Update: The Last of Us 2's review bombing has continued following yesterday's shameful episode. The title has now attracted almost 30,000 ratings on Metacritic, with its score sitting at 3.5. That means the rating is moving in a more positive direction, although Naughty Dog vice president Neil Druckmann couldn't help but comment on the saga:
With more information about the game now being shared online, the discourse is only getting uglier. The leaks prior to the release led to some shameful assumptions about the storyline, which have since been dispelled. However, it seems that there's still a degree of bitterness surrounding the plot; Laura Bailey, for example, has had to comment that her character did not have sex with a mocapped Druckmann:
Yes, this is a real rumour that's somehow circulated online! Our recommendation? Get off the Internet and enjoy the bloody game.
Original Story: Would it really be a high profile, controversial release without some review bombing? Yes, some of the worst corners of the internet have once again taken to slating The Last of Us: Part II with extremely negative review scores based on leaks. At the time of writing, the game has a user score of just 3.4 following 24,403 "reviews".
We don't recommend you read any of them because they're stuffed full of the most vile discourse imaginable, but this was probably inevitable following some reactions to the leaks a while back. This is in stark contrast to the official Metascore of 95, garnered through people who have actually rolled credits on the game. If you'd like such an example, why not check out the 10/10 Push Square review? Editor Sammy Barker coined it the "developer's crowning achievement". Nice one, Naughty Dog. And if you're lucky enough to already be playing the game, check out our complete The Last of Us 2 guide.
[source metacritic.com]
Comments 471
I give it an idon'tknowbecauseihaven'tplayedityet/10
funny that they will use these false scores as "proof" that the game failed. let's just ignore the record sales and raving reviews from actuall reviewers.
let's all keep in mind that the people doing it are doing so because of racist and sexist reasons.
Hopefully those will be removed like when this happened to another game recently.
The biggest french website jeuxvideo.com is at 10.2/20 after 139 ratings, it's not as bad but still...
This was to be expected after the leaks anyway.
EDIT : IMDb 5.5/10 after 451 ratings
Sad sad people. Can't wait to put this on tonight, working at the moment, was watching TV last night then saw it was 11.59 watched the countdown clock going down, sad I know lol. Nearly put it on but thought better of it lol, going to get lost in this over the weekend
I definitely saw this coming. Review bombing from the fake outrage of Xbox fans.
Because, obviously. It launched a few hours ago and that's enough time to complete the game, get the full context of the story and cast an opinion, right?
Hopefully, metacritic will purge the obvious fake reviews.
I've said time and time again that you should have to link your PSN/Xbox/Steam accounts and only be able to review games that you've not only played but played a significant amount of. Otherwise that site is completely worthless
@GADG3Tx87 Most of the scores are about LGBT stuff being in the game.
Y'know, I've often wondered how they would verify genuine reviews through a purchase/play time. You've just come up with a fantastic method to do just that. I hope they implement your idea in future to put an end to this practice of 'review bombing'.
Currently playing the game, plus I knew a bit about the spoilers. But it still didn’t change the fact that so far I love the game.
And damn those graphics. I can’t wait to play it again if it gets a resolution boost via PS5.
@jdv95 Very true but let's not forget The Last Jedi had excellent reviews and it is terrible. The gap between the audience and the reviewers is immense. I myself don't read reviews. Nothing more usless than some random dudes opinion. Trailers and my own judgement has suited me well. I'm waiting for TLoU2 to be delivered. Fingers crossed its at least half as good as the original. 🤞
I have played just an hour of the game and it's already cleared, that no one was paid for high score, that game deserves it.
Come on postman, where you at?
I know this pain. I keep staring out the window waiting for him. 😂
Metacritic should purge the majority of these reviews. Clearly people cannot have played the game through yet. Its absolutely pathetic and frankly disturbing how people have behaved around this game. I just dont get it (i still dont get what the issue is - i have avoided most of the leaks, and we all knew ellie was lgbt from the left behind dlc). If that is all it is...who cares? Its 2020. Get with the times people. Grow up and start learning and caring about your fellow man or woman regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race etc.
The world is so messed up these days. Give me strength.
For those blaming xbox owners for the low user scores, i get the impression they are not to blame. Its a section of mysoginistic, sexist, sad individuals that need to grow up.
On another note, my copy arrived this morning and i cannot wait to get started!!
Scum bags
Just loading the game up now, day one patch down loading.
@GADG3Tx87 Mine has just been delivered, ordered through GAME so got a nice bag and some badges and keychain.
Going to start the lengthy download now!
Hope your copy is delivered soon mate.
@Rob_230 Agreed, this isn't just some fanboy nonsense. It's more than that. Enjoy the game, Rob!
Who cares about user reviews, someone gives a game 1 star because Amazon delayed delivery, how do you take a review like that seriously.
Thus far I'm spending a lot of time admiring the outstanding graphics and not actually progressing 😆
Looks like Nintendo every launch on Metacritic xD
@LiamCroft Thanks Liam. You too 😃 its not every day we get a new naughty dog game. A huge day!!
Guys, why are you even writing about this? Metacritic is a joke, as is any site that lets you post nonsense without verifying your identity. Don't give these idiots any more publicity, please. As for the game, It's a masterpiece. .. Can't stop thinking about the game when I'm not playing it, want to go back asap but can't...
@GADG3Tx87 It's just popped through the letterbox. Installing it now. I wish your postie haste.
There must be some really uptight people out there to jump all over a game like this, and sadly some of them will be grown men. I can only imagine how much more toxic things will become once goty season starts.
@TheArt yea Amazon reviews are a pain, I just try and read the good and bad reviews and try and make a judgement like that, for things I have no idea on anyways. Was on the other day searched ps5 just in case there was a sign up for pre order, there were 3 reviews on saying I'm from the future, it's just stupid there should be something stopping people reviewing stuff that aren't out and that people have not bought, and no reviews on my delivery was late lol
Good Lord. I saw this coming, but why?
@gollumb82 haha i was super jealous at midnight last night when i saw you playing on my friends list, knowing i'd have to wait till today. Really glad you are enjoying it!
Waiting for my amazon delivery and then I’ll judge it for myself. I haven’t read one spoiler or watched any gameplay footage.
I booked the day off work to play this, and I regret nothing. It's amazing. Absolutely brilliant.
Oddly, the most exciting part early on was when I paused it and entered the menu. It felt like a natural evolution of the menu in the original game. That was the moment I knew I was back that world.
I'm rooted to my couch until Sunday night.
@ApostateMage Im still waiting for mine to come through. I made the mistake of looking at the track and trace website which shows its not at my local delivery centre yet. I know the royal mail sites always a bit behind anyway and it will turn up but, man, i am sweating haha.
It'll be fine.....its gonna drop through aaaaaannny minute now.....definitely....
Of course it has because the sad manbaby f**ks who haven't played it have got nothing better to do. I hope it sells well and wins tons of GOTY awards just to spite them. I'm 5 hours in and while its early days i can say its been fantastic so far.
@Kirbyboy92 lets be honest though, if a game lasts around 30 hours and was only released in the last 12 or so hours, how many user 'reviews' arent going to be trolling?
Hey! Thanks man! The game is a masterpiece, but to be frank (and as Sammy pointed out in his review) I wouldn't say I'm enjoying it... The game is really dark and difficult to play through. That's all you'll get from me. PM me later, after you've played the first few hours.
I don't understand these people I have read reviews dated last year about the game I've not played it but plan to this weekend. Polygon released quite a good article about the game a few days ago which gives some interesting insights into the different reviews which is well worth a read.
@carlos82 User ratings on Metacritic are as purposeful as the dislike button on YouTube — not very purposeful. Publishers only care about the meta score since that's what's marketable.
Still waiting on the postie to deliver my copy, and hoping it hasn't gone walkabout and I don't have to wait another 10 days for Royal Mail to admit they 'lost' it.
Thank god I ignored spoilers on this game played it for about an hour now and it’s awesome.. fighting is amazing. Love it!
Anyone I’ve spoken with that has started playing has said this game is absolutely amazing and that the controls especially feel really fluid. My copy should be here soon and I can’t wait!
For some reason people take pride in wanting to ruin the game. I suppose the bigger the success the bigger the target from anti-fans.
I bet they were waiting with their "reviews" ready to copy and paste into the review section of Metacritic without playing the game probably. Stupid and pathetic if you ask me.
@Daleaf Definitely not sad! You've waited 7 years!
Whoever are giving this game 0 purely to try and ruin it are literally pathetic.
One guy gave it:
10/10 for visuals
7/10 for gameplay - said it was too hard at times - turn the difficulty down then you silly lad/las
0/10 for story simply because they wanted something different to happen, then maybe you should be the writer for the story- but you are not are you? - silly sod
this gave an overall rating of 0/10. I think someone needs to go back to school and learn how to take averages the silly sod
@gollumb82 absolutely 😃 will do!
About as shameful as you cretins in the media giving it glowing reviews based mostly on your political bias.
Some people just simply want to ruin it for others because it is a successful franchise. Half of these people probably don't even own a PS4. Id imagine some backwards folk are annoyed that the main character is lesbian too - oh the world we live in. - Honestly I think backward thinkers need to be left in the dirt to rot.
And here is one of those it seems....
we all know who gave this game a 0/10 on Metacritic. backwards thinker it seems.
Don't people have anything better to do with their lives? Even worse are those who believe they have some bizarre kind of ownership over characters & get to dictate what the actual creators themselves can & can't do with them. Its ridiculous & sad. They must live such happy lives🙄
I came to the thought that when you finish a game, the game generates a code that you could use, for example, with your phone, then a website could use that to verify that you had finished the game and what version. The code could be valid for a certain amount of time, say 20 minutes, then give you maybe a day to write the review or whatever (or maybe a couple of hours, being just user reviews). Then sites can have a verified filter or/and verified rating. Maybe even have a way to generate a code halfway through and it pops up in the not completed verified reviews (eg. verified 60% complete - main story only).
Or I guess the PlayStation Store ratings should be a good system too, because not too many people are going to buy the game to give it a bad rating, though you never know.
It's a pity that you can't write reviews on the PS Store after you buy it or play it. I guess you could still have a relative or friend that hated the game and hijacked your account, but hopefully that wouldn't happen too often.
The bombing is justified.
All you people berating us that are disappointed with it don't have a clue, because you haven't played it through yet. Those that stay away from the game have seen mostly all the cutscenes already and that's why we're disappointed. This has nothing to do with hate.
Of course if all the official media outlets say it's a masterpiece, everyone else is wrong. Sounds legit.
@Kdog No it's about destroying what made the first game great.
@Weebleman Plenty of streamers have already finished it "live".
All can get review bombed. I would look at the range of critic reviews and also take a look at user reviews as you can tell the review bombs apart from the sincere ones.
E.g. a few IGN outlets gave it a 7/10 - and they justified this well.
@DigaMecR10 I haven't reviewed the game. I wouldn't waste my time. The second the leaks hit it was obvious that any genuine criticism of this game would be met with cries of waaaacist and bigot. You're a lemming, proving exactly the point that others made. Throw in some progressive nonsense and you cretins can't help but get all excited over it
@Kafkaesque You're allowed your opinion, but don't go around calling people cretins. Have some respect at the very least.
@DigaMecR10 That some of us loved the first one and are disappointed because it's story is so vastly different to the first one, in quality, direction and execution doesn't cross your mind right? Everyone that disagrees with official opinions and narrative is a troll right?
I already expected this to happen because the Xbots and Anti-SJW folks had been threatening to review bomb TLOU2 on metacritic and they cowardly did.
Xbox One had already the lose the current console wars and review bombing TLOU2 won't win them anything other than prove how pathetic they are and the Anti-SJW gets triggered at everything that doesn't align with their beliefs.
I think it is best to play a game in order to review it. I dont really want to play the LoU2 at the moment as seems a bit too harrowing, so I just move on. Reminds me of the No Mans Sky outrage, I did buy that game and enjoy it, I felt a lot of the rage came from people who didn't have the game.
@IronMike I've found that if you want somewhat genuine impression about the quality of a game find some independent youtuber you agree upon your most favorite games and go from there, or watch reaction videos and read reddits to make up your mind. The most passionate and also critical opinions about any given form of entertainment will come from the fandom itself. So check out those forums and sites.
Not really. I have already completed the story as been playing it since launch minute... don't judge.
The review bombs are partly a knee jerk to the success and hype around the franchise. The story is not disappointing in the sense that it is bad but rather just sad. Regardless gameplay is top notch and art design adds to it. Even if the story does not interest you the gameplay will most likely cover you. The game does not warrant a 0/10 purely because you think the story is bad. It is the story of the game after all and I thought it was well fleshed out, justified and the whole theme was to flip the protagonist and antagonist theme on its head. It is a game about consequences of actions and how these perpetuate the never ending cycle of human hatred. - For me this was brilliant. All be it dark and at times almost too dark to be enjoyable. Overall for me the game is a 96/100.
the first game is possibbly my favourite game of all time - but this one...well there are a few things story wise i am a little concerned by but the main reason i'm not going to play it is the dogs - i cant kill even cgi dogs
@80sGamer So you know nothing about the story yet. We can all agree on that it looks and sounds great.
I have read a lot of reviews, from official sources and fan sources. I didn’t really like the original. I haven’t played this, sure there are negative views on LGBT stuff, but mostly the complaints I see are it’s, uncaring, repetitive, unnecessarily grim and the story doesn’t make sense. Gameplay is there as a vehicle to get you to next cut scene. I won’t play until it’s on discount as games on rails don’t really do it for me.
Giving a game a bad review because the story didn’t play out the way you would have liked? Unbelievable but as others have mentioned hardly surprising. Naughty Dog had to come up with a new story and not just have more of the same. I still can’t wait to play it.
@LiamCroft But calling people names that disagree with 10/10 is fine? Happens all over the place.
If you followed the leaks then it is pretty obvious you are a mindless sheep.
First off I make up my own mind, hence why I played it myself with some scepticism. Yes the story can be hard at times, but it is very well written and justified as such I cannot say it is a bad story just because I don't agree with some of the plot points. every action is in depth and every character has been constructed in a good way.
Gameplay is as good as the TLOU - if not better due to the expansion of it- although at times I find it forces some decisions upon you and can seem abit loose. But regardless the gameplay is solid and most importantly very fun.
@Scollurio The only way to know is to play it for yourself. If I had listened to most critics I would never have played Days Gone and missed out on a very good gaming experience.
Review bombing something you haven't even played yet? That's pretty sad mate. It's not going to affect anything either so ultimately it's utterly pointless.
I wouldn't say that.. slightly too defensive... whilst they do seem to be following sheep, they shouldn't be branded that way.
