Announced as part of a quick-fire Nintendo Direct Mini Partners Showcase, Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory will also be making its way to PlayStation 4 on 13th November 2020. The big N also debuted some new gameplay, which you can check out in the trailer above.

This rhythm-based spin-off has levels themed around classics levels from various Kingdom Hearts titles and general Disney universes across a couple of different modes. There'll even be boss battles -- through the beat of music, of course. This launch date means Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory will release alongside Cyberpunk 2077, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and potentially Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. That's some rather colossal company, isn't it?
Comments 32
It’ll sell. Nomura knows his audience love to scrounge for crumbs. They even teased a tiny bit of crucial plot information. Lord, I’m done with this series.
As much as I love the music in this franchise, I'm not spending any more of my money on it. Kingdom Hearts 3 was really disappointing, and I'm pretty much done. This series has been so milked that any nostalgia I might have felt playing these games is long gone as well. Sadly, it turned into a cynical cash grab. Thank you Japanese EA, very cool.
I can't wait! Yakuza 7 AND Melody of Memory on the same day! November is spoiling me this year.
Also, the new version of Dearly Beloved for this game is AMAZING. I love how jazzy it is.
Because I'm super delusional and somewhat of a KH fanboy, I sometimes love staying in my own bubble that imagines everyone loves Kingdom Hearts and is as excited about MoM as much as I am.
But I know that's not reality and I completely understand why.
As much as I like Kingdom Hearts, I'm not really excited for a rhythm game like this. I'll probably just watch the new story bits online after release, similar to what I did with the ReMind DLC. Great for the peeps that are excited.
Also it bothers me that they used the PS2 models for the characters.
@Deadlyblack Yeah the use of the old PS2 assets annoys me i'm gonna assume the Switch is partly to blame for this
@RBMango If this is Razor Blade Mango I love your videos dude
After the disappointment that was KH3 I’m done with the franchise, they try to go the easy route and please everyone but it didn’t make sense and on top of that they added that mobile storyline to the main games which make things even worse
@Keyblade-Dan Yes, it is. Thank you! =D
@GKO900 @Constable_What @nessisonett
to each their own mates, everyone has their preferences in games and franchises and aren't any better or worse. Personally, very excited, always wanted a thearhythm KH game, this game having story bits only sweetens the deal.
@RayNick I’d love a Theatrhythm Kingdom Hearts. This ain’t it. This looks like one of the crap mini games from RE:Coded.
@nessisonett at least try to pretend you care or you've played theatrhythm before and stop being pompous and passive-aggrsive about it. You just don't like KH anymore because you bought in the overblown hype before KH3 released. Why exactly isn't MoM a
KH theatrhythm, because it doesn't have the chibi style when everything else is exactly like it? Give me a break, pal.
@RayNick I’ve played every Kingdom Hearts game on release, I’ve played every crap spin off and the mobile games. I put over 1000 hours into Theatrhythm Curtain Call. This game is using assets from 20 years ago because they’re the laziest dev team on the planet and Sora inexplicably wears his KH1 clothes every so often in order to cut costs.
@nessisonett oof, your response reminds me of one metanlly ill person on 4chan and twitter who does nothing but sh*tposts on anything but KH2. Either way, your empty feats mean nothing in the end and i don't care even if you provide proof, you're obviously b*tthurt about things you probably haven't even researched on your own and just parrot reddit and youtuber opinions. As i said friend, you do you, but every game reuses assets, whether it's graphics or code. Do you think they remade the moves and code for DMCV for Nero, Dante and Vergil, for example, or that MH and other games with moves and monsters rewrite the code etc. etc.? Just admit you were there for the hype, you will cope sooner that way.
@RayNick Brilliant, compare me to mentally ill people. I shouldn’t have to ‘research’ anything, that’s part of the problem with Kingdom Hearts in that the plot is nonsensical and only makes slightly more sense by playing spin off titles about slightly different looking anime boys and watching hours long CG movies. If by ‘being there for the hype’ you mean waiting 10 years for a sequel to one of the best games on PS2 then yes, I was. I was expecting a game that improved on those, which ultimately it didn’t. For them then to put out a rhythm game that would fit right in a few gens ago, that speaks to the devs and their treatment of their own franchise.
@RayNick Well good for you fellow, but to me after so many years of waiting for KH3, it was nothing more than a disappointment in the story department and the DLC didn’t help either, now they want to add more story pieces to a rhythm game just to help sales and milk the fans
@nessisonett I never compared you bro , lol, I just said it reminded me jeez, chillax. Also, for many fans researching things is part of the appeal, excuse you if things we like aren't to your high standards of what things should be and how we should like and experience things. Plus, you make the same mistake many blind "fans" did in this franchise and are now paying for it, you never waited 10 plus years for any sequel, the latest canon entry was 0.2 and before that DDD, which make it 8 years at best, with many complications of development from both Square and Disney. You also seem to forget that KH2 was barely regarded as "one of the best" on ps2 when even then KH was being sh*t on relentlessly, even your precious KH1 and 2. It seems your nostalgia goggles have blinded you and many others, you guys don't like it, sweet and dandy, but don't act as if KH was ever in a golden era in the mainstream (besides the hype period), and don't label fans who genuinely know what they like as if they like garbage, that works for everything, peace.
