Ever since Capcom began to remake its classic Resident Evil franchise with a faithful adaptation of Resident Evil 2, there has always been one other series that fans want to be brought back. It's Dino Crisis, of course, and with strong speculation of a Resident Evil 4 remake currently in the works, it doesn't look like their wish will be granted any time soon. However, that's not to say that teams at Capcom haven't already tried to bring the dinosaur-focused series back in the past. In fact, Capcom Vancouver pitched a reimagining of Dino Crisis to Japanese higher-ups more than half a decade ago.

That's according to Liam Robertson, a person who has in the past reliably shared accurate information and told development stories normally kept behind the scenes. In his latest video, which discusses the troubled development of Dead Rising 4, Robertson states that Capcom Vancouver saw employees leave in their numbers after senior leads on the game were fired. Adding to those woes was the denial of development on various classic Capcom franchises.

"The Vancouver branch then attempted to revive survival-horror series Dino Crisis with a new game for modern hardware. This endeavour never advanced beyond the pitching phase, being shot down by Capcom Japan after a few months of work. Developers believed that they were unwilling to make the significant investment in new technology that the project would have required." Robertson goes on to state that developers he interviewed shared details on a rejected pitch for an action-oriented Resident Evil X, a revival of the Onimusha series, and a side-scrolling Mega Man title.

It's still very much unclear whether or not Capcom will ever return to the Dino Crisis franchise, but according to Liam Robertson, the Vancouver team at least tried to get the ball rolling. Would you like to see Dino Crisis come back in some form in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments below and make sure to check out the full video we've embedded above. It's an interesting one, that's for sure.

[source youtube.com]