@Jammie96 haha thanks, yea it's been a long wait but the wait is nearly over only a few more hours to go now roll on 5pm, then lock my door and do not disturb until Monday sign on the door lol
@DigaMecR10 I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought that many dialogues were off and people sometimes acted "out of character" especially in the end. Also, that theme is as old as mankind itself. I don't disagree that it looks and sounds stellar, no question about it. But - especially this has no multiplayer yet - it's a pure singleplayer game many people come to experience the story. So if the story is nonsensical or badly executed and doesn't pay respect to what came before, many people who come solely for that are disappointed and rightly so. False advertising of ND didn't help either.
I said multiple times that if you don't mind the complete change in direction of the story the game itself can still be enjoyed, if you have a strong stomach. I wanted more of what made the first one special, so I'm disappointed.
And I'm sincerly happy for anyone who can enjoy it without the feeling of a gutpunch!
@LiamCroft that's fair. Name calling is childish. I simply don't appreciate being called a backwards thinker by a person who knows nothing about me. I'm gay, mixed race and my current partner is ftm. I'm tired of the idea perpetuated by the commenter and the likes of Neil Druckmann that anybody who has a problem with something that just so happens to include non straight characters is instantly a bigot. It's insulting. We do NOT all think the same and our identity is not a shield for people like Druckmann to virtue signal and ***** all over critics
@Killr-_ That's my impression as well. I didn't mind Ellie being a lesbian in the first game at all. It was handled delicately. Now in the second part, well... not so delicate.
Why don’t metacritc have a system that you can only sign up to leave reviews if use use your gamer tag and verify through Sony or Microsoft and to leave a review of a game you must have popped a trophy or achievement in that game
Can't wait to hear people's reactions after they finish the game lol.
@Alpine021 Imagine you enjoy How I Met Your Mother. You like it for what it is. Suddenly with a new season, a bomb explodes in New York and from there on out everyone is just looking out for themselves, no more friends, everything is bleak and horrible. What you liked about "the gang" is gone.
Similar thing here. That's why people are disappointed. Different story than expected? Fine. Complete disrespect to what came before? Not so good.
@JapaneseSonic no I'm one of those games who doesn't appreciate their identity being used as a shield to deflect criticism. You know nothing about me and prove my point. You are closed minded
Who even has the time and will to post a "review" on a game they've never played?
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk There should be a "50%" trophy/achievement in every game just for that purpose, so people have at least played half of it themselves.
That is a fair point. Although I would disagree with it deconstructing the first game as the ending was justified. The theme I took from it was on the cycle of hatred.
Either way, I understand why fans would be disappointed as I too am disappointed in the sense that the events were indeed sad but not disappointed at the game. I found that characters were an evolution of what came before and it was justified also.
I'm glad you have made your mind up and I do feel gutpunched in the sense of it being sad. Not gut punched with the feeling of wasting my money on the special edition.
I played for about 4 hours this morning and from what I’ve played it’s easily a 10/10 for me. Obviously that can change, but I don’t see this game not getting continuously better throughout it.
I can't imagine the kind of person who looks at a user reviewer 0/10 and thinks "better avoid that!"
If games are now scored based on story, why doesn't every multiplayer-only game get an instant 0? Story can factor in to enjoyment, but gameplay, mechanics and playability is the most important.
It's not up to you how a story is told, unless you wrote it. If the story contains elements that you don't agree with, voice those concerns but don't demand they change. Vote with your wallet. Review bombing does absolutely nothing, except make you look extremely childish.
I know there's going to be stuff in this one that I don't agree with, and I can perhaps see myself not replaying it as much as the first, but that's OK, because the first game hasn't gone anywhere. If I don't like it, I'll move on from the series and find something else. I don't like the new Final Fantasy games much, but that doesn't change my love for the old games, if anything, I appreciate them even more.
@IronMike I referred to the media. Not a person.
I don't think Ellie being a lesbian is a vehicle for criticism deflection at all. As, this is just her character. The themes that were leaked are seemingly untrue as in the game I never encountered any form of heavy political agenda pushing in the game. At least never any that mad me feel uncomfortable or that it was a plot driver as was leaked.
@Kafkaesque I always thought that the best way to not make everything about race, gender and sexual orientation is just to NOT make everything about race, gender and sexual orientation. I just don't care and frankly, I also believe that's of no one's business.
I also don't think that people like you want that kind of exposure. Most sane people just want to be left alone. The difference is, if I meet someone who has a sexual orientation that differs from mine, I don't care, because it's none of my business. They just happen to like something else. But if I play a game or watch a movie, and a fictional character has certain traits, I know someone put it there, deliberately, for a purpose and oftentimes, that purpose is only to put themselves on a podest, which I despise.
If it makes sense in the narrative, in the context of the story, I don't mind any characters skin color or sexual orientation.
My copy arrived this morning, without the guitar picks. Instant 0/10.
@DigaMecR10 paying attention to something and forming an opinion = mindless sheep? What planet are you on. It wasn't just the leaks that made up my mind. it was also Neil Druckmanns and the journos reactions to the backlash. It was naughty dog / Sony copyright striking any YouTubers who dared to discuss the leaks. It's called principles. Some people have them. Others don't.
I completely agree. There is a scoring system, but I think that all user sites should give "verified purchase/playtime" certificate similar to amazon. I wouldn't link gamertags as that could be a security issue. But, perhaps you have to valid a digital receipt or a save file in order to get this certificate. As in a save file with at least 5 hours of gameplay. As you only want opinions (reviews) from people who have gotten a good sense of the game.
I know that Metacritic does end up removing the review bombers but i still wish "customer" reviews are not able to go live until a week after a games release.
@DigaMecR10 It seems to have worked for you and thats all fine. Personally I was just enthralled by the magic of that Journey Joel and Ellie had together. Would have come back for more. A stern father figure like Joel is in my opinion what many of us would have needed right now, even if it's just fictionally.
I can't stomach nihilistic and bleak at the moment - got enough of that in the news already!
That said I hope you didn't take personal offense by our discussion, which I enjoyed as very fruitful.
@Scollurio for me TLOU 1 was the perfect way to represent LGBT characters. Gay characters were there and nobody gave a crap. It wasn't made a big deal. It was refreshing to see LGBT people just treat like regular people, rather than these "suffering" tropes.
@Panic_Attache If you bought it solely FOR the guitar picks (which would be insane, but still... ) that's a justified score!
@GADG3Tx87 as many have pointed out, this isn't xbox fanboys, this isn't a console war thing. Because 1) the console Fanboy wars don't exist like that anymore, and 2) there's a much larger culture war going on in the real world.
As a gamer I am happy sony stopped the leaks or tried to at least, as I was very disappointed when some fools youtube video game up on my recommendations with a blatant spoiler in the title. I would rather be disappointed myself rather than feeling disappointed because some fool has leaked it.
In regards to ND - im sure some of their practises such as crunching are very poor. But, All the poltical agenda pushing and harassment rumours i.e. being dubbed a homophobe for not agreeing are and have been proven completely false.... There was even a no-pay rumour going round yet they had paid every single employee whilst furloughing them.!...
Never have I associated Ellies suffering with her being lesbian....
This is never made apparent in the game.
@Kafkaesque Exactly my impression as well. That's what made Ellie so believable, loveable (in a fatherly way) even. The casual "oh by the way, that character just happens to be gay"-approach works much better, more authentically than "look, here, look, we've got a gay kiss, that means we're decent human beings. Look, have you seen it? It's stunning and brave!"-kind of approach!
Does it make you want to bite your fingers off
Welcome to the world in 2020. Hate is a big business.
This Forbes article has no plot descriptions or spoilers, just a summary of some very intelligent views and impressions from various game journalists who completed the game.
They make some compelling arguments that are worth reading.
Thank you for being genuine. No offense as this is a discussion after all.
I respect your views also.
I never thought that the lesbian rope was pushed for the sake of "look we have diversity" - although others can disagree.
@DigaMecR10 yeah totally agree I think the game looks great the only thing I think will bring it down in my eyes is that I don't think the story will be as good as the first one, I also think. Naughty dog should be commended for the accessibility options these seem to be overlooked slightly on some reviews
@DigaMecR10 yeah it's sad, to be honest I didn't really care about this game, then I saw the leaks and I'm definitely not interested now. But I don't see the point in review bombing games for the sake of it. This is ridiculous... Just ignore it and play something else.
@nathanSF Great article. Sums up my impressions and opinion about the game perfectly.
@DigaMecR10 No, not in this game, but in many others and movies too.
@Scollurio I was just being silly 😁
Also yes the world is an odd place at the moment. - with lots of hatred and it can be hard to stomach - but for me this is what makes a story genuine.
I agree that the story is not as grand as the first game and hence in regards to story it does not surpass it as there was something special about TLOU ---- It could have been left as the only entry and that would be fine..
In my opinion, whilst I do like the last of us part 2 and I am glad in a sad way that they did it for closure... I think a complete standalone entry about a character elsewhere in the world or even in other states would have been a better option.
Gameplay, accessibility and visuals all surpass the TLOU1 and is a true evolution though - I enjoyed it. It is hard to truly say which is better overall.... as they have very different themes (artistically speaking too at times).
Yes that is a fair and very agreeable viewpoint.
User scores should be kept to those who have played the game.
@JapaneseSonic I guess my main issue is the motivation behind the story. Neil Druckmann has made his political leanings very clear. His reaction to people disliking this direction is also kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. When you go into making something with the idea that you're going to "own the bigots" by including LGBT characters etc, then it becomes agenda pushing imo. Once that becomes the perception then people who ordinarily have no issue with LGBT characters get annoyed at what the see as pandering. My own personal issue with the game has little to do with the game itself and more to do with the attitude surrounding it. I see people like Druckmann use people like myself to signal about how wonderfully virtuous they are. I see so many people in current times using our identities to service their own ego and standing. It bothers me. I'm not sure I've explained myself well here, but I appreciate you asking me the question and apologise for my original nasty attitude.
Internets are fun
I apologise if I offended you in any way with calling you a sheep but you did call me a lemming...
I understand your viewpoints but I too should not be a shill for agreeing that the game is very good. I also should not be reprimanded for wanting all user reviews to have some form of mediation and moderation to them - as in you should only be allowed to give a review if you have played the game as this is entirely fair. I do not want someone potentially ruining my view of the game simply because they don't like the look of it, but have not played it. This goes true for every single game out there.
@TrueAssassin86x Only when they don’t fit said persons agenda.
@Kafkaesque i hope you understand that leaking a work in progress is a felony..also trying to monetize in youtube from a felony isn't good practice either..
Haters gonna hate.
I will find out if I like the game today.
Shameful is right. Naughty Dog sank countless thousands of hours of blood, sweat, and tears into this game. To be review-bombed like this is just sad and so undeserved. The people giving the bad reviews likely have not played the game at all, and are just haters who have decided based on supposed leaks, that they hate the game. I really hope Metacritic does something about this.
@DigaMecR10 big thumbs up for use of the phrase "silly sod"...not heard that for years 🤣🤣👍
@DigaMecR10 Yep, I'd have enjoyed a completely different set of people more as well I guess, then this story would've been easier to gut as well. Maybe have Joel or Ellie as Cameo in a cliffhanger ending hinting at Part III... building a TLOU universe.
But no I guess.
I agree that the game is a disappointment in the story department but I don’t think the game is a 0/10, but in this case I trust more the users reviews than the critics reviews they just go a little extreme with a zero
Im trying to minimise my use of bad language and sod sounds equally as sadistic as much worse words. te-he-he.
@zebric21 leaking sure. Discussing it is not against the law. Also the YouTubers being striked, many didn't even include a shred of the leaked footage.
Be quiet, just play the game and there will be no need for review bombing...
@DigaMecR10 you're right and I apologize. It's a maddening issue for me, but there was no need to insult. Its counter productive.
Oh dear, you sound a mixture of bitter and angry Liam.
In your opinion, what is shameful is despite your obvious fawning, some people are disagreeing with you...almost as if your purpose is questionable.
You fail time and again to be objective and you cannot STAND that people might disagree with your opinion.
“We don’t recommend you read...” - it isn’t your place to recommend what anyone reads. You sound dangerously in favour of censoring what people might read or hear.
I can understand you’re angry that access journalists are being recognised for what they are, but try and mask your obvious hate - extremely unprofessional.
Yes that was my hope for the franchise ideally. As I think the TLOU franchise has now become too controversial to continue it as a TLOU3 would just spark toxic attitudes in both departments.
I am hoping ND work on something slightly brighter in akin to the TLOU. I am slightly fed up of the "let us make a game that will tear out your heart every second" approach and would prefer a game with abit more light. If TLOU3 did launch and it was OTT dark then I think it will damage the game as it wouldn't be justified anymore.
I have to agree with you here. Reviewers should be level headed.
I think there is a serious problem with reviews in general, I’m waiting for the game to arrive still but I’m expecting a solid 7 or 8, sounds like the gameplay is good but the story has issues. The problem is the world sees everything black and white so it’s either a 0 or a 10 which seems crazy.
There was a time I was looking forward to this game, but the conclusion of TLOU was so perfect, I don’t particularly want to debase that feeling with what appears to be a controversial effort on their part. I’ll wait and see, maybe once a spoiler thread gets up and running here on PS, I can see how bad it is.
@Kirbyboy92 fair do's
@GenevieveD Thanks for creating an account purely to post that, enjoy the site!
I understand your attitude and I am not offended in the slightest.
There does seem to be a developing trope and theme of entertainment taking on these themes in order to be viewed as diverse or suggest struggle... When really a character should be a character whether the character be gay, bisexual etc etc etc - and this can be fleshed out of course - but it shoudlnt be the selling point in sake of diversity. Yes diversity can be a great thing to aim for in entertainment, but it doesn't need to be explicitly spoken and briefed. At the end of the day Maggie who lives down a hypothetical street could be homosexual, bisexual heterosexual or whatever but she is still a Human and still likely makes a banging cup of tea with a smile on her face -
I think entertainment needs to stop perpetuating this. Although I do feel as though TLOU2 doesn't do this - as I never felt it was a plot driver - and the kiss was a kiss, I didn't think twice about - although I could be ignorant here.
I’d think you sound a bit paranoid but my mind did go to “attacking people who don’t agree with your 10/10?” So who knows. But I’d expect there is so vile nonsense on there because it’s the internet. I sometimes wonder if we’d be better if it wasn’t invented.
Okay, now why the hell would they review bomb this game? I can understand when people review bomb something because it's a platform exclusive that they feel could go on other platforms, but aside from that, I fail to see why people feel the need to review bomb something like this. Is it the spoilers about the plot to those who are attached to the first game's protagonists? Is it the queer protagonist offensive to the homophobes?
@JapaneseSonic I get what you say but I don't get that representation thing. The "oh that dude is the same race/gender like me, now I can identify with him, it's like I am the hero"-thing I left behind before I hit elementary school.
I can identify with well written characters, regardless of color/attitude/orientation. I can't be alone can I?
Yeah of course. However it's just as much a Metacritic issue as it is an emotional response from the masses.
It's strange that those aggregate sites just allow anyone to post; if they had some way to link their PSN, gamertag, Steam ID or something.
