It’s a big day for the Team in Green, but with Microsoft set to showcase third-party titles alongside first-party releases during an Xbox Series X showcase today, PlayStation fans should end up feasting as well. It’s unclear what the ratio will be between exclusives and multiformat titles, but we’re sure there’ll be a title or two destined for PlayStation 5 to quell your appetite.
Rumours, outside of Halo: Infinite, are surprisingly thin on the ground. We suspect Cyberpunk 2077 will put in an appearance considering marketing arrangements, but outside of that we’re struggling for educated guesses when it comes to third-party titles. The new Call of Duty seems overdue, but unless Sony’s ditched advertising rights, it’ll probably remain frosty for now.
Fortunately, you’ll be able to watch the entire thing unfold on our sister-site Pure Xbox; we know the colour scheme takes some getting used to, but they’re good eggs – aside from their unforgivable penchant for asymmetrical analogue sticks. We’ll also have any news or reaction relevant to PlayStation right here, so fasten your seat-belt and we’ll see you on the other side.
Comments 50
Something to look forward to, keep expectations low though.
Will there be any Series X gameplay? I'm curious to see what "next gen" looks like on the Series X. They need something of Ratchet and Clank caliber, not just pretty pictures, to impress. Putting new polish on the same old stuff won't cut it.
@lacerz There will be a lengthy Halo Infinite gameplay demo.
That will be worth seeing. Isn't it a SaaS title...similar to Destiny?
@lacerz that's supposed to be the focus, I'm mainly viewing this event as things I'll be playing on PC. There will be some current gen stuff, but I'd expect the majority to be next-gen focused.
If anyone has any ideas for third-party titles that might appear here, I'd really love to read your predictions. I'm honestly struggling to make predictions, and I'm usually quite good at these.
Think we'll see a couple of anime-style things.
Give me Elden Ring you can keep All the rest
@Hobbesyall I think that's been ruled out, sadly.
@get2sammyb since Elden Ring probably won't be there, I expect to see some Cyberpunk (excited !) and FIFA (don't care at all)
@get2sammyb Harry Potter RPG?
I might make an account at Pure Xbox and troll invade their live stream chat.
Wondering if we'll see some Far Cry 6 gameplay along with some Dying Light 2?
I'm honestly not entirely sure lol.
@get2sammyb today's the day we find out what rocksteady is up to. I feel it in me waters.
Plus I reckon Square Enix has been cooking something up. Maybe more info on that game they are developing with Platinum Games.
@Deadlyblack yeah I’d expect some far cry 6 time given their exclusivity deal for the next gen upgrade.
Beyond that I really don’t know.
C'mon man. PlayStation gamers have more class than that. Leave the trolling to the pathetic Xbox fans.
After all, Microsoft is likely to have a snoozefest on their hands if 'Halo and Power' is all they have going for them.
Give it a few hours and the Xbox fans would just embarrass themselves with no intervention required to sully our fanbase.
@MarcG420 isn't Farcry usually a PlayStation marketing deal?
I suspect we could see Dead Rising 5, which may have a timed exclusive deal.
Perhaps a new Tomb Raider, since it's been a while since Shadow.
New gameplay for Overwatch 2 on next gen consoles, maybe a bunch of games that will get patches for next gen that are already out.
Mainly I'm hoping for Microsoft Studios games and surprises.
I'll watch the event, might be interesting
@MrSec84 Not anymore PS ditched Ubisoft advertising dealings in favor of Bethesda so any future Ubisoft games will be advertisied on Xbox
@MrSec84 they have a next gen upgrade timed exclusive deal with them for Far Cry 6 so that why I think it could happen. 🤷♂️
Hey Push Square, might want to note the pre-show being hosted by Geoff Knighley. From my understanding that will be more focused on third-party titles and will have World Premieres.
@GADG3Tx87 I'm just joshing. I'll stick to trollin' on here.
@GADG3Tx87 How ironic.
Except I'm not going onto their streams to insult them am I? I'm just stating that Microsoft are unlikely to impress if all they have to show off their system is Halo. And given that they promise big and underdeliver all the time it's not wrong to make that assumption.
My comment is not trolling. And I didn't use any form of derogatory terminology as they do.
Now if you head over to their Twitter right now it's filled with 'pony this and pony that' comments. Even on this of all days they can't help but talk about PlayStation and insult it's fans despite that there are none of them there.
@ApostateMage you use the same account for push square Nintendo life and pure Xbox
I think they are going to have a great show to be honest! If there is anything that looks good, i will pick it up on my PC and if they have a great show, it will only (or at least should) spur Sony on to better efforts. It's a win for all!
@Ryall Oh those Nintendo kiddies are in for it now!
@GADG3Tx87 calm,down,i was just calling a spade ,a spade.
"It is ,what it is"-Ernesto Valverde.
