doesn't even need to be a big game, just do something like the original Witcher, that would be good.
Sony has the studios. They have the ability to attract talent. Internally invest 3.3% of the $7.5 billion Microsoft threw at ZeniMax and you'd get a 1000% better return on investment.
Japan Studio:
Knack (2013), The Last Guardian (2016), Gravity Rush 2 (2017), Knack 2 (2017), Astro Bot Rescue Mission (2018)
Naughty Dog:
The Last of Us Remastered (2014), The Last of Us: Left Behind (2014), Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (2015), Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016), Uncharted: Lost Legacy (2017), The Last of Us Part 2 (2020)
Insomniac Games:
Sunset Overdrive (2014 - Xbox One exclusive), Ratchet & Clank (2016), Song of the Deep (2016), Marvel's Spider-Man (2018).
Sucker Punch:
Infamous Second Son (2014), Infamous First Light (2014), Ghost of Tsushima (2020)
Guerilla Games:
Killzone Shadowfall (2013), Horizon: Zero Dawn (2017)
Santa Monica Studio:
God of War (2018)
Bend Studio:
Days Gone (2019)
London Studio:
VR Worlds (2016), Blood & Truth (2019)
Media Molecule:
Tearaway Unfolded (2015), Dreams (2020)
Polyphony Digital:
Gran Turismo Sport (2017)
@lacerz hmmmm, out of all of those, I'd like to see sucker punch take a shot at a wrpg, just not with the watered down choice system infamous had. They're also the most consumer friendly out of all of them in my opinion.
Edit: You forgot Edge of Nowhere from insomniac for the Oculus, in 2016. Never played it myself, but it got kinda mid reviews
60% worried. That's a considerable amount of PS owners. Me included. I love Skyrim and Fallout.
Not worried. I play Nintendo and Sony games for their first party and third party exclusives...most of the acquisitions by Microsoft were never from companies I ran to, with Bethesda for example I lost interest in Fallout with 3 because it was a lot different from Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics in terms of tone and feel.
Aside from classic Rareware games, I can’t really think of what I would want that’s an Xbox exclusive that makes me need to run out and grab the system.
If Bethesda’s titles are seen as a benchmark for western rpgs here there honestly isn’t much to miss.
Bethesda deal also impacts first person shooters. Doom and wolfenstein are big games of the genre. And MS has Halo also. But there will always be those generic CoD and BF.
What if Sony got CDPR
The best stuff from Bethesda in the last 10 years has NOT been their RPGs and that is the stuff I'm going to miss.
Other studios have already filled the gap RPG-wise
As a gamer who’s loved both pc and ps4 titles .... not worried
Honestly I’m stoked MS finally got some big name studios under its belt. It’s the reason I skipped last gen for Xbox.
Sony’s exclusives are flat out what got me to get a PS4. Though I have a PC I’d probably get an Xbox if the next Bethesda powerhouse games were even 6 month or year exclusives for XboxSX and or PC.
With gamepass and these big studios it’s hard to deny they’ve finally leveled the reasons to get one.
Ps5 will still be on the shelf however. Now that I’ve played games like GoW, Horizon, Persona 5, Bloodborne etc I couldn’t see myself skipping them in this upcoming gen.
@TVRFLY I don’t know each companies financial details, but something tells me MS has a lot more $$$ than Sony overall. I’d be more surprised at Sony pulling off a purchase like that than MS buying Bethesda.
@Oscarjpc I’d be blown away if MS tried to choke out 100 million PS4 users of Bethesda games.
Then again
It’s probably payback time and I wouldn’t put it past MS to not play nice if they catch up to Sony in the console market.
@710King holy f***. Do you literally ever have anything even remotely positive to say about anything? Literally every article I go into the comments on has you bashing on something, complaining about something, and/or talking sh** about something
I mean, does a it need to be called Western still? Why ?