I get it. The leaks that have come out, and continue to come out are pretty horrible, but at least play the game before you give an opinion on the game. Having opinions on the leaks are fine, even not wanting to spend your hard earned money on something containing those leaks is fine.
But 0/10? Really? Nah. Come on now.
Hi, I only now made an account in order to post on this in defence of moderated and mediated user scores. I have been following Push Square since 2012.
I think as a reviewer all views should be taken into account - I completely agree with the stupidity of review bombing, but there may be a genuine user who genuinely justifies a 2/10 score for example.
No hate here. Your comment does come across as defensive - but perhaps rightly so as you are part of Push square.
@Robinsad If you want an action game to crap your pants to, it's easily 7 or 8. If you want a good story in the tradtion of the first game, it's easily a 0. It all depends on your expectations.
Imagine you go have a burger thats the best burger in the world. But it has cucumber in it which you can't stomach. Also there's no way to order it without. That burger, while technically fine, is an instant 0/10 for you.
I suppose with a burger you could pick the cucumber out. Abit hard to do that to game code though haha.
I noticed the more recent reviews have been more critical of the game. Might wait for a sale & I saw two of the spoilers too so yeah...
X box never have a games that game of the year.playstation have so many.them fanboys of x box are jealous haha and pc.could it be Nintendo also.last of us 2 is doing really amazing.word up son
@playstation1995 I can hardly understand what you say but Xbox, PC, nor Nintendo are responsible. The reviews are coming from disappointed fans who loves the first game & people who want Neil to quit pushing agendas.
4 hours in I cannot comment other than the graphics, but I can tell what they are going for as it's made very clear what type of story they are going for. So far it's good I'm liking it, unlocked a trophy "Tinkerer" definitely playing again on Survival difficulty.
Man some people are just pathetic, I'll read this comment section (and twitter and youtube review comment section) after I finish tlou 2 lol 😂
@DigaMecR10 Haha, I wonder if someone will mod in a character swap for a certain part of the game further down the line!
@wiiware You mean after TLOU2 finishes YOU! lol
@Scollurio it’s an interesting take but I guess I’m going to have to judge for myself when Amazon turn up. If this is how late a pre order arrives I don’t think I’ll be using them to order ps5.
Unfortunately it’s ones of those things where if you don’t like it it doesn’t matter as you have already bought and contributed to success. Maybe trade in will be an indication though.
@playstation1995 did you learn to write on a smartphone?!
@Robinsad Yeah, that's why the infos about the leaks are spreading like wildfire, as people who are accused of being trolls want to spare other fans of the first game the disappointment.
@JapaneseSonic my main issue is Druckmanns attitude would suggest it's exactly the latter. Not just his reaction to the initial reaction to the leaks, but things he's said for years. He strikes me as a cynical actor, using LGBT people for self aggrandisement and I take huge issue with that.
It's interesting how all the people defending this game are only a few hours in. Wait till the end. Also not liking this game doesn't make anyone a bigot or a sexist or a racist. I gave this game a 0/10 because it's badly written and has clear political undertones that has compromised the narrative and characters. Also unlike the first game which treated Elle being a lesbian as just a part of her character this falls into the pitfall of most modern entertainment of treating non-white non-straight people as circus clowns. Instead of well written people we get badly written circus acts just so individuals, groups, businesses etc can advertise themselves as being liberal and sympathetic. Like how black lives only mattered after George Floyd but before that companies were fine saying nothing. Part II is a very good but overrated game but is crushed by utterly awful writing.
On a side note, I’ve seen mention that Sony’s recent censorship spree hasn’t applied to this game? Any chance of a balanced story on this as I have a feeling a lot will be using it for various agendas. It does sound a bit like first party can do what they want but third have to think of the children though.
I’ve just started it but got to go work in a min I’m still nervous about everything after seeing some of the game, I get the feeling I’m going to like it but it will be not as good as the first.
@Kidfried See, that's already happening, with the activism in the world right now it's not far now that we will be burning books of white authors in the streets.
All of this is *****, in both ways.
I still don't get it. Growing up I loved the old chinese Kung Fu movies with Jackie Chan and all the other fellas I still can't pronounce. I watched Transformers and loved Sailor Moon. Also I loved early comedies with Eddie Murphie and later with that guy that partnered up with Chackie Chan for Rush Hour (sorry can't remember his name right now).
I am not black, not asian, not an animated cartoon robot and not a japanese girl. Yet I never felt exkluded. I just enjoyed good wholesome fun. That's all and that's my point.
Create quality content beyond agenda pushing (in all media) and it will have it's fans, regardless of their skin color or whatnot.
Again it sounds like kindergarden to me when watching some sort of media with people different to myself in any way shape or form I just can't imagine how a sane person above the age of 5 would go "OOH, they're all different to me, they have more/less hair, other skin color, boobs/no boobs - I feel excluded now, they should all be like me!"
If you think about it this way, the issue about representation isn't the media itself (you can't please everyone, you can't have every minority of every sort represented anyway) but the way how people are raised.
If you feel exkluded and uncomfortable watching a show with people of a different skin color than you, probably YOU are the racist...
Xbox fan boys with no games ?😂
@Kidfried I know you're joking, but It wouldn't be nearly as effective as the other way around. There are waaaaay more heterosexual people than not.
Honestly this is a case of the system being flawed. Aggregate sites in general are pretty terrible when it comes verification. They're not changing it though, because it drums up clicks.
I think the problem is the internet has trained people into binary Opinions of either the Greatest or Worst, Yes or No, Left or Right, PS or XB. There is no shades of grey. And being of one opinion means they think they should right any opinion that isn’t theirs.
For me TLOU isn’t the sort of game I play, so I have no opinion of it. But if I was interested in it, I would find the opinion of one or two reviewers that like the sort of games I like to inform my opinion.
@Kidfried Whilst I agree that some people feel excluded, it also happens to white, straight males. I've been called a girl for having long hair, I've been told I'm not manly for being sensitive and of a slim build, for example.
People also start to take it too far, and vilify us because we are what we are, and try and push that LGBT is what we should all be. There's trying to be included, and then there's excluding everyone else.
Just like you can argue there isn't enough representation, I can make the argument that it isn't exactly one-sided. I'm definitely not saying that everyone does this, but not everyone is trying to exclude you.
Oh sure it's the "trolls" that are doing it, not disgruntled fans and gamers who hated what they witnessed and showing their displeasure of it.
Got to keep the narrative going.
The game so far is brilliant, just play it and if you dont want to then dont end of story it's just a game at the end of the day, I dont take any notice of all the idiots there is a lot more to life than bloody bashing eachouther about a computer game some people need to get a life
@80sGamer Thank you, I'm glad with ANY impressions you share. Even though it's a weird concept to me, not playing a game for the story (if it's something else than Mario Kart - which I love)
I don't know what's so scumbaggy about people sharing their opinions. They are as legitimate as the commercial reviews, if not more because they are not under publisher pressure.
When making a purchase decision i ponder them all.
This always happens with big releases, it's just crazy the amount of hate the game has garnered by people that haven't even played it.
Judging by comments I’ve seen recently and the viscosity of those from Xbox fanboys im starting to think MS have got an astroturfing campaign going at the moment.
It feels like paid shills are everywhere on the internet at the moment, especially for the PS5 reveal and launches like TLOU2. This review bombing could just be an extension of that...
Oh wow. Need popcorn everyone.
What s amazing is we all know user reviews from meta are BS. Articles about 'bombing' reviews are so irrelevant but good for traffic I guess. Let's cry about it then
Even review scores are irrelevant for me anyway.
Alright then. Carry on everyone 😃
@TheDude89 I am 14 hours in and I completely disagree on everything you said.
I don’t feel any agenda, any political undertones.
All characters feel completely natural in der own “diverse” way. Nothing feels forced to push any agenda in your face.
And I am a white male caucasian, who likes his manly self very much.
It’s a very simple thing for me. If I can just exchange female lesbian with male hetero or whatever else and it feels like it would work out the exact same way, then they did a good job making it feel natural. And this is the case in TLoU. It would all work exactly the same way if we simply exchange characters with different genders and religions and gender preferences. Because it simply feels as natural as anything else out there. So I think they did a great job at it.
@Deadlyblack This is not true!
Spider-Man was not bombed - https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/marvels-spider-man
God of War was not bombed - https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/god-of-war
RDR2 was not bombed - https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/red-dead-redemp...
So maybe there is a reason TLOU2 is. Just saying.
Why was The Last Jedi awful? What did you think about Force Awakens and Rise of Skywalker relatively?
For simply enjoying TLOU2, people are being threatened, harassed, told to kill themselves and that they deserve to be raped. Called racial slurs, religious slurs, homophobic slurs, transphobic slurs. Really? This is how people treat people?
I’ve been told to kill myself several times on Twitter for posting screenshots and talking about how much I’m enjoying it.
So True !
From what I've seen of the game, I'll just say this - the game's "tribute" to Crash Bandicoot is a far, far cry from the beautiful homage we've seen in Uncharted.
@Cloud39472 Critic reviews are also useless because the reviewers don't even finish the games.
The infamous video comes to mind about a game journalist/critic that could not finish the tutorial of Cuphead.
Those people just write what they have been told to.
So both reviews are useless.
Of course the article recommends not reading the bad reviews. Cause then you won't know about the actual complaints that people have other than the story. The user review score is still not right because people keep giving it 10/10 to "balance" the review bombing.
@Scollurio the point on the article isn't saying people aren't entitled to their opinions or it is wrong to like the game. What's it pointing out is that there are hundreds, if not thousands of people "reviewing" a game they haven't even played and have no intention of doing so and if nothing else, that is disingenuous.
In saying that, for anyone to have played the game and scored the game zero is facile or indicates the only scale of measure available to that person is zero or ten and that person is not capable of proper or fair judgement.
@RPE83 The Force Awakens while being a rehash of New Hope was a solid jumping off point. It introduced some good new characters in Ray and Finn and reintroduced us to the original characters we loved. Rise of Skywalker was a ***** show, but it had no chance. Trying to fix all the errors of TLJ and tie up the saga in one movie was never going to happen. The three movies should have had one director with a coherent vision not the ***** we got.
@Daleaf Yea and it's not just Amazon, everywhere. But Metacritic's are the worst because most of the scores has NOTHING to do with the actual game.
@Scollurio did you learn how to be a psycho.wtf you talking about dog.🤔😴😱😳😒.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word ☝ up son
So many words written by some that have no interest in this game. Interesting.
Just play what you want and the rest of us will be busy playing The Last Of Us Part II.
Only a few hours in and already I'm impressed. Has a real RDR2 feel to it, another quite divisive game in many ways. If TLoU 2 ends up being anywhere near as good as Red Dead then I'm in for a treat!
@Akurusu i was just saying that a lot of x box fanboys are upset this game is doing good.x box never had a game of the year before.and they are jealous.the last of us 2 is a masterpiece and some pc.nintendo.and x box fanboys are jealous.simple as that.playa.word upson
Why do people even do this?! Are you this much a fan of a console that the success of the other console makes you upset? I’ve never reviewed an Xbox game because I’ve never played one. The last XBOX game I’ve played is Gears 2 and I loved it. Last Switch game is Breath Of The Wild and I loved it. What’s wrong with people?!
@AhmadSumadi I asked the same thing and so far nobody has answered me. From what I'm reading in the comments, it's not Nintendo, Xbox, or PC fanboys, it appears to be people who don't like the direction of the story and what happens to the characters, meaning it's a lot of people who loved the first game and hate that this is not what their idea of the sequel should be.
@starbuck2212 TLJ is the best of the new series. The other 2 are fan service that are too chicken to do anything new. ROS is by far the worst of the 3.
Wow this thread... I don't see the point of review bombing because of this. A review is supposed to be a well rounded opinon of a game. I think, given what I have read, that it would be next to impossible to objectively give TLOU2 a 0. That would have to mean the graphics, sound, gameplay, story etc. were all utterly unplayable. What it seems to be is that some people don't like the story for whatever reason.
That's fine - you do you and sure, if you were going to review you would knock some points off of it it you thought the story was bad. If enough people thought that, meta critic would take that into account and while critically well received, it might have a lower user score. That is the entire point of meta critic.
Bombing it is just juvenile - I didn't like something as much as someone else, i am going to give it a ridiculous score to show my disapproval. I love TLOU and like any fan, I'm worried the story won't go in a direction I like. I may not like the story of this game.
@Panic_Attache you haven't missed much. Very cheap plastic (dont really seem fit for purpose). It is actually less plastic tat to have lying around your home 😅
@Severian that’s true. And I don’t understand why those things trigger people the way they do. I know a guy who loves lesbian porn but hates this game because the main character is a lesbian. Double standards I guess. But the world is at odds with everything right now. The Internet multiples the nonsense x1000.
@Zuljaras I'm actually surprised Spidey wasn't review bombed after the whole puddle gate shenanigans lol.
@Deadlyblack Crazy how blindly people defend it without knowing about the leaks... that have all been confirmed.
@Cloud39472 If leaving a negative review about something you care about qualifies people to be cretins and trash human beings you should re-evaluate your world-view.
I agree dont listen anyone who played it will fully say its a great game, anyway down to personal preference.
@hi_drnick I get where you're coming from, but I also get the disappointed fans. If you're going into part II with the expectation to have a similar narrative and chemistry between Joel and Ellie like in the first game and this the sole reason you came, it's easy to see it as a 0/10 if that expectation is not only not met, but utterly destroyed.
Also, neither me or you can judge how many of those reviewers know how much about the game or have actually played it, but the same goes for the many weird-english-language 10/10 user reviews.
To me personally the most disgraceful thing about it all was Sony's/ND's reaction to youtubers merely talking about the leaks (and not showing any artwork or footage) and how the trailers were made to look like you could expect the game to be like the first part in certain aspects when now that it's released it's clear that it's not and the the trailers were a forgery.
@Grimwood I think I just met him. How can a game be objectively the best when all opinions the reviews are based on are subjective? Also, why is Trump so dumb, can you name three things without "orange man bad" and anything you read on CNN? Is your opinion even YOURS?
Because, obviously. It launched a few hours ago and that's enough time to complete the game, get the full context of the story and cast an opinion, right?
This is the same for the good reviews too, so they must be fake too?
Yeah, bit weird this.
A review from someone who has not played through the game is totally meaningless. Period. Watching a stream or spoilers are counted in that. No offence to anyone intended.
Reviewing a game based on watching someone else playing the game is like reviewing a rollercoaster after watching a stream of someone riding it - meaningless. Games are interactive and meant to be experienced fully and first hand, in my view.
@playstation1995 Enlightening.
@Cloud39472 Same goes for 10/10 then?
