During its Tokyo Game Show 2020 Online live stream, SEGA announced something called 'Virtual Fighter x eSports' and the fighting game community is currently losing its mind. The teaser was brief and doesn't reveal much, but near the end we do get to see a next-gen looking Akira.
The bottom line is that we don't quite know what's going on. This is some kind of eSports project, but why is Virtua Fighter involved? The translation of the above tweet perhaps sheds a little bit of light on things, suggesting that this is a revival of SEGA's long dormant fighting game franchise.
Is Virtua Fighter about to be rebooted with eSports on its mind? SEGA says that more information will be released in the future.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 23
Wow! One of the reasons I love Dead or Alive so much is it's the closest current fighting game to Virtua Fighter with its DNA. Virtua Fighter 6 would be the fighting game event of the 2000's.
Would love to see a return of Virtua Fighter! Hoping this happens.
I wish the FGC was losing its mind. I used to love this series but it was basically dead competitively outside of Japan. To be fair, even titans like Tekken are mainly only popular competitively in Korea and a bit in Europe.
There's not even an article yet about this on SRK. Man, not even on virtuafighter.com. I hope that changes as I'd love to see VF become relevant again.
I'd love a new Virtua Fighter, although I have absolutely no interest in eSports, so not sure how that element would affect the game.
Any news on any fighting games,is good news.literally this genre is given less respect and attention, than indie games.
Definitely a reboot to the series but I don't know if I'm mistranslating this but it seems Japanese only for the time being which leads me to believe it might be a return to the arcades before a console release.
@jsw-8 It says "mazu" before saying it'll be in Japan, meaning "first" or "to begin with". That isn't picked up by Google Translate for some reason. Though depending on context, it can mean "about to" as in "it's about to restart in Japan" but I don't know enough about Japanese to know if this is the case here. 😫
@Matroska yeah, I got "restart in Japan". I've read elsewhere that puyo puyo champions is also called puyo eSports in Japan so perhaps it could also be a mid-size downloadable game. Guess we'll just have to wait and find out!
@matroska SRK has been going down the pan over the past year. I prefer EventHubs for fighting game news.
Doubt it's happening but I am ready for VF6.
@pip_muzz indeed, the DNA of DoA is pretty much Virtua Fighter... except the ridiculous breast physics... and subtlety in move set. Virtua Fighter was my go to after SFII. I liked Tekken, but it never felt as tight or engaging as the VF games. Also had soft spots for Fighting Vipers and even Last Bronx. Shame Sega abdicated from the fighting scene, I'd love to see Virtua Fighter make a come back.
We need a new Virtua Fighter badly.
@SirAngry Aw i played the hell out of Fighting Vipers 2 on Dreamcast. That console was a Sega beat m up dream. Virtua Fighter 3, Fighting Vipers 2, DOA 2, Marvel vs Capcom, Rival Schools 2... Sure I've missed more as well. The Dreamcast got me into fighting games it had so many great ones.
I always feel Dead or Alive would be so much better without the sexy nonsense. The core mechanics with counters and grabs are really good, but the games get a bad western reputation due to the admittedly juvenile sexualisation. Virtua Fighter as a return would be absolutely amazing.
@AdamNovice Yeah, SRK has been dead for a while, with nothing but paid reviews for peripherals most once a month at most. Dunno who runs the site, but I don't see how it would take more than half an hour to write a quick blurb and dump and image in there just to keep up with FGC news, which is usually sparse to begin with.
Aside from Eventhubs, it also seems like PushSquare does an insanely good job of jumping on all the latest FGC news too! There's been plenty of times they'll beat Eventhubs to the punch with breaking news, so...keep it up guys!
Still haven't forgiven Virtua Fighter for being the reason that Eternal Champions was cancelled and forgotten about...
Imagine if Sega did a Fighters Megamix 2.
@pip_muzz Nah ,DOA,is not DOA without the sexy,just like mortal kombat ,is not mortal kombat,with out the gore porn.
Plus it does not affect gameplay,so I see no problem personaly,but yeah,you would not catch me dead playing this game in public around people I do not know.
Yeah so it is kind of a duality with me,I love the sexy in the game,but I do not want to be caught playing the sexy,you catch my drift.
@rachetmarvel I completely understand. You've no idea how hard it was to persuade my wife that Dead or Alive has good gameplay mechanics. Thankfully the "softness" settings has now become a household joke between us. That said the game would stand on its own without the sexiness still. It's that good in my opinion.
@pip_muzz yeah, I had much love for the Dreamcast. I'm not an evangelist who thinks the thing was the greatest console ever, it wasn't, but like the Saturn before it, it had some real gems.
Same here. I was cracked out on DOA 3, DOA 4, and DOA 5. It’s my favorite 3D fighting franchise of all time. The only other one I really got into was Soul Calibur.
I was always a Tina main. The only other character I really got into was Kasumi and on DOA5, Mila and Marie Rose. I really enjoyed playing Marie Rose. Her counters were ridiculous.
@TheRedComet Also Love Soul Caliber but the reversal mechanic of DoA just makes its the best in my opinion. It's so satisfying to beat a button masher with a well timed reversal.
I also was good with Kasumi but in DoA 6 found myself turning to Jang Lee a lot as well. It really is my favourite fighting franchise as it stands and a revival of Virtua Fighter would be amazing (I think DoA 5 had Virtua Fighter DLC if I remember correctly)
@SirAngry I also agree. I have very find memories of the Dreamcast but it's not the holy console all remember (the loading chonking sounds as it reads the G-discs still haunt my dreams to this day)
Would be LONG overdue Sega!
"まず" mean "first of all" or "first".
Usually it doesn't mean "soon".
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