Developers looking for an easy way to implement haptic feedback into their PlayStation 5 games will be able to utilise a new technology that uses the sound effects from games to generate DualSense rumble. As part of a technology-themed booklet, the platform holder explained that it aims to “reduce the burden” for some teams by providing simple solutions that utilise its hardware.
“We have created a haptic vibration waveform design environment that anyone can use easily,” the manufacturer said. “In this way, we have not only developed a tool that allows game creators to design an impactful, natural, and comfortable vibration waveform in fewer steps, but also created a method of almost automatically generating vibration patterns from a game’s sound effects.”
In theory, this means that loud sounds such as explosions would provide heavy feedback, while softer sounds like rippling water would be much gentler. Obviously, developers who design custom waveforms will have much more success with the technology, but this sounds like a nice easy way for smaller teams to get started.
[source sony.net, via resetera.com]
Comments 43
Really looking forward to the new Oddworld now. Just want to feel those rippling farts.
The tech in ps5 is crazy. I hope it isn't secretly a decipticon
Love me a next gimmick...now how about some concrete details regarding pricing and pre orders.
Another gimmick that will hardly be used.
Most people won't even notice or appreciate it especially if they are immersed in the game.
Considering how smart rumble use can be, it'll be interesting to see how this evolution of the feature feels in hand... combine it with the new 3D audio and something as simple as moving through the rain could be really immersive... or the drip of alien saliva in something like Alien Isolation as a warning you're about to get eaten.
It will be a great feature used in conjunction with the PSVR to enhance the feeling of immersion.
Then there's Tetris Effect DSE (Dual Sense Edition), which will be real one day!!
It’s always interesting to me when I see companies play up these kinds of features before a systems release. They always make these things sound “fancy,” but these types of things never stick with me. Until reading this article, I forgot about the hoopla made over “HD rumble” was before the Switch came out! I just play! 😆
So HD Rumble from the Switch on steroids
Miles Morales simulating Spider-Sense through this feature really intrigues me.
Settings > Devices > Controllers > Disable Haptic Feedback
HD Rumble works exactly the same way from the developer perspective.
I hope DualSense is a little more advanced because HD Rumble, while a neat change in the way rumble works, isn't all that it was hyped up to be - at least not to me.
I’m honestly sceptical on how much this will make a difference. I’ve heard many overhyped promises like this over the decades.
But I’m open minded and willing to be surprised.
Here’s hoping it is great and won’t win the Molyneux award 2020
I think dualsense adoption will be better if the tech is easy to use like this, I have great hope for this feature
@Medic_Alert There are actually quite a few games outside 1-2 Switch where HD Rumble was applied pretty well
Fast RMX also came out at launch and it showcased the different degrees of haptic feedback that the controller gave depending on the intensity of a race, as well as stuff like Odyssey, Super Mario Party, Golf Story and even the Switch version of P5S
Im not bashing PushSquare but I’m so tired of waiting for better news.
I appreciate the article but I’m ready for a system breakdown, an in-depth look at games and specifically how they benefit from being on PS5, release date and price, etc.
Again, I appreciate the article as minor/kinda reused news is better than no news.
@nessisonett Including the info gained from the article and comments, your comment is the best. It’s make the article worthwhile.
@TheFrenchiestFry @Medic_Alert
I think the biggest thing is that I use the Pro Controller like 99.9% of the time and I think the best way to experience it is through the Joy-Con as it's easier to feel each individual Joy-Con over a fully connected controller..
Plus, maybe I have a defective Pro Controller, but the rumble is a lot weaker than my Joy-Con.
Unfortunately, my hands start to cramp after playing with the Joy-Con for too long.
Ubisoft are SO going this way instead of the custom way.
Sounds interesting. Also, sounds great for the accessibility everyone was freaking out about earlier.
All very cool, but I am the kind of person who turns off all kinds of vibration/speakers on a controller!!
Still for those who love these things, this is pretty cool.