@MidoDaDon That lady from IGN explains this. A 10/10 doesn't mean everything is perfect. It's more like a "most recommended buy" thing from the one person that reviewed it. While I can see this argument I still don't see how this is a 10/10 then, as it can't be "highly recommended to everyone" in that sense. It shouldn't be highly recommended to fans of the first one, without a major hint at the change in narrative and it should also be made much clearer HOW violent this thing really is. But that's just me.
@MidoDaDon D'oh.
A 10/10 doesn't mean a perfect game. How old are you?!
I'd give both RDR2 and The Witcher 3 10/10 but I don't consider either to be 100% perfect, indeed perfection is rather quite dull.
And on Pride month as well. Sad, sad people.
Touche, and quite right. So far I'm enjoying what little I've played.
Just had a discussion on Twitter with someone who hasn't played it yet claims you don't need to play it or see the end to know it's a bad game.
I stand by what I said though, the majority of those 'reviews' are clearly false. These people planned to leave these comments the moment it went live for them to do so and had no Intention of playing the game.
It's the age we live in, outrage for the sake of outrage. With a little bit of platform politics mixed in. It's really sad.
@Scollurio an 8 or 9 is most recommended buy for most people,
it is like getting a 10/10 on an exam while you made couple of mistake but because your hand writing is nice you will get full mark. I am not saying the game is not worth buying I only say it does not deserve a 10/10 (all games as well)
@N1ceDreams Jesus H Christ.
eh who gives a hoot about metacritic that site went to dog **** longtime ago...
may be someone should make game about it circle of salt, how we are getting salty about them review bombs who are salty about game for obvious reasons hence it goes on... circle of salt.. hey i am on to something may be i should pitch it for part 3 salt of druckmann & co.. its just salt nothing else. Tommy Wiseau in TLOU part 3 as salt...
@Scollurio Mate, you're obsessed.
I still have 4 hours until I can start playing =(
I would say all reviews are fake so fare. There are a lot of fans which just rate 100% whenever there is something playstation related (PS5 logo, really?) on the the other hand a lot also rate 0% when they see it.
But there are also people who just don't like it and rate it bad, but in the eyes of many fans that can't be real, I mean its playstation and ND
@Kdog so fragile minded idiots then? Gotcha.
@nessisonett I don't have the impression that this has anything to do with people being disappointed.
@H4ilHydra Hey I'd buy that!
@Murray Let us know what you think once you're in the second half of the game!
@Col_McCafferty I am 31 thanks for asking.
Yet a 10/10 is a perfect score which means it is "Flawless". you can look up the definition of the word on google if you want.
@Scollurio this is silly. A game doesn’t deserve 0/10 because it’s different then the first. What about technical prowess? That’s basing the game on how it is relative to the first, a seven year old game. To put it in context, it’s like review bombing Cap America: Civil War because it doesn’t have the same Cap/Iron Man relationship as the Avengers. Come on. People who rate it 0/10 because it’s different is the silliest thing I’ve read today.
@Paranoimia That sucks im lucky enough to have a car and a store at 15 minutes who sells the Special Editions and everything gladly pay a few € extra too keep them around. 😃👍
Even if I'm not interested in TLoU yet (first part is waiting in backlog) and a few weeks bored by milions of articles about it here, won't judge it till I play it.
But backlash is never dying. For example look at Agony or Overlord : Fellowship of Evil... briliant games ruined by reviews.
@djlard I just fear without having played and loved the first part yet, you'll miss out on much of the themes people are so disappointed about. But looking at it that way, it's maybe the better thing you can do - TLOU will feel like Mario Sunshine after TLOU II, if you decide to still play it then!
Yes keep glossing over poor writing by calling people bigots, that always works.
@Orochilocka I see what you mean. But imagine watching Cap. America and Ironman movie, and suddenly something in the core of the movie changes so drastically it's not the same anymore.
@Col_McCafferty Why so? Because I'm discussing a franchise I'm passionate about? Isn't that why we all are here? Besides, I'm interested in other people's takes on the matter.
@Cloud39472 Falling back on insults again? Classy. It's people like you why people of differing opinions can't have a human like discussion again these days.
That will take some time, I'm not the fastest with play throughs
@jdv95 truer words were never said my friend
@Murray Hope you like it!
Now we know why Joel did what he did at the end of the first game. 😆
@Kafkaesque Im interested do play GTA or COD or Fallout i hope not otherwise your full of it.
Sorry could not resist.
@Cloud39472 So much hate. I don't mind a different adventure, I thought I'd have it with the characters I grew to love though. What I expect from you? Adult behaviour. Nothing more, don't worry.
@Scollurio same thing to be honest my friend. Doesn’t make it a 0/10 - and depends on factors that are more nuanced than one thing happening. I can’t judge this one because I’ve not played it, and I tried the first part - couldn’t get into it. That was a few weeks ago though when it was free on PS+. I had no intention of playing this game, but was happy people were excited about it. But, I just watched a few episodes of a let’s play and honestly stopped it and bought the game immediately - because there was one scene that blew me away, and I don’t even know the characters. And yeah I appreciate the irony of one thing not making a review - but it was that which made me decide I have to experience this. And I’ll be happy either way, whether it’s a 1/10 or 10/10, it’s my decision to try it out. What I won’t do is bomb a review site for it because what does that achieve except making gaming culture look so very toxic? Surely the correct procedure is to open a dialogue with the devs, ask for reasonings behind their decisions, rather than giving a 0/10 on meta critic which will inevitably be deleted. If you like, or if you’re interested, I’d be happy to share my thoughts after 5/10/15 etc hours of gameplay, coming from a completely unbiased POV. I don’t know why you’d want that but hey, just trying to help.
@Flaming_Kaiser no, I don't.
Metacritic is obsolete.
@Orochilocka Thank you, I'd love that!
@Cloud39472 All is good. We can kindly disagree. I'd love to hear your take on it once you're further in. I've watched a friend play 5 hours or so, and watched another 10 hours of gameplay/cutscenes and plenty of reviews. So you know, where I'm coming from. If I ticked you off, I also apologize.
I've been playing non stop for the past 4 hours and I gotta say...it's the best videogame I've ever played so far. The actors, the world, the amount of crazy details, the graphics, the way less tankier controls...it's just perfect! People that review bomb this game have a really tiny brain or were dropped when they were born for sure.
I don’t understand any of this. Clearly this is not a 0 out of 10 game - TLOU2 is definitely being targeted by a large number of very sad and bitter individuals. If you have played the game and not enjoyed it, fair enough but at least be adult enough to attribute it with a fair and representative score.
@TheArt well I nearly waited a full day before buying it 😂
@Scollurio your point is understood but if a disappointed fan awarded a game 0/10 primarily because it didn't meet their expectations, I would still consider that to be churlish and petulant.
Case in point, I "waited" something like 18 years to play Shenmue III and I was somewhat disappointed with the way it turned out and thought the ending was somewhat cheap. However, despite my disappointment I would still rate the game a 6/10 as I enjoyed parts of it, it was still definably Shenmue and even in my disappointment, I refuse to disregard the work of hundreds of people over many years and reduce their effort to a zero.
@hi_drnick - well put
Playing the game now.
8 hours in and its definitely really far from a 10/10 for me.
@hi_drnick exactly, I've played 1000's of games and not one has ever been a zero, not even Fallout 76 (I did think about it though)
I didn't realize this was a "controversial release."
@Cloud39472. Are you enjoying it so far.i know the graphics are amazing.are you playing it on the ps4 pro.word up son
I own a xbox one x and use it for all my multiplatform games, use my ps4 for exclusives only, i am now about 2 hours into the last of us part 2 and i am really enjoying it, so far it deserves the high ratings, and these people who are review bombing, really need to get a life.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L sorry didn't realize, will edit!
Gotta say as a person who’s been playing it every moment I can right now this game doesn’t deserve the hate it’s getting mostly from people who haven’t even played the game.
End of the day it’s not going to matter at all. Metacritic is going to remove the review bombers, the game is still going sell ridiculously well, still going to be remembered as a masterpiece and these haters will have accomplished nothing but to have wasted their own and a lot of other peoples time needlessly.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L If anything is ruind, I'll make sure it's not because of me tripping over some words!
I sincerely hope you enjoy it!
@Scollurio it’s a date.
A 10/10 game is not flawless. Name one game you consider a 10/10 and I can pick it apart in seconds. A 10/10 game is merely the best a game can be, but in the end is entirely subjective. For me Final Fantasy VII is a 10/10, but I know MANY people would disagree.
Review-bombing a game simply because a game is not what you expected is legitimately stupid. Take the game for what it IS, not what you wanted it to be.
@carlos82 I KNEW IT!! 😆 Told you you won't be able to resist when the hype sets in. Myself I tried to find excuses to pick it up later but after the crazy reviews, I gave up and pre-ordered yesterday afternoon just in time to play at night.
@TheArt haha to be honest it was as much the idiots blindly giving it zero's that swung me as much as anything else. So they can be safe in the knowledge that they've contributed to even further sales 😂
The Laymen Gaming YouTube channel just tweeted and made me laugh - “shout out to all the speed runners who were able to finish TLOU part 2 in around an hour and post your review score” 🤣
@LiamCroft What a butthurt reflection; just because you disagree with reviewers doesn't make them bigoted in any way. From what I've read so far people are saying that they loved the first game but due to bad story writing and horrible character arc, they hate this second part.
@Cloud39472. 😄 hahaha.thanks man.thats cool you play as joel for couple minutes.i dont mind that.i say word up son because im a black man from new york city.thats highly influence by old school rap music.thats the way we talk in new york.from nas.wu tang clan.eric b and rakim.mobb deep.onyx.kool g rap.black moon.epmd.public enemy.etc.haha.thanks for the response.much respect to you.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word ☝ up son👍
@N1ceDreams your opinions are facts of course!
@playstation1995 props for being up on New York rap. I was the biggest NY rap fan in Florida in my high school days. 1996-2000. Dude gave me guff for rockin’ Air Ones because they were “New York shoes”. Then Nelly drops the single and they all follow suit. Nas, Wu, and Mobb still get heavy play from me. ✊🏾
10/10 doesn’t mean “flawless”. It means it’s classical and remarkable. No game is flawless but there are many 10/10 games.
I have no doubt that there are people out there that have genuine concerns and criticisms on the game but let's face it the majority that are review bombing it are haters pure and simple. Why? Well for one they won't have played or finished the game as it literally came out today and theirs not enough hours in the day to have finished it so they won't have complete understanding of everything.
All it's doing is spreading such toxic negativity against the people who spent years trying to make the best game they possibly could. It also will make creators unwilling to take risks in the future due to the constant fear of a severe backlash (Death Stranding was another example) but yet these same people will shout up when "every game is the same or safe".
People like Alanha Pearce refuse to stream it anymore because of the harassment. Website InsertCoin might even pull their TLOU2 clothing line for the same reason.
These people are making the gaming industry and community worse based some "noble crusade" because ultimately they don't it like when a game has LBGTA+ characters or they hate hearing about the fate of some characters. You aren't showing Naughty Dog or the community any valuable criticism. You are screaming into the void and all your getting is condemnation and mockery, and rightly so. Because every time something comes along that you don't like or agree with you burn it at the stake, you want to butcher it within an inch of it's life because just saying "it's not for me but I hope others enjoy it" is too hard. No you want everyone to know that you don't like it and you want others that do to change their mind.
Well news flash...it never works and never has. All your doing is making people think your a hater and nothing will change their view point.
@AhmadSumadi 1996 is one of my favorite years ever. Nas it was written classic.lost boyz is from queens ny.just like ll cool j and run dmc.man rap music sucks now.1980s and 1990s was the best.word up son
Everyone and their mother knows this game is a solid 5/10 - the most statistically likely score considering I haven't played the game. And while I am putting arbitrary numbers to designate the quality of a thing, I give this comment section an astounding perfect 10 out of 10 score, which yes - you guessed it - means you are all perfect. Just kidding, a lot of you need to find Jesus. And if you disagree with me, you voted for [insert politician], and I give you a 0/10 score as a human being.
That's how we communicate in this society now right? God bless America.
@TheNewButler yup. I'd suggest refraining from reading any comment section. You're bound to lose hope for humanity no matter what. I know I have. Over and over again.
@TheNewButler well said!
@AdamNovice the same people who call others Snowflakes. The irony doesn't get stronger than that.
@Scollurio Of course I'll play part1 first. I think I have also ps3 version on disc somewhere (my psx, ps2 and ps3 games are packed, because we were rebuilding flat) but I also have remastered on ps4 (from ps plus). ☺️
@Kdog even though there's gay people in real life
I've reconsidered and I rate this game 2 out of 5 smeckles. I reduced it one smeckle because that one part where Ellie has to choose who she loves more - the sexually ambiguous vampire Edward or the shirtless werewolf Jacob. Everyone knows Jacob had better prospects and pectoral muscles and she should have chosen him. Totally unrealistic.
I'll be heading over to Metacritic to input my score, as I'm sure they are waiting on my useless, unsolicited opinion to be added to the gelatinous mush that is the internet so we can get a final verdict on this puppy.
So, if games journalists give it good reviews that must mean it's awesome right? Well, I personally won't bother with this game. Storyline seems riduclous and is probably pushing some kind of agenda. Don't care about race or sexuality of characters as much as the plot being stupid, thanks.
@playstation1995 favorite 5 emcees? Note that I didn’t say “top 5” because that’s a whole different can o’ worms.
Mine: Nas, Black Thought, Ghostface, Talib Kweli, Kenn Starr
Honorable mention: Elzhi
@Scollurio If you go out of your way too spoil others their fun you are a ***hole. If you go in a trailersection, Facebook random sites and drop spoilers you are a ***hole. I known 1000 % of the these people are sad. If i dont like a movie im not waiting outside the movie theater too tell the ending because i had issues with it. If you are decent guy or girl you just suck it up and let others make up their own minds about that.
So if you are one those i people who spoil it for others i think you are a

Ah yes the good old people don't like this game because it is controversial article made by someone that does not want to loose their job..
Nevermind the copy / paste missions, nevermind the sloppy character development and how they used the original characters not in a way that would develope them further.. but in a way that just ends them and makes our opinion on the last of us 2 characters mean nothing.
This isn't some "o no she is dating a female" response, this aren't fans disliking a game that has a gay character, we knew since the first game that Ellie was gay, the game was still amazing tho, this is about TLOU 2 not improving upon anything and instead using the surprise factor as the main conduct to shock players and give them some sort of emotion, Ellie had weaknesses, Joel had weaknesses they were soft and vulnerable in some ways, now it looks like they do nothing wrong, they are bland characters who have no personality further than the fact that they are strong independent people with no weaknesses and double standards in every god damn mission, , the graphics are not a step up, the character development is a step down, the music is okay I guess, the combat is repetitive this is NOT a good game , i found a critic in metacritic that defined it pretty well:
"Poorly written, the old characters are completely uncharacterized, the new ones are awful, the motivations are bad, and the end is horrible. Yeah, vengeance is bad, what a groundbreaking BS. ND surrendered to a agenda, it could make a good game with that, but they submitted so badly to this, that they forgot to write the game. Yeah, Naughty Dog, named it right: The Last of Us, the Last Game from Us."