A lot of 'world premiere' and 'exclusive' thingy no doubt
I hope,the definite edition of dragon quest ,includes all the extras that has been on switch.
Plus,hopes it also comes,to ps4,as a dlc for those,whom already bought the game.
I'm just waiting to see if they really did buy WB games, that would be a gut punch.
I just hope that both platforms will have amazing titles for next generation I am personally in a "be happy" team; no matter what you choose just enjoy & respect others.
One thing I won't understand is why xboxians cannot accept the fact that a console is not defined by tech specs or even great subscription...it's exclusives (X's 40m vs PS' 110m sold devices should be an eye opener but...) & in my opinion until Spencer & M$ will not sacrifice PC platform in order to develop titles only for XB they will not be as successful as Sony is
They cannot accept the PS5 specs to begin with haha
No seriously I think most gamers care more about the games and it's fine. Halo and co or Gow , uncharted and co. That will never change
@Arugula Xbox will show loads of old games from previous generations that will be playable on the new console and use it to claim ‘the biggest launch line up of any console’
Wow far out man 😒
The show is a disaster. Although they did brought more gameplay this time around, but still.
Stalker seems awesome tho.
I read this in another article and I wondered if anyone else has seen this and if things are still the same has this information changed Will I REALLY need a external hard drive ?
Sony has confirmed that the PS5 will be backwards compatible with your PS4 games. According to the Wired article, the next-gen console won't be a digital only machine, it'll still accept physical media, and because it's based on the PS4 architecture is will be backwards-compatible for PS4 games.
Now it's been confirmed that you can play PS4 games on PS5 straight off an external hard drive - so you might wanna start moving them all on over now.
There's no word on PS3, PS2 or older games as yet, but no doubt PlayStation Now will be making the move to PS5 too.
Xbox,is making it really hard for,me to consider switching over.
Come on,Xbox, i thought you would blow us away, and force sonys hand in certain area's(ahem,free online ,ahem 60fps,ahem,cheaper price point.)
@Kunfoostu thats exactly what they did 😂
The show was a 6/10 for me :/
Wow what a disaster ! Sony doesn't need to do anything, Microsoft is killing itself. RIP ^^
Man, this show was really disappointing. Traditionally, Sony had stories, Microsoft had hardware power.. but this time around, MS had nothing (all games shown were looking like current gen, with plastic unpolished movement, poor lighting, etc..)
Tuned in for Obsidian. Happy with what they're doing, but really disappointed with the rest of the show. With all the hoohaa over gameplay, I expected a lot more.
@MoorePs4 lol oh dear
How to win fans and influence people I think not....who in Xbox thought trying to palm off old content would win people over. I know people whine about backwards compatibility blah blah blah but that’s never gonna sell you 100 million plus consoles. It’s merely a bonus. People crave new experiences new ideas or old ideas done very well on new hardware. So I’m guessing we’ll be seeing Skyrim on the new Xbox then. That’s got to be a win in somebody’s book 🤣😂🤣
😂 destiny 2, tetris effect multiplayer thats free for ps4 owners as an upgrade. I was hoping to see next gen graphics, nothing did it for me, playstation has nothing to worry about in my opinion.
Just finished watching the Microsoft XSX event & while there were some nice gems, the overall feeling I got was lackluster. Now I'm not here to bash Xbox fans or anything of the sort, (I've owned every single Xbox to play certain games) I just think MS missed the mark. The PlayStation showcase from June was the caliber of show I was expecting from MS but it just paled in comparison. I'm ecstatic for the next generation of consoles, I'm blown away by everything I've seen from Sony PlayStation thus far and I was hoping for MS to wow me in the same way but they haven't yet. I hope as the summer drags on we will see MS show us why every damn tech website claims XSX the superior console, I haven't seen proof of that yet (I also don't believe it to be true as a slightly more powerful GPU won't make the gap as big as people claim). Anyway, happy gaming! 😉✌️
Me after the announcement of Legend of Dragoon.
@SurvivorGirl1 I guess not. If you've downloaded your games onto the hard drive then of course you'd need it, however, like you said, you have discs and it'll accept it so I guess its your choice.
I'm gonna do what Mark Cerny said and wait until either the market catches up to PS5's SSD speeds until I buy an external SSD or just get a proprietary one from Sony if they do that.
I think I had that on my ps3 you had to do button combos for your special moves. I’ll have to check it out.
After watching Halo's trailer I went and checked if it was for Series X or if it was for Xbox One..
That elevator ride with clouds and cliffs popping up and no shadows on the enemies are unacceptable on a launch trailer
@Kunfoostu Turnbased RPG on the PS1 for critical hits you had too push the button with perfect timing.
It was that long ago I just remember pushing a sequence of buttons for some special moves. I remember enjoying it at the time. I still have Suikoden 1 & 2 on disc loved them games. Ah memories
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