We've all had a good laugh about the fact that Grand Theft Auto V will now be launching on a third console, but what will this port actually do for a game that still has its roots buried in 2013? Well, as part of its latest earnings call, Take Two states that it will come packaged with a number of technical improvements which make it "more responsive". We have to assume this is in relation to the way the title controls.
Meanwhile, the behemoth that is Grand Theft Auto Online will keep on trucking with content that can only be played on PC and the next-gen consoles, including PlayStation 5. Don't forget that PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to claim GTA Online for themselves when it hits the service in the latter half of 2021 for three months. Push Square's own Sammy Barker and the wider gaming community have been hoping for the online version of the game to load quicker on PS5, so let's hope these upgrades allow that to happen.
Will you check out GTA 5 on PS5? Let us know in the comments below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 26
I have a feeling they’re going to expand the map on both this and RDR. How cool would it be to see an updated version of liberty City from GTA 4. I can see Red Dead Redemption getting a full remaster and a relaunch on RDR2 on PS5 with expanded Mexico map.
I can't wait until GTA V comes out on PS6!
Control improvements are my most wanted thing for GTA5 on PS5.
Hope VR is added.
The loading screens need to disappear.
Agony waiting 5 minutes to load into a lobby
But nothing says GTA like janky controls!
Let’s face it, GTA6 isn’t coming out for another decade... 😢
@AdamNovice this is my hope as well. This would instantly be my most played psvr game.
I’ve been logging in once a month to get my million and a free spin / money spending at the casino 🤣
The money is being spent as quickly as I get it though with the purchase of a hangar at the military base and a penthouse above the casino for higher stakes gambling 🤣. I plan on starting to save it soon. Hopefully.
feel like Rockstar has lost the soul of what made them great it was not online gaming.
I bought the ps3 version (sold it when I sold my ps3 for ps4), bought the ps4 version (will sell it when I sells my ps4 pro for ps5), got the pc version for free on epic games, and will buy the ps5 the disc version if it's 60 fps 😅
Clouds I like clouds
Rockstar games in general control poorly compared to so many others so its about time that was addressed
A bit fed up of hearing about GTA5 but I guess I'll try the free online when available.
I'm one of those who prefers Rockstar's control system over many others. Everything from vehicles in GTA to horses in RDR have a perfect weight to them which makes the handling feel superior compared to many others games.
@ApostateMage I’ve played all kinds of games this generation & I still don’t get what people are saying when they say the controls are bad.
All I want (which I'm extremely doubtful of) is our account and progress being able to carry over onto the PS5 version. I've got a feeling that they'll want everyone to start from rank 1 again.
Unless the visuals are seriously improved and we get a stable 60fps, I simply won't bother.
@ApostateMage GTA controls especially are unresponsive and sluggish. Always have been this way.
I might give it a try, but i gave up on gta online long ago, and unless they add all the vehicles and guns to story mode my interest isnt really going up.
For all the GTA online hoopla coming out of take-two/rockstar, I'd simply like to know if you pop the gta v ps4 game into your ps5 will you ve able to play the story mode via b/c?
As for a RDR remaster, don't give 'em ideas! Though whether if take-two/ rockstar would be bothered to convert the story mode of RDR 1/Undead Nightmare alongside the mtx ridden online modes is another matter. They simply don't care about the single player modes anymore.
Any word on whether we will have to triple dip for the next gen version? I wouldn’t be surprised if we had to but I certainly won’t be paying more than £24.99 for a 2013 game, no matter what improvements it has.
I’d expect it to have at least native 4K, 60fps and maybe have ray-tracing, we know it’s doable on PS5 and Series X it’s whether Rockstar will put the effort in.
@Arugula hah sad but true...
Yeah, but it's still the same game that's been out for 7 years, 8 when it releases on ps5
@Arugula Eh? Their last release was only two years ago.
Need a hint? Check my avatar.
Yes GTA VI is likely many years away but it's sheer hyperbole to suggest they've given up on sp games.
As for GTA V. I only recently restarted it, in need of something 'light', and it's still great fun. The online mode really isn't all that though, only log in once a month like a fellow poster above in order to obtain the $1m bonus. It's a bit hard to compete when you're in a normal car and others are flying around in the sky on a bike....with rockets!
It's also noticeably empty as a world, not many cars or people about compared to the sp experience.
Edit - Remember GTA V may have came out in 2013 but RDR2 was released in 2018. A gap of five years.
CD PR released a little game called The Witcher 3 in 2015. They have a new game coming out this year. Another gap of five years. Nobody's saying they've given up on sp games.
Need a bridge to a new big map to explore and do stuff in. Maybe a bridge to the bay area. " When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay"
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