@Flaming_Kaiser Why insult me, I didn't post any spoilers.
@dorko ah, yes. Another speed runner.
@JohnnyShoulder wait did they remove reviews for another game? What game?
@carlos82 Lol those MC user comments never get read by me, if I have to I sometimes like Amazon's user reviews instead, apart from the occasional 1 star review because delivery was delayed or packaging was bad which I ignore cause it's got nothing to do with the game.
@jdv95 Idiots think everyone disliking this game are doing it because of "sexism". You may as well say "Russians" if you use that little of your brain. We're disliking it because of the level of disrespect paid to the characters we loved. We hate this game because it makes part one a pointless endeavor. Wake up you virtue signaler.
I don't own a playstation so I can't tell you. But if i did, i would've say no. The spoilers during the whole thing just turned me and most likely others off.
But whether you enjoy the game or not, leaks or no leaks. There's one thing we can all agree.
Naughty Dog's behavior to the whole thing was appalling.
From Sony, Naughty Dog and co. from deleting youtube videos and most likely their accounts to anything regarding Last of us part 2, cutting off twitter accounts because of twitter spoiler images and memes regarding the Last of us part 2. Though the former may be justified. And Neil Druckman's behavior during all of this.
They could've just stay quiet during the whole thing letting it blow over or if the need to cancel stuff arises, they could handled this like adults and more or less say. "Sorry, but we don't want you to post images/videos/spoilers of this game just yet."
Instead they pulled a Streisand effect and magnified their actions for themselves.
I'm deeply ashamed of Naughty Dog to show off cowardice, lies and bully tactics like that upon this 20+ year studio and this will most likely follow them forever.
Bigot sandwich...
I recon its the best game i have played in a long time
Couldn't care about reviews from anybody else other than officials ect. One's opinion is of no interest to me, but let's just say it's a miracle I found time to write this cause I'm ready to play this artwork.
Why should you let yourself down from a game based on others opinions. I've learnt that when I was a kid. My philosophy in life, cause most humans young & old are still not wise.
@playstation1995 See this is the problem with the PlayStation community. Any kind of negativity towards PlayStation is blamed on other fanbases instead of accepting that not every PlayStation fan is happy with what they’ve been given.
@Scollurio not quite 5 hours in, but I’m 3 or so. And have to say, this is one technically incredible game. I haven’t played the first one but watched a let’s play a few years ago or so. Then played it while it was free on PS+ and decided it wasn’t for me. But something about this has game has got its hooks in deep. There’s so much mystery around a lot of aspects. I learned today that people are upset about ‘sjw stuff’, of which I had to google to find out what the meaning really was. And that seemed really silly to me, so if it was a male protagonist in a heterosexual relationship, they’d be happy? Quite a bizarre thing to get in the way of your enjoyment of a game. Anyway, I don’t see that as an inhibitor. So onto the things that actually matter. Graphically, this is superb. I do wonder if a PS5 version is on the way (perhaps inevitable?) and would be interested for a comparison video. The combat is, without sounding too brazen, chunky. You can feel every strike - is this a Naughty Dog trait? Because if so, I think I’ve missed out over the years. It all marrys up with impressive and crunchy sound design. Oh for clarity; this is my first Naughty Dog game and my only complaint so far is the linearity at the moment - but even then, if it’s a trait of the genre then I’m happy to be handheld as long as the story keeps pace to make up for the lack of real decision making. Still, this is too early to judge - but the story beats feel so consequential, my jaw dropped at one scene. Sure you know which one. But even then; the lingering impact and aftermath bounces along with such pacing and confidence that you get wrapped up in the rhythm of it and feel ready to press on and get the job done. I’m quietly optimist about this, there’s a lot of nuance about various things but I want to play more to formulate a real opinion - like, craft benches as a mechanic, will fast travel be a thing? Will you need to backtrack? Missables? But as always, super interested to hear how other people are finding it so far. I’ll do a little check in at 10 hours.
@Orochilocka Thank you for your impressions mate! The SJW stuff might bother some, but Ellie was always gay and that was fine, because she was a well realized character, delicately written. During the course of the first game the player would bond A LOT with Joel and Ellie, if you missed out on that you will not be quite able to understand why people are so upset. It was something special between them.
I agree with you about graphics, sounds, combat (even though it didn't advance much from the first game, but it was good already back then). The jaw dropping scene is what upset most people. Because it's so unexpected and the trailers made it look like... uhm... like that scene didn't or couldn't happen. Also it seems like it was unneccessary cruel. But that's of course subjective.
PS5 version will come for sure, was the same with the first game, came out at the end of PS3 era, PS4 remaster not too long afterwards. The first game also was quite linear, personally I didn't mind the "guided narrative" - quite to the contrary, I always get bored in games like Skyrim, retrieving some meaningless heirloom of some frogfaced NPC for the umptienth time or being distracted from the main quest for too long, I actually forget what everythign was about!
I'm glad you're enjoying it though. Taken on it's own TLOU II has it's qualities, just for many who fell in love with the intricacies of the first one it fell short of what made it special in the first place. I know what's coming next for you and I am really curious how you will stomach it all and if you can keep engaged with the combat and narrative until the end!
Happily looking forwards your next update!
G'night mate!
@Akurusu I fear that's the thing with every kind of community and/or sport club anywhere in the world. People love to get into each others face for whatever they have an interest in.
@Dynamq What's the difference between an "official" and a "fan" opinion then?
@Captain_Toad 100% agreed.
@playstation1995 90s rap was the educational era, where lyrics actually thought. Wu tang were everywhere. Agree that almost all music in all genre is not the same as before, but I'm still down with killah priest. That rocket to nebula be on the same heavy mental, telling stories rather than talking bout how rich and blings dem got ect
@carlos82 That's a great idea!!!
@Scollurio not much at all, but you can atleast lean more towards officials because there are thousands of fans and everyone will have different opinions on things. You'd never read every single one so that's really my point.
It is wise to have an opinion, but unwise to talk about it because it leads to a debate of differences. I hate to argue, but love to teach. To all fans I wish you the best and enjoy what you love, but don't hate all spread it to the world...
I don't know how any of you can be defending this game, i dont care about the politcs in it, but if it had good writing and good plot developments without plotholes, then i would totally fine with.
This is another example of the last jedi, im going to end it with this.
If the story is not on-par with the rest of the game, then the whole game gets ruined because the story is the foundation, the motivation to play around with all the mechanics.
It's not just things in the game happening, but the character themselves don't act like themselves, or their character progression is tainted, and this is a good reason not to buy this game.
@GADG3Tx87 lol you're kidding right? The plot is complete trash.
@jdv95 Funny that you think that because it's really all of us that think Naughty Dog ***** the plot up hardcore.
@Kdog No it isn't, it's about how ***** the plot it is. It's like they gave up.
@Andriessuper You must be used to playing with *****.
It's not been a good month for the Haters this month
Nope. I'm deadly serious. I've been playing all day and enjoying the hell out of it. The story is actually really good.
The only people complaining are the thin skinned snowflakes.
I'm not into review bombing but I can understand anybody who legit doesn't like this story. Not very far along so maybe it improves but I saw the leaks and somehow with context certain things are worse than I expected. And that's disappointing because I love the story in TLoU 1, hell it motivated me to keep playing even through some of the extremely slow parts.
@IronMike The PlayStation store is definitely not any better for finding reviews than metacritic. The last of us 2 and final fantasy 7 had over 3k 5 star reviews from the moment they were out there. Ghosts of Tsushima currently sits at over 1100 5 star reviews between both versions, cyberpunk 2077 with 1500, even Madden and FIFA 21 have them.
Of course if it's not the official access media score it doesn't count!!! Need I mention that TLOU 1 has a 9.2 from user's? Maybe, just maybe, consumer's opinions matter, I think.
I have not bought the game yet because I still want to make sure there won’t be a PS5 remaster I got to pay for separately, but this kind of [bleep] makes me want to order the game right now, give the money to Sony twice if I mist, just to spite all these intolerant cavemen that keep on yapping and barking about “plot holes” and the like.
Seriously, can’t believe anyone would try to defend this review booming with such lazy excuses for their own lack of humanity.
This game is a 6/10 and that's just because of technical proficiency. Nothing about it is new or innovative. And the writing is crap.
@Arct1c76 There are tons of great games out there with little to no emphasis on story and they’re amazing because of the gameplay. I guarantee you people will quit a game with bad gameplay with nice story before they quit a game with bad story and good gameplay.
@Dynamq killah priest is cool.az still making music.onyx.rocknees monster.mysonne is amazing.word up son
Yeah It's really uncool all those false 10/10 score being posted on Metacritic, glad metacritic stepped in and deleted those false bot reviews so the score went down to a relatively more accurate 3.2.
@Cornaboyzzz it's a trash game period
@Ichiban yes lol....ruin the entire ***** story,destroy everything and alas at the end say....it is the owner's property so they can make whatever they want...well of course it is😂😂😂😂who want's this horrible mess of a creation...trash shold be kept by the one who creates it
@Octane How about a imgivingita3becausneildruckmanhatesandhasruinedhisownbelovedcharacters/10?
@LiamCroft You're a hyprocite you can call people what ever you want. Your bias ansd selective outrage is obvious. I'm tired of people like you using minorities, females and The LGBT community to show the world how virtues you are.
I feel sorry for the pathetic babies that do this kind of thing.
@Kafkaesque translation “I have a problem with gay people and are too gutless to actually say it”
People like you are the problem.
Watch all the basement dwellers rant about how including gay people in games is some kind of affront to their lives/political conspiracy.
When I read their comments I always imagine Eric Cartman throwing a tantrum.
@4therepublic yeah ok buddy you’re not fooling anyone. Your use of “virtue signaler” is a handy indication we can all use to filter you out.
I've literally just signed up to voice my concern over this article.
Not going to comment on the game, but Liam you need to review your techniques as a report. You have broken so many rules for being a good reporter with this article. So much so I will likely now stop using this website in any meaningful way. Don't worry you aren't the only reporter making this mistake right now, but please make a stand and change.
The metacritic down voters were expressing their opinion and if you read them, some actually articulate their reasons well. Regardless of if anyone agrees with them it is vital that you allow them to express their opinions. Freedom of speech is incredibly important to avoid Tyrants and bullies having the ability to take control.
Liam, your articles sub-line is "Shameful" and reading the article it's obvious you have a political and social stance. You have used your power as a reporter to push your own opinion. Your duty as a reporter is to protect the freedom of your users to have their own opinion. To do this you need to remain impartial.
When games, movies and tv shows have now entirely become about pushing agendas and propaganda I think it is fine for people to use tools like Metacritic to protest their concerns.
From what I've read into peoples comments it appears this games has pushed it's agenda at the cost of good story telling. I don't see how you can then judge them for pushing their own agendas in their metacritic comments.
Liam as a professional reporter, please stay impartial and don't give in to pushing your own agenda through the articles you write.
I hope in the future you learn from the mistakes you made, when writing this article.
I may visit occasionally to see if you have progressed, good luck.
@Arnna barking up the wrong tree and completely proving my point. I'm gay and mixed race, dear. Anything else you'd like to accuse me of? It is in fact people like YOU who are the problem!
@Gcn64U smh.... what agenda? There is no agenda. You’re basically hiding behind a wall of text because you disagree with homosexuality.
News flash buddy, gay people exist, women can be lead characters, art reflects the world around us.
Progressive changes in society cannot be attributed to simply ‘an agenda’ - that is some seriously flawed thinking.
Then you have the nerve to hide behind the ‘journalistic ethics’ smokescreen that was used to bully hundreds of female reporters over the years.
People like you are nothing but cowards who hide behind petty arguments in order to push your narrow view of the world.
If you had any balls you’d come out and say what you really mean.
I feel pity towards you.
The last of us was a great game purely for the characters & how they developed over the game without that it would've just been another post apocalyptic Zombie game , the last of us 2 craps on those characters that's why people hate it.
@Kafkaesque I can’t help you with your self loathing or dubious political views.
@SaikoWaifu2003 yeah I completely agree.
The COD games especially are full of right wing and jingoistic propaganda.
Games have had political statements from both conservative and liberal sides for ages.
The conservatives suddenly forget this when something as innocuous as gay people being real triggers them into a fit.
I thin the most common reason for all the hate that I can see is people are being made to play a charachter they have no interest in playing. It's Metal Gear Solid 2 all over again.
@Daleaf is not sad people, is fans like me that feel betrayed when you crap all over your beloved characters because of some sjw agenda, hope you enjoy it more that I did
@Darth_Stofi the outrage comes from after halfway through the game, first half is great, second half is dogshit
Review bombing???? Why because ND pulled a Disney Star Wars and forgot that people knew the original characters? No one was pushed forward emotionally if anything Ellie is a huge *****. While they WANT you to feel for Abby your thinking why would anyone live with this poison so long. My father died of cancer when I was 19. He found out the day before my wedding. I didn't grow up hating cancer and begrudging every survivor. Who in the world does that? Yet people are stroking this dudes huge ego this games narrative is pure trash!
Yeah, its impossible that people didn't like it.
This is no Schindler's List. Its The Last Jedi.
4 hours after the game launched there was over 5000 negative reviews on metacritic.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂.
Exactly this is so ridiculous.. giving the game a 0 but the graphics and gameplay are over 8 and just because the story doesn’t fit with them they simply crash it.. it’s pathetic..
Can’t wait to play the game! So i can tell my self if i like it or not!
They are trying to make it seem that it's because of the LGBTQ+ support.. it has nothing to do with that, it has to do with a complete ***** story, they saw the success of The Last Of Us and now they are trying to milk it inventing a story full of nonsense. they should have waited for 10 years more until they have something worthy of presenting.
@STong726 Or you can play it for yourself. I've played around 4 hours, and I'm not triggered yet. It's a blast so far.
No spoilers please.
@JapaneseSonic Again I don‘t care about other people’s sexuality - as long as it’s not harmful to anyone involved - the folks wanting to make everything less racist and less sexist are the biggest sexists and racists themselves. I just simply don’t care whom you like to do how in your spare time or if you sit down or stand when peeing, or throw a cartwheel. There’s plenty of female, gay, mixed race heroes in fiction like Videogames and movies. If the story/gameplay is good - it’s good. I’d the Game or movie is trash, it’s trash and sometimes it happens to have a female/mixed race/gay hero and sometimes not. People are not special - either way - based on their mingling habits. Every single time a work of fiction succeeds or fails it has to do with the quality of it - not with the race or sexual orientation of its protagonists. But far left people like to use it as an excuse for a monetary failure over and over again. This is actually quite dishonest and NOT serving the gay community ok any way. And now please leave me alone accusing me of homophobia when the only phobia I have is „ruining-games-I-used-to-love-by-complete-disrespect-to-legacy-characters“- phobia!