Meanwhile DS is a launch game but worry about a W ? I dont care which part of the world it's originally from
@FindMeCampin That is the point I am making. The vast majority of modern games and the direction of the gaming industry in general is awful. No one makes games anymore because they have a cool idea that they love. They make soulless products for the dumbest people on the planet so they can get the most money possible. I realize that's how things are these days with most industries but it wasn't that way a short time ago with games. I'll be positive when there is something positive to talk about, until then I will judge everything with as much scrutiny as it deserves.
The rise of the B tier RpG developer! Hopefully Sony embrace them. Like deck13. Spider studio. Fatshark. Piranha byte. Etc
Not really, I rarely play western rpg, the only bethesda games that I like is elders scroll series and I play that on pc rather than on console (because of the mods available).
@Flaming_Kaiser definitely will miss a sequel to Prey. Loved that game.
@710King except you literally talk negative about stuff that isn't negative at all. Like you crapped on Demon's souls graphics in screenshots because apparently Skyrim has better graphics? like what? That makes no sense. Apparently this game that literally everyone else says looks next gen including digital foundry deserves to be crapped on. "Early 8th gen looking game" my ass
This generation has been seven years long and Bethesda has released one RPG in that time haven't they? It's not that much of a loss, and if it is, buy an Xbox or play it on PC.
With more companies entering cloud gaming, fragmentation is likely to become a norm. These tech giants will have the resources to purchase game developers outright or go into platform exclusive deals, locking their competitors out. Not needing to purchase a gaming console meant gamers are more likely to switch from one platform to another.
I think Sony should dust off EverQuest and get that moving on the PS platforms.
Trouble is, ES6 and Fallout 5 (?) seem to be about 2 years away, so who knows how the console ecosystem will tilt to either MS or Sony (Switch is a different kettle of fish). If, in 2 years time, Sony has a big enough lead, it'd be financial suicide for MS to make Bethesda only make X Box exclusives.
@Menchi Shadow Hearts i wasnt lucky enough too get my hands on that. But i would also like too see a remake or new Dark Cloud no Jrpg but so much fun. 😃
Meh. Honestly, Obsidian is a bigger loss in this department. Fallout 4 was average, 76 was garbage. Skyrim was well liked when it came out, but it hasn't aged well. In the last decade since Skyrim came out, Bethesda proper has not evolved at all. In fact they have regressed. Losing Doom and Arkane is a way bigger deal games wise.
we will just have to wait and see what happens... of course they'll all get added to gamepass at no extra cost, but what's the point in not releasing on ps5? considering it'll be £60-£70 a game anywhere else 🤔
when Microsoft were trying to say that gaming is a universal thing and we're all one big community no matter where you play, it'll be funny if they start making divisions themselves! 😂 also, they've openly said that they don't consider playstation a competitor anymore as they are competing with stadia, geforce now and l guess luna (is it?) so again, why wouldn't you earn extra money for your games?
either way, l don't care! I've always had both consoles anyway... its just Microsoft are giving me a good reason to play xbox next gen with gamepass. reasons for playing playstation, for me, is psvr and ps exclusives, and that will never change! 😉
I feel like strategically this purchase is about a year too late to make that big a difference to me. Current contractual obligations mean nothing is going to change straight away.
When it comes to the early adopter crowd, this is unlikely to shift the needle too much because most early adopters either always buy the same company's console, or buy multiple, or are looking at what's coming out in year 1.
The mass market starts with the second wave, but these people are either loyal to one brand, or are looking at what's happening within a fledgeling ecosystem, and they want to know who they can play with online, which means considering what their early adopter friends have bought, as well as crossplay with earlier generations. Xbox backwards compatibility looks good here until you consider that the PS5 is compatible with the PS4, which has many more installed units out there, many of which will still be active during the second wave.
By the time new exclusives are in the public eye, this generation will be all but wrapped up. No the majority of units won't have been sold yet, but there will be a 'winner' which is the place to play all your online games. I'm betting on that being PlayStation again this generation, but I might be wrong.
Next generation this will have a huge impact on the early adopter crowd, but only if Zenimax's studios are able to produce some must-have games over the next 7 years, and announce a clear exclusivity plan.