@Medic_Alert Yeah in P5 Scramble they actually use HD Rumble to convey the degree of the magic skill you cast or the showtime attack you perform it's actually surprisingly in depth
I think a smaller screen to play games (specially for indies) would’ve more useful than all of this gimmicks
So the haptic feedback is just a HD rumble rip-off. Fair enough, they managed to get around Nintendo's patents, which is quite the achievement.
@Cutmastavictory as long as Michael bay isn't involved, I don't mind if it's a decepticon.
@Medic_Alert as @TheFrenchiestFry said, there are tons of game making great use of HD rumble. It's just so well implemented you don't even notice it's there. Whenever your joy cons or pro controller beeps, it's actually the HD Rumble since it doesn't have a speaker. The coins in Mario kart are a perfect example of its implementation.
Buzz words
Been playing games for years all the same to me im to deep in the game to care about this stuff. Release date & price all sony should be announcing we can find out all these things on out own.
I recall hearing that, in some Switch games, the HD rumble patterns replicate classic sound effects in Nintendo games, like collecting a coin.
Sort of reminds me of that.
@Medic_Alert In the Switch indie game Tumbleseed, you can feel the seed rolling from side to side in your controller. It was pretty cool for five minutes, and then I forgot about it.
I fully expect the haptics tech in the PS5 controller to be the same way. Cool in a couple of early games, and then people just kind of forget about it.
@Rhaoulos Nintendo technology and build quality is not exactly great, so I'm pretty confident PS5 haptic will be far superior to whatever is in the switch.
@GKO900 I think we all want a Vita successor deep down.
If they rather implement display into meaningless huge Select button to have "game inventory" or "answers" for Knowledge is power on controller.
@Shigurui Settings > Devices > Controllers > Feedback Level > MAX
@playstation_king I disagree actually, I think it will improve the experience a fair bit. Its these small touches that separate 'good' from 'great in terms of how games make you feel.
@Callmegil - Just my personal preference mate. I'm glad tech like this exists and those that use it enjoy it but it's not for me.
Sweet. Like it.
I'm all for more stimulation. Rumble has always been something that I don't really know how much I need/enjoy, unless my kid turns it off. It adds to my experience, maybe not front of mind, but when I play something without it, it feels empty.
I'm also just ready for the PS5. I look forward to experiencing things, rather than reading about them....but then again, that's been video games most my life. Yet I still grasp at every little detail before a launch of a game/console.
This controller sounds amazing all those features.that alone will destroy the x box word up son
I'm getting pairs of underpants made with a special pouch for my DS controller
@Medic_Alert if you didn't notice it on the Switch, you won't notice anything on the PS5. As always, Sony is copying the competition without improving anything, so don't hold your breath.
@Porkfiend LOL
@TheFrenchiestFry Damn now you're actually encouraging me to get P5S on Switch lol
@Nepp67 I bought and beat the Japanese Switch version a while ago. I'm probably going to get the English release on PS4 given that it's a pretty strong narrative sequel to P5/Royal but honestly the Switch version still performs extremely well and Koei did an outstanding job when it came to recreating the major environments in Yongen-Jaya as well as the greater Tokyo era as they were depicted in the mainline entry
You mean like the joycons?
@TheFrenchiestFry That's great to hear, if I understood Japanese better then I'd get it but sadly I do not.
@Nepp67 Oh I don't either, I just used that live-translate feature on Google Translate where you can hold your phone's camera up to the thing you want to translate like character dialogue and it just does it in real time
Sounds a lot like the tech in the new logitech wheel, which I've heard nothing but praise about. Look forward to going hands on and hope other wheel makers follow suit as well. This is more next gen to me though than slightly better graphics. More immersion through this and new technologies like ray tracing and 3D audio. Look forward to seeing what a PSVR2 is capable of, I'm dreaming of retinal tracking although is just a dream but could you imagine? Anyhow, PS5 better be capable of running F1, GT and the like in full VR or I'm still not investing.
I really would like to know the price and date. All this news on how great the system is but no date. It's driving me crazy crazy. We would have to get something by next week. But then; there are the matters at hand affecting the globe which could cause a delay. Just seems like a bad time with everything going on. Hope we get news soon or we'll have a month and twenty days or so.
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