@jmac1686 trolls, incels, racists, homophobes, ultra right conservatives, jerks - sadly they are everywhere online.
They would never say this stuff in real life. Shows what sort of people they are really.
@Bagshot gamergate.
@Bagshot you need to read comments properly. I said people hid behind journalistic ethics as a ‘reason’ for behaving like toxic a**holes.
@Canella yeah ok.....
People like you are acting like the story is the worst thing in history. Have you ever actually experienced a game narrative that is actually horse s***? Because there are 1000s of examples far worst than TLOU 2.
But please continue with the ridiculous hyperbole if it aligns with whatever bias you have.
@Scollurio so a minority of gamers don’t like the direction the narrative took and that justifies review bombing 0/10 scores?
Do you realise how stupid you sound?
Of course it’s not actually about the story it’s about sad little men on the internet hating people for no reason.
@Bagshot having ‘opinions’ that are about oppressing and subjugating and hating sections of society are quite frankly repugnant.
Wrap it up however you want but that’s what it boils down to.
One section of society spend all their time trying to make life s*** for others because their way of life doesn’t conform to some narrow world view.
The rest of us are interested in tolerance and empathy and acceptance.
Don’t worry, I want the same thing. It will happen, but progress takes a while. The type of people who make toxic homophobic comments or misogynistic garbage are in the minority and history will show them to be the myopic losers they are.
Isn't it a bit irresponsible to encourage users not to seek a different opinion?
Many reviews there are probably biased. But then again, so is Push Square's Review. I ask again, How can a game get 10/10 when the backlash received is clear, when folks like IGN Japan clearly illustrated faults with the story?
As Journalists you have the responsibility in being impartial in your writing.
As a massive fan of last of us 2, im still waiting on whether to buy it or not, but:
> Seeing sites like this mount a campaign of damage control
> independent reviewrs receiving law suits
> People who don't like it being branded as phobes, is not helping.
If the only ''''issue'''' about this game would have been a lesbian or a transexual, I would have cared the equivalent of 0. But it isn't.
To anyone reading this comment, I recommend you use your brain. Go to metacritic, do not let 'journalists' dictate your freedom of thought and DO read the opinions for yourselves.
You will see that ''they're stuffed full of the most vile discourse imaginable'' is not exactly true. Yes you will see fake comments, yes you will see hate speech but you are smarter than that, you are there for the reviews.
I'm so tired of gender politics being forced down my throat at every turn, I loved the first game because it was truly genuine a father losing his daughter but in a way gaining a new one in Ellie but the second game is such a departure from the first that it feels alien to me. Like it was made souly for sjws and not everybody even knowing going woke would burn this game, it truly bothers me what our world is turning into especially when the game has a guy screwing a trans dude. It's not stunning or brave it's disgusting and the absolutely depressing ending in an already depressing world was a complete wasted opportunity to put some light back into the world talk about a boring slog all for a garbage end to what could of been so amazing.
@Extercast why even reveal anything about the ending? I had another guy who was kissed at the game totally scream out a spoiler just because he wanted to ruin it for everyone because he’s mad at it. Makes no sense to me.
@AhmadSumadi trying to save people from wasting there time but to be fair I edited my comment so as not to spoil the end for those who actually want to play this mess.
@DotM the article isn't suggesting that you shouldn't seek out other reviews, there are a lot of disgusting things written out there and at times that site is a waste of space anyway. There aren't even going to be many genuine player reviews that quickly as the game hasn't been available long enough for so many to have played it
You're here claiming the review on this site is biased with absolutely nothing to base that on but then again you're a huge fan of a game you haven't even played. I'm only a couple of hours in but unless the game is fundamentally broken at some point, anyone giving this less than 6 is talking out of their arse let alone the plenty of nutters giving it a 0.
@Jmcman6104 It was for Death Stranding, I just googled it.
"We don't recommend you read any of them because they're stuffed full of the most vile discourse imaginable"
Where is the editorial responsibility in saying something like that?
Open Metacritic now, and start reading. I'll pick one for you. Comment #32 if ordered by helpfulness.
"Disappointed to say the least. This is a proof that graphics don't mean much."
150 of 179 users found this helpful
What's wrong with that comment?
I would like to point out to you that you should not listen to the excuse that the game hasn't been available for long enough. The game was released on the 19th. I personally have 2 friends who got it on the 17th through a common shop. Please don't fall for this.
Yes I believe the review on this site, as many others, is biased. You simply cannot say that it is a 10/10. It's impossible.
Is 0/10 impossible? Of course! The game isn't just about the story. (Read above). The game is a masterpiece I really want to witness (in terms of graphics)
<<I'm only a couple of hours in but unless the game is fundamentally broken at some point,>>
I see you have not finished it yet. So I will not comment.
<<but then again you're a huge fan of a game you haven't even played.>>
Indeed, and I will play it. which is why i do not have a rating for the game just yet. I simply will not give Naughty dog my money because of reasons I will happily explain when you finish I don't want to spoil your experience.
So unlike Animal Crossing, this one's ALREADY lower than Big Rigs. Like I said before, the only thing fandoms manage to discredit into oblivion here is the very tool they abuse, not the target.
@Arnna Not sure if homophobes and misogynists are the minority, especially in the video game community, but one thing's certain: They're loud as hell.
@Bagshot "But it also needs to be more tolerant of opposing views and opinions"
Disagreeing on whether or not pineapple on pizza is good is one thing. Disagreeing on whether trans people should be alive is another. It's not a matter of difference of opinion any more.
No, I will tolerate a person who believes that slavery is a good thing and respect their opinion. Some opinions have no place in civilized societies.
@Bagshot Nope. Not strawman at all. I specifically disagreed with the exact part I quoted. You can't dismiss something abhorrent as just a difference of opinion. Not when it comes to serious matters and human lives.
It's a bad franchise.
@Arnna self loathing? Hahaha wow
@kiki3400 While it's true people were annoyed by that, MGS2 still has a 96 critic score and 8.8 user score. People also didn't rate down GTA San Andreas, Half Life Alyx, or The Walking Dead for "forcing" you to play as a black (or mixed race) character, nor did Tomb Raider, Code Veronica or Alien Isolation get review bombed for "forcing" you to play as a woman. No one accused FFVII of forced diversity for Barret, or any fighting game of the same for having an international cast. There is more to this.
@Matroska Yup. A few years ago people didn't scream SJWs!!!! every time they saw a black or LGBT+ character.
@verynaughtyboy I say that based on history. The media has a habit of falling all over themselves to praise something that's "progressive" and dismissing all criticism as bigotry. That's why I dislike people like Druckmann. I believe he uses people like myself as a shield for his own ego trip.
@kiki3400. In metal gear 2.i had no problem playing as raiden.word up son
@naruball Half Life Alyx, which I mentioned in that post, is a very recent game in which you play as a part black, part Asian woman and no one minded at all, they love the character. HZD didn't have a backlash for playing as a woman and that was released very much in the era of "X is being forced down my throat". Same with Senua's Sacrifice. People actually complained that the cast of FFXV was all male. FFVII Remake has a flamboyant gay/pansexual/whatever guy perform a camp dance number with Cloud before telling him he's in love with him, putting him in a pretty dress and telling him "true beauty comes from within and is a thing to which notions of gender don't apply" and people love it. It's often not as simple as we lefties like to make out.
I watched some gameplay on YouTube and I don’t think I saw a single positive comment. Everything was negative so I don’t think it’s all review bombing, a lot of people gave it a chance and are regretting it.
I think ND went too far with the agenda, after the first trailer of Ellie kissing that girl I lost interest and after the leaks I decided not to buy it, video games are meant to be an escape, we don’t need such heavy PC kind of stuff in a game. I will admit that ND were very brave with this and you gotta give them credit for trying something this crazy but judging from all the people talking it seems to have missed the mark, it may have had record sales but I also feel like they have lost a decent amount of fans.
This has got to be a record for the number of comments on a Push Square article. It's just a shame that it's full of negative opinions.
I fundamentally agree with, there is no way it can be a 0 and anything less than six is wrong. But I don’t see it as a ten, and I feel it probably picks up extra points for its politics which I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong for that. People who see it see the ridiculous 10/10 though and decide to try and balance it with their own ridiculous score. Reviews are broken on all fronts. They probably need to be broken down more, score for graphics, score for sound, score for gameplay, score for story etc maybe that would be fairer? Something needs to change or we will see more and more of this.
@Scollurio Ellie wasn't always a lesbian, in fact, that only happened because Neil consulted Anita when he was doing the DLC. But that's not even the problem: the story is a mess.
@Matroska Most are not very good examples, in my opinion.
Male gamers never had an issue with female protagonists, especially if they were hot and white. It's no coincidence that most are redheads (i.e. what most guys find attractive). As a matter of fact, I never said anything about women, but talked specifically about Black and LGBT+ protagonists.
There was huge backlash when the DLC of TLoU came out and it was revealed that Ellie was gay. So, they do have issues with LGBT+ characters, hence why they're so rare in video games and when they're present, creators are accused of pushing an agenda.
The example from FFVIIR doesn't work, because it's a remake, not a new game and not an important character. It's not like one of the four guys in FFXV was gay. Now that would have been an issue.
As for Half Life Alyx, I have no idea, since I know close to nothing about the game, other than its existence, so I can't comment on it.
@ALH "Ellie wasn't always a lesbian, in fact, that only happened because Neil consulted Anita when he was doing the DLC"
A source would be nice.
@Janeo99 "I watched some gameplay on YouTube and I don’t think I saw a single positive comment. Everything was negative so I don’t think it’s all review bombing, a lot of people gave it a chance and are regretting it."
OR! People who actually bought the game are too busy enjoying it, while haters, who have no interest in ever buying it, have plenty of time to trash it everywhere they can.
@Robinsad yeah I'm not necessarily saying its a 10 or will be for everyone, I'm about 5 hours in so far so can't judge it as a whole. Visually its fantastic with a few minor blemishes and a couple of odd animations, overall it generally looks stunning. Gameplay wise it seems to be a step up from the original so far and its far too early for me to judge the story, I have seen most of the leaks but they're still largely without context as I'm playing and so far I have no real complaints.
As for review scores we used to have them broken down in and i quite liked that but then you have Eurogamer who have dropped them but still have problems if one game is recommended and another isn't
@Arnna Ah there she is, the internet's most polite and intelligent person. Your urge to attack people that don't fit your opinion just shows everyone around you your true color. So much hate yet it's people like you that call others haters.
I don't like the direction of the game. Many others also dislike it. So what now? Nothing. Opinions voiced. Calm down.
@ALH I don't care one way or another. No one's special because of the bodily openings they prefer to explore. What's next? Categorizing people by the face they make while taking a dump?
It's none of anyones business and Ellie was a well written character, heck if she was in love with a pet dog I wouldn't have cared if the game (the first one) otherwise stayed the same.
@Arnna I see your acceptance and tolerance towards people that disagree with you right there. Stunning and brave, really. You know what people like you just don't get?
a) everyone's opressed in one way or another
b) opressing the opressor doesn't solve the problem of opression
It's so simple really. If you despise the behavior of a minority of people (and it IS the minority) of a society you shouldn't fight them by employing the exact same behavior. It's a lesson well socialized children learn in kindergarden really. Or with their parents. If they are still around.
There is no "reverse-ISM" - let's hate on straight white males so that's helping all gay females of color. That's not how it works. Unfortunately there is little point in trying to argue in a positive and constrictive way with someone who's mindset is so carved into stone.
@naruball If you're so set against slavery I'am sure you're not using any upstreet clothing brands, smartphones or other electronic devices, when it's (or should be) common knowledge that huge parts of production in south-east-asia, mainland china and other developing or heavily industrialized countries is bordering on slave work, judging by our standards.
Don't get me wrong, the world is truly an awful place but one should at least be conscious to the harm one's own existance causes by means of globalism and choosing-with-your-wallet, even though there are no bad intentions. But then calling others supportive of slavery well... that's a bit off I think.
No offense.
@verynaughtyboy I think huge parts of gaming press are "sensible" to not critisize (even if it would be justified) a game that has ANY sort of "non-white-male" character in it's main cast from fear to be called out as being anti-alphabet-people. More so, than trying to pander to this crown. I think it's of fear losing access to early review copies and having to endure a ***** storm or getting cancelled.
I still firmly believe ANYONE should be able to voice his concern about a certain game/movie/song/media and be able to say "no, this sucks" for valid reasons, no matter which kind of people are depicted or involved.
Some things just suck. I've not yet seen a movie (in recent memory) where I thought "this movie is great/bad because actor/actress a/b is gay/asian/black/white... whatever". If the story is good and the actor/actress can carry it, yay - otherways nay!
So simple really.
That gender/race-obsession is getting disturbing, but this time, it's coming from the hard left.
@Matroska Thank you, voice of reason.
If the reason you loved the first game is story and characters and with 2 all you're left with is a nice environment then having just a nice setting and nothing else 4 out of 10 isn't that harsh, it's just below average
But of course the thousands giving 10 out 10 yet never played it or played for a few hours of the 25 aren't review bombs because they don't fit your narrative.
Perhaps stopping reviews until a few days after release might be better.
Look at Sony. 7500 5 star reviews of a game that is pre order.
The problem is not just haters, but fanboys and those with political intent.
Be interesting to see whether this remains up or if Pushsquare wants to silence gay voices that don't fit it's narrative.
The majority of people here are well meaning fools with a saviour complex and the writer of this supposed "opinion piece" (I only call it that for lack of a better term as let's be honest, they put less effort into those two paragraphs than I do when I have to send a discord message to someone I find annoying) is one of the worst offenders.
I'm as gay at comes kids and this game was NEVER some great victory for the LGBTQ community. It was a company pandering to us in a sad and weak attempt to hide the fact that despite the millions they'd spent on it, it was an inferior game to it's predecessor in both plot and gameplay.
The reason I'm calling all you white knights out on this, is because in your rush to defend us over something very few of us were actually offended at outside of the former tumblrites that now infest twitter you are allowing Sony and naughty dog to take the mickey out of you.
So please, continue to kick and scream 'til you're blue in the face. I and the majority of level headed LGBT types will be over here laughing at you.
@ApostateMage. I was about to say the same thing.its a record.more than 400 comments.wow.word up son
@GayCommonSense Hate to break it to you, but you can only speak for yourself.
I trust user scores more than I trust sammy’s review.
@verynaughtyboy Jordan Peterson is the father many of us would have needed. Very smart man indeed.
As for the society itself, I think you always have a huge clot of actually decent and nice human beings, then you have the extremes in all spectrums. You just can't argue with them. I think it's the same with the reviews.
MOST people will be genuinely and rightly so pissed because they were lead to believe to get a certain experience and then only found out that they get something completely different. And this doesn't mean any gender or sexual orientation issue. Just how the story plays out and what kind of adventure you're getting.
