How about something a little more uplifting? This video went viral on social media over the weekend, as it shows a kid playing Marvel’s Spider-Man for the first time. The slick superhero title is hugely satisfying, and the boy is clearly having a blast as he gets to grips with Peter Parker and swings through New York City.
The clip proved particularly satisfying to Bryan Intihar, who directed the PlayStation 4 exclusive: “If you ever wonder why we do this, just look at the smile on his face,” he said. “Just awesome.”
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 48
Not played it yet as I have no interest in anything superhero related, I've heard good things about it though.
Give me a smile or laughter anyday of the week.
This is beautiful.
That was wholesome, thanks for sharing it @get2sammyb
@Grimwood tell me the great games you play
Spider-man might be the best game of the generation. I can enjoy it at 38 and my 5 year old can play it and still feel like he’s Spider-Man.
Aww. 🥺😆 This might be my favourite article in 4 years of reading this site.
I'm thinking about the first time I played pong. It doesn't compare to this though.
@Grimwood grim by name grim by nature.
@Grimwood. Go play your mario games.word up son
@thebakerswife it's the super hero element putting me off really, I never got into them. I literally couldn't tell you a thing about spiderman or his background, nothing about Batman, just not my thing.
Time to dust off Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Wolverine is waiting... 😂
Video games are cool.
In the words of Barry Davies, "look at his face, just look at his face!"
I actually feel the same whenever I play games that impress me This is what I love about this hobby of ours: keeps you feeling young and giddy as a kid whenever you experience something new or impressive in a game. Actually, I have had a few moments like these while playing COD WW2. I'm new to this series and the setpieces combined with fantastic graphics/gameplay had me picking up my jaw from the floor a few times. To veterans of COD it may be generic or run-of-the-mill entertainment, I was amazed
@gollumb82 I agree.. Cod for me was couch coop zombies, never really done anything for me. Multilayer.. Nope, not my bag... I downloaded cod ww2 too check it out, its a blockbuster of a game, really engaging.. Back to the young chappy playing spiderman.. I was like that a few weeks ago playing beatsabre... Gaming certainly hits the spot in times of need 👌👍
This is awesome to see, very genuine. Love it!
I haven't played it much maybe an hour or two. I thought it was very good and i left it installed though i will probably wait for the ps5 at this stage to get back into it.
Too many games so little time but i look forward to the time my own son can play and enjoy it.
That's gonna be me when I start playing Cyberpunk 2077.
He won't be laughing when he sees the low puddle quality
@Grimwood Nearly every one of your comments are negative. Have you not grown out of the edgy-teen phase yet?
Also, I notice you like to use the term "generic" an awful lot, which is funny to me because as most of your comments are similarly negative, they are themselves generic.
@Riparcade2 same here when playing beat saber not long ago. What a good workout too on expert and higher. This game has a few skill barriers that can be difficult for some to overcome though, it’s all about timing and rhythm.
If I did a video of my son playing video games, it would need a warning for headphone users.
Reminds me of that great photo of the kids watching Miyamoto play Mario Maker.
This looks like Ryan from Ryan's world can't stand that kid
@darkswabber You’re welcome. Definitely want to share more of this sort of stuff at the moment, I think we all need it!
and just imagine if Disney owned this and EA decided to shove in some gambling mechanics, awful. This is why we need first party games and studios, I hope Sony decides to remove all microtransactions from all their games. Doesn't look like it though. Waiting for the eventual release of TLOU2 multiplayer whenever that happens, it will be full of garbage hats DLC.
Brilliant 😊, happy little guy.
Someone buy this person a beer!!! He deserves it!!!
@playstation1995 Is there something wrong with Mario games?
@HammerKirby3. Because this guy doesn't belong on a PlayStation site always talking nonsense so he is probably a Nintendo or x box fanboy.nah mean.word up son
I typically hate superhero stuff but after hearing all the praise i picked it up on sale and was absolutely blown away due to the shear fun of simply swinging around town. Such a cool feeling.
Also the vid wont play, says" the media cannot be played" 😢 i wanba see i wanna see!
@Grimwood what does your opinion on the game have to do with this article?
Yeah, I love this. He’s having a blast. I think the kid in the video is actually @RogerRoger 😜
@Grimwood thanks for dropping in with your crappy hot take now everyone’s day can be complete
@thefirst really I can’t agree it easily has the the best Spider-Man story outside of comics well maybe only rivaled by Into the Spiderverse and I’ve seen a lot of gamers and critics with have the same opinion it really is great.
That was next level and makes me wish i was a kid again....back in the day- when i was young.
@Grimwood not to be rude, but alot of the times ur comments are kinda lame. If u dont like seeing a happy kid then thats not good.
Wasnt it great too be a kid so much joy with your games im a little jealous.
@thebakerswife I played it for an hour once and was reminded of Infamous, with a Spiderman coating. Not to downplay the game, I had a good time! It just felt very familiar.
Loveed this game. The combat was super satisfying, just like the batman games and the web surfing and city was perfectly crafty. Cant wait for the new one. Back to the vid... It reminds me of the boy who got the N64 for christmas. Best video ever!
Well that was a waste of 12 seconds.
@thebakerswife no Sucker Punch make Infamous
@thebakerswife I’ve been doing it since the PS2 era. 😂 For me, it was because they both made two stellar series with Sly Cooper and Ratchet and Clank. That era represents a brief moment when, in my opinion, Sony had stronger platform games than Nintendo.
@thebakerswife Just got it and have the season pass already bought on sale. Hope it's better than Arkham Knight, currently working through it and tbh it's really frustrating in places.
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