A handful of lucky media outlets have recently gone hands on with Cyberpunk 2077, and now they're free to tell us all about their time with the open world RPG. As far as we know, these previews are based on the PC version of the game, streamed directly to the writer. But even with the obstacles that the coronavirus pandemic has provided, impressions of Cyberpunk 2077 seem to be very positive.
We've collected a number of these previews below, complete with some choice quotes.
Four hours, then: it sounds like a lot but it's nothing in a game like this. Cyberpunk 2077 is a game about being in a world and gradually colouring it in, populating a map with people you meet and the places as you meet them. It's a playground rife with opportunity and a playground I can't wait to get back to in November. It's a game about deciding who you want to be. It's not written, it's open. Who will your V be?
PC Gamer
I have ten minutes left, so I drive around the city some more. The sun is setting, casting a golden glow over the teeming streets of Watson. I pan the camera around the car as I drive, watching the dipping sunlight glint off the bodywork, speeding past palm trees, sex clubs, noodle stands, and other tantalising glimpses of Night City life. And I'm struck by the realisation that all of this—everything I've seen so far—is just one district. If the rest of the city is as dense, layered, and brimming with distractions as this, Cyberpunk 2077 is going to devour a large chunk of my life. And I'm going to let it.
There’s a lot going on in Cyberpunk 2077. Night City hums with a dizzying mixture of organic life and unrestrained corporatism, a macrocosm of each resident that slices into their body to install better eyes, stronger legs, more resilient muscles. The game is full of random events—wild car chases, hostage situations, and explosive gang wars appear constantly while you drive through the massive metropolis— and intricate systems like the various perk trees and hacking minigames, both of which ask you to fully immerse yourself in a way few games do these days. During my four hours with the demo, it became more than a little overwhelming to try to keep track of everything. But nothing feels superfluous or artificial.
It's clear that this is exactly what the game was built for. CD Projekt Red has merely given us the tools with Cyberpunk 2077 to create our own stories in amongst that of their own. I just can't wait to see what else Night City has to offer.
I wasn't able to experiment with what it was like to traverse the entire city due to some story constraints, but even still, if I was reading my map right I think I barely saw a small part of what just Watson alone had to offer. I only really got to shop for new weapons and didn't even get to check out what sort of futuristic fashions were available, and I'm curious to see what sort of special gear we'll eventually be able to find and craft. Cyberpunk 2077 is certainly shaping up to be an exciting place to explore.
Are you looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077? Have any of these previews increased your hype level? Explore Night City in the comments section below.
Comments 25
Honestly, I'm tired of all the hype and of being hyped about it myself.
My message to CDPR would be next:
Guys, please do not disturb until actual release.
Exciting, glad to see so much positivity from the previews. One hell of a year for games with both this and TLOU2 to enjoy.
I'd still be in the character creator in 4 hours.
This game just looks amazing if only I could sleep till it came out rather than having to wait
I always check every corners even in witcher 3....so i can't even imagine how huge it's world gonna be.....
Meh, if it comes to PS NOW I'll take a look, otherwise it's a pass from me.
I'm just catching up with the video now and it looks incredible, if the detail in the city is as much as it first appears then it blows GTAV out of the water. The investigation mode looked awesome, a bit like Batman's but with a lot more depth, I can't wait to see more
no more delays
Really looking forward to this but likely I will wait until I have my hands on a PS5 before playing it.
Ghost of Tsushima as well to come and I still haven't played FF VII remake yet.
2020, from a gaming perspective, is really starting to live up to the hype!
Looks legitimately amazing, I'm going to try my best and hold out for a next gen version.
One of my most anticipated games ever. I know when I get it I'm going to play it for the entire day and not even realise it's 2AM.
This looks terrific! I'm actually a bit pleased this is lining up with the next console launch as it would've been tough to wait 2 months to play it. Looks much more interesting than the Witcher, really looking forward to playing this!
I really hope they add in a third person setting or I may not get this game
Hate to be that guy but I've just read a hands-on opinion from a popular Polish gaming site and while they liked the game they were not amazed by it in any way. Quite the opposite, the author stated that car driving mechanics are similar to Sleeping Dogs (twitchy, imprecise handling) and gunplay seems weak. Also, lots of question marks litter the map. It doesn't sound that good now, does it? We'll see.
How come you guys didn't get a hands on preview?
Looks good but seriously concerned with how empty and lifeless it looks. For a big bustling city theres hardly anyone around, on the streets ie pedestrians or vehicles, or indoors, the club scene was empty. That could seriously hurt the game imo.
Hope im wrong and that it all turns out awesome, really looking forward to it.
@Gmork___ I was about to type out that exact same statement. Everything I have seen so far, shows plain areas with nothing going on. Unless your character has to interact with the target. I will have to wait and see until after release to make a decision on this.
It still sounds totally great. Adjusting crowd density for performance is almost certainly going to be part of how the game scales between hardware
Witcher 3's gameplay is very 'ordinary,' and the game was brilliant.
@gollumb82 Well they delayed it for a reason I guess
While I think the game will objectively be a great game and I will most likely pick it up at some point, I can't help but feel a little bit less excited every time I've seen it. CDPR have been trying to generate and maintain hype for years now and it's just... exhausting honestly. I would much rather have first heard about this game last year as I feel I've gone over the hype peak and I'm just on a downwards trajectory with this game.
@BurroBorough Yeah, the Witcher has many other strengths and I'm sure it's the same with Cyberpunk. Driving is just a way to get from A to B anyway.
Aaaaaaand....still not interested if its first person. Sounds awesome, please make it third person as well and then I'm in!
I did mention on another article that I was getting less hyped for this game due to delays but after this showing I have to admit the hype is now real again!
Im busy with all kind of games so take your time with it i rather see it release on PS5 then a gimped game that is a horrorshow to play.
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