I think everyone is making a bug fuss for nothing...
Look at Minecraft, it's an XBOX Studios game, and it's avaliable in the PS4...
If Microsoft keep Bethesda/inXile/Obsidian games exclusive only, they will lost a big chunk of money in the global market. XB players don't care as much as PS players for RPG's... For some reason PS has more RPG's exclusives than XB...
More, if the games will also be release on PC, I highly doubt that people will buy an XBOX and PS5 instead of a PS5 to complement the PC and play all the games in the market...
@Pat_trick I don't want Xbox to just close the gap, I honestly want them to lead the upcoming gen. Maybe then sony will learn to get their sh*t together
There is also From Software, who although obviously not a western developer, their Soulsborne games are more akin to western developed games.
@SamMR To be honest with you I'm starting to feel this way as well. They're doing everything they can to worsen their reputation.
This could mean Sony decide to make a new IP in this genre to tackle the frankly tired Fallout and ES series'. I mean Sony have waaaaay too many character action games be it GOW, Uncharted, Last of Us and Days Gone. They need to diversify alittle and this a great excuse to do that.
From those studios, the only thing I’ll miss is Wolfenstein and Doom.
Personally I find that PS5 is going to suffer in the Western RPG frield, and that will be very interesting given how the same is true for Japanese RPGs for XBox.
Right now, I feel someone that breathes Western RPGs will need to play on PC a lot more, or get an XBox in addition to their PS5, and even if marginal, the higher horsepower will make many of those just play all their Western RPGs on XBox.
Other than Sony making their own Western RPGs, I don't think there is much they can do. The trend alone will make it even more likely for every single WRPG in the future to become cross-platform, if it wasn't already.
Sorry but I couldn't care any less for glitchthesda games or any RPG game, besides I'm gonna be on PS5 and other than PS5 i have my PC, which is the next best platform after PS.
Only 3 of ZeniMax's games even made the top 100 of Metacritic's list of games available for PS4.
87. Doom Eternal
90. Wolfenstein II
95. Fallout 4
Sony has 13 first party titles in the top 100. How many did Microsoft have? Nine, if you include the recently acquired Ninja Theory and ZeniMax titles...and four of the nine are FORZAs! ROFL!
8. Forza Horizon 4
16. Forza Horizon 3
36. Fallout 4
38. Wolfenstein II
45. Doom Eternal
53. Hellblade
57. Doom
63. Forza Motorsport 6
100. Forza Horizon 2
The fact that the ZeniMax titles are in the range that they are for Xbox says all you need to know about the "quality" of the Xbox studios.
But you enjoy those low end PlayStation games while I struggle through Sony's lack of First Party Developer talent! Hahahahaha!
I guess we'll have to compare the game scores after Astro's Playroom, Spider-Man Miles Morales & Remastered, Demon's Souls, Gran Tursimo 7, Ratchet & Clank, Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnarok, and Sackboy: A Big Adventure all come out by the end of 2021.
Of course, the only game to compare them to will be Halo Infinite...the only confirmed Microsoft first party exclusive scheduled between launch and the end of 2021.
😶-I personally love the Retro- futuristic wasteland look and feel of the Fallout series(especially 3 and 4), it's my all time favorite IP, and I loved playing Skyrim, but if Microsoft doesn't release it on other platforms other than PC, I have to say goodbye to the series. I personally refuse to support a continuing Monopoly grab of gaming developers and in turn be corralled and slowly forced into their vision of the Future of Gaming (aka-X-cloud), I see this for what it is, a sneaky total (reach around) to get what they originally wanted at the beginning of this generation (remember that they got chastised for and supposedly changed there ways) and that is a always online connection, a loss of game ownership, and a downgrading vision of streaming games through its services. I already sold my One-X and it's games to help finance my Pre-Ordered PS5 and games, I still have my PS4 Pro and it's games. While I'm not totally happy with Sony either and their handling of the pricing of Games and information for the PS5, they're the lesser (by far IMO) of the 2 evils. On a side note Sony needs to buy CDPR!
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