Then you have the minority of haters that just want to tear everything down, but you get them with everything. And those few % paint a crap picture for all the rest. Same with the protests. Protesting against police violence with violence seems legit right? But most protesters are peaceful.
In the end it's a videogame that has been pushed on the wave of it's hype but then didn't deliver on what made the first one great. The world keeps spinning. Far more concerning are the circumstances surrounding it, the willingness of certain people to verbally attack and insult people online at the first sign of a differing opinion, how ND dealt with the leaks and maybe (we don't know for sure) how media outlets might be afraid of saying something negative about a game that's no better or worse than many others in most regards, only to not be labeled so-and-so-ic.
When I was younger I always wondered how people in the 1930s could be so upwound for an ideology or a common cause that they'd be "on board" with what happened next. I now understand how easily people are offended and disturbingly emotional. Give them a purpose, a direction to march a stone to throw and off they go. I don't mind differing opnions, if communicated calmly there's often lots to learn for everyone involved. Wish people would realize this more.
As for the reviews, I'd have wished for a certain and honest hint that, without spoiling too much, it is playing out "VASTLY" different than the first game or something like that.
@Chucklepie More generally speaking the problems arise if anything goes to an extreme and/or something or someone has too much control. Like corporations for example and of course any sort (not only liberal, not only rightwing) of ideology that goes unchecked for too long. What we need is open, honest authentic discourse. Hard to find these days.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L You bring up a good point. I remember times when characters were just characters and that was it. A good movie/game was judged as such and nothing more. As I said before I firmly believe the best thing to not make everything about race/sex/gender is to just not make it about race/sex/gender.
But identity politics is obsessed with sexuality for example. Why. What difference does it make? I don't want to know, nor care what you're doing in the bedroom. Imagine we'd have marches for every sexual fetish and orientation out there. Why? Just enjoy what you like (with consent of everyone involved) and that's that.
Also I don't like Abby - NOT because of her sexuality/gender (I'm not really sure on anything about it) it's just that I hate her as a character because of her actions and ND put this in the game to HATE HER on purpose, making her a controversial character is only fueling the hatred online when discussing the game, which was all planned by ND and this just stinks. It's an ideology trap. Make a crappy character but no one dares to say it because she's controversial. If you MAKE me hate Abby and I speak out on it, it's because YOU made her an awful character that does awful things, I didn't have a whole game worth of adventuring so she could grow on me or her actions seem justified (like with Ellie and Joel).
She is just poorly written and a disgraceful human being by actions. I don't give a flying wet dog about what she is, why she is sad (she's not the only one who lost someone in this post apocalyptic hell world) or HOW she does "it". It's YOU ND who is obsessed with such things.
No normal adult human being is, except for fear of getting called out or cancelled.
ALL-female reboots of movies don't do much good for "whatever cause" - as we had never only all-male movies. Most of them stink but if you say it, you're a misogynist. But even plenty of females despise movie efforts like "Ghostbusters 2016". What then? Also misogynist? Sure!
Also "erasing" history because politics and ideologies change is wrong, because history is there to learn from it, by eradicating it, future generations have no point of reference. This already happened countless of times in our history and it ALWAYS ended bad.
People change. Times change. No need to erase or change anything after the fact.
Take it for what it was/is in it's timely context and there's lots to be learned from history. Just move on, making things better. But discussion and opinion NEEDS to stay FREE at all costs. The way into tyranny is paved with good intentions.
Gay guy here. You're not speaking common sense, and neither you - nor I - represent the "majority of level headed LGBT types." What you're actually doing is using your orientation to give yourself a veneer of objectivity that your comments don't merit. You're using your "gayness" as a shield from criticism for other shortcomings - which is, oddly enough, the exact thing you accuse Naughty Dog of doing. (For the record: "I'm gay, and even I think this game sux!!1" isn't really much of an argument.)
Here's the thing: It's fine that you don't like the direction the story takes. I've read the spoilers, and I can understand why it's divisive. What's silly, however, is pretending that the story and gameplay are objectively inferior to the first game, and that the game is inclusive only to compensate for its other failings. Because of course the developers who spent years of their lives creating this game all know and agree that the story and gameplay are inferior.
It's the sort of bad-faith argument you're making - that critics are too afraid to give their "true opinions" because of the diversity in the game - that makes it hard to take you seriously. It's also what causes so many here to be skeptical of this torrent of negative reviews.
Never mind that there's no way a vast majority of the bombers could have played all (or even most) of the game already - the bigger issue is that there actually are a significant number of gamers who believe that any sort of inclusivity in a game is "pandering" and who think that any deviation from the "traditional" video game protagonist and storytelling formula must be part of some "agenda." (Search this thread for words and phrases like "agenda," "SJW," "virtue signalling" - terms that'll always be prominently featured in any comments section involving a game that prominently features LGBT characters or other minorities. Some people simply cannot fathom the idea that there doesn't have to be any justification for inclusivity in games. The fact is, LGBT people exist - and that's reason enough for them to be included in some games.)
Don't get me wrong - I do NOT believe all criticisms of the game are illegitimate or uninformed. There's not a single game in existence that's perfect or universally loved. The writers took a risk telling the story that they did, and I doubt they're surprised that not everyone likes the direction it takes. Personally, however, I interpreted the first game (particularly the ending) differently than a lot of gamers, so the sequel's narrative and themes seem like a logical continuation.
...Incidentally, I've now played about five hours of Part II, and so far I think the gameplay is a significant improvement over the first one. My main criticism so far is that it sometimes it feels a bit didactic and heavy-handed at times. Overall, though, the positives far outweigh the negatives, at least so far.
But that's just, like, my opinion, maaaan...
I can’t really comment, I couldn’t really get into the 1st game. I tried but it wasn’t for me. Crazy ain’t it?
@jdv95 and fifa 20 got amazing reviews and massive amounts of sales, the game is still broken
@Cloud39472. He was cool.did not have any problem at all.the comparison is not on point the story was really amazing also.word up son
I watched a live stream ( I missed some parts due to sleep) of the game after launch, after seeing the ending, I agree with the user reviews. It's unnecessarily "woke" and the ending isn't at all satisfying...
I find it curious how people chastise user reviewers who don't finish the game like commercial reviewers never do that.
Step back and think.
People are unsatisfied for a reason.
Trying to gaslight that will just turn the anger on you and other media push square. You should pull this article out. Just word of advice.
@verynaughtyboy what a great post!
@Nem what about the folks who has a full review up 30 minutes after launch? Or reviews that tell you nothing about the game but just say “I’m disappointed”? Those are reviews. They exist solely to bring down the scores.
"People" are unsatisfied for whatever reason they want, that doesn't mean their opinions should hold any weight.
Disliking something from a game is fine, but if you haven't gone through the process of playing it, your point of view is useless. Reviews are to help people understand if they should buy a game or not, and if you haven't bought the game you are in the same boat as the person seeking those reviews, only you have an agenda to sell.
Just a word of advice, PushSquare seems to be doing just fine with this article. Don't expect them to take it down anytime soon.
@THEundying27 Of course you do. Users confirm what you already believe. If they didn't, you wouldn't trust them. Same with reviewers.
As for me, I only trust my echo. It always agrees with me. Everyone else is paid off or just wrong.
@Cloud39472 "all press is good press and all that"
Unfortunately, that's not the case at all most of the time.
Am I the only one who doesn't want to to pretend this is the greatest game ever, because everyone seems to want to argue from an ideological perspective, or because we all loved the first game?
I've only cleared day 3 in Seattle, but there are some serious problems to me.
First is: it drags, in a bad way. There are numerous sections where you think "I'm glad I got through that", only for the same thing to happen immediately after. It feels like ND are just trying to make the game larger at the expense of moving the story forward or the player even caring anymore about getting to the end. Yes, difficult points are important in a game, but there has to be some let up, or a change of pace otherwise is gets monotonous.
This also happens in the flashbacks. Important as they are, they are much longer than they should be. ND have let themselves down with the pacing - they could have halved this content and still told a great story. The problem with the story is the pacing, as we. It's drawn out in a way the first one wasn't. What made TLOU magical was the story, character development, and how it dragged you in to the world. This time around, things seem a little forced, character development is almost non-existent, and as for the characters themselves, it's difficult to really care for any of them other than Joel and Ellie. Abby doesn't make sense as a character in her personality. Dinah and Jesse? I just cannot feel anything for them, they're very 1D.
There's a lot to love about this game, and a lot more flaws I have found. But let's stop attacking each other over whether they liked a game or not.
I'd give this 6, at most 7, out of 10.
Why is this even about ideology? Why is anyone getting annoyed over that?
It's its own story and game, and the be honest it's not a terrible game, nor is it amazing. It's above average, but nothing special.
Anyone who wants to make this about homosexuality, left or right wing talking points, etc, is a moron. Plenty of entertainment media pushes the envelope when it comes to social issues, but they don't have to be appraised by the social standards of the day.
Let's just judge it on its own merits.
10/10? Aye right
Another thing: could we at least see comments either by how popular they are, or the time they were posted?
Not just if someone agree with PS and how "awesome" the game is?
What kind of reaction were you expecting when you call the fans of the 1st game toxic, misogynistic, etc?
Review bombing goes both ways, metacritic has tons of 10's and 0's within hours of the release when it's a 20+ hour game. You shouldn't really take either of them seriously.
Added some more content in an update. Absolute disgrace what's been going on with this game over the past 24 hours.
... That section about poor Laura Bailey
I get why you've updated but I don't think bringing up this article at the top of the page again is helping anyone.
Oh dear.
I think maybe it's best to close this thread. It's attracting some 'interesting' posters that I'm sure will never post on here again once Part II's hype is over.
Naught Dog don't own fans anything. This is a property that they created, it's not based on a comic book or an existing IP. They have earned to right to make whatever creative choices they so decide and if you're a genuine fan you should at least respect that. I'm sure the decision they made weren't taken lightly.
At the end of the day how can you genuinely review something that you haven't actually played or watched or listened to? You can't. Play it and make up your own mind. If you don't want to then that's fine but please, quit the constant whining and go and play something else.
This is a good site, generally the people are friendly and passionate about their hobby. Let's keep it that way!
@Cloud39472 exactly. I found such comments equally idiotic when reviews for The Joker came out.
And games take several years to be made. Sorry they didn't take into account covid-19 and BLM when making the game. Or should they release it in a few years even though it's done?
At this point I think some western people are just pathetic, I don't think there's ever case like this in asia, japan, uk, or any others country about games 😕
@get2sammyb we live in a very strange world and a lot of people really need to have a serious look at themselves. I just hope people aren't put off playing this game by the idiots because they'll be missing out on something truly spectacular
@Cloud39472 True, true. It's just that a lot of movies got tons of negative attention (all female ghost busters comes to mind) and they still flopped. Bad publicity tends to help people who are relatively or completely unknown. It didn't help the latest Street Fighter for example. On the contrary, it underperformed. Same with the kickstarter megaman game.
The Last of Us II may be doing well at the moment, but I don't think it's because of bad publicity. I can see it doing well at launch, but not much after that. The people who were crazy about it, pre-ordered it. How many are the rest, remains to be seen.
I'm not paying $60 to play the game! I'm so sick of people saying that! We're in the midst of a global pandemic, money is tight all around, people need to feed their families, and there are plenty of other options that aren't gonna piss me off in these stressful times.
How out of touch are you people? Seriously! **** off!
I don't disagree with you there. Everything is closely becoming a farce. Leftist media (and it is leftist) are giving this game ridiculously high scores seemingly because rightist don't like it.
User scores are giving this game ridiculously low scores because the leftists love it.
It's sad to see. There's a lot this game can be praised and criticised for, as with all games.
Personally, I'm not taking a political side on this because the "woke stuff" in the game (and it would be dishonest to pretend it isn't there) is so vague and petty, it isn't worth worrying over. I'm actually a little depressed that the hobby I love has become bogged down with political fighting.
I'll stand be my scores until I finish it - 6, possibly 7, out of 10. There's no way this is a 100% or worse, 0%, game.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L not showing up that way in my feed. Maybe it's my browser?
@Bagshot I feel it's just continuing the discourse and it runs the risk of eventually drowning people's genuine criticisms
@Cloud39472 I can see your point there.
I just find it strange that reviewers are giving this mostly 0% or 100%.
It's good, but not great, and certainly not terrible.
@Cloud39472 What are talking about? I am not being pissed off by any of this. I'm actually avoiding being pissed off, but all these people saying, "Oh just play the game" neglect to include include that it costs $60 in the first place. It's just backhanded marketing that everyone is playing into.
You included.
@Constable_What meh, I bought the collectors edition. Gamers will pay what games cost.
@Cloud39472 Yeah. **** off if you're gonna tell people to "play the game", but it's a product that costs a week's worth of groceries, I completely dismiss that opinion.
I say much worse without being mad. I grew up in a Hispanic household bud. Momma didn't raise someone with thin skin.
@Akurusu i would agree, however i feel that many people would rather play a game with decent/mediocre gameplay and a great story , than a game with great gameplay but terrible story.
but also it depends too for example, Call of duty, people play it for the multiplayer rather than campaign or story, its not the main reason so the story isnt weighted as much to judge if the game is bad or not, however, many people played the last of us for the story and likable characters and to be honest the gameplay wasn't the greatest, but wasn't the worst, so a more narrative game can be either lifted or crushed by the story, compared to a game where the story doesn't matter as much, but is like the cherry on top.
@Constable_What so don't play it then, and stop whining. It's nobody else's problem. Either buy a game, or don't. It's not the end of the world, just entertainment.
Believe it or not, some people don't even play games.
Shock... horror....
@YoelD And? How does that correlate to telling people to play the game like it's nothing? Like that one sentence completely invalidates any criticism or reasoning behind not wanting to play the game?
I don't even think gamers will pay what what games cost anymore due to the prevalence of sales.
Good for you on buying the collector's edition. I hope you love it, and far be it for me to tell what you can't or can enjoy.
That wouldn't be money well spent for me though. I reckon not for quite a few people right now.
@Cloud39472 yeah.
I just hate the way the reviews are mainly based around political ideology. The left wing press (e.g. Guardian) are giving this a solid 100%, while right wing sources have nothing to say that's positive.
But then, the critics do get things wrong. This is like Days Gone in reverse where the critics were harsh and gamers loved it.
I find it odd how well it has done with the critics and media.
We all have our own biases; as an example I love the Watch Dogs and Far Cry games, and my favourite games of all time are WD2 and FC5. But there's no way on Earth I'd give those games 100%. There's always something missing.
@Octane I've been harassing you for what 3 or 4 years now? I can't recall ever seeing you triggered 1 way or the other.
Just posting b/c nearly 500 comments and I was feeling left out. It's amazing w/ all the time I spend online I really don't know much about this game. I mean I played the 1st, I know about it, just avoiding everything this go round. Mostly avoiding the madness. There's so much going on the world to be triggered by, the contents of a video game isn't even on my list.