@RayNick I don’t really know what you’re talking about, KH2 is consistently rated among the best PS2 games, while the first is somewhat dated. Dream Drop Distance, while a good game in its own right, is not a main series game. It’s a spin off. 0.2 is also serviceable but I beat it in one sitting, it’s a glorified tech demo. You’re having a go at me for not being the ‘right kind of fan’ or something but you’re just spouting off the exact same garbage that blind fanboys of any game, series, console or media product do.
@nessisonett KH2 also had a bigger amount of newcomers compared to 3. 3 IS regarded as a great game as well, but the outcry was bigger compared to what it was for 2 so of course it's not seen that way. Plus, 3 had to compare with games such as DMCV while 2 had very little competition in 2006. Also, there are no "spin-offs" in KH, they are all regarded as a single mainline. The only reason Nomura chose to name 3 "3" is because of the gameplay and because it draws more people, nothing else. Lastly, you're either misconstruing my point or i didn't articulate it in a manner that you might understand. I never said you aren't a fan (although, you aren't anymore by your own words) or that you are blind per se, i said that nostalgia has blinded you and others to view or expirience this franchise in a specific manner which never was the point of the franchise in the first place. To be exact, the thing which you don't like (finding clues in story and lines and whatnot) has been a thing since 1FM in Japan. You want to call me a fanboy, go ahead, i don't mind, heck i am one, i know how to enjoy something and i'm not petty when it doesn't cater 100% to me anymore. Mind you, i've had franchises that dissapointed me greatly in the past as well, but i did the grown up thing and realised that at the end of the day, it's just a product. If i truly love it, maybe i can tolerate or even accept the changes (if there were any changes in the first place). If not, i can hold dear the aspects that i liked and truly wish the people who like it now the best.
I hope it sells well cause I would love a Theatrhythm game for PS4!
I was never a fan of CoM tbh, the DS titles felt lame, too. I have yet to play 3, BbS or even 2.8 but so far I just like 1 and 2. This will definitely not change that.
It took me two spin-off titles (CoM and 3.14159/63 1/3 or whatever) to realize that I was actually only interested in the main games.
It took me one more title (KH3) to realize I’m actually not interested in the franchise at all anymore.
I'm a big fan of the series, but this looks mediocre at best.
Any idea if this is physical and digital or just digital?
@Jayofmaya BBS and 3D aren’t bad at all, if hilariously broken and terribly balanced. CoM is an acquired taste, I go back and forth on the gameplay until I reach the final boss who’s insane without copious use of the best sleights. RE:Coded is absolute hot garbage, one of the worst spin-offs of any franchise I’ve played. I really liked 358/2 Days at the time but it hasn’t aged great. I’m disappointed they turned it into a movie instead. 2.8 is worth about £15 in all honesty, can’t believe they sold it full price.
@nessisonett I didn't play the 3ds one either, actually. I wanted to but never got round to it. I don't think it's part of 2.8, is it?
@Jayofmaya It’s included in 2.8! It’s alright but noticeably worse than the main games which is to be expected. I do like the choice of worlds but the gameplay is not balanced in the slightest and the plot goes off the rails hard.
@nessisonett Oh, that's a shame. I was hoping it was gonna be really good after being disappointed by the DS games. I was planning on playing through the whole of 1.5 and 2.5 before getting 2.8 and still haven't got round to it haha I never completed CoM back in the day so thought I'd do it all in order.
You played the ps4 1.5 and 2.5?
I heard most of the issues with the ps4 version were fixed but Sephiroth was still harder than before and I killed him in the ps2 title when I was a kid. Safe to say I probably wouldn't dedicate so much time to it, now.
@Jayofmaya Yeah, they’re pretty good remasters on PS4. The graphics are cleaner and there’s no slowdown. CoM is just a strange game, sometimes I’m in the mood for it and sometimes I’m not. I got to the final boss this series playthrough and couldn’t be arsed grinding so just went ahead to Birth By Sleep. You shouldn’t miss out on too much story and you can choose either that or 2 as your next game, it doesn’t matter too much.
I kept telling myself I'd skip this game and wait a year...but it's freaking Kingdom Hearts and I MUST play this before I get spoilered by my friends.
I'll just have to put aside the $60 somehow...still think this should only be $40 max.
@nessisonett Yeah, I had a feeling you would need to grind again. I remember needing to before the last floor. Thanks for the heads up, as well
2 days later and still no UK pre order for the PS4 version. Ffs Square Enix. Pull it together.
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