Final Fantasy XVI has been in development "for at least four years in some capacity", according to industry journalist Jason Schreier, speaking on the latest Triple Click podcast. Schreier credits sources who are apparently familiar with the game's production.
And yes, this does mean that Final Fantasy XVI is "coming sooner than people think". Square Enix has, over recent years, developed a bad habit of announcing some of its games far too early, but it sounds like it won't be too long until we're playing the next Final Fantasy on PS5.
Indeed, what shocked us most about the Final Fantasy XVI reveal trailer was that it looks like an actual game — not just some kind of barely formed project that hasn't even entered full production yet. The suggestion is that it's actually quite far along.
Still, we're going to have to wait a little while to hear more. Square Enix has stated that the next Final Fantasy XVI information dump will happen in 2021.
When do you think Final Fantasy XVI will release? Place your bets in the comments section below.
[source player.fm, via resetera.com]
Comments 62
So it's it won't come out on the PS6 is what you're saying?
Square will find a way to delay it. They always have something happen in development that delays it. They don't announce games realizing they won't come out for another 6 years. They think a year or two, then it turns into 6 years.
I'm guessing 2022 at the earliest
Probably early 2022 then. Will be shocked if this comes out next year, happy, but shocked.
I'll eat my hat if this comes out in 2022.
I'll go out and buy a hat just to eat it.
Earliest - Autumn 2021
More realistically? sometime in the back half of 2022.
With the way FFXIV is run and with Yoshida and Takai involved I can see this being an extremely efficient project. Wonder Yoshida produced one of his infamous spreadsheets for making out the whole production.
Absolutely loved what I saw in the initial trailer. If this comes out within the next 2 years that would be a pleasant surprise!
Awesome, it looks great and much more adult than usual. It reminds me of XIV which can only be a good thing from a storytelling point of view. Here's hoping for Christmas next year
Final fantasy 15 looks better than this game graphically🤔.whats up with that.word up son
@KathyQ it is. It's not as good as VII or VIII in my opinion, but it's a good game.
@KathyQ A lot of Final Fantasy fans would tell you IX is one of the best games in the entire series, and to be honest, I agree.
It goes back to FF's more medieval fantasy roots — unlike VII and VIII — but that's one of its strengths. The world and characters are brilliant.
Like most PS1 games it hasn't aged perfectly — some of the additional gameplay mechanics are definitely a bit wonky by today's standards — but it's still an excellent RPG overall.
If you really liked VII and VIII I say go for it. But just bear in mind that it does show its age every now and then.
Why does sheeva look like lunafreya,and also like that blonde chick in one of the FF 14 trailers?
The guy who's designing the battle system outright said in an interview that development began in 2016. Not Jason's best scoop.
EDIT: source here, from back in June.
@KathyQ if you like FF 7&8 you should like 9.
it’s a great game with memorable characters.
I don’t think it quite nails the landing but the ride is a blast.
Ps FF 12 another underated one too
@Orpheus79V So it is releasing within the ps5 launch window?
It's a big win for Final Fantasy fans who cant wait to play the next iterations.
Another plus is PS5/PS4 owners would have another game they add to the exclusive list if it stays permanently.
My point is, more games to play and enjoy.
@KathyQ I definitely recommend IX. Definitely one of the best FF games out there and as everyone mentioned, it goes back to the old traditional Final Fantasy games.
Going back to the topic, I'm expecting a 2023 or 2024 release. At least that's my realistic expectation but the earlier the better I guess
@rachetmarvel I wouldn't know, but based on Square saying no new info until 2021, I would expect an early 2022 release, if they follow a similar promotional schedule to 7 Remake. Big blowout in the summer/E3 time, followed by several months of smaller reveals until the next spring when it releases.
I am not a big fan of FF series but I prefer this over all Bethesda games.
Hmm, whilst that should be good news I was attributing the oddly poor visuals to it being earlier in development... You'd expect it to look better than FFXV not worse : /
Honestly actually looks really good. Don't mind waiting as I have only just got 15 and it's DLC.
Considering the director isn't a total space case like Nomura I can see this coming out next year. Love Nomura, but the dude has no focus which is probably more of a Square thing than himself.
