GreedFall developer Spiders Studio promised it would unveil its next title as part of the Nacon Connect digital showcase and boy did it deliver. Steelrising is its name and it's coming to PlayStation 5, but the real talking point here is its concept. The female protagonist of Aegis will attempt to overthrow the robotic army of King Louis XVI as part of a revolution to stop the violence tearing apart the streets of Paris. Yeah, it's quite the departure from the team's previous game. Check out the teaser trailer above if you want to pair that description with a bit of tasty footage.

Are you interested in playing this next-gen RPG? Do you think it'll be a significant improvement on GreedFall? Avoid the robots in the comments below.
Comments 32
The concept is definitely...something, as expected from Spiders lol. Although now I'm interested on how the gameplay will workout. I liked Greedfall but the combat was not without faults.
They said they wanted to make it more action-based so I'm guessing this is heavily inspired by NieR Automata.
I think Spiders have always had interesting ideas for their games, it's just unfortunate that they've often come up short.
Will there be male hero chice too?
@djlard I don't think so, why?
@LiamCroft He only plays games with male protagonists, it's strange but if that's his thing good for him. Missing out on some amazing experiences with female characters!
@LiamCroft even though it was misspelled, the key word there was "choice". That's why.
@MightyDemon82 you're right about that. I'm ready for more Aloy myself.
@WexMajor Oh Hell Yes!
The music is so Westworld...
Spiders makes some interesting games. I still have to check out Greedfall but I’ve been hearing some good things.
@SoulsBourne128 Iv been wanting to try it. Think its worth full price?
That was weird teaser.spiders doing theyre thing.word up son
Loved GreedFall. This is on the list.
@djlard a female only protagonist is nothing new, plenty of games have them.
Hi there fellow gamers. This looks very promissing indeed. This studio has some great ideas for their games. And has for GreedFall, it was the rpg that I wanted Bioware to make. Interesting characters, really good quests and side quests. good dialogue and a quite interesting and fun combat mechanics. It is kinda low budget, as you can see in some areas of the game, but it is very much a good game to play. Recomended for rpg lovers. Cheers and happy gaming to us all
@LiamCroft Don't see the harm asking. Their previous game you could create your own Male/Female character.
Greedfall was pretty good so I'll be watching this one.
These guys deserve credit they make solid AA titles and aside from a lack of color to everything the games are excellent.
I hope the robots win.
Yeah, this looks pretty cool, I like the premise of alternative Paris with killer automatons.
Sweet, I'm in. I was worried they'd disband or switch gears after the acquisition.
Looks interesting
They make really good games for a double A budget. I think Sony could do worse than look to acquire them, or at least sign them on as a 2nd party and make joint titles.
Having played Bound by Flame, The Technomancer and Greedfall I hope this continues Spiders upwards trajectory, that trailer sure looks interesting!
@DukeLeto If you want to try Greedfall, I would say wait for a sale. I didn't complete it. it was okay but it felt a bit dated and buggy.
@MightyDemon82 Not so strictly. But if I have a choice I rather pick male. I'm used to it. Of course I've played females (Diablo, Darksiders 3, Detroit, AC Liberation, Final Fantasies, Tomb Raider, inFamous First Light etc. etc. etc.) but as I said before, I like stories where my knight saves princess. ☺️ I is hard to explain my feelings for games, fairytales, fantasies. @LiamCroft I rather play as male hero if I have a choice. ☺️
@East76landS I know, especially PS5 reveal was full of them, but if I have a choice, male is 100% (as same as if there are other choices I pick Knight 100% instead of Archer, Mage or Cleric)
@djlard that's fair enough, I just find that the knight rescuing the Princess is a tired trope, I'm surrounded by bad ass women IRL that don't need rescued. It's great to be able to play as so many these days that neither want or need a man!
@pushL7 thanks ill wait for a sale then, how was the story?
@MightyDemon82 Rescuing princess will never get old to me. ☺️ It has nothing to do with my opinion about women in real life, but when it comes to games, there is nothing better than mighy hero in full plate armor with ***** sword (or hooded thief with deadly daggers... or horned demon with fire sword... or reaper with scyte) 😀
edit: don't know why there are ***** instead of bas-tard sword.
So, post-renaissance period aristocrats fighting some automatons from days of yore? Sounds interesting.
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