We’ve been watching Godfall trailers to the point of frustration since the title was announced as the first ever PlayStation 5 game last year, but this is a small developer that’s been handed a huge opportunity, so let’s cut it some slack. To be fair, this is by far the best promo video that’s been released for the game thus far; it focuses on combat and it all looks excellent in these short snippets.

We suspect there’ll be a little more of the Counterplay Games developed character action during next week’s PS5 Showcase Event, as Sony has said that it’ll be focusing on launch games, which this is currently slated to be. How do you feel about Godfall these days? Are you excited for it, or sick to the back teeth of seeing it? Cut us down in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 47
Wow, I actually want this game now? The Power of Trailers really is impressive! It's almost like you actually have to put effort in marketing!
Disclaimer: The Game itself looks fun, interested since June, but the marketing isn't good.
In the first trailer (Game Awards), People had no idea what the game was.
In the Second Trailer just had the worst fitting music. At least the gameplay was actually interesting.
And now this trailer is good. The music is better than the last, but it feels generic in my opinion. And I have NO idea what's going on in the trailer, but the gameplay looks fun and visually appealing, and the CGI [cutscenes] are really good as well.
I don't get the hate. Do you all just hate fun looking games?
@Enuo Don't worry man, I was playing around, I was interested in this game since June. Although that (June) Trailer music did kinda blow.
This game have bad marketing 😂 it's having trouble creating hype. Seen a lot of people think this is just a destiny clone. But not at all..
If this game comes out very close to launch, it will sell absolutely loads.
I complained previously that the landing attacks didn't have much, if any 'oomph'.
That seems to have been addressed in this trailer.
The colours also look excellently vibrant and rich!
If I change my mind and decide to purchase the fiver on launch window (was originally thinking of waiting a year and play my backlog of PS IV games), this is at the top of my list of games to purchase, along with Demon's Souls if it is a launch title.
Exciting times!
Eh still not interested. I wish they did something more creative with the weapons instead of having your basic sword and shield, spear, greatsword, longsword, and hammer. I wish they did something like Bloodborne with their weapons. How I wish more games took inspiration from that game....
This trailers looks better compared to earlier one, I hope the devs can make the weapon impact with the enemy feels good, that's one of the reason god of war combat feels so great.
It certainly looks the part but I really need to see more Polearm combat besides the tired poke move. The movesets in general look to be pretty generic though. At least what's been shown so far.
Does this game not have any UI or they just didn't show it yet?
The character look like super fast and insanely powerful beasts, which is really awesome. The combat system looks reactive, and it seems you don't need to wait for a slow attack to finish before you can dodge. I guess I'll see when reviews come out
I'm still not interested in this one. I hope it gets no more marketing time during Sony's showcase. Its had enough coverage during the big shows
I never understood the dislike for the game itself. The marketing did a poor job but the concept of the game was fine from the start. It isn't a day one for me. But I'll definitely grab it at some point.
Still looks bland to me
Oh hell yeah, I have been looking forward to this game since the announcement in TGA. It looks fun and exciting and I'm sure it'll be good times playing this coop whenever I can afford to pick PS5 up.
Idk, I always liked the look and feel of this game! Was thinking picking it up at launch anyway
... It looks "fun", but combat simplicity concerns me, it looks like just a handful of moves per weapon, which is likely to get old fast.. Definitely waiting for reviews first, but it's on my radar at least..
Graphics look really good too.
I've always wanted it. Don't know what you are talking about. The june 11th trailer looked great too, it just had a rap song that didn't go with it. The follow up 9 minute gameplay video I thought looked great as well. But I was sold from the get go as this is a complete game, no dlc. But most importantly no microtransactions! And we need to speak with our dollars and support games and companies that choose this pro consumer route. And yes this most recent trailer looks amazing and the music is perfect!
This is actually a pretty good example of why you should only show games when they are ready. I'm no graphics expert, but they've clearly added more advanced specular maps, properly implemented ray tracing, kicked up the model complexity and added way more particle effects and detail to animations. It's starting to look polished. Good job team.
The good thing for Godfall and the developers is that people are starving for new stuff at launch, this game will have a pretty good launch for that alone.
Godfall always looks good from day one to me.i l🖤ve hack and slash video games.word up son
Don't know if I'll pick this one up, has Warframe been confirmed to be cross-gen? Because this game is basically Warframe with knights instead of space ninjas.
It looks like co-op God of War mixed with Diablo. I don't understand how anyone hasn't been hyped as hell for this. It's honestly one of the few launch games that looks right up my alley.
Each trailer has gotten better. This will come down to if my friends & I want to play. Games like Avengers, Gotham Knights, Destiny etc I don't get unless at least 2 of my normal gaming crew do to have solid strike teams.
I think I know what it is about this game that puts me off....it's those character designs. Those bland, generic, faceless character designs devoid of any distinguishable personality traits. Sure the graphics are nice, the gameplay actually looks pretty fun, but I just can't get over those lame-ass character and enemy designs. It just sours the whole thing for me
Looks a bit like Warframe, Dark Sector (that game was actually pretty cool, it had some good parts and then some bad..) and a few others.
I like the armor designs in this one, @Tchunga Really? lol I don't know man, rather have those "Bland" faceless charectors than geniric man & woman to be honest but that's just me.
been on my list since day one watch this trailer on a good screen & it looks even more stunning!!
The combat looks fun but the environments look like similar empty hallway environments. I have saw nothing different in any of the marketing material. But who knows...
Yeah this trailer makes me one to get it now...and the music was right this time
It still looks like it plays like a PS2-era hack and slash to me, honestly, but probably with tacked-on loot systems that turn it into Grind: The Game. At least, that's what it seems to me.
The colors look very pretty, though.
It’s looks amazing il definitely be buying it
Definitely doesn't look like a game I'd personally spend £60 on (looks too similar to the free to play games).
This looks fantastic. Unfortunately probably won't get it at launch but seems like a great game to grind out with the kiddos when we eventually get it. Looks better and better every time they show it!
Well, now... It looks stunning!!!
It looks really great! Day 1 for me!
@Athrum I hope its better then Warframe. Warframe is good for a free to play game but its quite boring.
They definitely upgraded the graphics which is a big win in my book.
however I'm still unsure about playing this asap...depends on how the story mode is handled.
this all just looks like one big MEHHH. No thanks.
Looks amazing, this is definitely on the list.
It's a much nicer trailer than before, but still looks a little generic for me, personally. I don't expect every game to break to mould but gameplay wise this seems very old school with not much interesting going on to balance that out. Like it could be a PS2/PS3 action game, just with a nicer sheen to it. We'll see though, open to having my mind changed when review time comes along.
I'll definitely give this a go, I might have to if this is the only launch game 🤣
@Flaming_Kaiser From what they explained this seems to be exactly like warframe, just with less content.
@Athrum Lets wait for the reviews first then. Warframe is fine for a free too play game but its just not something i really enjoy.
So at the beginning of this trailer, a Gearbox logo came up, is this being handled by the makers of borderlands? A melee based borderlands game with an almost infinite selection of different hand to hand weapon types? I friggin hope so! If not, it still looks cool.
@Athrum - a PS5 version of warframe is coming, it was announced months ago, but no date has been mentioned as far as i know.
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