@KathyQ I played through it and I was a big 7 fan. I still have never played through 8, though.
4 years in development, so another 5 years and we'll have FF Versus XV... I mean FFXVI
@Jayofmaya Set your expectations extremely low or you're in for a disappointment. FFXV is by far the worst RPG I have played on PS4. It looks beautiful, but has so many small to medium issues and a complete lack of anything great, it makes you wonder what they were trying to create.
That trailer was the first FF trailer to get me excited since X. It made me feel like FF from the early 00s and 90s is alive and well.
There have been some decent FFs since then to be fair, but something has been missing.
This just looked like a proper good game.
@playstation1995 I agree that ffxv looks better but two things I was thinking about with XVI.First this is from what I’ve heard running on a more advanced version of the FFXIV engine so that makes since that it doesn’t look as good. Also this is an assumption but FFXV was a very short in my opinion so there is a possibility that this may be a larger game which would mean more assets and maybe have a lower bar set as far as some of the graphics go. Personally FFXII is my favorite of the series and this looks a little like bit in that realm so I’m on board.
@playstation1995 Every outlet is reporting it as a single player action game but that could be an error. It's made by the same team that did 14 so I was assuming an MMO.
It definitely looks awful, not just just with the graphic fidelity but also the characters and setting. Everything looks bland as hell, it's definitely not "Final Fantasy", it's more Nomura garbage. If it's not turn based I'm not interested in the slightest. Square hasn't made a great FF since X and this looks more in line with 13 and 15.
Why can’t we just get a proper Chrono sequel? Or even better, a story set in between Trigger and Cross.
That’s a 20 year time gap that Cross doesn’t really explain all that well. Well it does. But only on the macro scale. On the micro scale, it doesn’t really touch on it.
@KathyQ Out of all the FF games IX is my favorite. Great characters, scenery and story. Very highly recommended
What "Good 3rd Party support" looks like. They were betting on PlayStation years ago.
Looks fantastic. Another reason to stick with PS5
@Jmerbaugh. Yeah i agree.16 looks weird.and 15 was a graphical powerhouse.word up son
@710King. Yeah it make sense that the same team that did 14. Did this it still look weird.but it still have a lot of time to fix up the graphics.15 looks way better .this goes to show you how powerful the ps4 was and still is.of course ps5 is more powerful but 15 al capone saint Valentine's day masacre 16.word up son
so Square Enix actually learned it lesson for the development of Final Fantasy 15, and we can actualy play the game in Holiday 2021/early 2022?
Nice, it will be crazy years for ps5 if the game is set for 2021, it's just like ps2 first year again in the term of great exclusive 😃
Base game 2021. Dlc 1-3 that adds mtx q2 22. Dlc4 that adds story explanation 2023 complete edition holiday 23. Dlc5 that makes the story make some sense 2025. True ending dlc will be delayed 2027, renamed ffxvii, changed to a steampunk theme and replaced with a card based battle system, stadia exclusive, 2029.
Given what we saw from the trailer, it does seem further along than FF XV was when it was first announced as Versus XIII. When it'll actually come out though is still an open question, given the current climate.
@playstation1995 Is there a reason that you put a "word up son" at the end of every comment?
I hope it's out within the next 2 years. I really like the direction this game has taken. I love XIV's setting, so a single player game set in a similar looking world is right up my alley.
I'm guessing early 2022 at the earliest but may get delayed as Square tends to do.
@KathyQ get it! FF9 is amazing. Great story and characters, and the music is phenomenal. The only FF game I like more is 7, but it’s close!
I'm guessing early 2022 but hoping for holiday 2021. I do hope the graphics get a little boost cause now they look like great ps4 graphics.
A FF game hasn’t looked this good to me since FF10! The combat looks entirely real time which, although I would prefer full tactical turn based, is definitely better than the halfway house measures of FFXV.
Without the time mechanics and hopefully linearity of 13, the auto battles of 12 and (let’s prey) everything that made XV the terrible game it was, I’m actually getting hyped for this.