Which reminds me, anybody see Damo around? I'm expecting an article over on NL about how he's happy TLoU2 isn't on Switch so Nintendo fans can be saved from the violence. 😉
For anybody who doesn't get the joke:
@Constable_What I think the point people are making is that you can't really express an opinion on an experience unless you've experienced it.
@Cloud39472 Well said. At least there are enough reviewers who judge the game for what it is, so those other reviews are the minority and won't hurt the game too much.
@YoelD What is with your responses? They're not even relevant. Go enjoy your game. I just gave my opinion on how other people are reacting. I haven't even said anything about the game itself.
Or said anything about it being the end of the world or anything like that.
@Constable_What besides, plenty of us have paid for the games. Yeah, they might seem expensive. But given what the production budgets are now, and that game companies have to turn a profit to justify their budgets, I don't think games are over-priced.
@Constable_What or manners apparently.
@YoelD They've experienced the leaks though, and that is an experience in and of itself. Enough for them to not want to waste their money.
I also never said games are overpriced. I only said that $60 during a pandemic is a lot of money. It's entitlement and frankly, tone deaf, to expect people to shell out $60 for something they probably already won't like if they've seen the leaks.
@Constable_What didn't say you had, was just responding and giving my view. It wasn't solely about your views, in fact I was agreeing with most of what you said.
Maybe the nuance was lost because it's all in text.
I usually have no clue this happens until I read it on NintendoLife or Pushsquare.
Just let it go. Look for your favorite review sites on the left hand column. And move on.
Same as Death Stranding. After a few hrs in, I knew most were talking nonsense about a game they had not played at all (or very little)
@Constable_What well, I'm sure the cost will come down over time. It's not urgent that people play a game right away.
@naruball I wasn't responding to anyone in particular, notice how I didn't @ anyone or mention anyone, but I'd rather be a little uncouth than weak-chinned. Sorry if you're offended by my telling some hypothetical person to **** off.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I'm using a phone but things don't load in a rational order. I may have overlooked some settings.
@YoelD Yeah, it'll come down eventually. There are other ways to experience this game too. I mean with all accessibility options it's like the game plays itself anyway so you can see all that you need to see just from someone else playing it in my opinion. It's functionally a movie anyway, with all the extremely high production values, fluid animation, realistic facial capture, and the linearity of it as well.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L both you and Cloud49572 would give it a marginally higher score than me, and I suppose that's based on how we weight our scoring. For me, TLOU was mainly driven by the story, the characters and their development, and what it brought new to the table.
For me TLOU2 falls down on these but also other elements: such as (if we're honest, terrible) combat mechanics, bad AI, etc.
Given how long we waited for this, I feel it could have been much better
509 comments thats a new record on pushsquare.wtf😳😒🤔😱.word up son
@Cloud39472 I feel like you're projecting your own mental state on me, man. Because I'm not upset, I'm just having a conversation, and I said a self censored swear so that apparently means to you that I'm upset.
I'm not the one that is continually targeting something that is, to me at least, pretty benign.
To experience the game the way these people want you is to play the game, right?
So, you'd have to buy it before you played it in most cases, right?
That's not really logical. That's marketing. I can go to a museum and see a work of art for free, I can see it on the internet, I can read about it in a magazine.
But with a video game, I would have to shell out $60 to essentially have an opinion about it. Even though full gameplay is up online, even though leaks were up for months, even though this is a consumer product...
That doesn't make sense. It doesn't make logical sense.
@Constable_What can't agree there. It's far more gameplay than story driven, even compared to its predecessor. At points, infuriatingly so (one of my criticisms).
Okay to everyone on here who thinks the reviews are from Xbox/Nintendo/PC fans. I won’t deny that some fanbases do that, but has anyone ever considered that some of these reviews are from disappointed fans of the first game? This may be new to some of you, but not every PlayStation is going to like something just because it’s exclusive to PlayStation.
@Constable_What all games are marketing, to be honest.
@Akurusu have to admit, I was expecting something far better. The 100% scores have just added fuel to a fire. It's not a 10% game even to the most ardent fan.
If you think the last of us 2 has an unbelievable and bad story, I'm currently playing pro evo 2020 and Ruud Gullit won the champions league with Tottenham. 0/10.
@YoelD Yeah sure, gameplay is a big part of any game.
But if you had the accessibility features that this game has, and you had them on, then it wouldn't be an issue at all, right?
The game becomes a cake walk with that prone to perfect stealth option. Some people might need it, so did they not experience the game? I would not agree to that because they've seen the game to it's completion, even if they didn't struggle as much, or at all, compared to other people.
So why is $60 the gatekeeper to criticism? Because, as you've said, all games are marketing. Video games are products that are marketed to the masses, they are not high art, they are an art form in a lot respects. They will never be high art. Ever. Because they're marketed and sold for a profit when it all comes down to it.
That's at least my opinion about it!
I'm sure people will disagree, but let me out it this way...
Remember in the TLOU, hanging upside down while infected come towards you and you fight for your life?
Remember that moment after storming that house and taking over the sniper post?
Remember the elation you felt getting to Ellie's hospital room?
The temporary elation meeting Harry and Sam?
The craziness of Bill?
The ending? The beginning?
Hardly anything will stick in your memory in this game. It's like the Order 1886 in a post-apocalytic setting. There are no great moments, other than the one you're REALLY p***ed off that happened.
@Cloud39472 sorry about that, I haven't been well for a few years and my short term memory isn't very good. No offence intended.
@YoelD Boy listen. I was so pissed trying to get past that sniper. I had to turn off the game and go back to it later lmao.
@Constable_What to be honest, if you're buying this game for great gameplay... you might as well save your money and watch a walkthrough online...
Hi. I knew the story was not for me a long time ago. Just out of curiosity I checked out some streaming. It's all fine. I understand its art and cant please everyone. Just I hope next game ND doesnt try to 'teach' gamers some empathy because they think they need it or whatever. Just tell a story people feel good about it
@Cloud39472 thanks.
I have a neurological disorder, so sadly it'll never improve.
But who cares when you can play playstation? Literally has saved my life by reducing depression about my circumstances. Something to be thankful for.
@Akurusu I know right!
But once you did it, what a feeling.
In this game, once you get past that pain in the arse part... you literally have to do it again.
I hate that.
@IronMike I assume your joking?? Ps store is famous for going its games 5 star reviews from people that have never played the game before they're even released.
@YoelD Far better as in the game? I got it yesterday and I’m debating on if I should play it or return it and get my money back before I take off the wrap around it. I enjoyed the first one, but the things I’m hearing about this one make me second guess.
@Deljo Oh? I could’ve sworn PS Store only allowed you to rate the game if you own it.
@YoelD I agree with that. That's what I'm doing, won't speak for everyone else, but that's how I want to experience the game.
I don't like it so far, but it looks really pretty, and I'm glad I didn't spend money on it.
Just my opinion people!
@get2sammyb Even in your update you didn't even HINT at the possibility that people are upset because the characters, narrative and the bond they fell in love with in the first game cannnot be had in that sense in the second game? So you're saying that outrage is COMPLETELY unjustified and every negative review is trolling? Then you bring up a completely stupid rumour I haven't even heard about before? Don't you think that your article is very onesided?
I also don't get the people that spoil it for others on purpose or start the namecalling etc... but do you really not see ANY reason people could be MADLY disappointed with TLOU II?
Weird. :/
@AdamNovice Engagement = Traffic = Cash.
@zane547 that’s when I liked them tbh. I miss when games were just about having fun and beating baddies. I don’t like this realism and sending messages. To me video games are supposed to be something that make you escape reality, not be reminded of it.
@rjejr It's a good game though. Make sure the kids are in bed though
@Constable_What I was not offended, but nice... assumption on your part.
When you spit in the face of the fanbase and create one of the worst games in video game history, you should expect bad reviews.
Your attempt to label honest reveiws as "review bombing" and then blocking and deleting those reviews says that your own political agenda outweighs the reality that this game is terrible and many who bought it want a refund.
You should 100% return it. If you liked the original at all you will not be happy.
@naruball Regardless, you cared enough to interject by adding absolutely nothing to the conversation, so forgive me for assuming you were at least a tad miffed. I also, qualified that assumption with the word "if", so if you're not offended then you're free disregard it.
I thought it was apparent.
@JohnnyShoulder maybe it's time for Metacritic to scrap user reviews altogether, there is far to much toxicity out there today.
@Arugula I honestly forgot about Gamefly. I used to use Redbox, but they don't rent out video games anymore. Maybe I'll rent it from there, I wonder how long the wait will be.
Edit: I'm not going to be able to get until after the free trial runs out, so that's a bust.
@East76landS But they gain a lot of traffic and so many sites report the review bombing which results to even more traffic. I don't see why they would from a business point of view.
Wow, a lot of comments haha. I guess I'll add mine.... I'm glad I cancelled my preorder, I'll probably pick it up used and see what the fuss is about later on.
@Constable_What "An opinion that you can have just by watching it on YouTube due to the kind of game it is"
This right here is why I can't take any of your posts seriously. No, you can't. Playing it is not even close to watching it on youtube, even for this kind of game.
I just can't get over how people are so angered over this game.
It's crazy.
@naruball I completely disagree. This isn't a game with any sort of gameplay depth, and it has a whole host of accessibility options that completely change the default experience anyway. It's not like watching an MMO or a competitive game and then saying you completely understand how it functions. It's because the TLOU part 2 lacks gameplay depth.
That's not a bad thing, it's not that kind of game, but you don't need to play it to get a clear understanding of it.
If you can't take what I say seriously, that's fine. The Last of Us 2 is a new zombie video game, and that's all it really it is at the end of the day, but watching the game certainly is close to the "real" experience.
That's just the No True Scotsman's fallacy right there. You're not in any position to say what the right way to experience or express something is. No one is.
If you can't explain explain your position you're not even really voicing a disagreement. It's just plain being disagreeable. Which doesn't add anything to a discussion.
Metacritc won't let me leave a positive review—it hangs on mobile and I get a "Error 503 Service Unavailable" on desktop when trying to submit. I assume they're overloaded or have temporarily disabled reviews, but it's hard not to see it as suspicious. There certainly seems to be an agenda against the game, reflected not only in the review bombing supposedly perpetrated by actual people, but also in the few minority negative reviews from (undeservedly) prominent outlets like Kotaku, Polygon and WIRED.
This isn't Xbox fanboys. This is Sony's conservative block having a meltdown all over again.
It happened to Nintendo too.
@Akurusu I always assumed that too but there quite a lot of controversy about it, apparently Microsoft do the same thing. Check it out on Utube
I’m 8 hours in this game is a dream GOTY for me ! It’s mindblowing how people score it below 5, that’s a barelyfunctioning game FFS
If I were any more paranoid, I’d speculate that this might be a conspiracy to make professional critics look useful/important. Their reviews are at least typically sincere, informed and measured. User scores/reviews are often best regarded with skepticism—I’ve typically only found them useful in rare instances where critics were too harsh on something that was actually pretty decent.
You know, the greatest mystery in all of this, the YouTubers that claim the fans have responded. Now I'm sure some of them may actually dislike the game, but trying to combat as they refer to them, "biased reviews" how do they think review bombing the game proves a point beyond metacritic also shouldn't be taken serious?
How much did Naughty Dog pay you for a 10/10 review? Cause like even without the completely negative reviews, there is ZERO way this game is a 10 out of 10. Not even close. The gameplay is really fun and engaging. However there should've been more zombies. The graphics are beautiful. But the story is complete dogshite. It's just terrible writing in many different areas. That's why people are let down. And all the reviewers giving this game an undeserved 10/10 really makes people realize how corrupt gaming journalism is.
People are allowed to dislike the game personally I don't like the story it's nowhere near as good and certain characters aren't treated that well. Plus some character decisions just don't make sense but I don't wanna spoil anything. The people giving zero though that's stupid the graphics and gameplay are all good just let down by a poor story and a horrible charcter in abby who ND force us to play for parts
@Scollurio Here's how I know you haven't played the game and really just dislike change: Abby and Lev have the Exact same relationship as Joel and Ellie. It's honestly that half is the last of us 1 again. If you dislike that half you do so because of the character change and no other reason because the story and the character relationships are literally the same with almost no differences except replace the hunters and cannibals with a cult and ellies token minority teenaged self with another token minority teenager
@Ender517Man There were at least more zombies in this than the first game. I just played the first game again a month ago. They were about 15ish combat encounters and maybe 6 were zombies
NO SPOILERS 😁 (kinda a review *)still playing my first play through, so far it's a masterpiece.. the fluidity of combat and the way it unfolds so quick and intense with barely any time to breathe and no room for error. It's like a movie scene being filmed and I'm the director watching as my character messes up and misses one too many shots, or makes a bad move.. for me to then,restart the confrontation, like a director shouting "Cut!" On set. I've an urge to pay so much attention to detail and orchestrate sequences that do the games phenomenal mechanics credit! And the character for their story portrayal and my view of Ellie from the first game.
I've never felt as tense, or as emotionally attached in a game before. And never found myself being such a perfectionist either. It's such a rewarding game, and having only just started the second part I've so much more to go.
Ignore the leeches that jump on the band wagon and assume everything is political. Its embarrasing the way people go on, credit should be given where it's due. If anyone that played the first game and enjoyed it played the second, regardless of they GENUIENLY didnt like something about the story, you still couldnt rate it a 0!!! Its impossible!!! Morons
@carlos82 I was just saying something extremely similar to this to my friend.
@Ender517Man or people actually liked the game. I can easily give this a 9 out of 10 right now. I haven't beatv it yet though as I'm certain you haven't as well.
500+ comments. Is this the most commented PS article? Should we celebrate?
I love how push square can't possibly comprehend that some people have different opinions than them. And engage in the typical leftist tactic of calling everyone who has a legitimate gripe with the game bigots or ugly people. The truth is the main director of the game Neil Druckmann admitted several times before this game released that he had an agenda to push. The truth Druckmann and Naughty Dog have totally disrespected the characters and players who loved the first game. Also they have engaged in false advertising by lying about who you play as and who is in the game. In addition the gameplay is boring and uninspired. The game is also unrelentingly bleak. Like one review said depression the game should be the title. The only good part is the amazing graphics. But then of course we have the in your face agenda. Before anybody says any non sense about me I am a gay man. The first is the Anita Sarkeesian propaganda. That all games are mysogonistic so we have to acknowledge that through every scene in the game. Then there is an anti christian anti conservative theme to the game. Essentially Druckmann and Naughty Dog sacrificed everything people liked for his agenda. People are sick of being preached to and told we're awful. Hypocritical Sony has the gall to censor adult third party games for mild sexual content but then has a blatant sex scene in this. Pathetic really. Using critic scores as proof the game is amazing while dismissing players is insulting frankly!
@Daleaf Let's not forget TLJ was also review bombed and is in the three or four best Star Wars films when we recall the Prequels are way worse
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