Only annoyance is the needless censorship of the previously half naked Shiva but, unfortunately, until people can finally dispel their bimbo stereotypes, women just are going to express their sexuality without being censured and censored any more.
This is Square we're on about. Just take a look at the likes of KH3. It took forever to release
@Crazybuttocks198 is KH3 worth it? its on sale and iv not played any
@Ah-Void. Word up son means true that man or woman.when you agree with something or a fact.im a black man from new york and that the way we talk in nyc.and im highly influence by old school rap music.nas.wu tang clan.mobb deep.eric b and rakim.kool g rap.onyx.run dmc.etc if you listen to old school rap music you will here them say word up.
April 2021 is my hopeful prediction
@KathyQ We’re probably in the same age range since I also played all 3 of the games in question when they were new. I recently played 9 again since of the 3 I’d only played it once so I couldnt remember much of the story, it’s worth a buy, espcially if you’ve never played it.
This actually concerns me, as I felt from the trailer that some of the backgrounds looked a little lacking with action concentrated in just a few square metres around the playable character. I just imagined it had at least another 3 years of development time.
Well there’s still time; I’m predicting a late 2022 release at the absolute earliest.
This is only when Nomura is involved. Thank god he has no involvement with this.
@playstation1995 Oh, now I get it. Thanks for the explanation.
I think they’re games take 6-10 years total though,
To figure out how to use the PS5 to its full potential or whatever..
@KathyQ As a fan of Final Fantasy since the original on the NES, I think that FFIX is one of the worst. It's one I recommend playing just to have played it and have that experience; but not one that I would ever play a second time. It's hard to go wrong at that price though, and it is a Final Fantasy game which still puts it high up on the list of RPGs (just low on the list of FFs)
I liked that the combat system was a throw back, and there were some great moments with Vivi; but the rest just didn't do anything for me the way most other Final Fantasy games did.
Boy band simulator 2: electric boy-galoo
We'd be lucky to see it before 2022
Yes! I love the characters ,places and lore in these games 😊
@Enuo I hope you have too eat it im up for a new Final Fantasy. (nothing personal) 😉
@Rhaoulos Ahh, balls. Nevermind, I'm sure I'll get some fun out of it! Can't ALL be bad
Well they kept that quiet, not easy these days .
@playstation1995 a graphical powerhouse? I thought it was very sparse and average graphically.
I always hated Kotaku but Jason Schrier is (was) a good journalist for them. He is doing the Lord's work.
@KathyQ Late to the party, clicked the link in the article today about the FF16 M rating, but throwing in my 2 cents anyway so
@thedevilsjester won't be the only 1 on that side.
I played FF 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 all pretty much day 1 and while I still like 9 better than 13 or 15 that was something off about it.
Here's some of my comments from the July article. Don't read that thread though, its FULL of spoilers. Here's some of my posts that just give my opinion w/o the facts.
"My son has been playing this for the past few weeks, about 2 hours a night w/ the rest of the family watching. Last night he saved at the last save point so he's pretty much done.
I played it on release in the US and finished it. Still have my old save on my PS1 same place about the same level and time as he is. (I checked, he's playing the PS1 discs on PS3)
I have to say, it's not as bad as I remember it, but it's still pretty bad. We decided it was put out by the "B team", if Squaresoft had such a thing back then, it's nowhere near as good as 7 or 8. And the card game is downright unfathomable. Which is nuts b/c triple triad in 8 is great."
From a reply post:
"I think if the game skipped disc 3 I may have enjoyed it a little more..."
Of course if you play a download you won't know when you are on disc 3 as opposed to 1, 2 or 4, but you'll know.
So it's probably enjoyable, and worth playing, but I still don't think it holds up to 7, 8, 10 or even 12, but it's certainly better than 13 or 15. Have fun.
@rjejr @KathyQ
I also played it when it first came out, I tried replaying it once about a decade ago; but didn't get too far.
There are a lot more people that don't think its anywhere near the top, they just don't want to, don't care to, or don't feel safe, giving their opinions online.
All of that to say, don't expect it to be amazing; but play it anyway. Maybe you are in the group that its style speaks to, maybe you are in the group it doesn't. Either way its worth a play through and you can't go wrong at that price.
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